578 resultados para Pesquisa de demanda
The generation of chemical residues in both teaching and research laboratories is a serious problem in Brazil. In this article, a Chemical Residues Management Program is presented and discussed. The Program is centered in different hierarchic positions, but driven by minimization. A common ground for discussion and distribution of related information is also proposed as a mean to spread the program throughout Brazilian Universities.
The education of a chemistry teacher is not being seen as a specific preparation for the exercise of a professional activity, which differs from the professional activity of a chemist or a chemistry researcher. This happens because in the academic field, mainly in the exact and natural sciences, the idea that knowing a determined subject is enough to be able to teach it, is tacitly accepted. This is, actually, the first condition to be able to be a university professor. There is another necessary condition for competent teaching: to have specific professional knowledege of teaching. I defend that this knowledge can be constitued in the interaction with other professionals in the form of research. Thus, as a chemist constitutes himself through the research in the interaction with other chemists, the teacher develops himself in this professional field in the interaction with other teachers and the permanent attitude of researching.
Propolis is a multifunctional material used by bees in the construction and maintenance of their hives. The chemical composition and pharmacological properties have been studied for centuries. Today they represent an important raw material for many health products and constitute a new interdisciplinary area for research. Among others they show important antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities and various pharmacological properties. This paper presents an overview of the scientific literature and patents concerning propolis.
An ominous suspicion arose in France in the second half of the 18th century, that household tin objects might be contaminated with arsenic. Charged with the task of studying and deciding the question, the chemists Pierre Bayen and Louis Charlard set up a comprehensive research project, which resulted in a book describing the whole enterprise. It is very gratifying to analyse this work today, for the many lights it sheds on the way chemistry was practised and reasoned at the time, and for the whiff of modernity we are presented with.
This article summarizes the main achievements of the Brazilian research in chemistry education in these 25 years of existence of the Brazilian Chemical Society and raises some prospective questions for the field. Six main events are described as the responsible ones for the development of research in chemistry teaching in Brazil. Valuable contributions of Brazilian researches are discussed and related with international trends in science education. Some perspectives for improving research in chemistry teaching in Brazil are also presented.
Green chemistry ¾ defined as the design, development, and application of chemical processes and products to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of substances hazardous to human health and the environment. This article summarizes the 12 principles of green chemistry, describing how they have been applied to the academic, industrial and research activities around the world.
In this paper we discuss the characteristics of experimental activities described by teachers and students in a teaching credentials course in Chemistry. The research pointed out a set of characteristics that seem to favor the learning process: the bringing up of the student's knowledge; the mediation by peers; the dialogue to set out the student's knowledge; the debate; the validation of arguments; the discussion about the context. The authors argument that, because of the empirical view of Science present in Chemistry courses, the discussion about the nature of Science is important.
The Brazilian effort on R&D of products from the national biodiversity dates back to the 70's. The Central de Medicamentos - CEME - was tailored to add scientific and technological competence to the production of pharmaceutical drugs derived from the Brazilian biodiversity by means of the Research Programme on Medicinal Plants - PPPM. Although previous to the Convention on Biological Diversity - CBD - and to the current debate and the ever-growing interest on phytomedicines, CEME has historical importance in the present governmental efforts on fostering the R&D on phytomedicines. This article makes a historical redemption of the PPPM, the actions and the results in the course of its existence.
The aim of this work is to establish a program for the treatment of chemical residues and waste waters at the Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), for environmental preservation and training of staff. Five tons of stored residues and the ones currently generated in the laboratories have to be treated. Rational use of water is also part of the program. The traditional purification by distillation has been replaced by purification with ion exchange resins. Lower energy consumption and better water quality were achieved.
In this work, a partial least squares regression routine was used to develop a multivariate calibration model to predict the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrates of environmental relevance (paper effluents and landfill leachates) from UV-Vis spectral data. The calibration models permit the fast determination of the COD with typical relative errors lower by 10% with respect to the conventional methodology.
Technology companies created from University research are known as "Academic Spin-Off" (ASO). These innovative companies play an important role for the technological, economical and social development of a country. This work discusses some aspects of ASO companies and their importance to Universities. It is also presented a fictitious history of Prof. João, a chemical researcher who will create an ASO company from his academic research work illustrating the basic steps involved in this process.
As technological information is published mainly as a patent, it is fundamental for the country development to know the patent system. In this article it is presented basic information on intellectual property, in special on patent. It is showed the structure of the patent documents, and it is given notions on International Classification and patent data banks.
This article provides some aspects that allow making a current reading of the situation of the Brazilian Chemistry that permit us considerate it as a strategic area. They are still presented some initial proposals related to the organization of the research as well as to win the challenges of the relationship with the other areas of the knowledge.
Nanotechnology can be viewed as a powerful tool, capable of shaping the chemistry of atoms and molecules, converting them into exciting nanosized and nanostructured materials, devices and machines. However, in pursuing this task, an exceptional ability is required to deal with complex inter- and multidisciplinary approaches, as imposed by the nanoscale. A new research organization framework, capable of promoting cooperative interactions in many complementary areas, including the industries, is demanded. In this sense, an interesting example are the nanotechnology networks and millenium institutes recently created in Brazil. The highlights and weakness of such cooperative research networks are discussed, in addition to relevant nanotechnology themes focusing on the special needs and resources from the developing nations.