474 resultados para Vulnerabilidade ao HIV
Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender o cuidado as pessoas com HIV/aids, na perspectiva de profissionais de saúde, em Portugal. Foi desenvolvido através do método da história oral, de Thompson, com a participação de 22 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados com base na perspectiva de coletânea de narrativas, propostas pelo autor com o apoio do programa QSR NVivo. Os aspectos éticos foram obedecidos ao longo do estudo. O cuidado foi agrupado em três dimensões: cognitiva, afetiva-relacional e técnico-instrumental. A dimensão cognitiva destacou-se no período da revelação do diagnóstico de HIV/aids e ao longo da evolução da doença. A dimensão afetivo-relacional foi transversal e valorizada em todo o processo, desde o diagnóstico até à morte das pessoas com HIV/aids. A dimensão técnico-instrumental foi mais expressiva na fase mais avançada da doença, em situação de dependência e de terminalidade. Diante do exposto, podemos concluir que estas três dimensões são fundamentais para o cuidado à pessoa com HIV/aids.
Survey-based study what purpose was to analyse respondents’ opinions about contacts with HIV/AIDS-affected people. It was performed using a paper-pencil method during visits of respondents at primary care centres and on-line through a link to the questionnaire distributed among patients of primary care physicians. The study involved 302 respondents, 80% of whom were women; the average age was 34.48 years. The majority of respondents did not know anyone with HIV/AIDS (89.6%). About 83.3% claimed that they would not decrease contacts with HIV/AIDS-affected people. According to 64.1% of respondents, children with HIV/AIDS should go to kindergarten/public or non-public school. We selected a group of respondents, who previously were not but now are inclined to limit such contacts. These respondents can be a potential target group for HIV/AIDS educational programmes. Most respondents think that there is insufficient information about the HIV/AIDS in the mass media.
Estudo teórico que teve como objetivo elaborar uma matriz conceitual para analisar a vulnerabilidade da criança diante de situações adversas para seu desenvolvimento. Propõe-se que vulnerabilidade da criança seja analisada por meio dos aspectos das dimensões individual, relativa a relações sustentadoras contínuas e proteção física e segurança; social , concernente à inserção social da família e ao acesso a direitos à proteção e promoção social, e programática , cenário político-programático, de diretrizes e implementação político-programáticas. A aplicação prática desta matriz permite a captação do processo saúde-doença para além da dimensão individual, possibilitando a articulação das políticas públicas e das ações dos profissionais, a fim de obter eficácia no atendimento às necessidades das crianças. O uso desse instrumento conceitual pode propiciar às equipes de saúde a apreensão, de forma específica, das situações adversas ao desenvolvimento infantil, bem como subsidiar a construção de planos de intervenção a partir das dimensões analíticas da vulnerabilidade.
Objetivou-se descrever processo de desenvolvimento da cartilha virtual sobre autoexame ocular para pessoas com HIV/aids. A proposta metodológica seguiu as cinco etapas preconizadas por Falkembach: análise e planejamento, modelagem, implementação, avaliação e distribuição. A adequação da versão impressa para virtual requereu a construção de um vídeo tutorial, agregação de fotos ilustrativas para visualização de possíveis alterações oculares e ferramenta de interatividade com demonstração do resultado do exame ao usuário. Na avaliação inicial do material, foram diagnosticadas falhas no layout. Assim, comandos foram recolocados, unificados, dispostos em local de fácil visualização e foi feita a adequação da linguagem. Considera-se possível promover aproximação do usuário com métodos de prevenção na área da saúde ocular por meio de cartilha virtual, contribuindo para desenvolvimento de habilidades e divulgação do autoexame.
Objective To analyse the provision of health care actions and services for people living with AIDS and receiving specialised care in Ribeirão Preto, SP. Method A descriptive, exploratory, survey-type study that consisted of interviews with structured questionnaires and data analysis using descriptive statistics. Results The provision of health care actions and services is perceived as fair. For the 301 subjects, routine care provided by the reference team, laboratory tests and the availability of antiretroviral drugs, vaccines and condoms obtained satisfactory evaluations. The provision of tests for the prevention and diagnosis of comorbidities was assessed as fair, whereas the provisions of specialised care by other professionals, psychosocial support groups and medicines for the prevention of antiretroviral side effects were assessed as unsatisfactory. Conclusion Shortcomings were observed in follow-up and care management along with a predominantly biological, doctor-centred focus in which clinical control and access to antiretroviral therapy comprise the essential focus of the care provided.
Objective Analyzing the geographical distribution of the tuberculosis (TB), its incidence and prevalence and TB-HIV coinfection in the districts of Porto Alegre from 2007 to 2011. Method An ecological, descriptive study of time series that used descriptive and geoprocessing techniques. Results In total, were recorded 3,369 incident cases and 3,998 prevalent cases of pulmonary TB. In both contexts, there was predominance of cases in males and in Caucasians. Seventeen districts showed prevalence rates above 79.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants, considering that 15 of them had incidence rates above 73.7 cases/100,000 inhabitants. The TB-HIV coinfection rates reached 67% in some districts, which is above the city average value (30%). Conclusion The distribution analysis showed that the reformulation and restructuring of policies and health services in Porto Alegre are essential.
This study aimed to identify programmatic vulnerability to STDs/HIV/AIDS in primary health centers (PHCs). This is a descrip - tive and quantitative study carried out in the city of São Paulo. An online survey was applied (FormSUS platform), involving administrators from 442 PHCs in the city, with responses received from 328 of them (74.2%), of which 53.6% were nurses. At - tention was raised in relation to program - matic vulnerability in the PHCs regarding certain items of infrastructure, prevention, treatment, prenatal care and integration among services on STDs/HIV/AIDS care. It was concluded that in order to reach comprehensiveness of actions for HIV/ AIDS in primary health care, it is necessary to consider programmatic vulnerability, in addition to more investment and reor - ganization of services in a dialogue with the stakeholders (users, multidisciplinary teams, and managers, among others).
Objective To construct and validate markers of vulnerability of women to STDs/HIV, taking into consideration the importance of STDs/HIV. Method Methodological study carried out in three stages: 1) systematic review and identification of elements of vulnerability in the scientific production; 2) selection of elements of vulnerability, and development of markers; 3) establishment of the expert group and validation of the markers (content validity). Results Five markers were validated: no openness in the relationship to discuss aspects related to prevention of STDs/HIV; no perception of vulnerability to STDs/HIV; disregard of vulnerability to STDs/ HIV; not recognizing herself as the subject of sexual and reproductive rights; actions of health professionals that limit women’s access to prevention of STDs/HIV. Each marker contains three to eleven components. Conclusion The construction of such markers constituted an instrument, presented in another publication, which can contribute to support the identification of vulnerabilities of women in relation to STDs/HIV in the context of primary health care services. The markers constitute an important tool for the operationalization of the concept of vulnerability in primary health care and to promote inter/multidisciplinary and inter/multi-sectoral work processes.
OBJECTIVE To identify vulnerabilities of elderly people with HIV/AIDS and the trajectory that they follow until reaching the diagnosis of the disease. METHOD Qualitative research conducted in specialized clinics in the state of São Paulo, from January to June 2011. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 elderly people who were found to be infected with the virus at the age of 60 years or older. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS In this process four categories emerged, then analyzed with reference to the theoretical framework of vulnerability. CONCLUSION Late diagnosis of HIV infection or AIDS among the elderly happens in the secondary or tertiary service. Issues related to sexual life of the elderly are only questioned by health professionals after the diagnosis, also the time that condom use becomes absolute. It is believed that the investigation of the vulnerability of the elderly to HIV/AIDS allows for carrying out appropriate interventions for this population.