582 resultados para política internacional


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O objetivo é analisar as perspectivas das administrações de George W. Bush e Barack Obama com relação à dissuasão, à redução de armas nucleares e às defesas antimísseis. Sustenta-se que ambas as administrações reafirmaram o papel fundamental das armas nucleares para a dissuasão, comprometeram-se com a redução de armas nucleares acompanhada de iniciativas para modernização e reconheceram a importância de defesas antimísseis na proteção dos EUA e de aliados. Tais perspectivas estão relacionadas à necessidade contínua de ampliar a flexibilidade para lidar com ameaças contemporâneas e à manutenção de opções diversificadas para o enfrentamento desses desafios.


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O objetivo deste artigo é o estudo das interações regionais e desafios internacionais sobre a Pan-Amazônia, uma região considerada estratégica para o Brasil. Sua importância se verifica em múltiplos campos, com destaque para o ambiental e para o econômico - aliás, duas perspectivas que, mesmo não sendo excludentes, revelam-se de difícil compatibilização, sobretudo quando o assunto converge para a exploração dos diversos recursos naturais existentes na Pan-Amazônia e para o exercício da soberania nacional sobre os seus territórios. Mas o escopo temático do artigo é ainda mais amplo, haja vista que um dos principais objetivos do estudo é tentar articular as questões ambientais e econômicas conexas à Pan-Amazônia com aspectos políticos relacionados à segurança regional e nacional em torno da hileia, partindo do pressuposto que estamos diante de um quadro complexo apreendido em sua dimensão regional. Por fim, realiza-se um exercício sobre prováveis cenários envolvendo a Pan-Amazônia, tanto na perspectiva regional como na internacional.


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O objetivo do presente artigo é examinar as Estratégias Nacionais de Defesa dos quatro países que formam o grupo dos BRICs (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, e China) com vistas a verificar como os quatro países avaliam o cenário estratégico do século 21, especialmente no tocante ao equilíbrio de forças entre as grandes potências, aos seus entornos geográficos imediatos e à relação com os EUA. As semelhanças e diferenças de avaliação e o como isso se reflete nas respectivas políticas de defesa serão abordadas. Dentre os quatro casos, o brasileiro será especialmente enfocado.


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Everyone knows that democracy played a role in the Bush Doctrine. What not everyone knows is that this role was essential for the doctrine to be put into operation under which the Iraq invasion was prepared and launched. We argue moreover that, even if aggressive, the Bush doctrine is compatible with the American Liberal Tradition. To demonstrate these arguments we analyze the links between democracy, security, and the US national interests as expressed in the pillars of the American foreign policy since the end of Cold War. The consequential belief of the Bush Administration on the positive effect of exporting democracy by the use of force to Afghanistan and Iraq to fight terrorism will be remarked. It will be shown, however, that in the first years of the Bush Administration, among the justifications for the military interventions in the two countries, security reasons prevailed over democratic concerns, although the latter was significantly present since the early hours after September 11. It was only when it became clear that WMDs did not exist in Iraq that the exporting of democracy as the ultimate weapon to fight terrorism grew remarkably and prevailed over security reasons to invade those rogue states. The paper uses quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the speeches of President Bush and his Secretaries of State and Defense.


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The article reconstructs the largely forgotten role of key Brazilian intellectuals in the Latins-versus-Anglo-Saxons debates that developed around 1898, emphasizing the embeddedness of their thinking in the transnational crossings of men and ideas within South America. It thus challenges the common depiction of late-nineteenth-century Latin Americanism as a purely Spanish American phenomenon and of the United States as its major catalyst, allowing a more nuanced understanding of this movement' s nature.


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O artigo analisa a cooperação que o Brasil vem desenvolvendo ao longo do Atlântico Sul, mostrando que o País vem desempenhando o papel de region-builder na construção de uma identidade sul-atlântica com posição de destaque para si. Tais esforços começam a ser contestados por outros atores de dentro e fora da região.


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Analisamos a metodologia de aferição de gastos em Defesa do Conselho de Defesa Sul-americano (CDS). Discutimos fundamentos, inovações, limitações e perfil de gastos. Na região, a folha de pagamento de pessoal e encargos previdenciários consumiram 60% do total dos gastos em Defesa entre 2006 e 2010, enquanto as pesquisas em tecnologia apenas 0,5%. Sobre esse diagnóstico, defendemos a modernização das FA e os Ministérios da Defesa da região, sobretudo uma racional e equalizada distribuição dos gastos por objeto, antes de aumentar as verbas para o setor.


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This paper reviews Brazil's pursuit for international insertion by: discussing its search for new partners; presenting an overview of the historical, cultural, and political features that render it the most Western of the emerging nations; and analyzing its participation in the management of two major international crises, the Honduran constitutional crisis and the Iranian nuclear crisis.


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Brazil's rapprochement with Africa during the last decade has been mostly explained as an attempt to improve political dialogue, raise economic interactions, and provide technical cooperation assistance. This article, however, argues that such framework does not sufficiently account for the use of Brazilian material resources in order to attain harder strategic goals towards the continent. By focusing on defense cooperation ties, it highlights an important niche in South-South relations that has also grown exponentially, with important consequences on how Brazil exerts power across the Atlantic.


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Recently, Japan has been increasing tensions with China regarding the Pinnacle Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. Due to the Chinese military development, Japan has been working on its political and military strengthening in Asia. This essay presents two possible scenarios for Japan.


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In 2004, Brazil submitted to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) a Submission for the outer limit of the Brazilian continental shelf for its extension beyond the limits of 200 nautical miles. In 2007, the CLCS presented its recommendations, however it did not recommend four areas proposed by Brazil, the Amazon Fan among them. The objective of this study is to present the main legal and technical aspects of the controversy about the Amazon Fan, in order to evaluate some alternatives for a future submission, new or revised.


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This study aims to understand how Chinese enterprises acted in Brazilian energy and telecommunication sectors in the past ten years and whether they would be leading to an increase in the asymmetries between Brazil and China. It argues that the asymmetries presented in the relations are due in large part to successful Chinese enterprises' strategies.


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This article advances the theoretical integration between securitization theory and the framing approach, resulting in a set of criteria hereby called security framing. It seeks to make a twofold contribution: to sharpen the study of the ideational elements that underlie the construction of threats, and to advance towards a greater assessment of the audience's preferences. The case study under examination is the 2011 military intervention of the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Bahrain. The security framing of this case will help illuminate the dynamics at play in one of the most important recent events in Gulf politics.


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Este artigo identifica e analisa os diferentes tipos de política revisionista, e suas gradações, desenvolvidos pelos governos progressistas da América do Sul em relação aos Estados Unidos nos últimos 13 anos. Para isso, tem como ponto de partida conceitos fundamentais para o melhor entendimento sobre o comportamento dos países da região em relação à grande potência: "revisionismo periférico", de Cesar Guimarães, e "confrontação autônoma" e "confrontação antagônica", ambos de Helio Jaguaribe. A partir dos desdobramentos desses conceitos foi desenvolvido um modelo teórico com diferentes tipos de revisionismos periféricos, o que permitiu uma espécie de sintonia fina de classificações das políticas externas do período.


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This article addresses the consequences of economic sanctions for the protection of human rights in Latin America. The literature on sanctions and compliance informs three hypotheses, which investigate the relationship between sanctions and the level of rights protection in two groups of countries: those that were targeted by sanctions and those that were not. Using data from the Political Terror Scale (PTS) and from Freedom House, I find empirical evidence that sanctions do improve the level of protection in countries that were not targeted. This finding can be explained by the deterrent effect attributed to sanctions by the compliance literature, broadly interpreted. The presence of economic sanctions in a given year increases the probability of observing better human rights practices by almost 50%. These results hold for the 12 Latin American countries that were not subject to economic sanctions for the period 1976-2004.