69 resultados para 127-795


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FUNDAMENTO: A efetividade e segurança de stents farmacológicos (SF) ainda têm sido questionadas. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade e segurança desses stents, e a incidência da revascularização da lesão tratada (RLT), além de identificar possíveis variáveis que influenciam a necessidade de RLT. MÉTODOS: Selecionaram-se 203 pacientes do Hospital Costantini que tiveram acompanhamento clínico no período de 1 a 3 anos. RESULTADOS: Observou-se o seguinte quadro: 470 lesões; 171 (84,24%) pacientes eram homens; 54 (26,6%), diabéticos; 131 (64,35%), hipertensos; 127 (62,56%), dislipidêmicos; 40 (19,70%), tabagistas; e 79 (38,92%) apresentavam história familiar de coronariopatia. Ainda: 49 (24,14%) pacientes apresentavam angina estável; 58 (28,57%), angina instável; e 6 (2,96%), infarto agudo do miocárdio. Desses pacientes, 85 (41,87%) eram assintomáticos, e 146 (71,92%), multiarteriais. Nas características das lesões, 77,45% foram B2/C (AHA/ACC). Taxus foi implantado em 73,62% dos pacientes. Em 381 (81,96%), constataram-se stents com diâmetro > 2,5 mm. O comprimento de stent era < 30 mm em 67,87% das lesões, com média de 2,3 stents por paciente. Após acompanhamento, 19 pacientes (9,3%) submeteram-se à RLT. Houve morte de 4 pacientes (1,97%), sendo 2 pacientes por IAM (0,98%), um com AVC (0,49%) e um com aneurisma de aorta abdominal (0,49%). Ainda observamos um paciente com trombose tardia (0,49%) e um com reinfarto (0,49%). Na análise estatística realizada, apenas a característica da lesão em bifurcação aproximou-se de significância estatística com p < 0,06. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que os stents farmacológicos apresentam boa efetividade e segurança, observamos incidência de 9,3% de RLT e não identificamos variável que indicasse a necessidade de RLT.


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FUNDAMENTO: Considerou-se o uso indiscriminado de esteroides tanto por atletas de elite quanto por praticantes de atividades físicas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona sobre o perfil eletrocardiográfico, conteúdo glicogênico e de proteínas totais dos músculos cardíacos e esqueléticos, bem como as concentrações plasmática de albumina. MÉTODOS: Os animais do grupo tratado receberam a droga na concentração 5 mg/kg pela via subcutânea, duas vezes por semana, durante três semanas. Uma vez por semana, os ratos foram anestesiados com Pentobarbital sódico (50 mg/kg, ip) e submetidos à avaliação por meio do eletrocardiograma (ECG). Após o período experimental, amostras dos músculos cardíaco (ventrículo esquerdo - VE), sóleo (S), gastrocnêmio branco (GB), gastrocnêmio vermelho (GV), peitoral (P), intercostal (IC) e diafragma (D) foram prontamente coletadas e analisadas. Os dados (média ± epm) foram avaliados de acordo com ANOVA, segundo teste de Tukey (p>0,05). RESULTADOS: Os ratos do grupo tratado apresentaram alterações nos seguintes parâmetros cardíacos: intervalo QRS, intervalo QTc e frequência cardíaca, caracterizados por um aumento desses, tendo o ápice no intervalo da semana de pré-tratamento para a primeira semana. As reservas de glicogênio no VE apresentaram aumento de 127%. Em relação à quantidade de proteínas totais, a diferença significativa foi constatada no S, GV e D. Quanto ao perfil bioquímico e ao hematócrito, foi observado um aumento na porcentagem de eritrócitos. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostra que importantes alterações cardíacas são deflagradas precocemente, sugerindo uma hierarquia na sequência de modificações que comprometem a homeostasia do organismo.


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FUNDAMENTO: A estimulação crônica do ventrículo direito (EVD) induz um padrão de contração dessincronizado, produzindo assincronia interventricular e intraventricular. Muitos estudos têm mostrado a relação entre EVD e a forma e função ventricular esquerda (VE) comprometida. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sincronia e a função do VE em pacientes pediátricos que receberam EVD em comparação com aqueles que receberam estimulação do VE (EVE). MÉTODOS: As funções sistólica e diastólica e a sincronia do VE foram avaliadas em 80 pacientes pediátricos com bloqueio atrioventricular total não cirúrgico ou pós-cirúrgico, com estimulação a partir do endocárdio do ventrículo direito (VD) (n = 40) ou do epicárdio do VE (n = 40). Foram analisados dados ecocardiográficos obtidos antes da implantação do marca-passo, imediatamente após a implantação, e no final de um acompanhamento médio de 6,8 anos. RESULTADOS: A função diastólica do VE não se alterou em nenhum dos pacientes durante o acompanhamento. A função sistólica ventricular esquerda foi preservada nos pacientes que receberam EVE. No entanto, a fração de encurtamento e a fração de ejeção diminuíram de medianas de 41% ± 2,6% e 70% ± 6,9% antes da implantação para 32% ± 4,2% e 64% ± 2,5% (p < 0,0001 e p < 0,0001), respectivamente, no acompanhamento final. O atraso mecânico interventricular foi significativamente maior com a EVD (66 ± 13 ms) do que com a EVE (20 ± 8 ms). Da mesma forma, nos dois grupos houve uma diferença significativa entre os seguintes parâmetros: atraso mecânico do VE (EVD: 69 ± 6 ms, EVE: 30 ± 11 ms, p < 0,0001); atraso septo-lateral (RVP: 75 ± 19 ms, LVP: 42 ± 10 ms, p < 0,0001) e atraso septo-posterior (EVD: 127 ± 33 ms, EVE: 58 ± 17 ms, p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Quando comparado ao endocárdio do VD, o epicárdio do VE é um local ideal para a estimulação para preservar a sincronia e a função cardíaca.


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AbstractIntroduction:Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a major limitation for long-term survival of patients undergoing heart transplantation (HT). Some immunosuppressants can reduce the risk of CAV.Objectives:The primary objective was to evaluate the variation in the volumetric growth of the intimal layer measured by intracoronary ultrasound (IVUS) after 1 year in patients who received basiliximab compared with that in a control group.Methods:Thirteen patients treated at a single center between 2007 and 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Evaluations were performed with IVUS, measuring the volume of a coronary segment within the first 30 days and 1 year after HT. Vasculopathy was characterized by the volume of the intima of the vessel.Results:Thirteen patients included (7 in the basiliximab group and 6 in the control group). On IVUS assessment, the control group was found to have greater vessel volume (120–185.43 mm3 vs. 127.77–131.32 mm3; p = 0.051). Intimal layer growth (i.e., CAV) was also higher in the control group (27.30–49.15 mm3 [∆80%] vs. 20.23–26.69 mm3[∆33%]; p = 0.015). Univariate regression analysis revealed that plaque volume and prior atherosclerosis of the donor were not related to intima growth (r = 0.15, p = 0.96), whereas positive remodeling was directly proportional to the volumetric growth of the intima (r = 0.85, p < 0.001).Conclusion:Routine induction therapy with basiliximab was associated with reduced growth of the intima of the vessel during the first year after HT.


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AbstractBackground:Galectin-3, a β-galactoside binding lectin, has been described as a mediator of cardiac fibrosis in experimental studies and as a risk factor associated with cardiovascular events in subjects with heart failure. Previous studies have evaluated the genetic susceptibility to Chagas disease in humans, including the polymorphisms of cytokine genes, demonstrating correlations between the genetic polymorphism and cardiomyopathy development in the chronic phase. However, the relationship between the galectin-3 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and phenotypic variations in Chagas disease has not been evaluated.Objective:The present study aimed to determine whether genetic polymorphisms of galectin-3 may predispose to the development of cardiac forms of Chagas disease.Methods:Fifty-five subjects with Chagas disease were enrolled in this observational study. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for genotyping the variants rs4644 and rs4652 of the galectin-3 gene.Results:For the SNP rs4644, the relative risk for the cardiac form was not associated with the genotypes AA (OR = 0.79, p = 0.759), AC (OR = 4.38, p = 0.058), or CC (OR = 0.39, p = 0.127). Similarly, for the SNP rs4652, no association was found between the genotypes AA (OR = 0.64, p = 0.571), AC (OR = 2.85, p = 0.105), or CC (OR = 0.49, p = 0.227) and the cardiac form of the disease.Conclusion:Our results showed no association between the different genotypes for both SNPs of the galectin-3 gene and the cardiac form of Chagas disease. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)


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AbstractBackground:The recording of arrhythmic events (AE) in renal transplant candidates (RTCs) undergoing dialysis is limited by conventional electrocardiography. However, continuous cardiac rhythm monitoring seems to be more appropriate due to automatic detection of arrhythmia, but this method has not been used.Objective:We aimed to investigate the incidence and predictors of AE in RTCs using an implantable loop recorder (ILR).Methods:A prospective observational study conducted from June 2009 to January 2011 included 100 consecutive ambulatory RTCs who underwent ILR and were followed-up for at least 1 year. Multivariate logistic regression was applied to define predictors of AE.Results:During a mean follow-up of 424 ± 127 days, AE could be detected in 98% of patients, and 92% had more than one type of arrhythmia, with most considered potentially not serious. Sustained atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation occurred in 7% and 13% of patients, respectively, and bradyarrhythmia and non-sustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurred in 25% and 57%, respectively. There were 18 deaths, of which 7 were sudden cardiac events: 3 bradyarrhythmias, 1 ventricular fibrillation, 1 myocardial infarction, and 2 undetermined. The presence of a long QTc (odds ratio [OR] = 7.28; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.01–26.35; p = 0.002), and the duration of the PR interval (OR = 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–1.08; p < 0.001) were independently associated with bradyarrhythmias. Left ventricular dilatation (LVD) was independently associated with non-sustained VT (OR = 2.83; 95% CI, 1.01–7.96; p = 0.041).Conclusions:In medium-term follow-up of RTCs, ILR helped detect a high incidence of AE, most of which did not have clinical relevance. The PR interval and presence of long QTc were predictive of bradyarrhythmias, whereas LVD was predictive of non-sustained VT.


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Abstract Background: Blood pressure is directly related to body mass index, and individuals with increased waist circumference have higher risk of developing hypertension, insulin resistance, and other metabolic changes, since adolescence. Objective: to evaluate the correlation of blood pressure with insulin resistance, waist circumference and body mass index in adolescents. Methods: Cross-section study on a representative sample of adolescent students. One group of adolescents with altered blood pressure detected by casual blood pressure and/or home blood pressure monitoring (blood pressure > 90th percentile) and one group of normotensive adolescents were studied. Body mass index, waist circumference were measured, and fasting glucose and plasma insulin levels were determined, using the HOMA-IR index to identify insulin resistance. Results: A total of 162 adolescents (35 with normal blood pressure and 127 with altered blood pressure) were studied; 61% (n = 99) of them were boys and the mean age was 14.9 ± 1.62 years. Thirty-eight (23.5%) adolescents had altered HOMA-IR. The group with altered blood pressure had higher values of waist circumference, body mass index and HOMA-IR (p<0.05). Waist circumference was higher among boys in both groups (p<0.05) and girls with altered blood pressure had higher HOMA-IR than boys (p<0.05). There was a significant moderate correlation between body mass index and HOMA-IR in the group with altered blood pressure (ρ = 0.394; p < 0.001), and such correlation was stronger than in the normotensive group. There was also a significant moderate correlation between waist circumference and HOMA-IR in both groups (ρ = 0.345; p < 0.05). Logistic regression showed that HOMA-IR was as predictor of altered blood pressure (odds ratio - OR = 2.0; p = 0.001). Conclusion: There was a significant association of insulin resistance with blood pressure and the impact of insulin resistance on blood pressure since childhood. The correlation and association between markers of cardiovascular diseases was more pronounced in adolescents with altered blood pressure, suggesting that primary prevention strategies for cardiovascular risk factors should be early implemented in childhood and adolescence.


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Abstract Background: Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) has been shown to be increased in children and adolescents with traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease, compared with those of healthy children. Objective: To assess the influence of sex, age and body mass index (BMI) on the CIMT in healthy children and adolescents aged 1 to 15 years. Methods: A total of 280 healthy children and adolescents (males, n=175; mean age, 7.49±3.57 years; mean BMI, 17.94±4.1 kg/m2) were screened for CIMT assessment. They were divided into 3 groups according to age: GI, 1 to 5 years [n=93 (33.2%); males, 57; mean BMI, 16±3 kg/m2]; GII, 6 to 10 years [n=127 (45.4%); males, 78; mean BMI, 17.9±3.7 kg/m2], and GIII, 11 to 15 years [n=60 (21.4%); males, 40; mean BMI, 20.9±4.5 kg/m2]. Results: There was no significant difference in CIMT values between male and female children and adolescents (0.43±0.06 mm vs. 0.42±0.05 mm, respectively; p=0.243). CIMT correlated with BMI neither in the total population nor in the 3 age groups according to Pearson correlation coefficient. Subjects aged 11 to 15 years had the highest CIMT values (GI vs. GII, p=0.615; GI vs. GIII, p=0.02; GII vs. GIII, p=0.004). Conclusions: CIMT is constant in healthy children younger than 10 years, regardless of sex or BMI. CIMT increases after the age of 10 years.


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Os autores estudam a influência do café Rio em ligas com cafés brasileiros de bebida Mole. Foram ensaiadas porcentagens crescentes de Café Rio: 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 3,5; 4,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,5; 10,0; 12,5; 15,0; 20,0; 25,0; 30,0; 35,0; 40,0; 50,0. Realizaram-se dois experimentos em blocos incompletos equilibrados, com t = 21 tratamentos (os mencionados acima), k = 3 parcelas por bloco, r = 10 repetições, b = 70 blocos, L = 1. Cada parcela era formada de 3 xícaras, de tipo padrão, sobre as quais cada degustador dava uma só opinião. Cada parcela era provada por 3 degustadores. Os dados coletados são, pois, 630 para cada ensaio (210 parcelas, 3 degustadores). Atribuia-se a cada parcela, para fins de análise estatística, a média das opiniões dos 3 degustadores. Os dois ensaios deram resultados bem concordantes, que levaram às seguintes conclusões: a) Faz-se necessária a transformação dos dados, pois as variâncias relativas aos diversos tratamentos são muito discrepantes. b) A transformação T = √ Y dá resultados satisfatórios. c) O café Rio prejudica sensivelmente a bebida do café Mole, para teores a partir de 2,0%. d) Para teores de 4,5% em diante a liga tem bebida Riada ou Rio. e) A regressão obtida não é estritamente linear, mas a linha reta da uma aproximação razoável. f) Consideradas as porcentagens de 0,0 a 10,0%,a equação de regressão para os dados transformados pela transformação T = √ Y é: T = 1,7045 - 0,127 X, onde X é a porcentagem de café Rio e T dá a bebida, na escala numérica adotada, transformada pela raíz quadrada. g) A equação de regressão para os tratamentos de 0,0 a 10,0% de cafe Rio é Y = 3,0997 - 0,3281 X, isto é, há uma queda de 0,3281 na escala numérica da bebida, para cada unidade de porcentagem de café Rio.


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Plantas de Leucanena leuoocephala (lamb.) De Wit foram submetidas a tratamentos em soluções nutritivas carentes em N, P. K, Ca, Mg, S e B com o objetivo de se obter o quadro sintomatológivo das carências, assim como teores dos elementos na raiz, caule e folhas. Os sintomas apareceram após 200 dias de cultivo e foram de difícil caracterização. Os teores encontrados nas folhas de plantas com sintomas enormais foram respectivamente: N%-2,77-3,51; P% - 0,11-0,14; K% - 1,33 - 2,75 ; Ca% - 0,41-1,11; Mg% - 0,18-0,42; S% -0,11-0,22; B ppm - 25-127.


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The stages of gonadal development for the female of "barba-ruça" shrimp (Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888) were characterized based on histological analysis. Four stages (immature, almost mature, ripe and spawned) were determined according to the structure and arrangement of cells in the ovary. Each stage corresponds macroscopically to a characteristic color, except stages I (immature) and IV (spawned), in which colors are very similar and can be distinguished only microscopically. The chromatic scale varies from white/translucent (stage I), neutral green (almost mature) to dark green (ripe). The mean size of cells was 56.9 µm (±3.5) (stage I), 127 µm (±2.6) (stage II) and 183 µm (±1.91) (stage III). The size frequency of cells was polimodal, and different cell stages were observed in ripe ovary, suggesting the occurrence of multiple spawning. The chromatic scale developed is an important tool for laboratory analysis, and can be easily used to identify the gonadal stages.


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Accurate size measurements are fundamental in characterizing the population structure and secondary production of a species. The purpose of this study was to determine the best morphometric parameter to estimate the size of individuals of Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780). The morphometric analysis was applied to individuals collected in the intertidal zones of two beaches on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: São Francisco and Araçá. The following measurements were taken: the width and length (height) of the 4th, 5th and 7th setigers, and the length of the thoracic region (first nine setigers). The area and volume of these setigers were calculated and a linear regression analysis was applied to the data. The data were log-transformed to fit the allometric equation y = ax b into a straight line (log y = log a + b * log x). The measurements which best correlated with the thoracic length in individuals from both beaches were the length of setiger 5 (r² = 0.722; p<0.05 in São Francisco and r² = 0.795; p<0.05 in Araçá) and the area of setiger 7 (r² = 0.705; p<0.05 in São Francisco and r² = 0.634; p<0.05 in Araçá). According to these analyses, the length of setiger 5 and/or the area of setiger 7 are the best parameters to evaluate the growth of individuals of C. capitata.


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Em prosseguimento a trabalhos anteriores referentes à ação dos raios X e radium sôbre os vírus, especialmente o da gripe, verificaram os A.A. que o radium exerce, em certas doses, ação excitante sôbre o vírus da poliomielite, como acontecera com as doses fracas de raios X sôbre o vírus da gripe. As experiências que levaram a essas conclusões foram feitas ocm a aplicação de 4 mg de radim contidos em 4 tubinhos verificando-se que, após 127 e 159 dias o vírus testemunho tinha perdido tôda a atividade, que antes já se mostrara diminuida, ao passo que o submetido à ação do radium mostrou-se sempre mais ativo, assim se conservando integralmente após aquêlo prazo. Na prática, essa observação poderá conduzir a um meio destinado a aumentar a virulência do referido vírus.


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In order to evaluate the prevalence of canine heartworm in the State of Rio de Janeiro, a multicenter survey was carried out in two phases. The survey involved 1376 dogs from two cities: Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, and its surroundings, including the eastern shore and mountain resorts, which were further divided into sections. In the first phase, 795 dog blood samples were examined by the modified Knott test for the detection of microfilariae. A total of 134 samples (16.85%) were microfilaremic: 8.61% from Rio de Janeiro, 21.76% from Niterói and its surroundings, 33.33% from the eastern shore and 30.43% from the mountain resorts. In the second phase, 595 dog blood samples were examined first by the modified Knott test and the amicrofilaremic samples were subsequently examined by an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for antigen detection. In summary, 83 samples (13.95%) were microfilaremic and 44 (7.98%) of the amicrofilaremic samples were positive for heartworm antigen (occult infections). In Rio de Janeiro, 13.68% of the dogs were infected (i.e., antigen-and/or microfilaria-positive) and 8.51% of the dogs had microfilaremic infections. In comparison, Niterói and its surroundings showed values of 24.46% and 17.30% and the eastern shore showed values of 52.46% and 31.15%. In contrast the mountain resorts showed 20% microfilaremic only


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Thirty-five species of Lutzomyia and two species of Brumptomyia were identified among 795 phlebotomines taken in light-traps near the upper reaches of the middle Rio Negro. The subgenus Psychodopygus predominated in number of species (11) and relative abundance (74-81% in light trap samples from the forest and 99% on human bait). For many of the species these records help to fill large gaps on current maps of distribution, and for others (L. olmeca nociva, L. mangabeirana, L. triacantha) the findings represent a significant expansion of their known range. A new species in the subgenus Psychodopygus (L. douradoi) is described from both sexes, and L. bettinii is recorded for the first time in Brazil.