70 resultados para (<10 µm)
FUNDAMENTO: Estudos recentes demonstram que a expressão de mediadores inflamatórios, como as citocinas, é um importante fator de desenvolvimento e progressão da insuficiência cardíaca (IC), principalmente na presença de disfunção ventricular esquerda. Essas alterações têm sido demonstradas tanto no plasma como no músculo cardíaco e, mais recentemente, no músculo esquelético de ratos e pacientes com IC. OBJETIVO: Investigar a produção e expressão do fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α) e interleucina-10 (IL-10) no músculo sóleo e extensor digital longo (EDL) em animais com disfunção ventricular pós-infarto do miocárdio (IM). MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se ratos Wistar machos que foram submetidos à ligadura da artéria coronária esquerda sem posterior reperfusão. Quatro semanas após esse procedimento, os animais foram submetidos à análise ecocardiográfica e divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais: falso operado (Sham) e IM. Mantiveram-se em observação por um período adicional de 8 semanas. RESULTADOS: O nível da citocina TNF-α aumentou 26,5% (p < 0,05), e sua expressão gênica, 3 vezes (p < 0,01). O nível de IL-10 apresentou diminuição de 38,2% (p < 0,05). Ambas as alterações ocorreram apenas no músculo sóleo, sem alterações no EDL. A diminuição (36,5%, p < 0,05) na razão IL-10/ TNF-α deveu-se tanto ao aumento dos níveis teciduais do TNF-α quanto à diminuição da IL-10 dos níveis teciduais. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados demonstraram alterações relevantes na razão IL-10/ TNF-α, o que pode ter um papel aditivo na avaliação da deterioração e progressão do quadro da disfunção ventricular esquerda pós-IM. Além disso, nosso estudo sugere que essas alterações parecem estar relacionadas ao tipo de fibra muscular.
Fundamento: Estima-se que a prevalência de hipertensão em crianças e adolescentes varie entre 1-13%. O excesso de peso e a obesidade central estão relacionados aos níveis pressóricos em adultos e podem ser importantes na patogênese precoce da HAS quando presentes na infância. Objetivos: Identificar a associação entre variáveis antropométricas e níveis pressóricos em escolares de 5.ª a 8.ª séries e avaliar qual medida obteve maior correlação com a medida dos níveis pressóricos. Métodos: Estudo transversal contemporâneo com amostra de base populacional probabilística por conglomerados em escolas públicas do ensino fundamental de Porto Alegre, de alunos matriculados entre a 5.ª e a 8.ª série. Foram coletados dados sobre fatores de risco familiares e antropometria. A análise estatística incluiu correlações e ajuste dos intervalos de confiança para conglomerados. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 12,57 (± 1,64) anos, dos quais 55,2% eram do sexo feminino. Encontraram-se 11,3% da amostra com níveis pressóricos alterados e 16,2% com valores limítrofes. Das variáveis antropométricas analisadas, a que demonstrou maior correlação com valores pressóricos aumentados foi o diâmetro do quadril (r = 0,462, p < 0,001) seguido de circunferência abdominal menor (r = 0,404, p < 0,001) e prega cutânea abdominal (r = 0,291, p < 0,001). Conclusão: Foi observada associação entre as circunferências da cintura e dobras cutâneas e níveis pressóricos aumentados nos escolares da amostra. Portanto, é de fundamental importância que a aferição da pressão arterial e as medidas de cintura e quadril sejam rotina nos serviços de saúde de forma precoce a fim de prevenir essa condição patológica.
The A. describes the life history of Flebotomus longispinus Mangabeira, 1942, the ova, the larvae of the first, second and fourth stages and the female. For lack of material the larval third stage and the puppae were not described.
Over the last few years, we examined the anti-allergic properties of interleukin (IL)-10 in different models of inflammation in the mouse, as well as against IgE-dependent activation of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC). We showed that IL-10, concurrently administered with ovalbumin, inhibited inflammatory cell accumulation in the airways and in the peritoneal cavity of sensitized mice, as well as the accompanying cytokine release. IL-10 also blocked antigen-induced cytokine generation by IgE-stimulated BMMC. Together, these results identify a novel biological property of IL-10, as a cytokine with potent anti-allergic activities.
This study examined the role and source of endogenous interleukin-10 (IL) secretion in visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The amounts of endogenous and Leishmania specific IL-10 and interferon-gamma (IFN) secreted by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from VL patients were compared. The correlation coefficient between endogenous IL-10 secretion and Leishmania specific IFN-gamma was -0.77, suggesting a major role for endogenous IL-10 secretion in VL. The effects of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell clones, isolated from a treated VL patient, on IL-10 secretion were assayed by mixing the clones with autologous, inactivated PBMC. The CD8+ clones mediated increased levels of IL-10 secretion in the presence of PBMC alone suggesting that CD8+ T cells may mediate endogenous IL-10 secretion.
A major goal in the treatment of acute ischemia of a vascular territory is to restore blood flow to normal values, i.e. to "reperfuse" the ischemic vascular bed. However, reperfusion of ischemic tissues is associated with local and systemic leukocyte activation and trafficking, endothelial barrier dysfunction in postcapillary venules, enhanced production of inflammatory mediators and great lethality. This phenomenon has been referred to as "reperfusion injury" and several studies demonstrated that injury is dependent on neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, ischemia and reperfusion injury is associated with the coordinated activation of a series of cytokines and adhesion molecules. Among the mediators of the inflammatory cascade released, TNF-alpha appears to play an essential role for the reperfusion-associated injury. On the other hand, the release of IL-10 modulates pro-inflammatory cytokine production and reperfusion-associated tissue injury. IL-1beta, PAF and bradykinin are mediators involved in ischemia and reperfusion injury by regulating the balance between TNF-alpha and IL-10 production. Strategies that enhance IL-10 and/or prevent TNF-alpha concentration may be useful as therapeutic adjuvants in the treatment of the tissue injury that follows ischemia and reperfusion.
Human pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide public health problem. In resistant individuals, control of the infection mainly requires development of a Th1 cell immune response with production of cytokines, of which interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)plays an important role. Several antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has been described for use in vaccine development or for diagnostic purposes, however little evaluation has been done in endemic area for TB. The proliferative and IFN-gamma human T cell immune responses, to four recombinant proteins (MBP-3, NarL, MT-10.3, 16 kDa) and PPD, of 38 Brazilian TB patients (6 untreated and 32 treated) and 67 controls (38 positive and 29 negative tuberculin skin test - TST) were compared. The highest reactivity mean rate was obtained with PPD followed by 16 kDa in TB patients. While most of the patients (87%) and controls (> 64%) respond to the PPD, 16kDa was more specifically recognized (> 21%) although less sensitive (54%). When TB patients were divided according to treatment status, opposite to PPD, higher average level of IFN-gamma was induced by 16kDa in untreated (505 pg/ml) compared to treated TB patients and TST+ (269.8 pg/ml x 221.6pg/ml, respectively), although the difference was not significant. These data show that in contrast with the other recombinant proteins, the stimulatory potency of 16kDa to induce proliferative and INF-gamma response was more effective and is more recognized by active TB untreated patients, eliciting in control individuals a more selective immune response than PPD.
Schistosoma mansoni infected C57Bl/6 inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)-deficient and non-deficient malnourished mice, both fed a balanced controlled diet were studied. Interleukins, IL-4 and IL-10 responses to soluble egg antigens (SEA) 90 days after infection, were determined. Our results suggest that in iNOS deficient, malnourished mice, 90 days after of infection, nitric oxide has a downregulating effect on IL-4 and IL-10 production. We are currently investigating the biological significance of these findings.
Asthmatics infected with Schistosoma mansoni have a less severe course of asthma and an inhibition of the Th2 inflammatory response that seems to be mediated by interleukin (IL-10). The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of some S. mansoni antigens to stimulate IL-10 production in vitro by cells of asthmatic infected individuals. Peripheral bloods mononuclear cells were stimulated with the S. mansoni recombinant antigens Sm22.6, Sm14, P24, and PIII antigen. IL-10 was measured in the supernatants of cultures. As the recombinant antigens were cloned in Escherichia coli, we blocked contaminant endotoxin with polymyxin B added to the cultures. We demonstrated that all antigens used drove high production of IL-10 in S. mansoni infected individuals (n = 13, 408 ± 514 and 401 ± 383 pg/ml, 484 ± 245 pg/ml, 579 ± 468 pg/ml, respectively). In asthmatics infected with S. mansoni (n = 21) rP24 induced higher levels of IL-10 (565 ± 377 pg/ml) when compared to PIII, rSm14 and rSm22.6 (184 ± 209 pg/ml; 292 ± 243 pg/ml; 156 ± 247 pg/ml, respectively). Conclusion: the S. mansoni antigens evaluated in this study stimulated IL-10 production by cells from infected individuals and therefore they have the potential to be used as a modulator of the inflammatory response in asthma.
The need to develop a vaccine against schistosomiasis led several researches and our group to investigate proteins from Schistosoma mansoni as vaccine candidates. Sm22.6 is a protein from S. mansoni that shows high identity with Sj22.6 and Sh22.6 (79 and 91%, respectively). These proteins are associated with high levels of IgE and protection to reinfection. Previously, we have shown that Sm22.6 induced a partial protection of 34.5% when used together with Freund's adjuvant and produced a Th0 type of immune response with interferon-g and interleukin-4. In this work, mice were immunized with Sm22.6 alone or with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant and high levels of IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a were measured. Unfortunately, no protection was detected. Since IL-10 is a modulating cytokine in schistosomiasis, we also observed a high level of this molecule in splenocytes of vaccinated mice. In conclusion, we did not observe the adjuvant effect of aluminum hydroxide associated with rSm22.6 in protective immunity.