597 resultados para Lúcia Sigalho
The reproduction of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) in captivity in ordened to determine the intercourse period, births, number of neonates, proportion of males and females per litter were performed between 1989 and 1999. Fifty eight females were observed, 16 intercourses in captivity, 45 females arrived already fertilized from nature and 53 litters, resulting on the birth of 426 live neonates, 67 infertile egg masses, 18 stillborn neonates and 4 abnormal neonates. The intercourse period was from february to december and the births happened between february and may. From the two gestacional periods observed, the shortest one was 152 days and the longest 239. The average amount of live neonates per litter was 8,04. Among 323 neonates, 47,68% were males and 52,32% were females. During the first year of life, 75,71% of the females and 71,54% of the males died, and 2,31% of the females and 0,81% of the males reached the fifth year of life.
Using conventional staining with acetic orcein and C-banding techniques it was investigated constitutive heterochromatin chromosomal polymorphisms and the mitotic and the meiotic behavior of male and female chromosomes of Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887). Some differences were detected in the population of southern Brazil as compared to the data of other authors for populations in other latitudes. The differences being mainly concerned with the distribution of constitutive centromeric heterochromatin and variation in the length of heterochromatic blocks in the pericentromeric regions of some chromosome pairs.
In May 1987, a female of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824), from Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, was placed in the same vivarium with a male of Bothrops neuwiedi Wagler, 1824 coming from Guaíba, RS. There, they stayed for aproximately ten months. In March 1988, it was observed a delivery of five live and two still born, among them six presented morphologic characteristics of B. neuwiedi and one of B. jararaca. After the female died, in April 1988, through necropsy, two fetusus were found, one near the cloaca and, both identified as B. neuwiedi. The morphologic analysis and the origin of the progenitors suggest the hypothesis that the litter was resulted of cross-breeding.
Body color polymorphism of urban populations of cosmopolite fly Drosophila kikkawai Burla, 1954 was investigated in relation to its possible association with environmental temperature. Samples of D. kikkawai were collected in spring, summer, autumn and winter between 1987 to 1988, in zones with different levels of urbanization in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. A clear association was observed between darker flies and both seasons with low temperatures and areas of low urbanization (where temperature is generally lower than in urbanized areas). Results of preliminary laboratory experiments involving six generations of flies grown in chambers at temperatures of 17º and 25ºC confirmed this tendency to a relationship between body color and temperature, with allele frequency of the main gene involved in body pigmentation changing over time.
In order to investigate the population fluctuation of Diptera in a poultry house in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, six collection methods were utilized: 1 (0 to 7 day-old feces from chickens), 2 (7 to 14 day-old feces), 3 (14 to 21 day-old feces), 4 (0 to 21 day-old feces), 5 (accumulated feces) and 6 (tube trap). Analyses of polynomial regression were accomplished independent of the collection method. The survey was conducted from August 1998 to July 1999 in chicken houses at the Conjunto Agrotécnico Visconde da Graça. A total of 28,720 Diptera were collected, including the following species: Coproica sp. and Telomerina flavipes (Meigen, 1830) (15,640); Drosophila repleta Wollaston, 1858 (9,229); Dohrniphora cornuta (Bigot, 1857) (2,539); Ischiolepta scabricula (Haliday, 1833) (544); Lestodiplosis sp. (320); Muscina stabulans (Fallen, 1817) (159); Musca domestica L., 1758 (143); Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830 (95); Telmatoscopus albipunctatus Williston, 1893 (21); Rhegmoclema sp. (14); Fannia canicularis (L., 1761) (7); Stomoxys calcitrans (L., 1758) (2); and unidentified species of Psychodidae (6) and Muscidae (1). The greatest number of species occurred in October, November and December and the fewest in August, September and April. The greatest abundance of Diptera was recorded in October (9,092), while the lowest index of capture was noted in April (658). The population fluctuation was estimated for Coproica sp. and T. flavipes, D. repleta, D. cornuta, I. scabricula and Lestodiplosis sp.
To estimate the populational fluctuation of Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 species and the relation of populational abundance around, six wind oriented trap (WOT) were placed in three distinct ecological areas (urban, rural and wild) in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from February/1993 to January/1995. The flies were weekly collected. Captured species were Chrysomya albiceps Wiedmann, 1819, C. megacephala Fabricius, 1794 and C. putoria Wiedmann, 1830 with respective abundance of 64.5%, 19.7% and 0.9%, representing a total of 85.0% of 409,920 specimens of Calliphoridae. The three species demonstrated similarity in the populational fluctuation, except in the abundance. The populational peak ocurred in autum when the temperature decreases. In the months of July to November no fly was collected, recomposing the population in December, when the temperature surpassed 20ºC.
Com o objetivo de conhecer a flutuação populacional de coleópteros na granja de aves do Conjunto Agrotécnico Visconde da Graça, em Pelotas, RS, foram utilizados seis métodos de coleta: 1 (fezes de galinhas com 0 a 7 dias); 2 (7 a 14 dias); 3 (14 a 21 dias); 4 (0 a 21 dias); 5 (fezes acumuladas) e 6 (armadilhas de tubo). Análises de regressão polinomial foram realizadas independentemente dos métodos de coleta. O estudo foi realizado de agosto de 1998 a julho de 1999. Foram capturados 12.449 coleópteros representados pelas seguintes espécies Carcinops troglodytes (Paykull, 1811) (Histeridae) (6.444); Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer, 1797) (Tenebrionidae) (2.896); Somotrichus unifasciatus (Dejean, 1792) (Carabidae) (1.190); Gnathocerus cornutus (Fabricius, 1798) (Tenebrionidae) (947); Euxestus sp. (Cerylonidae) (394); Euspilotus rubriculus (Marseul, 1855) (Histeridae) (213); Ontholestes sp. (Staphylinidae) (190); Dactylosternum sp. (Hydrophilidae) (93); Mezium americanum (Laporte, 1840) (Ptinidae) (43); Palorus subdepressus (Wollaston, 1864) (Tenebrionidae) (27); Tenebroides mauritanicus (L., 1758) (Trogossitidae) (8); Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1801) (Scolytidae) (1); e espécimens não identificados de Dermestidae (3). O maior número de espécies ocorreu nos meses de março e julho e o menor, no mês de setembro. Em março foi registrada a maior abundância de coleópteros (2.159), enquanto que o menor índice de captura foi assinalado em outubro (633). A flutuação populacional foi estimada para C. troglodytes, A. diaperinus, S. unifasciatus, G. cornutus, Euxestus sp., E. rubriculus, Ontholestes sp. e Dactylosternum sp.
Diversas vespas parasitóides, especialmente Eulophidae e Chalcididae, têm sido registrados atuando sobre populações de Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, 1856 (larva-minadora-dos-citros), uma das principais pragas da citricultura mundial. O presente trabalho objetivou identificar o complexo de parasitóides de P. citrella em dois pomares de citros situados em Montenegro, RS, um de tangerineira variedade Montenegrina e outro do híbrido tangor Murcott. Em amostragens quinzenais de julho de 2001 a junho de 2003, todos os brotos de plantas sorteadas aleatoriamente eram inspecionados. Todas as folhas com pupas de P. citrella foram coletadas e acondicionadas individualmente em placas de Petri até a emergência dos parasitóides ou dos adultos de P. citrella. No primeiro ano foram obtidos 101 parasitóides, dos gêneros Elasmus Westwood, 1833, Cirrospilus Westwood, 1832, Sympiesis Förster, 1856 e Galeopsomyia fausta LaSalle, 1997 (Eulophidae). Ageniaspis citricola Logvinovskaya, 1983 (Encyrtidae) foi registrada somente na área de 'Murcott'. Esta espécie foi intencionalmente introduzida em pomares próximos para o controle do minador. No segundo ano foi amostrado um total de 609 parasitóides e A. citricola foi também registrada na área de 'Montenegrina'. Com a introdução e o estabelecimento da espécie exótica nos pomares, houve uma grande mudança na freqüência relativa das espécies. Ageniaspis citricola representou mais de 75% dos indivíduos presentes em ambos pomares no segundo ano, diminuindo a freqüência relativa das espécies nativas. Estudos sobre a comunidade de inimigos naturais associados ao minador-dos-citros, e o efetivo impacto que a espécie exótica causa sobre as nativas, são necessários antes de tomarem-se quaisquer medidas de controle.
Brachiacantha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1837, Hinda Mulsant, 1850, Cyra Mulsant, 1850 e Tiphysa Mulsant, 1850 foram estudados e é fornecida uma chave para os gêneros. Cleothera loricata Mulsant, 1850 é designada espécie-tipo de Cyra. O lectótipo de Brachiacantha sellata é designado. Três novas combinações são feitas: Cyra loricata (Mulsant, 1850), Cyra scapulata (Mulsant, 1853) e Cyra turbata (Mulsant, 1850). Estão incluídas diagnoses e ilustrações dos caracteres.
Drosophila paulistorum Dobzhansky & Pavan, 1949 had initially been considered absent in anthropogenically disturbed environments, but in 1985 the detection of the species in Porto Alegre city, southern Brazil, suggested its potential to colonize new habitats and laid the foundations for ecologic studies on this species' populations. This study followed the variations in D. paulistorum populations in this town almost 20 years after its first local record. Drosophilid specimens were collected in sites with different urbanization grades and the results point to the expressive decline in D. paulistorum populations in Porto Alegre. This decline may be linked to urban growth and to naturally driven population decline, as imputed to climatic changes like variations in maximum and minimum temperatures as a consequence of a global climate warming. Also, the recent introduction of exotic species Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970 seems to play a role in this scenario, changing the interactions between native species.
Drosophila willistoni (Sturtevant, 1916) is a species of the willistoni group of Drosophila having wide distribution from the South of USA (Florida) and Mexico to the North of Argentina. It has been subject of many evolutionary studies within the group, due to its considerable ability to successfully occupy a wide range of environments and also because of its great genetic variability expressed by different markers. The D. willistoni 17A2 strain was collected in 1991 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (30°05'S, 51°39'W), and has been maintained since then at the Drosophila laboratory of UFRGS. Different to the other D. willistoni strains maintained in the laboratory, the 17A2 strain spontaneously produced mutant males white-like (white eyes) and sepia-like (brown eyes) in stocks held at 17°C. In order to discover if this strain is potentially hypermutable, we submitted it to temperature stress tests. Eighteen isofemale strains were used in our tests and, after the first generation, all the individuals produced in each strain were maintained at 29°C. Different phenotype alterations were observed in subsequent generations, similar to mutations already well characterized in D. melanogaster (white, sepia, blistered and curly). In addition, an uncommon phenotype alteration with an apparent fusion of the antennae was observed, but only in the isofemale line nº 31. This last alteration has not been previously described as a mutation in the D. melanogaster species. Our results indicate that the D. willistoni 17A2 strain is a candidate for hypermutability, which presents considerable cryptic genetic variability. Different factors may be operating for the formation of this effect, such as the mobilization of transposable elements, effect of inbreeding and alteration of the heat-shock proteins functions.
Fish assemblages from two sandy beaches in the lower Purus river (Amazonas, Brazil) were compared. Four sampling groups were represented by: day and night samples in sandy beach inside the Reserva Biológica de Abufari (biological reserve) and day and night samples in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Piagaçu-Purus (sustainable development reserve). Samples were collected during low water levels (November) in 2007. The fish were sampled by means of seines with mesh size of 5 mm between opposing knots, 11 m long and 6 m wide. A total of 112 fish species belonging to nine orders and 27 families was captured. The vast majority of the dominant forms consisted of small fishes (< 100 mm SL) or juveniles. Samples collected in Abufari at night presented more specimens (3,540), higher richness (84 spp.), larger total biomass (76,614 g) and higher diversity (H'= 2.57) than the other groups. The composition of fish assemblages was significantly different among all analyzed groups (ANOSIM, p < 0.0001, R= 0.71). NMDS analysis also clustered all species in four distinct groups according to species composition per period and site. SIMPER analyses showed that 80% of variation of species composition among the groups examined was due to 12 species. However, fish composition did not show any correlation with the abiotic factors examined. Different levels of use in both reserves may explain differences in fish composition.
Apesar de machos e fêmeas de serpentes nascerem com o mesmo tamanho, as taxas de crescimento e a idade da maturação sexual podem ser diferentes, determinando dimorfismo sexual em estágios posteriores da vida. Avaliamos a ocorrência de variação morfométrica sexual e ontogenética em Bothropoides jararaca (Wied, 1824), explorando as relações entre tamanho corporal e amadurecimento sexual através de 14 variáveis morfométricas. Foram analisados 142 espécimes provenientes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil. Os dados morfométricos - comprimento da cabeça, rostro-cloacal, da cauda, comprimento total; largura da cabeça, ocular, nasal, loreal, da cauda; distância ocular-nasal, ocular-loreal, loreal-nasal, ventral-sinfisal e rostral-labial - e comprimento/diâmetro dos folículos ovarianos, foram tomados em milímetros, através de régua simples e paquímetro analógico de precisão 0,05 mm. A determinação sexual foi realizada por inspeção das gônadas. A classificação etária foi associada à maturidade sexual. Para as análises estatísticas foram utilizadas análises de variância (ANOVA) com teste de Tukey post hoc, regressão linear e análise discriminante canônica (ADC). A maioria das medidas indicou dimorfismo sexual (ANOVA, P<0,05) apenas em adultos (Tukey, P<0,05). As análises de regressão mostram que o comprimento rostro-cloacal explica o comportamento das demais variáveis (P<0,001) e que em todas as medidas as fêmeas crescem mais que os machos. A ADC foi exitosa em separar as classes sexuais e etárias, apresentando significado biológico, considerando 79,2% dos casos como corretamente classificados.
The Drosophila peruensis species group was recently proposed and includes four taxa: D. atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, D. boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, D. pauliceia Ratcov & Vilela, 2007, and D. peruensis Wheeler, 1959. All these species have most of setae or setulae of mesonotum arinsing from dark spots, wings with crossveins darker (except in D. atalaia) and hypandrium squared-shaped mostly fused to gonopods. Here, we describe two new species, Drosophila itacorubi sp. nov. and Drosophila paraitacorubi sp. nov., belonging to this species group. The male genitalia of these species are figured. An identification key to the D. peruensis species group is provided.
Populations of Synchaeta jollyae (Shiel & Koste, 1993) (Rotifera), a species recently recorded for the first time in Brazil and South America, were analyzed in reservoirs in Southeast Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly from August 2006 to July 2007 at Furnas Reservoir in the Rio Grande basin, state of Minas Gerais, and in four cascade reservoirs in the Tietê River basin (Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga and Nova Avanhandava) state of São Paulo, in June and September 2008 and in January and May 2009. Synchaeta jollyae occurred in most samples and periods. From the results obtained it is evident that S. jollyae occurs in water bodies of varied trophic status but reaches larger populations in eutrophic water bodies and during lower temperature periods. The greatest densities of S. jollyae were found in the eutrophic Bariri Reservoir, on the Tietê River, during the winter. Mann-Whitney test confirmed the significant difference between the population densities in periods of high and low temperatures, with populations reaching higher densities at lower temperatures. It is not yet possible to tell whether S. jollyae is a widely distributed species that has been overlooked in previous plankton studies in South America. Wherever these populations of S. jollyae might have originated, it appears to be a species well established and adapted to a wide range of conditions in the Neotropics.