580 resultados para Síndrome de compartimento abdominal


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A mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva (MHP) é uma afecção rara e fatal, em que ocorre necrose aguda isquêmica e progressiva do parênquima da medula espinhal, levando à liquefação da mesma. Pode ocorrer após extrusão do disco intervertebral, trauma medular ou embolismo fibrocartilaginoso. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar casos de mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva em cães atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina entre os anos 2000 e 2011, realizando-se a análise dos prontuários de atendimento e acompanhamento dos casos. Os animais do presente estudo atendiam a alguns critérios de inclusão, como histórico de paraplegia com sinais de neurônio motor superior, piora dos sinais progredindo para tetraplegia flácida, alterações clínicas progressivas e/ou alterações nos exames complementares. Foram analisados os aspectos epidemiológicos (raça, idade e sexo), clínicos (evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos), laboratoriais (análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano), radiográficos (radiografias simples e contrastadas) e o tempo decorrido desde o início dos sinais clínicos até óbito ou eutanásia. A raça Teckel foi a mais acometida (43%), a média de idade foi de 5,04 anos e no atendimento inicial a síndrome toracolombar grau V foi a alteração mais encontrada, além de hiperpatia e progressão cranial da diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco. Em sete cães a causa da MHP foi a doença do disco intervertebral toracolombar, em um cão a causa foi o trauma medular, em dois cães a MHP foi decorrente de linfoma e em quatro cães a causa provável foi doença de disco intervertebral. Alterações na análise do líquido cerebroespinhal, na mielografia e na evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos foram extremamente importantes para diagnosticar a MHP. Seis animais progrediram para tetraplegia e quatro cães já apresentavam tetraplegia flácida no atendimento inicial. Em outros quatro pacientes, a identificação de sinais sugestivos de MHP antes desta progressão levou à indicação de eutanásia. Como o prognóstico é ruim e ocasiona sofrimento ao animal, o clínico deve estar atento ao histórico de paraplegia com posterior mudança da síndrome de neurônio motor superior para neurônio motor inferior, diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco cranialmente e presença de respiração abdominal, sendo que algumas alterações em exames complementares encontradas neste trabalho também podem auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce da MHP, como o líquido cerebroespinhal xantocrômico com aumento de proteínas, hemácias e pleocitose. Na mielografia o edema medular e a presença de contraste no interior do tecido nervoso, frente às alterações clínicas e liquóricas, são sugestivas de MHP.


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The aim of the present study was the ultrasound characterization of the abdominal and pelvic regions of five maned wolves kept in captivity at the Triage Center of Wild Animals of the Federal University of Viçosa (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, Universidade Federal de Viçosa). This characterization included descriptions of ultrasonographic aspects and measurements of various structures using B-mode ultrasound. Biometric data were collected to assess the existence of significant linear correlations between these measurements and the measurements obtained by ultrasound. Additionally, hematological and serum biochemistry evaluations of the animals were performed. The ultrasound findings were similar to those available in the literature on domestic dogs, which were used for comparison as a result of the lack of published data regarding maned wolves. The latter species showed characteristics closely resembling those of the former, differing in the spleen and left renal cortex echogenicities, in the appearance of the prostatic and testicular regions and in the hepatic portal vein morphology. In the current study, the biometric values were similar to those previously published; however, no data regarding thoracic perimeter, modified crown-rump length or thoracic depth were found in the literature for this Canidae species. Statistical analysis showed the existence of a strong negative correlation between the modified crown-rump length and left renal length, between the modified crown-rump length and the right renal volume, between the thoracic perimeter and the height at the cranial pole of the left adrenal gland and between the thoracic perimeter and the height at the caudal pole of the left adrenal gland. Laboratory findings, including segmented neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte and lymphocyte counts and the serum levels of glucose, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, urea, total protein, globulin, creatine phosphokinase, triglyceride, sodium, phosphate, potassium and chloride, were inconsistent with values found by other authors. The ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging method that must be further explored in the medicine of wild animals; therefore, additional research in this area is required.


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A jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) é uma das espécies de felino silvestre que pouco foi investigada quanto a sua morfologia. Assim, o estudo objetivou detalhar a origem e distribuição dos ramos colaterais da aorta abdominal deste animal. Avaliou-se dois exemplares, sendo um macho e uma fêmea, jovens, provenientes de Paragominas-PA, doados ao Laboratório de Pesquisa Morfológica Animal (LaPMA) da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA). O sistema arterial foi preenchido com látex pigmentado de vermelho e os cadáveres foram preservados com solução de formaldeído tamponado a 10%. A aorta abdominal do L. pardalis teve origem entre T12 e L1, sendo a artéria celíaca o primeiro ramo visceral no sentido crânio-caudal, resultando nas artérias hepática, gástrica esquerda e esplênica. A artéria mesentérica cranial surgiu como segundo ramo da aorta abdominal, originando as artérias jejunais. Na sequência localizamos artéria pancreáticoduodenal caudal, artérias ileais, artérias ileocólicas, artérias renais direita e esquerda, artérias adrenais direita e esquerda e artérias ováricas ou testiculares direita e esquerda. Parietalmente, a aorta abdominal originou em média seis ramos lombares, bem como a artéria frenicoabdominal, as artérias circunflexas ilíacas profundas e artérias ilíacas externa e interna. A aorta abdominal gerou ainda a artéria mesentérica caudal, a qual dividiu-se em artérias cólica esquerda e retal cranial. A artéria cólica esquerda seguiu cranialmente paralela ao cólon descendente irrigando-o, originando em média 18 ramos, e anastomosando-se com a artéria cólica média. A artéria retal cranial seguiu em direção caudal distribuindo oito ramos à porção final do cólon descendente e ao reto, e uniu-se com a artéria retal média. Por fim, a aorta abdominal emitiu como ramo terminal a artéria sacral mediana. A vascularização arterial abdominal desta espécie é bastante semelhante ao descrito em felinos domésticos e demais mamíferos, com diferenças quanto ao número de artérias jejunais e origem das artérias renais.


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Abstract: Annually hundreds of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) are referred to rehabilitation centers and zoos in Brazil. The ultrasonographic study of wildlife species is an important tool for a non-invasive and accurate anatomical description and provides important information for wildlife veterinary care. The aim of the present study was to determine the characteristics of the main abdominal organs as well as the vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta and renal arteries of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) using mode B ultrasonography and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Ultrasonographic features of the main abdominal organs were described and slight differences were noticed between ultrasound imaging of abdominal organs of crab-eating foxes and other species. The bladder presented wall thickness of 12±0.01mm, with three defined layers. Both, the right and left kidneys presented corticomedullary ratio of 1:1 and similarly to the adrenals and the liver, they were homogeneous and hypoechoic compared to the spleen. The spleen was homogeneous and hyperechoic compared to the kidneys. The stomach presented 3 to 5 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 39±0.05mm and lumen and mucosa with hyperechoic and hypoechoic features, respectively. Small and large intestines presented 2 to 3 peristaltic movements per minute, wall thickness of 34±0.03mm and three defined layers with hyperechogenic (submucosa and serosa) and hypoechogenic (muscular) features. Ovaries of the female crab-eating fox were hypoechoic compared to the spleen and with heterogeneous parenchyma due to the presence of 2x2mm ovarian follicles. Prostates of the six males were regular and with a well defined boundary, with a homogeneous and hyperechoic parenchyma compared to the spleen. Vascular indexes of the abdominal aorta (PSV: 25.60±0.32cm/s; EDV: 6.96±1.68cm/s; PI: 1.15±0.07 e RI: 0.73±0.07) and right (PSV: 23.08±3.34cm/s; EDV: 9.33±2.36cm/s; PI: 1.01±0.65 e RI: 0.65±0.16) and left renal arteries (PSV: 23.74±3.94cm/s; EDV: 9.07±3.02cm/s; PI: 1.04±0.31 e RI: 0.64±0.10) were determined. Thus, conventional and Doppler ultrasonographic imaging provides basic information that can be used as reference for the species as well for other wild canids and it is a precise and non-invasive method that can be safely used to evaluate and diagnose abdominal injuries in these patients.


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RESUMO: A ultrassonografia é um método de imagem não invasivo e uma ferramenta importante para o diagnóstico de uma variedade de enfermidades de animais. Neste trabalho foi realizada a técnica de ultrassonografia transabdominal em cinco tamanduás-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), dois machos e três fêmeas, pertencentes ao Zoológico da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso e acompanhada a necrópsia de um animal morto de causas naturais. Os animais do zoológico foram anestesiados com Tiletamina e Zolazepam (Zoletil®) e mantidos em plano anestésico com Isofluorano. Foram realizadas varreduras com transdutor linear (LA332) multifrequencial de 3,0 a 11 MHz do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, baço, rins, bexiga e testículos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que existem semelhanças entre a arquitetura esplênica, a textura e ecogenicidade hepática, a posição e a aparência ultrassonográfica da vesícula biliar quando comparado com a dos caninos. Existem diferenças como localização renal, localização dos testículos, espessura da parede do estômago e presença de liquido livre anecóico entre o estômago, baço e rim esquerdo em todos os animais estudados.


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Realizou-se o levantamento da comunidade arbórea de uma floresta semidecídua alto-montana situada na chapada das Perdizes, Carrancas, sul de Minas Gerais (21º36'S e 44º37'W), com o propósito de avaliar as correlações entre variações estruturais e variáveis ambientais relacionadas ao substrato e ao efeito borda. Foram analisados aspectos da estrutura fisionômica (densidade, área basal, e distribuição de tamanhos das árvores) e comunitária (composição, distribuição e diversidade de espécies). Foram alocadas 30 parcelas de 20 × 20 m para amostragem dos indivíduos arbóreos com diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) > 5 cm, onde também foram coletados dados topográficos e amostras de solo superficial para análises químicas e texturais. Foram registrados 2.565 indivíduos, 217 espécies, 116 gêneros e 55 famílias, em três subgrupos de solos: Neossolos Litólicos, Cambissolos Húmicos e Neossolos Regolíticos. A comunidade arbórea estudada corresponde ao perfil florístico e fisionômico das florestas alto-montanas do sudeste brasileiro, diferenciando-se daquelas de menores altitudes da mesma região. As variações da diversidade e composição de espécies e da estrutura fisionômica mostraram correlações com variações ambientais, compondo duas formações vegetais distintas: (a) uma comunidade arbórea menos diversa e de maior porte em áreas bem drenadas de Cambissolos Húmicos e Neossolos Regolíticos, formando o interior da floresta; e (b) uma comunidade arbórea mais diversa e de menor estatura em sítios fortemente drenados e declivosos da borda da floresta, os quais correspondem aos Neossolos Litólicos. Presume-se que a maior heterogeneidade ambiental das bordas seja responsável por sua maior diversidade de espécies.


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Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite was infiltrated into the subepidermal abdominal region of guinea pigs in order to assess the possibility of using this material to correct deficiencies in orbital volume. Microgranular hydroxyapatite (2.0 ml) was subepidermally infiltrated into the abdominal region of 20 guinea pigs. The animals were divided into four experimental groups of 5 animals each, which were killed 7 (G1), 15 (G2), 30 (G3) and 60 (G4) days after infiltration. The area and the largest and smallest diameters of the nodules formed by infiltration were evaluated at the site of infiltration and histological examination was performed. The mean granuloma area was similar in all groups. Histopathological examination showed that the material remained isolated from surrounding tissues by a pseudocapsule that became denser throughout the experiment. A host reaction started with young fibroblastic tissue that evolved to dense tissue until cartilaginous tissue was formed in G4, progressively advancing towards the center of the granuloma from G1 to G4. Non-absorbable microgranular hydroxyapatite is an inert material that was well tolerated by the animals studied, with maintenance of the infiltrated volume, and may perhaps be useful to fill anophthalmic cavities.


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We analyzed the effects of saline infusion for the maintenance of blood volume on pulmonary gas exchange in ischemia-reperfusion syndrome during temporary abdominal aortic occlusion in dogs. We studied 20 adult mongrel dogs weighing 12 to 23 kg divided into two groups: ischemia-reperfusion group (IRG, N = 10) and IRG submitted to saline infusion for the maintenance of mean pulmonary arterial wedge pressure between 10 and 20 mmHg (IRG-SS, N = 10). All animals were anesthetized and maintained on spontaneous ventilation. After obtaining baseline measurements, occlusion of the supraceliac aorta was performed by the inflation of a Fogarty catheter. After 60 min of ischemia, the balloon was deflated and the animals were observed for another 60 min of reperfusion. The measurements were made at 10 and 45 min of ischemia, and 5, 30, and 60 min of reperfusion. Pulmonary gas exchange was impaired in the IRG-SS group as demonstrated by the increase of the alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (21 ± 14 in IRG-SS vs 11 ± 8 in IRG after 60 min of reperfusion, P = 0.004 in IRG-SS in relation to baseline values) and the decrease of oxygen partial pressure in arterial blood (58 ± 15 in IRG-SS vs 76 ± 15 in IRG after 60 min of reperfusion, P = 0.001 in IRG-SS in relation to baseline values), which was correlated with the highest degree of pulmonary edema in morphometric analysis (0.16 ± 0.06 in IRG-SS vs 0.09 ± 0.04 in IRG, P = 0.03 between groups). There was also a smaller ventilatory compensation of metabolic acidosis after the reperfusion. We conclude that infusion of normal saline worsened the gas exchange induced by pulmonary reperfusion injury in this experimental model.


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Previous studies have shown that the vascular reactivity of the mouse aorta differs substantially from that of the rat aorta in response to several agonists such as angiotensin II, endothelin-1 and isoproterenol. However, no information is available about the agonists bradykinin (BK) and DesArg9BK (DBK). Our aim was to determine the potential expression of kinin B1 and B2 receptors in the abdominal mouse aorta isolated from C57BL/6 mice. Contraction and relaxation responses to BK and DBK were investigated using isometric recordings. The kinins were unable to induce relaxation but concentration-contraction response curves were obtained by applying increasing concentrations of the agonists BK and DBK. These effects were blocked by the antagonists Icatibant and R-715, respectively. The potency (pD2) calculated from the curves was 7.0 ± 0.1 for BK and 7.3 ± 0.2 for DBK. The efficacy was 51 ± 2% for BK and 30 ± 1% for DBK when compared to 1 µM norepinephrine. The concentration-dependent responses of BK and DBK were markedly inhibited by the arachidonic acid inhibitor indomethacin (1 µM), suggesting a mediation by the cyclooxygenase pathway. These contractile responses were not potentiated in the presence of the NOS inhibitor L-NAME (1 mM) or endothelium-denuded aorta, indicating that the NO pathway is not involved. We conclude that the mouse aorta constitutively contains B1 and B2 subtypes of kinin receptors and that stimulation with BK and DBK induces contractile effect mediated by endothelium-independent vasoconstrictor prostanoids.


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Disorders of the lipid metabolism may play a role in the genesis of abdominal aorta aneurysm. The present study examined the intravascular catabolism of chylomicrons, the lipoproteins that carry the dietary lipids absorbed by the intestine in the circulation in patients with abdominal aorta aneurysm. Thirteen male patients (72 ± 5 years) with abdominal aorta aneurysm with normal plasma lipid profile and 13 healthy male control subjects (73 ± 5 years) participated in the study. The method of chylomicron-like emulsions was used to evaluate this metabolism. The emulsion labeled with 14C-cholesteryl oleate and ³H-triolein was injected intravenously in both groups. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals over 60 min to determine the decay curves. The fractional clearance rate (FCR) of the radioactive labels was calculated by compartmental analysis. The FCR of the emulsion with ³H-triolein was smaller in the aortic aneurysm patients than in controls (0.025 ± 0.017 vs 0.039 ± 0.019 min-1; P < 0.05), but the FCR of14C-cholesteryl oleate of both groups did not differ. In conclusion, as indicated by the triglyceride FCR, chylomicron lipolysis is diminished in male patients with aortic aneurysm, whereas the remnant removal which is traced by the cholesteryl oleate FCR is not altered. The results suggest that defects in the chylomicron metabolism may represent a risk factor for development of abdominal aortic aneurysm.