520 resultados para artéria umbilical


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from a cell-mediated autoimmune attack against pancreatic ß-cells. Traditional treatments involve numerous daily insulin dosages/injections and rigorous glucose control. Many efforts toward the identification of ß-cell precursors have been made not only with the aim of understanding the physiology of islet regeneration, but also as an alternative way to produce ß-cells to be used in protocols of islet transplantation. In this review, we summarize the most recent studies related to precursor cells implicated in the regeneration process. These include embryonic stem cells, pancreas-derived multipotent precursors, pancreatic ductal cells, hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, hepatic oval cells, and mature ß-cells. There is controversial evidence of the potential of these cell sources to regenerate ß-cell mass in diabetic patients. However, clinical trials using embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord blood or adult bone marrow stem cells are under way. The results of various immunosuppressive regimens aiming at blocking autoimmunity against pancreatic ß-cells and promoting ß-cell preservation are also analyzed. Most of these regimens provide transient and partial effect on insulin requirements, but new regimens are beginning to be tested. Our own clinical trial combines a high dose immunosuppression with mobilized peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in early-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus.


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Plasma amino acid levels have never been studied in the placental intervillous space of preterm gestations. Our objective was to determine the possible relationship between plasma amino acids of maternal venous blood (M), of the placental intervillous space (PIVS) and of the umbilical vein (UV) of preterm newborn infants. Plasma amino acid levels were analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography in M from 14 parturients and in the PIVS and UV of their preterm newborn infants. Mean gestational age was 34 ± 2 weeks, weight = 1827 ± 510 g, and all newborns were considered adequate for gestational age. The mean Apgar score was 8 and 9 at the first and fifth minutes. Plasma amino acid values were significantly lower in M than in PIVS (166%), except for aminobutyric acid. On average, plasma amino acid levels were significantly higher in UV than in M (107%) and were closer to PIVS than to M values, except for cystine and aminobutyric acid (P < 0.05). Comparison of the mean plasma amino acid concentrations in the UV of preterm to those of term newborn infants previously studied by our group showed no significant difference, except for proline (P < 0.05), preterm > term. These data suggest that the mechanisms of active amino acid transport are centralized in the syncytiotrophoblast, with their passage to the fetus being an active bidirectional process with asymmetric efflux. PIVS could be a reserve amino acid space for the protection of the fetal compartment from inadequate maternal amino acid variations.


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Limited evidence is available regarding antiretroviral (ARV) safety for uninfected infants exposed to these drugs in utero. Our objective was to determine if ARV administered to pregnant women is associated with decreasing umbilical arterial pH and base excess in uninfected infants. A prospective study was conducted on 57 neonates divided into three groups: ZDV group, born to mothers taking zidovudine (N = 20), triple therapy (TT) group, born to mothers taking zidovudine + lamivudine + nelfinavir (N = 25), and control group (N = 12), born to uninfected mothers. Umbilical cord blood was used to determine umbilical artery gases. A test was performed to calculate the sample by comparing means by the unpaired one-tailed t-test, with a = 0.05 and ß = 20%, indicating the need for a sample of 18 newborn infants for the study groups to detect differences higher than 20%. The control and ARV groups were similar in gestational age, birth weight, and Apgar scores. Values of pH, pCO2, bicarbonate, and base excess in cord arterial blood obtained at delivery from the newborns exposed to TT were 7.23, 43.2 mmHg, 19.5 mEq/L, and -8.5 nmol/L, respectively, with no significant difference compared to the control and ZDV groups. We conclude that intrauterine exposure to ARV is not associated with a pathological decrease in umbilical arterial pH or base excess. While our data are reassuring, follow-up is still limited and needs to be continued into adulthood because of the possible potential for adverse effects of triple antiretroviral agents.


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Both epidural and general anesthesia can impair thermoregulatory mechanisms during surgery. However, there is lack of information about the effects of different methods of anesthesia on newborn temperature. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in newborn rectal temperature related to type of anesthesia. Sixty-three pregnant women were randomly assigned to receive general or epidural anesthesia. Maternal core temperature was measured three times with a rectal probe just before anesthesia, at the beginning of surgery and at delivery. In addition, umbilical vein blood was sampled for pH. The rectal temperatures of the babies were recorded immediately after delivery, and Apgar scores were determined 1, 5, and 10 min after birth. The duration of anesthesia and the volume of intravenous fluid given during the procedure (833 ± 144 vs 420 ± 215 mL) were significantly higher in the epidural group than in the general anesthesia group (P < 0.0001). Maternal rectal temperatures were not different in both groups at all measurements. In contrast, newborn rectal temperatures were lower in the epidural anesthesia group than in the general anesthesia group (37.4 ± 0.3 vs 37.6 ± 0.3°C; P < 0.05) immediately after birth. Furthermore, the umbilical vein pH value (7.31 ± 0.05 vs 7.33 ± 0.01; P < 0.05) and Apgar scores at the 1st-min measurement (8.0 ± 0.9 vs 8.5 ± 0.7; P < 0.05) were lower in the epidural anesthesia group than in the general anesthesia group. Since epidural anesthesia requires more iv fluid infusion and a longer time for cesarean section, it involves a risk of a mild temperature reduction for the baby which, however, did not reach the limits of hypothermia.


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Tissue engineering is a technique by which a live tissue can be re-constructed and one of its main goals is to associate cells with biomaterials. Electrospinning is a technique that facilitates the production of nanofibers and is commonly used to develop fibrous scaffolds to be used in tissue engineering. In the present study, a different approach for cell incorporation into fibrous scaffolds was tested. Mesenchymal stem cells were extracted from the wall of the umbilical cord and mononuclear cells from umbilical cord blood. Cells were re-suspended in a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution and subjected to electrospinning for 30 min under a voltage of 21 kV. Cell viability was assessed before and after the procedure by exclusion of dead cells using trypan blue staining. Fiber diameter was observed by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of cells within the scaffolds was analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. After electrospinning, the viability of mesenchymal stem cells was reduced from 88 to 19.6% and the viability of mononuclear cells from 99 to 8.38%. The loss of viability was possibly due to the high viscosity of the polymer solution, which reduced the access to nutrients associated with electric and mechanical stress during electrospinning. These results suggest that the incorporation of cells during fiber formation by electrospinning is a viable process that needs more investigation in order to find ways to protect cells from damage.


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Treatments for patients with hematologic malignancies not in remission are limited, but a few clinical studies have investigated the effects of salvaged unrelated cord blood transplantation (CBT). We retrospectively studied 19 patients with acute leukemia, 5 with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS with refractory anemia with excess blasts [RAEB]), and 2 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who received 1 CBT unit ≤2 loci human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mismatched after undergoing myeloablative conditioning regimens between July 2005 and July 2014. All of them were in non-remission before transplantation. The infused total nucleated cell (TNC) dose was 4.07 (range 2.76-6.02)×107/kg and that of CD34+ stem cells was 2.08 (range 0.99-8.65)×105/kg. All patients were engrafted with neutrophils that exceeded 0.5×109/L on median day +17 (range 14-37 days) and had platelet counts of >20×109/L on median day +35 (range 17-70 days). Sixteen patients (61.5%) experienced pre-engraftment syndrome (PES), and six (23.1%) patients progressed to acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The cumulative incidence rates of II-IV acute GVHD and chronic GVHD were 50% and 26.9%, respectively. After a median follow-up of 27 months (range 5-74), 14 patients survived and 3 relapsed. The estimated 2-year overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and non-relapse mortality (NRM) rates were 50.5%, 40.3%, and 35.2%, respectively. Salvaged CBT might be a promising modality for treating hematologic malignancies, even in patients with a high leukemia burden.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de quebra-nozes (SQN) é uma condição na qual há compressão da veia renal esquerda pela aorta e a artéria mesentérica superior, associada a uma sintomatologia característica, porém pouco específica. RELATO DO CASO: Trata-se de uma paciente de 37 anos, apresentando hematúria macroscópica intermitente sem etiologia estabelecida até então. Durante a investigação, uma angiotomografia evidenciou compressão da veia renal esquerda no seu trajeto entre a artéria mesentérica superior e aorta abdominal, associada a importante dilatação de veia ovariana esquerda. DISCUSSÃO: A síndrome desencadeada pela compressão da veia renal esquerda pela aorta e artéria mesentérica superior apresenta prevalência provavelmente aumentada no sexo feminino e postula-se que seja associada a situações particulares, como a nefroptose e a escassez de gordura retroperitoneal. Hematúria, sinal típico, teria como causa a ruptura do fino septo que separa as veias do sistema coletor urinário. Vários exames de imagem podem auxiliar no diagnóstico. O tipo de tratamento que deve ser adotado ainda é controverso, existindo diversas opções cirúrgicas, como o uso de stent intravascular e a conduta conservadora. De diagnóstico costumeiramente tardio, essa síndrome deve ser incluída na investigação de pacientes com quadro de hematúria a esclarecer.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Durante o envelhecimento, a pressão arterial sistólica (PS) e a pressão de pulso (PP) se elevam gradativamente, consequente à redução da elasticidade arterial. A medida da pressão arterial sistêmica (PAS) aferida na raiz da aorta tem sido considerada como um determinante independente da mortalidade cardiovascular superior aos valores PAS braquial. OBJETIVO: Comparar os valores da PAS central e PAS braquial em portadores de hipertensão arterial nas diversas faixas etárias. MÉTODO: Avaliamos a PAS central na raiz da aorta e a PAS braquial no braço esquerdo pelo método oscilométrico em 244 pacientes com hipertensão submetidos à cineangiocoronariografia. Foram constituídos cinco grupos de pacientes: Grupo I, 39-49 anos, n = 36; Grupo II, 50-59 anos, n = 67; Grupo III, 60-69 anos, n = 69; Grupo IV, 70-79 anos, n = 46; e o Grupo V, > 80 anos, n = 26. RESULTADOS: Ao comparar a PS central versus PS braquial, foi possível encontrar significância a partir dos 50 anos de vida. Não encontramos diferença estatística entre a pressão diastólica central versus diastólica braquial, exceto nos pacientes com idade entre 60-69 anos. Na comparação entre a PP central e PP braquial, observamos que a PP central foi significativamente maior (entre 11 a 15 mmHg) em todos os pacientes com idade superior a 50 anos. CONCLUSÃO: Com o envelhecimento, os valores das PS e de PP, aferidas diretamente na raiz da aorta, são superiores àqueles obtidos por método indireto na artéria braquial. Essas diferenças são significantes a partir dos 50 anos de idade.


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A hemorragia perirrenal espontânea apresenta-se mais comumente como dor súbita no flanco ipsilateral, sem história de trauma. A doença renal cística adquirida é um achado frequente em pacientes sob tratamento hemodialítico crônico. Entretanto, a hemorragia espontânea proveniente da ruptura dos cistos é uma entidade clínica rara. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 45 anos, portadora de hipertensão arterial sistêmica controlada há 8 anos, de insuficiência renal crônica por 15 anos e de nefrite lúpica há 2 anos, em tratamento hemodialítico três vezes por semana desde 2006, e que apresentava concomitantemente doença renal cística adquirida. Foi admitida no setor de emergência queixando-se de aparecimento súbito de dor em região toracoabdominal esquerda. Diagnosticou-se hematoma perirrenal por meio de ultrassonografia e tomografia computadorizada de abdômen. A paciente foi submetida à embolização da artéria renal esquerda, com boa evolução.


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Introdução: Doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) são as principais causas de mortalidade em pacientes portadores de falência renal crônica (FRC). Diversos fatores de risco estão envolvidos na patogênese e são classificados em tradicionais - que afetam a população em geral; e não tradicionais - que são peculiares aos pacientes renais crônicos. Hiperparatireoidismo secundário, um fator não tradicional e comum na FRC, causa aumento da taxa de reabsorção óssea e mobilização do cálcio e do fósforo. À medida que o produto cálcio x fósforo aumenta, a solubilidade desse par iônico pode ser excedida e ocorrer deposição de fosfato de cálcio nos tecidos cardiovasculares (denominada calcificação metastática). Objetivo: Verificar possível relação entre a espessura da artéria carótida primitiva e os níveis de PTH em pacientes com FRC. Métodos: Foram realizados exames ultrassonográficos com Doppler para medir a espessura da artéria carótida e avaliar possíveis correlações entre diferentes elevações nos níveis séricos do PTH, distúrbios minerais e fatores de risco tradicionais e as alterações encontradas na carótida de portadores de FRC dialítica e hiperparatireoidismo secundário. Resultados: Foi observada diferença no nível de colesterol e na idade dos pacientes que apresentavam sinais de calcificação arterial. Também foi detectada relação significativa entre os níveis de PTH e a espessura da parede da carótida (r = 0,31; p = 0,03). Conclusão: Dados desse estudo mostram a possível concomitância de fatores tradicionais e os relacionados com a FRC na gênese das DCVs na uremia.