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Over the last 10 years, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil have been certified as being free from disease transmission by Triatoma infestans, the main domiciliated vector for Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries. This demonstrates that programmes addressing the vector for the disease's transmission are effective. These programmes have resulted in a dramatic decrease in the incidence of Chagas disease in Latin America. Guatemala was certified a few months ago as being free from disease transmission by Rhodnius prolixus, the main domiciliated vector for Chagas disease in Central American countries. However, the main concern for different countries' current control programmes is the continuity and sustainability of future vector control actions. The prevalence and incidence figures for individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi in Mexico and Andean and Central American countries highlights the need for broadened strategies in the struggle against the disease and its vectors. A number of triatomine insects are parasite vectors, each with a different life history. Therefore, it is important that new vector control strategies be proposed, keeping in mind that some species are found in peridomiciliary areas and wild ecotopes. The only viable control strategy is to reduce human interactions with vector insects so that the re-infestation and re-colonisation of human habitats will not take place.
Chagas disease, a neglected illness, affects nearly 12-14 million people in endemic areas of Latin America. Although the occurrence of acute cases sharply has declined due to Southern Cone Initiative efforts to control vector transmission, there still remain serious challenges, including the maintenance of sustainable public policies for Chagas disease control and the urgent need for better drugs to treat chagasic patients. Since the introduction of benznidazole and nifurtimox approximately 40 years ago, many natural and synthetic compounds have been assayed against Trypanosoma cruzi, yet only a few compounds have advanced to clinical trials. This reflects, at least in part, the lack of consensus regarding appropriate in vitro and in vivo screening protocols as well as the lack of biomarkers for treating parasitaemia. The development of more effective drugs requires (i) the identification and validation of parasite targets, (ii) compounds to be screened against the targets or the whole parasite and (iii) a panel of minimum standardised procedures to advance leading compounds to clinical trials. This third aim was the topic of the workshop entitled Experimental Models in Drug Screening and Development for Chagas Disease, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on the 25th and 26th of November 2008 by the Fiocruz Program for Research and Technological Development on Chagas Disease and Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative. During the meeting, the minimum steps, requirements and decision gates for the determination of the efficacy of novel drugs for T. cruzi control were evaluated by interdisciplinary experts and an in vitro and in vivo flowchart was designed to serve as a general and standardised protocol for screening potential drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease.
Insecticide-treated nets provide a reduction in human-vector contact through physical barrier, mortality and/or repellent effects that protect both users and non-users, thereby protecting the wider community from vector-borne diseases like malaria. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are the best alternative. This study evaluated the bioefficacy of LLINs PermaNet® 2.0 and Olyset® under laboratory conditions with Anopheles albimanus. The laboratory strain was evaluated for insecticide susceptibility with selected insecticides used for malarial control. Regeneration time and wash resistance were evaluated with the standard bioassay cone technique following WHO guidelines. Heat assistance was used for Olyset® nets; the nets were exposed to four different temperatures to speed the regeneration process. The regeneration study of PermaNet® 2.0 showed that efficacy was fully recovered by 24 h after one and three washes and wash resistance persisted for 15 washes. Regeneration of Olyset® nets was not observed for nets washed three times, even with the different temperature exposures for up to seven days. Thus, for Olyset® the wash resistance evaluation could not proceed. Differences in response between the two LLINs may be associated with differences in manufacturing procedures and species response to the evaluated LLINs. PermaNet® 2.0 showed higher and continuous efficacy against An. albimanus.
Trypanosoma cruzi infection has a large public health impact in Latin American countries. Although the transmission rates via blood transfusions and insect vectors have declined sharply in the past 20 years due to policies of the Southern Cone countries, a large number of people are still at risk for infection. Currently, no accepted experimental model or descriptions of the clinical signs that occur during the course of acute murine infection are available. The aim of this work was to use non-invasive methods to evaluate the clinical signs of Balb/c mice infected with the Y strain of T. cruzi. The infected mice displayed evident clinical changes beginning in the third week of infection. The mice were evaluated based on physical characteristics, spontaneous activity, exploratory behaviour and physiological alterations. We hope that the results presented in this report provide parameters that complement the effective monitoring of trypanocidal treatment and other interventions used to treat experimental Chagas disease.
Cystic echinococcosis is a highly endemic parasitic zoonosis that is present in the Southern Cone countries of America. For several decades, various prevention and control programmes have been implemented in different countries and regions, with varying results. In Uruguay, a new control programme was implemented in 2006 that employed new strategies for canine diagnosis and treatment, dog population control, diagnosis in humans, epidemiological surveillance, and health education, including community participation. The control programme in Uruguay addresses the control and surveillance of the disease from a holistic perspective based on Primary Health Care, which has strengthened the community’s participation in developing and coordinating activities in an interdisciplinary manner. Similarly, the control programme that is currently implemented is based on a risk-focused approach. The surveillance and control measures were focused on small villages and extremely poor urban areas. In this study, the strategies used and the results obtained from 2008-2013 are analysed and discussed.
RESUMO Objetivo Relatar a experiência sobre o uso de pesquisas e sistemas de informação para apoiar as políticas nacionais de recursos humanos por meio de benchmarking entre diferentes países, com comparações ao longo do tempo ou entre países ou regiões semelhantes. Método A Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) promoveu em 2007 um conjunto de metas para todos os países das Américas para aprimorar a situação dos recursos humanos para a saúde, utilizando uma metodologia uniforme e um processos de pesquisa pelos Observatórios de Recursos Humanos. Resultados A análise se centra no avanço dos principais desafios nos países do Cone Sul, com especial ênfase no caso do Brasil, mostrando melhorias na distribuição de profissionais nos territórios. Conclusão A experiência mostrou como a pesquisa e o uso dos sistemas de informação pode impulsionar a ampliação das melhores práticas de formação, fixação e desenvolvimento da força de trabalho em saúde nas Américas.
A resistência mecânica à penetração apresentada pelo solo exerce grande influência sobre o desenvolvimento vegetal, uma vez que o crescimento das raízes, assim como o rendimento das culturas, varia de forma inversamente proporcional ao seu valor. No ano agrícola de 2001/2002, na Fazenda Experimental de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira, foram analisados o rendimento de grãos do feijoeiro (PG) e a resistência mecânica à penetração (R), de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. O objetivo foi apurar diretrizes relacionadas com o aumento da produtividade agrícola em questão, estudando a correlação linear e a espacial entre a PG e a R. Foi instalada uma rede geoestatística para a coleta dos dados do solo e da planta, estabelecida com espaçamentos de 5 x 5 m e 2,5 x 2,5 m, que continham 120 pontos amostrais distribuídos numa área de 1.875 m². A correlação linear entre a PG e a R foi praticamente nula, uma vez que, dependendo das profundidades estudadas do solo, apresentou coeficientes de correlação (r) menores do que 0,20. A análise geoestatística apresentou boa estrutura de dependência espacial, tanto para a PG quanto para a R, quando analisadas isoladamente. Entretanto, a análise espacial conjunta de tais atributos apresentou-se inconsistente. Assim, com o aumento da resistência mecânica à penetração, em determinada região do solo ocorreu ora aumento, ora diminuição do rendimento de grãos do feijoeiro.
Maize root growth is negatively affected by compacted layers in the surface (e.g. agricultural traffic) and subsoil layers (e.g. claypans). Both kinds of soil mechanical impedances often coexist in maize fields, but the combined effects on root growth have seldom been studied. Soil physical properties and maize root abundance were determined in three different soils of the Rolling Pampa of Argentina, in conventionally-tilled (CT) and zero-tilled (ZT) fields cultivated with maize. In the soil with a light Bt horizon (loamy Typic Argiudoll, Chivilcoy site), induced plough pans were detected in CT plots at a depth of 0-0.12 m through significant increases in bulk density (1.15 to 1.27 Mg m-3) and cone (tip angle of 60 º) penetrometer resistance (7.18 to 9.37 MPa in summer from ZT to CT, respectively). This caused a reduction in maize root abundance of 40-80 % in CT compared to ZT plots below the induced pans. Two of the studied soils had hard-structured Bt horizons (clay pans), but in only one of them (silty clay loam Abruptic Argiudoll, Villa Lía site) the expected penetrometer resistance increases (up to 9 MPa) were observed with depth. In the other clay pan soil (silty clay loam Vertic Argiudoll, Pérez Millán site), penetrometer resistance did not increase with depth but reached 14.5 MPa at 0.075 and 0.2 m depth in CT and ZT plots, respectively. However, maize root abundance was stratified in the first 0.2 m at the Villa Lía and Pérez Millán sites. There, the hard Bt horizons did not represent an absolute but a relative mechanical impedance to maize roots, by the observed root clumping through desiccation cracks.
O plantio direto de qualidade depende de um manejo adequado do solo que promova melhorias em sua estrutura. Isso está associado ao sistema de culturas adotado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a contribuição de sistemas de culturas de longo prazo (18 anos) na qualidade estrutural de um Latossolo Vermelho mesoférrico argiloso sob plantio direto nos Campos Gerais do Paraná. Foram avaliados cinco sistemas de culturas: trigo-soja [Tr-So]; aveia-milho-trigo-soja [Av-Mi-Tr-So]; ervilhaca-milho-trigo-soja [Er-Mi-Tr-So]; azevém-milho-azevém-soja [Az-Mi-Az-So]; e alfafa-milho [Alf-Mi]. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm, em anéis volumétricos e em blocos com estrutura preservada. Na camada de 0-5 cm, as menores densidades de solo tenderam a ocorrer nos sistemas Av-Mi-Tr-So (0,96 Mg m-3) e Er-Mi-Tr-So (0,93 Mg m-3). Nas camadas de 5-10 e 10-20 cm, as menores densidades de solo ocorreram no sistema Alf-Mi (1,14 e 1,17 Mg m-3, respectivamente). Tendência coerente foi observada para a macroporosidade, que na camada superficial foi maior nos sistemas Av-Mi-Tr-So (0,29 m³ m-3) e Er-Mi-Tr-So (0,30 m³ m-3) e, nas camadas de 5-10 e 10-20 cm, tendeu a ser maior no sistema Alf-Mi (0,19 m³ m-3). A microporosidade não apresentou tendência clara entre os sistemas. A condutividade hidráulica saturada teve relação direta com a macroporosidade, com Er-Mi-Tr-So apresentando o maior valor na camada de 0-5 cm (224 mm h-1) e Alf-Mi nas camadas de 5-10 (170 mm h-1) e 10-20 cm (147 mm h-1). O sistema Er-Mi-Tr-So apresentou o menor diâmetro médio ponderado úmido de agregados na camada de 0-5 cm (2,39 mm), e o Tr-So, o maior (3,04 mm). Os maiores valores de resistência mecânica do solo à penetração foram observados no sistema Tr-So, superando 1,5 MPa na camada de 7,5 a 22,5 cm de profundidade. O sistema Alf-Mi apresentou o menor grau de compactação (0,2 MPa cm). Os resultados são atribuídos, principalmente, à ação das raízes das espécies que constituem os sistemas de culturas e à intensidade de tráfego de máquinas em cada sistema. Considerando a camada de 0-20 cm como um todo, o sistema semiperene Alf-Mi possui maior capacidade de promover melhorias na qualidade estrutural do solo, em comparação aos sistemas baseados em cultivos de espécies anuais. Sistemas bianuais de rotação, baseados em plantas de cobertura como aveia-preta ou ervilhaca, promovem melhorias na qualidade estrutural do solo em relação à sucessão trigo-soja.
Analyzing the soil near crop roots may reveal limitations to growth and yield even in a no-tillage system. The purpose of the present study was to relate the chemical and physical properties of soil under a no-tillage system to soybean root growth and plant yield after five years of use of different types of limestone and forms of application. A clayey Oxisol received application of dolomitic and calcitic limestones and their 1:1 combination in two forms: surface application, maintained on the soil surface; and incorporated, applied on the surface and incorporated mechanically. Soil physical properties (resistance to mechanical penetration, soil bulk density and soil aggregation), soil chemical properties (pH, exchangeable cations, H+Al, and cation exchange capacity) and plant parameters (root growth system, soybean grain yield, and oat dry matter production) were evaluated five years after setting up the experiment. Incorporation of lime neutralized exchangeable Al up to a depth of 20 cm without affecting the soil physical properties. The soybean root system reached depths of 40 cm or more with incorporated limestone, increasing grain yield an average of 31 % in relation to surface application, which limited the effect of lime up to a depth of 5 cm and root growth up to 20 cm. It was concluded that incorporation of limestone at the beginning of a no-tillage system ensures a favorable environment for root growth and soybean yield, while this intervention does not show long-term effects on soil physical properties under no-tillage. This suggests that there is resilience in the physical properties evaluated.
ABSTRACT Soil tillage that maintains the productivity of sugarcane plantations, providing an area for the root development and without traffic on crop rows, has given rise to new technologies in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the soil physical properties in two sugarcane plantations, one of which was prepared with deep tilling and the other with conventional tillage. The experiment was conducted in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo State. Soil penetration resistance and relative density were analyzed. The cone index was lower in deep-tilled soil without traffic in all layers, than in deep-tilled soil with traffic and in conventional tillage. In both tillage treatments, the relative density values were acceptable in the 0.00-0.15 m soil layer, but considered detrimental for sugarcane development in the 0.15-0.30 and 0.30-0.45 m layers.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever e testar um minipenetrômetro dinâmico para a determinação da resistência do solo à penetração, em amostras indeformadas. Foram construídas quatro peças de diferentes massas, para a mensuração da resistência à penetração em solos com conteúdos variáveis de água. Para o teste, foram utilizadas amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho, sob sistemas de plantio convencional e direto. Avaliaram-se o índice de cone, a densidade do solo e os conteúdos gravimétrico e volumétrico de água do solo. O equipamento avaliado é confiável, preciso, de baixo custo e tem potencial para promover mais estudos sobre intervalo hídrico ótimo do solo.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate two greenhouse screening methods for sudden death syndrome (SDS) and to determine which one is best correlated with field resistance of soybean genotypes. The evaluations were done with three sets of genotypes that were classified as partially resistant, intermediate, and susceptible to SDS based on previous field evaluations. These three sets were independently evaluated for greenhouse SDS reactions using cone and tray inoculation methods. Plants were infected using grains of white sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] infested with Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines. Foliar symptom severity was rated 21 days after emergence. The cone and field SDS ratings were significantly correlated and ranged from 0.69 for set 1 to 0.51 for set 3. Correlations of SDS ratings of genotypes between field and greenhouse tray ratings were significant for set 1 and not significant for set 2. The cone method showed the highest correlation with field results and is recommended to screen soybean genotypes for SDS resistance.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the correlation between sugarcane yield and some physical and chemical attributes of soil. For this, a 42‑ha test area in Araras, SP, Brazil, was used. Soil properties were determined from samples collected at the beginning of the 2003/2004 harvest season, using a regular 100x100 m grid. Yield assessment was done with a yield monitor (Simprocana). Correlation analyses were performed between sugarcane yield and the following soil properties: pH, pH CaCl2, N, C, cone index, clay content, soil organic matter, P, K, Ca, Mg, H+AL, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Correlation coefficients were respectively ‑0.05, ‑0.29, 0.33, 0.41, ‑0.27, 0.22, 0.44, ‑0.24, trace, ‑0.06, 0.01, 0.32, 0.14, and 0.04. Correlations of chemical and physical attributes of soil with sugarcane yield are weak, and, per se, they are not able to explain sugarcane yield variation, which suggests that other variables, besides soil attributes, should be analysed.
The objective of this work was to generate drift curves from pesticide applications on coffee plants and to compare them with two European drift-prediction models. The used methodology is based on the ISO 22866 standard. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with ten replicates in a 2x20 split-plot arrangement. The evaluated factors were: two types of nozzles (hollow cone with and without air induction) and 20 parallel distances to the crop line outside of the target area, spaced at 2.5 m. Blotting papers were used as a target and placed in each of the evaluated distances. The spray solution was composed of water+rhodamine B fluorescent tracer at a concentration of 100 mg L-1, for detection by fluorimetry. A spray volume of 400 L ha-1 was applied using a hydropneumatic sprayer. The air-induction nozzle reduces the drift up to 20 m from the treated area. The application with the hollow cone nozzle results in 6.68% maximum drift in the nearest collector of the treated area. The German and Dutch models overestimate the drift at distances closest to the crop, although the Dutch model more closely approximates the drift curves generated by both spray nozzles.