51 resultados para Aflatoxina B1


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A method for determining aflatoxins B1 (AFB1), B2 (AFB2),G1 (AFG1) andG2 (AFG2) in maize with florisil clean up was optimised aiming at one-dimensional thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis with visual and densitometric quantification. Aflatoxins were extracted with chloroform: water (30:1, v/v), purified through florisil cartridges, separated on TLC plate, detected and quantified by visual and densitometric analysis. The in-house method performance characteristics were determined by using spiked, naturally contaminated maize samples, and certified reference material. The mean recoveries for aflatoxins were 94.2, 81.9, 93.5 and 97.3% in the range of 1.0 to 242 µg/kg for AFB1, 0.3 to 85mg/kg for AFB2, 0.6 to 148mg/kg for AFG1 and 0.6 to 140mg/kg for AFG2, respectively. The correlation values between visual and densitometric analysis for spiked samples were higher than 0.99 for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and 0.98 for AFG2. The mean relative standard deviations (RSD) for spiked samples were 16.2, 20.6, 12.8 and 16.9% for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2, respectively. The RSD of the method for naturally contaminated sample (n = 5) was 16.8% for AFB1 and 27.2% for AFB2. The limits of detection of the method (LD) were 0.2, 0.1, 0.1 and 0.1mg/kg and the limits of quantification (LQ) were 1.0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.6mg/kg for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2, respectively.


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Milk and egg matrixes were assayed for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) and B1 (AFB1) respectively, by AOAC official and modified methods with detection and quantification by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC). The modified methods: Blanc followed by Romer, showed to be most appropriate for AFM1 analysis in milk. Both methods reduced emulsion formation, produced cleaner extracts, no streaking spots, precision and accuracy improved, especially when quantification was performed by HPTLC. The use of ternary mixture in the Blanc Method was advantageous as the solvent could extract AFM1 directly from the first stage (extraction), leaving other compounds in the binary mixture layer, avoiding emulsion formation, thus reducing toxin loss. The relative standard deviation (RSD%) values were low, 16 and 7% when TLC and HPTLC were used, with a mean recovery of 94 and 97%, respectively. As far as egg matrix and final extract are concerned, both methods evaluated for AFB1 need further studies. Although that matrix leads to emulsion with consequent loss of toxin, the Romer modified presented a reasonable clean extract (mean recovery of 92 and 96% for TLC and HPTLC, respectively). Most of the methods studied did not performed as expected mainly due to the matrixes high content of triglicerides (rich on saturated fatty acids), cholesterol, carotene and proteins. Although nowadays most methodology for AFM1 is based on HPLC, TLC determination (Blanc and Romer modified) for AFM1 and AFB1 is particularly recommended to those, inexperienced in food and feed mycotoxins analysis and especially who cannot afford to purchase sophisticated (HPLC,HPTLC) instrumentation.


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Um método para determinação de aflatoxina M1 em leite empregando cromatografia em camada delgada foi otimizado e validado por procedimentos intralaboratoriais. Foram realizados testes para otimização das etapas de extração, purificação, detecção e quantificação por análise visual e densitométrica. Para validação do método foram realizados ensaios de recuperação com soluções padrões e amostras artificialmente contaminadas em níveis entre 0,027µg/L e 0,970µg/L. Foram avaliados linearidade, especificidade, exatidão, precisão, limites de detecção e quantificação. Os valores de porcentagem de recuperação na faixa de quantificação do método variaram de 84,2% a 99,0% na análise visual e de 85,2% a 105,2% na análise densitométrica, com coeficientes de variação de 2,3% a 9,8% e de 3,6% a 13,9%, respectivamente. O limite de detecção foi de 0,036µg/L e o de quantificação de 0,045µg/L, contemplando os níveis de tolerância estabelecidos na legislação nacional e internacional para aflatoxina M1 em leite.


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o perfil da distribuição da contaminação com aflatoxinas entre embalagens constituintes de lotes de confeitos de amendoim, expostos à venda no comércio. Os dados da distribuição da ocorrência e dos níveis de contaminação, aqui obtidos, sugerem que os procedimentos de amostragem, visando à detecção de aflatoxinas em produtos processados, sempre estarão associando um grau de incerteza muito elevado quanto à presença ou não e quanto ao nível médio de contaminação de um lote de produto processado. Entretanto, para melhorá-los, devem-se considerar as diferenças existentes entre os produtos com relação ao processamento ou não dos grãos que constituem sua matéria-prima, pois, em lotes de produtos em que a matéria-prima foi triturada ou moída, como por exemplo, o doce de amendoim do tipo paçoca, a distribuição da ocorrência e dos níveis mostrou um grau bem mais elevado de homogeneidade, quando comparado ao amendoim japonês que mantém a integridade da matéria-prima durante o seu processo de fabricação.


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Samples of beer made in Brazil were analyzed for the presence of fumonisin B1 (FB1) and ochratoxin A (OTA). FB1 was searched for in 58 beer samples from 30 plants located in nine states. The samples were concentrated and cleaned up with strong ion exchange column, derivatized with OPA and analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. The limit of detection was 0.26 ng.mL-1 and the average recovery was 98%. Twenty-five samples contained FB1 ranging from 1 to 40 ng.mL-1. Beer (123 samples) from 36 plants located in 5 states were analyzed for OTA by means of immunoaffinity column cleanup followed by liquid chromatography associated with fluorescence. The detection limit was 0.1 ng.mL-1 and the average recovery was 92%. Five samples contained OTA in concentrations from 1 to 18 ng.mL-1. The results indicate that FB1 and OTA contamination in Brazilian beer is not geographically limited and that beer does not contribute significantly to FB1 intake by consumers. In the case of regular high ingestion, beer could contribute sizably to OTA, intake although still below the maximum considered tolerable for the toxin.


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This study aimed to compare Lactobacillus rhamnosus growth in MRS (de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe) broth and a culture medium containing milk whey (MMW) and to evaluate aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) adsorption capacity by bacterial cells produced in both culture media. L. rhamnosus cells were cultivated in MRS broth and MMW (37 °C, 24 hours), and bacterial cell concentration was determined spectrophotometrically at 600 nm. AFB1 (1 µg/ml) adsorption assays were conducted using 1 x 10(10) non-viable L. rhamnosus cells (121 °C, 15 minutes) at pHs 3.0 and 6.0 and contact time of 60 minutes. AFB1 quantification was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Bacterial cell concentration in MMW was higher (9.84 log CFU/ml) than that in MRS broth (9.63 log CFU/ml). There were no significant differences between AFB1 binding results at the same pH value (3.0 or 6.0) for the cells cultivated in MRS broth (46.0% and 35.8%, respectively) and in MMW (43.7% and 25.8%, respectively), showing that MMW can adequately replace the MRS broth. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of L. rhamnosus cells cultivated in MMW offers advantages such as reduction in large scale production costs, improvement of environmental sustainability, and being a practicable alternative for decontamination of food products susceptible to aflatoxin contamination.