500 resultados para Citrus - Fungicides


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The objective of the present study was the isolation of a yeast strain, from citrus fruit peels, able to produce a polygalacturonase by submerged fermentation with maceration activity of raw cassava roots. Among 160 yeast strains isolated from citrus peels, one strain exhibited the strongest pectinolytic activity. This yeast was identified as Wickerhamomyces anomalus by 5.8S-ITS RFLP analysis and confirmed by amplification of the nucleotide sequence. The yeast produced a polygalacturonase (PG) in Erlenmeyer shake flasks containing YNB, glucose, and citrus pectin. PG synthesis occurred during exponential growth phase, reaching 51 UE.mL-1 after 8 hours of fermentation. A growth yield (Yx/s) of 0.43 gram of cell dry weight per gram of glucose consumed was obtained, and a maximal specific growth rate (µm) of 0.346 h-1 was calculated. The microorganism was unable to assimilate sucrose, galacturonic acid, polygalacturonic acid, or citrus pectin, but it required glucose as carbon and energy source and polygalacturonic acid or citrus pectin as inducers of enzyme synthesis. The crude enzymatic extract of Wickerhamomyces anomalus showed macerating activity of raw cassava. This property is very important in the production of dehydrated mashed cassava, a product of regional interest in the province of Misiones, Argentina.


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The application of natural antifungal substances is motivated by the need for alternatives to existing methods that are not always applicable, efficient, or that do not pose risk to consumers or the environment. Furthermore, studies on the behaviour of toxigenic species in the presence of natural fungicides have enabled their safe application in the food chain In this study, Spirulina LEB-18 phenolic extract was assessed for its antifungal activity on 12 toxigenic strains of Fusarium graminearum isolated from barley and wheat. The susceptible metabolic pathways were assessed through the determination of structural compounds (glucosamine and ergosterol) and enzyme activity of the microorganisms' primary metabolism. The results indicate that phenolic extracts reduced the growth rate of the toxigenic species investigated. The IC50 was obtained by applying 3 to 8% (p/p) of phenolic compounds in relation to the culture medium. The use of this natural fungicide proved promising for the inhibition of fungal multiplication, especially in terms of the inactivation of enzymatic systems (amylase and protease) of Fusarium graminearum.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos da secagem sobre o comportamento fisiológico das sementes de tangerina (Citrus reticulata Blanco var. Cleópatra) durante o armazenamento. Assim, sementes extraídas manualmente de frutos maduros foram lavadas em água corrente e o excesso de água drenado à sombra. Em seguida, uma amostra representativa de sementes foi removida a fim de constituir a porção com o maior grau de umidade, 48%, a ser estudado. As sementes remanescentes foram submetidas a secagem em equipamento com circulação forçada de ar a 28±2°C, visando à obtenção dos percentuais de 39, 31, 24, 14, 10 e 7 referentes aos demais graus de umidade. As sementes, embaladas em sacos de polietileno, foram armazenadas em câmaras com temperatura controlada de 10 e 20°C. No início do armazenamento, e a intervalos de quatro semanas até 48 semanas, as sementes foram submetidas às seguintes avaliações: umidade, germinação, emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência e comprimento de plântula. Concluiu-se que, considerando o intervalo de 39 a 7% de grau de umidade e a temperatura de 10ºC, o desempenho fisiológico de sementes de tangerina 'Cleopatra' durante o armazenamento, é favorecido pela desidratação até graus de umidade de, no mínimo, 24%.


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The effect of chemical and biological treatments on castor bean emergence, seedling vigor, dry matter production, and also the control of microorganisms associated with seeds of the AL Guarany 2002 and Lyra cultivars, was evaluated. The products tested were carbendazim + thiram, carboxin + thiram and a product based on Trichoderma. Total seed and seedling emergence were evaluated at 27 days after sowing whereas dry matter production was verified for plants removed 45 days after sowing. The Guarany 2002 AL cultivar had a higher incidence of microorganisms than the Lyra cultivar. The chemical treatment was 100% effective in controlling fungi but the biological treatment did not reduce microorganism incidence on the seeds. Chemical treatment resulted in plants with more dry matter and the best results were for carbendazim + thiram and carboxin + thiram at doses of 60 g + 140 g and 50 g + 50 g/100 kg of seeds, respectively. The carbendazim + thiram mixture was the only treatment which was statistically higher for total emergence whereas the biological treatment increased emergence only for the Lyra cultivar, thus demonstrating its lower efficiency. The importance of fungicides to control pathogens associated with seeds was discussed.


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The fungus Alternaria alternata was quantified in 75 wheat seed samples collected from three different regions of southern Brazil for Cropping and Use Value (CUV) I, II and III. Fungal presence was evaluated in two hundred disinfested seeds per sample before sowing in a potato-dextrose-agar medium + antibiotic (PDA+A). Fungus survival was evaluated every 45 days for 180 days for three seed batches from six wheat cultivars stored in propylene bags in a storehouse, with air temperature varying between 18 to 22 °C and relative air humidity around 60%. The efficacy of carboxin+thiram, difenoconazol, thiram, triadimenol, triticonazol and triticonazol + iprodione fungicides to control A. alternata was determined. A. alternata was detected in all the samples with an incidences of 39.6 %, 38.8% and 35.9% for the CUV I, CUV II and CUV III regions, respectively. The highest mean incidence of the fungus was found in the CUV I region, the coolest and most humid, and was significantly different from the other two regions. The average reduction in A. alternata viability in the wheat cultivar seeds was 49.5% during the 180 days of storage (inter-harvest period), demonstrating that infected seeds are the primary inoculum source for the fungus. The triticonazol + iprodione fungicide mixture efficiently controls A. alternata.