64 resultados para 3.5% NaCl solution
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os fatores perinatais associados a recém-nascidos de termo com pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical e índice de Apgar no 5º min<7,0. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com delineamento caso-controle, realizado após revisão dos prontuários de todos os nascimentos ocorridos entre setembro/1998 e março/2008, no Hospital Geral de Caxias do Sul. Foi considerado fator de inclusão os recém-nascidos de termo que apresentaram índice de Apgar no 5º min <7,0 e pH de artéria umbilical <7,1. Na análise univariada foi utilizado o teste t de Student e Mann-Whitney para as variáveis contínuas, o teste do c² para as variáveis dicotômicas e estimativa de risco pelo odds ratio (OR). Foi utilizado um valor de p<0,05 como estatisticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: De um total de 15.495 nascimentos consecutivos observaram-se 25 neonatos (0,16%) de termo com pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical e índice de Apgar no 5º min <7,0. Apresentaram associação significativa com o evento acidótico a apresentação pélvica (OR=12,9; p<0,005), parto cesáreo (OR=3,5; p<0,01) e cardiotocografia intraparto alterada (OR=7,8; p<0,02). Dentre as características fetais, associaram-se o déficit de base (-15,0 versus -4,5; p<0,0001), necessidade de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (OR=79,7; p<0,0001) e necessidade de reanimação (OR=12,2; p<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Baixo índice de Apgar no 5º min de vida associado a pH<7,1 na artéria umbilical pode predizer desfechos neonatais desfavoráveis.
Pain in animals has been recognized for less than one century. Several authors confirm that animals are capable to process, register and modulate nociceptive stimuli in a very similar way to human kind and there are several evidences registering the impact of pain sensation over vital systems interfering on disease outcome. Nevertheless, despite some evidences that animals, as human beings, can store information from past painful experiences less is known about how this so called pain memory works. The aims of this study were: to evaluate if the response to a painful stimuli differs during different stages of life and if repetition of a same acute stimuli in the same animal interferes with expression of hyperalgesia. Thus, 60 rats were selected and arranged in 3 equal groups: 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months of age. All animals were injected 5% formalin solution in the plantar face of hind paw under volatile general anesthesia. Von Frey filaments were applied at 1h, 24h and 48h after sensitization. Injection was repeated twice with a 30-day interval, each time in a different hind paw. Results showed that younger rats express lower hyperalgesia thresholds in the first stimulation compared to elder animals and that repetition of same stimulus diminishes hyperalgesia thresholds when it begins during infant period and augments hyperalgesia thresholds when it begins during elder ages.
To study the effect of halothane as a cardioplegic agent, ten Wistar rats were anesthetized by ether inhalation and their hearts were perfused in a Langendorff system with Krebs-Henseleit solution (36oC; 90 cm H2O pressure). After a 15-min period for stabilization the control values for heart rate, force (T), dT/dt and coronary flow were recorded and a halothane-enriched solution (same temperature and pressure) was perfused until cardiac arrest was obtained. The same Krebs-Henseleit solution was reperfused again and the parameters studied were recorded after 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min. Cardiac arrest occurred in all hearts during the first two min of perfusion with halothane-bubbled solution. One minute after reperfusion without halothane, the following parameters reported in terms of control values were obtained: 90.5% of control heart rate (266.9 ± 43.4 to 231.5 ± 71.0 bpm), 20.2% of the force (1.83 ± 0.28 to 0.37 ± 0.25 g), 19.8% of dT/dt (46.0 ± 7.0 to 9.3 ± 6.0 g/s) and 90.8% of coronary flow (9.9 ± 1.5 to 9.4 ± 1.5 ml/min). After 3 min of perfusion they changed to 99.0% heart rate (261.0 ± 48.2), 98.9% force (1.81 ± 0.33), 98.6 dT/dt (45.0 ± 8.2) and 94.8% coronary flow (9.3 ± 1.4). At 5 min 100.8% (267.0 ± 40.6) heart rate, 105.0% (1.92 ± 0.29) force and 104.4% (48.2 ± 7.2) dT/dt were recorded and maintained without significant differences (P>0.01) until the end of the experiment. These data demonstrate that volatile cardioplegia with halothane is an effective technique for fast induction of and prompt recovery from normothermic cardiac arrest of the rat heart
Isolated segments of the perfused rat tail artery display a high basal tone when compared to other isolated arteries such as the mesenteric and are suitable for the assay of vasopressor agents. However, the perfusion of this artery in the entire tail has not yet been used for functional studies. The main purpose of the present study was to identify some aspects of the vascular reactivity of the rat tail vascular bed and validate this method to measure vascular reactivity. The tail severed from the body was perfused with Krebs solution containing different Ca2+ concentrations at different flow rates. Rats were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (65 mg/kg) and heparinized (500 U). The tail artery was dissected near the tail insertion, cannulated and perfused with Krebs solution plus 30 µM EDTA at 36oC and 2.5 ml/min and the procedures were started after equilibration of the perfusion pressure. In the first group a dose-response curve to phenylephrine (PE) (0.5, 1, 2 and 5 µg, bolus injection) was obtained at different flow rates (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 ml/min). The mean perfusion pressure increased with flow as well as PE vasopressor responses. In a second group the flow was changed (1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 ml/min) at different Ca2+ concentrations (0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 3.75 mM) in the Krebs solution. Increasing Ca2+ concentrations did not alter the flow-pressure relationship. In the third group a similar protocol was performed but the rat tail vascular bed was perfused with Krebs solution containing PE (0.1 µg/ml). There was an enhancement of the effect of PE with increasing external Ca2+ and flow. PE vasopressor responses increased after endothelial damage with air and CHAPS, suggesting an endothelial modulation of the tone of the rat tail vascular bed. These experiments validate the perfusion of the rat tail vascular bed as a method to investigate vascular reactivity
We studied the effect of complete spinal cord transection (SCT) on gastric emptying (GE) and on gastrointestinal (GI) and intestinal transits of liquid in awake rats using the phenol red method. Male Wistar rats (N = 65) weighing 180-200 g were fasted for 24 h and complete SCT was performed between C7 and T1 vertebrae after a careful midline dorsal incision. GE and GI and intestinal transits were measured 15 min, 6 h or 24 h after recovery from anesthesia. A test meal (0.5 mg/ml phenol red in 5% glucose solution) was administered intragastrically (1.5 ml) and the animals were sacrificed by an iv thiopental overdose 10 min later to evaluate GE and GI transit. For intestinal transit measurements, 1 ml of the test meal was administered into the proximal duodenum through a cannula inserted into a gastric fistula. GE was inhibited (P<0.05) by 34.3, 23.4 and 22.7%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. GI transit was inhibited (P<0.05) by 42.5, 19.8 and 18.4%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. Intestinal transit was also inhibited (P<0.05) by 48.8, 47.2 and 40.1%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. Mean arterial pressure was significantly decreased (P<0.05) by 48.5, 46.8 and 41.5%, respectively, at 15 min, 6 h and 24 h after SCT. In summary, our report describes a decreased GE and GI and intestinal transits in awake rats within the first 24 h after high SCT.
High magnesium concentration inhibits the effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation and also influences hepatocyte AVP receptor binding. The aim of this study was to determine the role of magnesium concentration [Mg2+] in AVP-stimulated water transport in the kidney collecting duct. The effect of low and high peritubular [Mg2+] on the AVP-stimulated osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) was evaluated in the isolated perfused rabbit cortical collecting duct (CCD). Control tubules bathed and perfused with standard Ringer bicarbonate solution containing 1 mM Mg2+ presented a Pf of 223.9 ± 27.2 µm/s. When Mg2+ was not added to the bathing solution, an increase in the AVP-stimulated Pf to 363.1 ± 57.2 µm/s (P<0.05) was observed. An elevation of Mg2+ to 5 mM resulted in a decrease in Pf to 202.9 ± 12.6 µm/s (P<0.05). This decrease in the AVP-stimulated Pf at 5 mM Mg2+ persisted when the CCDs were returned to 1 mM Mg2+, Pf = 130.2 ± 20.3 µm/s, and was not normalized by the addition of 8-[4-chlorophenylthio]-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, a cAMP analogue, to the preparation. These data indicate that magnesium may play a modulatory role in the action of AVP on CCD osmotic water permeability, as observed in other tissues.
The in utero exposure of hamsters to low doses of diazepam results in impaired host defense against Mycobacterium bovis during adulthood. Delayed developmental immunotoxicity, however, represents a specific situation that might not be general. The present experiment was undertaken to investigate the effects of diazepam on hamster resistance to M. bovis using adult animals. The effects of diazepam treatment on serum cortisol levels were also studied. Adult hamsters (N = 10 for each group) were treated with diazepam (E1 = 1.0, E2 = 2.0 or E3 = 3.0 mg kg-1 day-1 subcutaneously) or with control solution (C) for 30 days. Seven days after the beginning of the treatment, the animals received identical inoculum concentrations of M. bovis. Hamsters treated with the higher (2.0 and 3.0 mg kg-1 day-1) doses of diazepam exhibited: 1) increased granuloma areas in the liver (C = 1.81 ± 1.39, E2 = 10.29 ± 4.64 and E3 = 15.80 ± 4.82) and lung (C = 0.54 ± 0.55, E2 = 6.28 ± 3.85 and E3 = 6.31 ± 3.56) and 2) increased scores of M. bovis colony-forming units isolated from liver (C = 2.0, E2 = 3.0 and E3 = 3.5), lung (C = 1.0, E2 = 3.0 and E3 = 3.5) and spleen (C = 1.0, E2 = 2.5 and E3 = 4.0). These effects were dose dependent, and were not detected or were less severe in animals treated with the lowest (1.0 mg/kg) dose of diazepam as well as in those of the control group. Furthermore, diazepam treatment (3.0 mg kg-1 day-1 for 30 days) increased (E3 = 71.32 ± 2.99; N = 10) the serum levels of cortisol compared to control hamsters (C = 22.61 ± 2.75; N = 10). The present data, that demonstrate an impaired defense against M. bovis in adult hamsters treated with diazepam, were tentatively explained on the basis of a direct and/or indirect action of diazepam on the cytokine network. The effects may be related to stimulation of peripheral benzodiazepine receptor binding sites (PBR) by macrophages and/or lymphocytes, or they may be mediated by PBR stimulation of the adrenals.
The effects of adrenalectomy and adrenal enucleation on liquid gastric emptying were studied in male Wistar rats that were adrenalectomized, adrenal enucleated (AE) or sham operated (SH). The animals in the first group had free access to a 1% NaCl solution (ADS), while the animals in the second and third groups were divided into two subgroups, which ingested either tap water (AEW, SHW) or 1% NaCl solution (AES, SHS). The gastric emptying study was performed on the 16th post-operative day. Three test meals labeled with phenol red (6 mg/dl) were used (0.9% NaCl, 1.8% NaCl and 5% glucose). Percent gastric retention was determined 10 min after orogastric infusion of the NaCl test meals and 15 min after the glucose meal. Gastric retention of the ADS subgroup was significantly lower (P<0.01) (median = 19.8% vs 25.5% for SHW, vs 31.9% for SHS, vs 25.7% for AEW, and vs 27.1% for AES) for the 0.9% NaCl test meal and for the 1.8% NaCl test meal (33.5% for ADS vs 47.5% for AEW and 50.6% for AES). When 5% glucose was used as a test meal, gastric retention was similar for all subgroups. These results suggest that ablation of the adrenal cortex results in increased gastric emptying of an isosmolar NaCl meal.
The present study determined the effect of an electrolytic lesion of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) on water intake and sodium appetite. Male Wistar rats weighing 290-320 g with a lesion of the DRN (L-DRN), performed two days before experiments and confirmed by histology at the end of the experiments, presented increased sensitivity to the dehydration induced by fluid deprivation. The cumulative water intake of L-DRN rats reached 23.3 ± 1.9 ml (a 79% increase, N = 9) while sham-lesioned rats (SL-DRN) did not exceed 13.0 ± 1.0 ml (N = 11, P < 0.0001) after 5 h. The L-DRN rats treated with isoproterenol (300 µg kg-1 ml-1, sc) exhibited an increase in water intake that persisted throughout the experimental period (L-DRN, 15.7 ± 1.47 ml, N = 9 vs SL-DRN, 9.3 ± 1.8 ml, N = 11, P < 0.05). The L-DRN rats also showed an increased spontaneous sodium appetite during the entire period of assessment. The intake of 0.3 M NaCl after 12, 24, 36 and 72 h by the L-DRN rats was always higher than 20.2 ± 4.45 ml (N = 10), while the intake by SL-DRN was always lower than 2.45 ± 0.86 ml (N = 10, P < 0.00001). Sodium- and water-depleted L-DRN rats also exhibited an increased sodium appetite (13.9 ± 2.0 ml, N = 11) compared to SL-DRN (4.6 ± 0.64 ml, N = 11) after 120 min of observation (P < 0.02). The sodium preference of L-DRN rats in both conditions was always higher than that of SL-DRN rats. These results suggest that electrolytic lesion of the DRN overcomes a tonic inhibitory component of sodium appetite.
Bryothamnion seaforthii, a red alga common to the Northeastern coast of Brazil, was used to prepare the protein fraction F0/60 by ammonium sulfate precipitation. The chromatography of F0/60 on DEAE-Sephadel column resulted in two lectin fractions, PI and PII, which have antinociceptive properties in rodents. We determined the antinociceptive activity of the PII fraction and of a carbohydrate-containing fraction (CF) in mice. The CF was prepared from the dried algae, after digestion with 100 mM sodium acetate, pH 6.0, containing 5 mM cysteine, EDTA and 0.4% papain, at 60ºC. A 10% cetylpyridinium chloride was added to the filtrate, and the precipitate was dissolved with 2 M NaCl:ethanol (100:15, v/v) followed by the carbohydrate precipitation with ethanol. The final precipitate, in acetone, was dried at 25ºC. The PII fraction markedly inhibited acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing after ip administration (control: 27.1 ± 2.20; PII 0.1 mg/kg: 5.5 ± 1.85; 1 mg/kg: 1.6 ± 0.72 writhes/20 min) and after oral administration (control: 32.0 ± 3.32; PII 0.1 mg/kg: 13.1 ± 2.50; 1 mg/kg: 9.4 ± 3.96 writhes/20 min). PII was also effective against both phases of pain induced by 1% formalin (control, ip: 48.2 ± 2.40 and 27.7 ± 2.56 s; PII: 1 mg/kg, ip: 34.3 ± 5.13 and 5.6 ± 2.14 s; control, po: 44.5 ± 3.52 and 25.6 ± 2.39 s; PII 5 mg/kg, po: 26.5 ± 4.67 and 15.3 ± 3.54 s for the 1st and 2nd phases, respectively) and in the hot-plate test. The CF (ip) also displayed significant antinociceptive properties in all tests but at higher doses (1 and 5 mg/kg, ip and po). Thus, CF at the dose of 5 mg/kg significantly inhibited writhes (ip: 7.1 ± 2.47 and po: 14.5 ± 2.40 writhes/20 min) as well as the 1st (po: 19.6 ± 1.74 s) and 2nd (po: 7.1 ± 2.24 s) phases of the formalin test compared to controls ip and po. The antinociceptive effects of both the PII and CF in the formalin and hot-plate tests were prevented at least partially by pretreatment with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone (2 mg/kg, sc). Moreover, both fractions retained antinociceptive activity in the acetic acid-induced writhing test following heating, a procedure which abolished the hemagglutinating activity of the fraction, presumably due to lectins also present. Finally, both fractions also prolonged the barbiturate-induced sleeping time. These results indicate that carbohydrate molecules present in the PII (26.8% carbohydrate) and CF (21% of the alga dried weight) obtained from B. seaforthii display pronounced antinociceptive activity which is resistant to heat denaturation and is mediated by an opioid mechanism, as indicated by naloxone inhibition.
The histone-like protein H1 (H-NS) is an abundant structural component of the bacterial nucleoid and influences many cellular processes including recombination, transcription and transposition. Mutations in the hns gene encoding H-NS are highly pleiotropic, affecting the expression of many unrelated genes. We have studied the role of H-NS on the regulation of hemolysin gene expression in Serratia marcescens. The Escherichia coli hns mutant carrying S. marcescens hemolysin genes on a plasmid constructed by ligation of the 3.2-kb HindIII-SacI fragment of pR02 into pBluescriptIIKS, showed a high level of expression of this hemolytic factor. To determine the osmoregulation of wild-type and hns defective mutants the cells were grown to mid-logarithmic phase in LB medium with 0.06 or 0.3 M NaCl containing ampicillin and kanamycin, whereas to analyze the effect of pH on hemolysin expression, the cells were grown to late-logarithmic phase in LB medium buffered with 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 4.5 to 8.0. To assay growth phase-related hemolysin production, bacterial cells were grown in LB medium supplemented with ampicillin and kanamycin. The expression of S. marcescens hemolysin genes in wild-type E. coli and in an hns-defective derivative at different pH and during different growth phases indicated that, in the absence of H-NS, the expression of hemolysin did not vary with pH changes or growth phases. Furthermore, the data suggest that H-NS may play an important role in the regulation of hemolysin expression in S. marcescens and its effect may be due to changes in DNA topology influencing transcription and thus the amount of hemolysin expression. Implications for the mechanism by which H-NS influences gene expression are discussed.
We determined if the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) exerts tonic control of basal and stimulated sodium and water intake. Male Wistar rats weighing 300-350 g were microinjected with phosphate buffer (PB-DRN, N = 11) or 1 µg/0.2 µl, in a single dose, ibotenic acid (IBO-DRN, N = 9 to 10) through a guide cannula into the DRN and were observed for 21 days in order to measure basal sodium appetite and water intake and in the following situations: furosemide-induced sodium depletion (20 mg/kg, sc, 24 h before the experiment) and a low dose of dietary captopril (1 mg/g chow). From the 6th day after ibotenic acid injection IBO-DRN rats showed an increase in sodium appetite (12.0 ± 2.3 to 22.3 ± 4.6 ml 0.3 M NaCl intake) whereas PB-DRN did not exceed 2 ml (P < 0.001). Water intake was comparable in both groups. In addition to a higher dipsogenic response, sodium-depleted IBO-DRN animals displayed an increase of 0.3 M NaCl intake compared to PB-DRN (37.4 ± 3.8 vs 21.6 ± 3.9 ml 300 min after fluid offer, P < 0.001). Captopril added to chow caused an increase of 0.3 M NaCl intake during the first 2 days (IBO-DRN, 33.8 ± 4.3 and 32.5 ± 3.4 ml on day 1 and day 2, respectively, vs 20.2 ± 2.8 ml on day 0, P < 0.001). These data support the view that DRN, probably via ascending serotonergic system, tonically modulates sodium appetite under basal and sodium depletion conditions and/or after an increase in peripheral or brain angiotensin II.
We investigated the involvement of GABAergic mechanisms of the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA) in unanesthetized rats subjected to acute isotonic or hypertonic blood volume expansion (BVE). Male Wistar rats bearing cannulas unilaterally implanted in the CeA were treated with vehicle, muscimol (0.2 nmol/0.2 µL) or bicuculline (1.6 nmol/0.2 µL) in the CeA, followed by isotonic or hypertonic BVE (0.15 or 0.3 M NaCl, 2 mL/100 g body weight over 1 min). The vehicle-treated group showed an increase in sodium excretion, urinary volume, plasma oxytocin (OT), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels compared to control rats. Muscimol reduced the effects of BVE on sodium excretion (isotonic: 2.4 ± 0.3 vs vehicle: 4.8 ± 0.2 and hypertonic: 4.0 ± 0.7 vs vehicle: 8.7 ± 0.6 µEq·100 g-1·40 min-1); urinary volume after hypertonic BVE (83.8 ± 10 vs vehicle: 255.6 ± 16.5 µL·100 g-1·40 min-1); plasma OT levels (isotonic: 15.3 ± 0.6 vs vehicle: 19.3 ± 1 and hypertonic: 26.5 ± 2.6 vs vehicle: 48 ± 3 pg/mL), and ANP levels (isotonic: 97 ± 12.8 vs vehicle: 258.3 ± 28.1 and hypertonic: 160 ± 14.6 vs vehicle: 318 ± 16.3 pg/mL). Bicuculline reduced the effects of isotonic or hypertonic BVE on urinary volume and ANP levels compared to vehicle-treated rats. However, bicuculline enhanced the effects of hypertonic BVE on plasma OT levels. These data suggest that CeA GABAergic mechanisms are involved in the control of ANP and OT secretion, as well as in sodium and water excretion in response to isotonic or hypertonic blood volume expansion.
Gadolinium (Gd) blocks intra- and extracellular ATP hydrolysis. We determined whether Gd affects vascular reactivity to contractile responses to phenylephrine (PHE) by blocking aortic ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase). Wistar rats of both sexes (260-300 g, 23 females, 7 males) were used. Experiments were performed before and after incubation of aortic rings with 3 µM Gd. Concentration-response curves to PHE (0.1 nM to 0.1 mM) were obtained in the presence and absence of endothelium, after incubation with 100 µM L-NAME, 10 µM losartan, or 10 µM enalaprilat. Gd significantly increased the maximum response (control: 72.3 ± 3.5; Gd: 101.3 ± 6.4%) and sensitivity (control: 6.6 ± 0.1; Gd: 10.5 ± 2.8%) to PHE. To investigate the blockade of E-NTDase activity by Gd, we added 1 mM ATP to the bath. ATP reduced smooth muscle tension and Gd increased its relaxing effect (control: -33.5 ± 4.1; Gd: -47.4 ± 4.1%). Endothelial damage abolished the effect of Gd on the contractile responses to PHE (control: 132.6 ± 8.6; Gd: 122.4 ± 7.1%). L-NAME + Gd in the presence of endothelium reduced PHE contractile responses (control/L-NAME: 151.1 ± 28.8; L-NAME + Gd: 67.9 ± 19% AUC). ATP hydrolysis was reduced after Gd administration, which led to ATP accumulation in the nutrient solution and reduced ADP concentration, while adenosine levels remained the same. Incubation with Gd plus losartan and enalaprilat eliminated the pressor effects of Gd. Gd increased vascular reactivity to PHE regardless of the reduction of E-NTPDase activity and adenosine production. Moreover, the increased reactivity to PHE promoted by Gd was endothelium-dependent, reducing NO bioavailability and involving an increased stimulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme and angiotensin II AT1 receptors.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da extração de compostos nitrogenados, como proteínas solúveis (PS), nitrogênio total (NT), nitrogênio não proteico (NNP) e nitrogênio proteico (NP) da polpa de anchoíta (Engraulis anchoita), bem como obter informações a respeito de sua composição proximal e do frescor em relação ao seu local de captura. A polpa de anchoíta foi submetida a tratamento de extração de nitrogenados utilizando como soluções NaHCO3 (0,1; 0,2; 0,3 e 0,5%), NaCl 0,3% e água destilada. O ciclo de lavagem da polpa utilizando 0,1% de NaHCO3, dois ciclos de água destilada e um ciclo de NaCl 0,3% demonstrou maior eficiência na extração dos compostos nitrogenados, assim como das proteínas sarcoplasmáticas. Na determinação da composição proximal, a anchoíta in natura apresentou valores de umidade de 77,2%, proteína 16,8%, lipídios 3,4% e cinzas 2,4% e, para a polpa de anchoíta, foram encontrados valores de umidade de 78,1%, proteína 17,5%, lipídios 2,4% e cinzas 2,0%. A avaliação do frescor foi determinada através do pH, bases voláteis totais (N-BVT) e trimetilamina (N-TMA), encontrando-se valores de 6,3; 11,5 mg.100 g-1 e 2,8 mg.100 g-1 para a anchoíta in natura e 6,7; 20,2 mg.100 g-1; 3,1 mg.100 g-1 para a polpa, respectivamente.