626 resultados para Ferrovias - Araçatuba (SP)


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A new species of phlebotomine sand fly, Lutzomyia adamsi n. sp., is described and illustrated from specimens collected during August 1994, in Sandia, Department of Puno-Peru. According to the Oficina Nacional de Evaluacion de Recursos Naturales(ONERN 1976), this locality is situated in the life zone known as humid, mountain, low tropical forest (bh-MBT). Many areas in the northern part of Puno, mainly in the Inambari and Tambopata basins, are endemic to leishmaniasis. These areas are the continuation of others, largely known as "leishmaniasic" in the departments of Cusco and Madre de Dios. The morphological characteristics indicated that this species belongs to the genus Lutzomyia, subgenus Helcocyrtomyia Barretto, 1962


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The oocyst is described of Eimeria peltocephali n.sp. from faeces of the freshwater turtle Peltocephalus dumerilianus from Barcelos, State of Amazonas, Brazil. Sporulation is exogenous and fully developed oocysts are elongate, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, frequently curved to a banana-shape, 54.4 x19.1 (37.5 - 68.7 x 18.7-20.0 µm), shape-index 2.8 (1.8 -3.9). The oocyst wall is a single thin, colourless layer about 1 µm thick, with no micropyle. There is a bulky oocyst residuum, at first spherical to ellipsoidal, 19 x 16 (16. 2 -26.2 x 16 - 21.5µm) , but becoming dispersed on maturation. There are no polar bodies. The sporocysts, 19.1 x 6.8 ( 17.5 -21.2 x 6.2 -7.5 µm), shape- index 2.8 (2.3 -3.2), are usually disposed in pairs at each end of the oocyst, and bear an inconspicuous Stieda body in the form of a flat cap. The sporozoites are elongate and slightly curved around the residuum. No refractile bodies were seen. Eimeria molossi n.sp., is described from the molossid bat Molossus ater. Sporulation is exogenous and the mature oocysts are predominantly broadly ellipsoidal, 23.4 x 17.5 (18-30 x 15-22.5 µm), shape-index 1.3 (1-1.6). The oocyst wall is about 2 µm thick, and of three layers: an inner thin, colourless one and two outer layers which are thicker, yellowish-brown, prominently striated and in close apposition. There is no micropyle or oocyst residuum, but one and occasionally two polar bodies are usually present. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 10.2 x 7.5 (10-12.5 x 7.5 µm), shape-index 1.4 (1.3-1.7) with an inconspicuous Stieda body. Endogenous stages are described in the epithelial cells of the small intestine


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Amphimerus bragai n.sp. (Digenea, Opisthorchiidae) from the bile ducts of a rodent from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Nectomys squamipes (Cricetidae), is described. The new species was studied by both light and scanning electron microscopy. A table is presented comparing the measurements of the new species with those of A. lancea (Diesing, 1850) and A. vallecaucensis Thatcher, 1970, parasites of dolphins and marsupials, respectively. The new species is similar in size and body form to A. vallecaucensis from which it differs in having a vitellarium that extends to the acetabulum while that of the former species are limited to the posterior one-third of the body. Additionally, the new species is from a rodent.


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Thirty-five species of Lutzomyia and two species of Brumptomyia were identified among 795 phlebotomines taken in light-traps near the upper reaches of the middle Rio Negro. The subgenus Psychodopygus predominated in number of species (11) and relative abundance (74-81% in light trap samples from the forest and 99% on human bait). For many of the species these records help to fill large gaps on current maps of distribution, and for others (L. olmeca nociva, L. mangabeirana, L. triacantha) the findings represent a significant expansion of their known range. A new species in the subgenus Psychodopygus (L. douradoi) is described from both sexes, and L. bettinii is recorded for the first time in Brazil.


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Triatoma jurbergi n. sp. is described based on nine specimens of both sexes deposited in the Rodolfo Carcavallo Collection in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute Entomological Collection. The new species can be separated from the closely related Triatoma guazu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 by several characters. The most important are longer anteocular region; thin and pointed juga; the shape of the eyes without concavity in the posterior edge; much longer second rostral segment, passing the posterior edge of eye; the absence of a ventral longitudinal depression on the abdomen; the general color redish, brown and orange and the male genitalia, mainly in the vesica lightly chitinized and smaller, the phallosome with apical projection and the pointed apex of the endosome process.


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Eimeria minasensis n. sp. is described in the domestic goat Capra hircus from Brazil. Oocysts ellipsoidal are 35 x 24.5 (32-37.7 x 20.9-27.9) mm. Sporocysts elongate-ellipsoid are 15.2 x 9 (12.3-18.4 x 7.8-10.2) mm, with a Stieda body at the narrow end. Oocyst wall smooth and bilayered; outer layer about 1.2 (0.8-1.6) mm and colorless; inner layer about 0.5 (0.4-0.8) mm and dark-brown. Micropyle, a mound-shaped micropylar cap 1,6 x 8,9 (0,8-2 x7-10,2) easily dislodged; one or more oocyst polar granules present. Oocyst residuum absent. Sporocyst residuum present, composed of many scattered granules. Sporozoites elongate, lying lengthwise, "head to tail" in the sporocysts; one or two refractile globules are usually visible. Sporulation time was 120 hr at 27oC, prepatent period, 19 to 20 days and patent period 15 to 25 days. Gamonts, gametes and oocysts present in cecum and colon. Prevalence was 12.8% (6/47) in goats from Minas Gerais, Brazil.


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Coccidian oocysts containing 16 sporocysts with 4 sporozoites in each were observed in a faecal sample from Sclerurus scansor collected in the Itatiaia National Park, southeastern region of Brazil. The oocysts are characterized by ellipsoidal shape measuring 42.5 x 32.8 mm, with smooth, thick double-layered wall of a greenish-orange colour. An oocyst residuum of numerous scattered granules among the sporocysts in sporulated ones; 16 round sporocysts, averaging 10.5 x 10 mm each containing four elongated sporozoites; presence of residuum; absence of Stieda body. The presently described coccidian, recorded for the first time in birds, is a new species named P. scleruri.


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The nematode Binema bonaerensis n. sp. (Oxyurida: Thelastomatidae) is described from the intestine of the mole cricket of Neocurtilla claraziana Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. It is distinguished mainly by having a conical tail; three sclerotized arches in the buccal cavity; an excretory pore inmediately posterior to the base of the esophagus and the presence of five pairs of male genital papillae with one pair preanal and four pairs postanal.


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According to the descriptions of five closely related species of the genus Triatoma Laporte, 1832: T. phyllosoma (Burmeister, 1835), T. pallidipennis (Stal, 1872), T. picturata Usinger, 1939, T. longipennis Usinger, 1939 and T. mazzottii Usinger, 1941 and further published studies, these species could be included in a "specific complex" named as the species formerly described. All these species are typical from Mexico and another species was found in the same country, in the State of Puebla: Triatoma bassolsae sp. n. This species was morphologically compared with the other five of the "phyllosoma" complex, including the external male genitalia. The most important characters used to separate T. bassolsae from T. phyllosoma (which is the most similar to the other species) are the morphometric relationships on the head, with a longer anteocular region and a significant longer second rostral segment, a long and conspicuous pilosity in different areas of the body and specially on the head, and the characters of the anterolateral, lateral and discal tubercles of the pronotum, very long and sharp in the new species. The male genitalia has several differences between T. bassolsae and T. phyllosoma specially significant on the surface of the endosome process and on the branches of the phallosome support, separated at the apex in the new species. Types and paratypes are incorporated in the respective institutions in Mexico DF and Rio de Janeiro.


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A new echinostome cercaria, Cercaria kuwaitae XI sp.n., from the prosobranch gastropod Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin) from Kuwait Bay is described. The new cercaria is characterized by 23 collar spines and primary excretory tubules with distinct diverticula. The cercaria encysts in the snail host and is similar to those of Acanthoparyphium sp. The surface topography of the redia, cercaria and metacercarial cyst wall is studied by scanning electron microscopy. This is the first echinostome cercaria to be recorded in a gastropod from the Arabian Gulf region.


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A new sand fly species is described based on males collected in Bananal, municipality of Mariana and the female from Sabará city, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and the description of new species are presented. The name Lutzomyia (Pintomyia) bianchigalatiae is in honour of Dr Eunice Aparecida Bianchi Galati, friend and researcher at the Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.


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Cephalobellus lobulata n. sp. (Oxyurida: Thelastomatidae) a parasite of the mole cricket Neocurtilla claraziana Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) found in Argentina is described and illustrated. It is characterized by a short buccal cavity armed with three teeth, a striated cuticle with the first annule wide with four lobes and the second annule divided in twelve lobes. The male have three pairs of preanal papillae and two pairs of postanal papillae.


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Eimeria curvata is a new coccidian described in the doves Columbina talpacoti and Scardafella squammata from western of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The oocysts are ovoid to ellipsoid, 18.3 (17-19) µm x 15.5 (15-17) µm, with a shape index of 1.2 (1.1-1.3). The wall is colorless, smooth and double-layered. A polar granule is present, but there is no micropyle or oocyst residuum. The sporocysts are elongate, 12.3 (11.5-13) µm x 5.8 (5.5-6) µm with a curved anterior portion and a smooth, thin, single-layered wall. The Stieda body is protuberant and nipple-like; there is no substieda body. The sporozoites lie head-to-tail in the sporocyst and contain a large refractile body at the extremities. The sporocyst residuum contains small granules uniformly distributed in the middle of the sporocyst. The prevalence of E. curvata n. sp. was 17.4% and 12.8% in C. talpacoti and S. squammata, respectively.