170 resultados para ventral mesenchymal pad


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Como parte integrante da avaliação de desempenho do Programa de Atenção à Saúde no Envelhecimento, desenvolvido em uma unidade básica de saúde, foi mensurada a efetividade da hipertensão arterial, segundo a redução dos níveis de pressão arterial em indivíduos hipertensos submetidos a ações programáticas para controle da doença, procurando identificar condições associadas com tal redução. Dos 396 pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial sistêmica inscritos no Programa, no período de 01/01/92 a 30/06/93, foram considerados para esta avaliação 250 casos que apresentavam, além de níveis pressóricos elevados (PA ³ 160/95 mmHg) em atendimentos iniciais no serviço (anteriores à inscrição no programa), pelo menos duas consultas médicas no seguimento programático. As diferenças de níveis pressóricos entre as medidas realizadas nas consultas anteriores ao início do atendimento programático, e as realizadas a partir do início destes atendimentos foram analisadas segundo o nível pressórico inicial, idade, sexo, diagnósticos na inscrição e faltas ao agendamento programático. Obteve-se redução na pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) de 5 mmHg ou mais, e/ou redução de 10 mmHg ou mais na pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) em l97 (78,8%) pacientes. A média da redução da PAD foi 8,8 mmHg (d.p. = 11,4), e da PAS foi 17,7 mmHg (d.p. = 18,6). Resultados de diversos estudos epidemiológicos permitem inferir redução do risco de mortalidade por doença cardiovascular em proporção considerável de indivíduos inscritos no Programa. Em 111 (44,4%) indivíduos ocorreu normalização da pressão aos níveis preconizados pelo Programa. A análise por meio de regressão linear múltipla demonstrou que, entre as variáveis estudadas, a pressão inicial e a percentagem de faltas no seguimento programático estiveram associadas de modo independente com a redução da PAS e da PAD. A idade esteve associada independentemente apenas com a redução da PAS. A participação da idade e da percentagem de faltas no seguimento programático revelam que o resultado final do trabalho programático não é insensível aos diferentes modos com que as pessoas assumem o cuidado com a própria saúde.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar as prevalências de perda auditiva induzida por ruído e hipertensão arterial em condutores de ônibus urbanos. MÉTODOS: Executou-se estudo transversal em amostra probabilística de 108 motoristas da cidade de Campinas, SP. Aplicou-se questionário sobre história profissional, jornadas de trabalho e repouso, e realizou-se exame físico e laboratorial incluindo medida da pressão arterial, audiometria tonal limiar, logoaudiometria e dados antropométricos, após a obtenção de consentimento. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de perda auditiva induzida por ruído foi de 32,7% do total examinado. Segundo a classificação de Merluzzi, nos 31 casos classificados em primeiro e segundo graus, observou-se que a freqüência audiométrica com perda auditiva mais acentuada foi a de 6 kHz (61,3%), seguida pela de 4 kHz (38,7%), sem diferenças significantes quanto à lateralidade. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial diastólica (PAD³90 mmHG; PAS³140 mmHG) foi de 13,2% dos examinados. CONCLUSÕES: O risco de disacusia induzida por ruído foi maior para os motoristas com mais de seis anos de trabalho, após ajuste para a perda relacionada com a idade, com um odds ratio de 19,25 (1,59


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^len^lpt^aOBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de pressão arterial limítrofe (PAL) e hipertensão (HT) entre adultos jovens e avaliar a associação entre tamanho ao nascer e PAL/HT. MÉTODOS: Dados foram coletados do primeiro estudo brasileiro de coorte de nascimentos em Ribeirão Preto (sudeste do Brasil), iniciado em 1978/79. De 6.827 recém-nascidos de parto único hospitalar, 2.060 foram avaliados aos 23/25 anos. Foram realizadas coleta de sangue, avaliação antropométrica e obtidas informações sobre ocupação, escolaridade, hábitos de vida e doenças crônicas. Pressão arterial (PA) foi classificada em: 1) PAL: PA sistólica (PAS) ≥ 130 e < 140 mm Hg e/ou PA diastólica (PAD) ≥ 85 e < 90 mmHg; 2) HT: PAS ≥ 140 e/ou PAD ≥ 90 mm Hg. Foi aplicado modelo de regressão logística politômica. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de PAL foi de 13,5% (homens 23,2%) e a de HT, 9,5% (homens 17,7%). PAL foi independentemente associada com sexo masculino (RR 8,84; IC95%: 6,09;12,82), comprimento ao nascer ≥ 50 cm (RR 1,97; 1,04; 3,73), índice de massa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 kg/m² (RR 3,23; 2,02; 5,15) e circunferência de cintura alterada (RR 1,61; 1,13;2,29), enquanto HT associou-se com sexo masculino (RR 15,18; 8,92;25,81), IMC ≥ 30 kg/m² (RR 3,68; 2,23;6,06), circunferência de cintura alterada (RR 2,68; 1,77;4,05) e glicemia elevada (RR 2,55; 1,27;5,10), mas não com comprimento ao nascer. CONCLUSÕES: As prevalências de PAL e HT entre os adultos jovens dessa coorte foram maiores em homens que em mulheres. Maior comprimento ao nascer foi associado com PAL, mas não com HT, enquanto peso ao nascer não foi associado com PAL ou HT. Fatores de risco do adulto explicaram a maioria dos aumentos de PAL ou HT.^les^aOBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de presión arterial limítrofe (PAL) e hipertensión (HT) entre adultos jóvenes y evaluar la asociación entre tamaño al nacer y PAL/HT. MÉTODOS: : Los datos fueron colectados en el primer estudio de cohorte de nacimientos brasileño en Ribeirao Preto (sureste de Brasil), iniciado en 1978/79. De 6.827 recién nacidos de parto único hospitalario, 2.060 fueron evaluados a los 23/25 años. Se realizaron colecta de sangre, evaluación antropométrica y obtenidas informaciones sobre ocupación, escolaridad, hábitos de vida y enfermedades crónicas. Presión arterial (PA) fue clasificada en: 1) PAL: PA sistólica (PAS) ≥ 130 y < 140 mm Hg y/o PA diastólica (PAD) ≥ 85 y < 90 mm Hg; 2) HT: PAS ≥ 140 y/o PAD ≥ 90 mm Hg. Se aplicó modelo de regresión logística politómica. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de PAL fue de 13,5% (hombres 23,2%) y la de HT, 9,5% (hombres 17,7%). PAL fue independientemente asociada con sexo masculino (Riesgo Relativo - RR) 8,84; 95%IC: 6,09;12,82), estatura al nacer ≥ 50 cm (RR 1,97; 1,04; 3,73), índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 kg/m2 (RR 3,23; 2,02; 5,15) y circunferencia de cintura alterada (RR 1,61; 1,13;2,29), mientras el HT se asoció con sexo masculino (RR 15,18; 8,92;25,81), IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2 (RR 3,68; 2,23;6,06), circunferencia de cintura alterada (RR 2,68; 1,77;4,05) y glicemia elevada (RR 2,55; 1,27;5,10), pero no con estatura al nacer. CONCLUSIONES: Las prevalencias de PAL y HT entre los adultos jóvenes de la cohorte fueron mayores en hombres que en mujeres. Mayor estatura al nacer fue asociado con PAL, pero no con HT, mientras que el peso al nacer no estuvo asociado con PAL o HT. Factores de riesgo de adulto explicaron la mayoría de los aumentos de PAL o HT.


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The objective of lhe present study was to determine the stimulatory response to antirabies vaccination promoted by glucan in mice. Glucan increased both resistance to infection and antibody titres and this effect was more evident when glucan was used at dose of 0.5 mg, administered intraperitoneally before, during and after immunization and when the challenge virus was applied to the foot-pad.


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We studied the susceptibility to Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis in strains of mice. The C57BL/6 strain was resistant and showed self-controlled lesion at the injected foot pad. The BALB/c and DBA/2J strains were susceptible and showed a foot swelling that started day 20 post-infection and progressed to a tumour-like lesion in later period of observation. The CBA/HJ strain was found to be of intermediary resistance. In contrast to other known cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice, the lesion in L. (V.) panamensis-infected mice was restricted to the inoculation site in the skin. In addition, we studied the development of cellular response and antibodies against Leishmania antigen in BALB/c and C57BL/6 strains. The proliferative response of lymph node cells against L. (V.) panamensis antigen was biphasic in both strains. An initial response was seen on day 20, followed by a refractory period between 40 and 80 days and a second response around fourth month post-infection. The response in the latter period was higher in C57BL/6 strain than in BALB/c strain. BALB/c strain presented much higher anti-Leishmania antibody level than C57BL/6 strain. The model and the correlation of immunological variables and the course of the infection are discussed.


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Infection of Swiss/NIH mice with Leishmania major was compared with infection in isogenic resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible BALB/c mice. Swiss/NIH mice showed self-controlled lesions in the injected foot pad. The production of high levels of interferon-g (IFN-g) and low levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4) by cells from these animals suggests that they mount a Th1-type immune response. The importance of the indigenous microbiota on the development of murine leishmaniasis was investigated by infecting germfree Swiss/NIH in the hind footpad with L. major and conventionalizing after 3 weeks of infection. Lesions from conventionalized Swiss/NIH mice were significantly larger than conventional mice. Histopathological analysis of lesions from conventionalized animals showed abscesses of variable shapes and sizes and high numbers of parasitized macrophages. In the lesions from conventional mice, besides the absence of abscess formation, parasites were rarely observed. On the other hand, cells from conventional and conventionalized mice produced similar Th1-type response characterized by high levels of IFN-g and low levels of IL-4. In this study, we demonstrated that Swiss/NIH mice are resistant to L. major infection and that the absence of the normal microbiota at the beginning of infection significantly influenced the lesion size and the inflammatory response at the site of infection.


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The cellular and humoral immune responses of mice inoculated with rabies virus and treated with the Bacillus of Calmette-Guérin, Avridine and Propionibacterium acnes were evaluated in this paper. There was a higher percentage of surviving mice in groups submitted to P. acnes treatment. Lower levels of interferon-g (IFN-g) were found in infected mice. The intra-pad inoculation test (IPI) was not effective to detect cellular immune response, contrary to the results found in MIF reaction. The survival of mice did not present correlation with the levels of antirabies serum neutralizing (SN) antibodies titers, IFN-g concentration and MIF response.


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This study presents the results of T. mentagrophytes inoculation in the cheek pouch of the hamster, an immunologically privileged site. Forty two animals were used: 21 inoculated with 10(6) fungi in the cheek pouch (group 1) and 21 inoculated initially with 10(6) fungi in the foot pad and 15 days later in the cheek pouch, with the same amount of fungi (group 2). Animals were sacrificed at 20 hours, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 120 days; samples from inoculated cheek pouch, and foot pads submitted to the foot pad test (FPT), were collected. Independent of group and time of evolution of infection, animals did not develop delayed hypersensitivity evaluated through the FPT. The pre-inoculation of fungi in the foot pad did not change the morphology of lesions induced in the cheek pouch. Therefore, in animals of group 1 and 2, the introduction of the fungus in the cheek pouch resulted in focal lesion composed of a sterile acute inflammatory infiltrate, with abscess formation that evolved to a macrophagic reaction, and later to resolution even in the absence of immune response detectable by FPT. Our results indicate that in spite of the important role of the immune response in the spontaneous regression of dermatophytosis, other factors are also an integral part in the defense against this fungal infection.


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In the late 1960s, Melanoides tuberculatus snails were introduced in Brazil from North/East Africa and Southeast Asia. The first records of specimens infected with cercariae were registered in Rio de Janeiro State in 2001. The present study reports the occurrence of M. tuberculatus infected with larval trematodes in Rio de Janeiro City. Bottom sediment was collected with dip nets and sieved through 0.25 inch-mesh screening. Snails were transported to the laboratory in vials with stream water, then measured and individually isolated in glass vials with distilled water. They were exposed to artificial light and temperature to induce cercarial emergence. The most actively emerging cercariae were processed by differential staining and silver nitrate impregnation methods. Negative snails were subsequently dissected. Approximately 700 snails were collected. Snail total lengths ranged from 1.2 to 3.3 cm. The prevalence rate was 15.76% although 53.76% of the snails were found infected in one of the sites. Infected snails were infected with rediae and pleurolophocercous cercariae. Cercarial morphology and chaetotaxy were consistent with those of the family Heterophyidae mostly due to the presence of median dorsal and ventral fins on the tail and the absence of CI dorsal sensory receptors.


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Introduction: The essential oil Mentha x villosa (MVEO) has a wide range of actions, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and schistosomicidal actions. The present study aimed to investigate the ultrastructural changes of MVEO on the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni. Materials and Methods: Different concentrations of MVEO were tested on S. mansoni adult worms in vitro. Ultrastructural changes on the tegument of these adult worms were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: The MVEO caused the death of all worms at 500 μg mL-1 after 24 h. After 24h of 500 μg mL-1 MVEO treatment, bubble lesions were observed over the entire body of worms and they presented loss of tubercles in some regions of the ventral portion. In the evaluation by TEM, S. mansoni adult worms treated with MVEO, 500 μg mL-1, presented changes in the tegument and vacuoles in the syncytial matrix region. Glycogen granules close to the muscle fibers were visible. Conclusion: The ability of MVEO to cause extensive ultrastructural damage to S. mansoni adult worms correlates with its schistosomicidal effects and confirms earlier findings with S. mansoni.


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INTRODUCTION: Authors describe human schistosomal granuloma in late chronic phase, from the morphological and evolutionary viewpoints. METHODS: The study was based on a histological analysis of two fragments obtained from a surgical biopsy of peritoneum and large intestine of a 42-year-old patient, with a pseudotumoral form mimicking a peritoneal carcinomatosis associated to the schistosomiasis hepatointestinal form. RESULTS: Two hundred and three granulomas were identified in the pseudotumor and 27 in the intestinal biopsy, with similar morphological features, most in the late chronic phase, in fibrotic healing. A new structural classification was suggested for granulomas: zone 1 (internal), 2 (intermediate) and 3 (external). CONCLUSIONS: Regarding granuloma as a whole, we may conclude that fibrosis is likely to be controlled by different and independent mechanisms in the three zones of the granuloma. Lamellar fibrosis in zone 3 seems to be controlled by matrix mesenchymal cells (fibroblasts and myoepithelial cells) and by inflammatory exudate cells (lymphocytes, plasmocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils). Annular fibrosis in zone 2, comprising a dense fibrous connective tissue, with few cells in the advanced phase, would be controlled by epithelioid cells involving zone 1 in recent granulomas. In zone 1, replacing periovular necrosis, an initialy loose and tracery connective neoformation, housing stellate cells or with fusiform nuclei, a dense paucicellular nodular connctive tissue emerges, probably induced by fibroblasts. In several granulomas, one of the zones is missing and granuloma is represented by two of them: Z3 and Z2, Z3 and Z1 or Z2 and Z1 and, ultimately, by a scar.


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Oral dirofilariasis is very rare with non-specific clinical manifestations. Here, we report the case of a 65-year-old South American woman with a submucosal nodule on her right buccal mucosa. The nodule was slightly tender and painful. Differential diagnoses included mesenchymal (lipoma or fibrolipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and neurofibroma) or glandular benign tumors (pleomorphic adenoma) with secondary infections. We performed excisional biopsy. A histopathological examination revealed a dense fibrous capsule and a single female filarial worm showing double uterus appearance, neural plaque, well-developed musculature and intestinal apparatus. Dirofilariasis was diagnosed, and the patient was followed-up for 12 months without recurrence.


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Müllerian adenosarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth presented by a 52-year-old female patient after adjuvant tamoxifen treatment for breast carcinoma is described. The diagnosis was made on histological basis after curettage and complementary total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The immunohistochemical study showed high expression of estrogen receptors in the epithelial component of the lesion and irregularly positive findings in the stroma. The proliferative activity evaluated by Ki-67 immunoexpression was higher in the stroma than the epithelium. Some of the stromal cells showed rhabdomyoblastic differentiation. The association of tamoxifen use and development of mesenchymal neoplasms is discussed.


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Gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumors comprise a rare group of gastrointestinal tract wall tumors that have long been a source of confusion and controversy, especially in terms of pathological classification, preoperative diagnosis, management strategies, and prognosis. This report describes the clinical manifestations and management of 2 rectal leiomyomas and reviews the pertinent literature. Case 1: A 44-year-old woman was admitted reporting a nodule in the right para-anal region for the previous 2 years. At proctological examination, a 4-cm diameter fibrous mass situated in the para-anal region that produced an arch under the smooth muscle on the right rectal wall just above the anorectal ring was noted. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen and pelvis showed the lesion and detected no other abnormalities. Surgical treatment consisted of wide local resection of the tumor through a para-anal incision, with no attempts to perform lymphadenectomy. Case 2: A 40-year-old male patient was admitted reporting constant anal pain for 4 months. He presented a 3-cm submucosal nodule at the anterior rectal wall just above the dentate line. After 2 inconclusive preoperative biopsies, transanal resection of the tumor was performed. Histological analysis of the specimen showed a benign leiomyoma. A review of the literature is presented, emphasizing some clinical and therapeutic aspects of this unusual rectal tumor.


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Uma nova espécie de Mimosaceae para a Amazônia Brasileira, denominada Mimosa dasilvae A. S. Silva & R. Secco, é descrita e ilustrada. O novo táxon pertence à secção Habbasia sér. Piresianae Barneby e apresenta afinidades com M. piresii Barneby, da qual difere, principalmente, pelo hábito lianescente, foliólulos menores, glabros e brilhantes na face ventral, e brácteas florais menores.