172 resultados para vascular complications


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INTRODUCTION: Pleuropulmonary changes are common following coronary artery bypass grafting surgery performed with a saphenous vein graft, with or without an internal mammary artery. The presence of atelectasis or pleural effusions reflects the thoracic trauma. PURPOSE: To define the postoperative incidence of changes in the lung and in the pleural space and to evaluate the influence of the trauma. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (8 saphenous vein grafts and 22 saphenous vein grafts and internal mammary artery grafts with pleurotomy). Chest tubes in the left pleural space were used in all internal mammary artery patients. On the second (day 2) and seventh (day 7) postoperative day, patients underwent a computed tomography, and pleural effusions were rated as follows: grade 0 = no fluid to grade 4 = fluid in more than 75% of the hemithorax. Atelectasis was rated as follows: laminar = 1, segmental = 3, and lobar = 10 points. RESULTS: All patients had pleural effusion or atelectasis. Between day 2 and day 7, the number of patients with effusions or atelectasis on the right side decreased (P < 0.05). The incidence of effusions on day 2 in the saphenous vein graft group (87.5%) was higher (P < 0.05) than in the internal mammary artery group (52.3%). The incidence of atelectasis in the lower right lobe decreased (P < 0.05) from 86.7% (day 2) to 26.7% (day 7). The degree of atelectasis in both sides did not differ on day 2 (P = 0.42) but did on day 7 (P < 0.0001). There was a decrease in the atelectasis from day 2 to day 7 on the right side (P < 0.001), but not on the left (P = 0.21). On day 2 there was a relationship between atelectasis and effusion on the right (P = 0.04), but not on the left (P = 0.113). CONCLUSION: The present series demonstrates that there is a high incidence of both minimal pleural effusion and atelectasis after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, which drops on the right side from day 2 to day 7 post surgery. Factors that contribute to the persistence of changes on the left side include the thoracic trauma and the presence of chest tubes and pericardial effusion.


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A particular event concerning a Swan-Ganz catheter complication is reported. A 41-year-old woman was admitted at the emergency room of our hospital with massive gastrointestinal bleeding. A total gastrectomy was performed. During the postoperative period in the intensive care unit , the patient maintained hemodynamic instability. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter was then indicated. During the maneuvers to insert the catheter, a true knot formation was identified at the level of the superior vena cava. Several maneuvers by radiological endovascular invasive techniques allowed removal of the catheter. The authors describe the details of this procedure and provide comments regarding the various techniques that were employed in overcoming this event. A comprehensive review of evidence regarding the benefits and risks of pulmonary artery catheterization was performed. The consensus statement regarding the indications, utilization, and management of the pulmonary artery catheterization that were issued by a consensus conference held in 1996 are also discussed in detail.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the hypothesis that a 7-day period of indwelling catheter after radical retropubic prostatectomy is effective and safe without the need of performing cystography. METHODS: In the period from January of 2000 to July of 2002, 73 patients underwent radical retropubic prostatectomy, and these patients were prospectively randomized in 2 groups: Group 1-37 patients who had the urethral catheter removed 7 days after the procedure, and Group 2-36 patients who had the catheter removed 14 days after the surgery. The 2 groups were similar, the surgeons and the technique were the same, and no cystography was performed to evaluate the presence of leaks. RESULTS: Two patients in Group 1 had bleeding and clot retention after having the catheter taken out in the seventh postoperative day and were managed by putting the catheter back in for 7 more days. Two patients in Group 2 developed bladder neck stricture and were treated by bladder neck incision with success. The continence rate was the same, with 2 cases of incontinence in each group. About 2 pads a day were used by the patients with incontinence. The average follow-up was 17.5 months (12-36 months). No urinary fistula, urinoma, or pelvic abscesses developed after catheter removal. Two patients were excluded from the analysis of this series: 1 died with a pulmonary embolus in the third postoperative day, and 1 developed a urinary suprapubic fistula before catheter withdrawal, which was maintained for 16 days. CONCLUSION: Withdrawal of the urethral catheter 7 days after radical retropubic prostatectomy, without performing cystography, has a low rate of short-term complications that are equivalent to withdrawal 14 days after the surgery.


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A Reserva Florestal Ducke, localizada próxima a Manaus (AM), com uma área de 100 Km2, é um dos locais com maior densidade de coletas depositadas no herbário do INPA. Sua flora vascular foi aqui caracterizada, através do levantamento de 7.107 exsicatas, das quais 4.946 estão determinadas ao nível de espécie. Embora muitas amostras estejam estéreis, indeterminadas e ainda não examinadas por especialistas, esta amostragem permitiu uma caracterização preliminar da flora da Reserva. Foi constatada a presença de 1.199 espécies (ou 1.453, se incluídas as indeterminadas), distribuídas em 510 gêneros e 112 famílias. Os 10 gêneros mais diversificados — com um total de 222 espécies — são predominantemente arborescentes: Pouteria(38 espécies), Miconia(27), Protium(24), Licania(23), Inga(21), Ocotea(20), Swartzia(19), Eschweilera( 19), Virola( 16) Sloanea(15). As 10 espécies mais coletadas constituem apenas 8,2% do universo de amostras determinadas ao nível específico. Estas, também, são árvores: Micropholis guyanensis(A. DC.) Pierre, Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum(Pierre) Baehni, Trattinnickia glazioviiSwart, Goupia glabraAubl., Scleronema micranthumDucke, Aniba panurensis(Meissner) Mez, Laetia procera(Poeppig) Eicbler, Caryocar villosum(Aublet) Pers., Brosimum rubescensTaubert, Cecropia sciadopliyllaMart. Apenas 123 espécies (10,3% das espécies determinadas) são consideradas comuns, sendo aquelas com 10 ou mais coletas. A maioria das 1.199 espécies determinadas são muito raras: 68% representadas por três ou menos coletas e 43% representadas por apenas uma coleta. Portanto, muitas outras espécies "raras" serão acrescentadas após novas visitas ao local, ou através do estudo do material ainda indeterminado. E apresentada uma discussão e gráficos sobre as famílias e gêneros mais diversificados e mais coletados.


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OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar os instrumentos genéricos e específicos utilizados na avaliação da qualidade de vida (QV) e os seus resultados em sobreviventes de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). MÉTODOS: Realizou-se revisão da literatura dos últimos dez anos, com população acima de 18 anos, nos bancos de dados MedLine e Lilacs, cujas publicações utilizassem instrumentos padronizados e validados no país de origem. Combinaram-se os descritores quality of life, cerebrovascular accident, stroke, QV e acidente cerebrovascular. RESULTADOS: Consideraram-se relevantes 96 estudos e 31 entram neste trabalho, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão. Foram encontrados cinco tipos diferentes de instrumentos genéricos/perfil, nove genérico/utility e dois específicos. O mais freqüente foi o SF-36, em 45,2% dos estudos. Observou-se que a baixa QV relacionou-se, principalmente, ao déficit da função física, à presença de depressão ou de seus sintomas, ser do sexo feminino e ser mais idoso. De modo geral, os sujeitos no pós-AVC possuíam pior QV do que aqueles que não sofreram o evento. CONCLUSÃO: Foram encontrados 16 instrumentos para avaliação da QV. A baixa QV foi prevalente nos sobreviventes pós-AVC e se correlacionou com a função física, a depressão, o sexo e a idade.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo visa realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre a terapia farmacológica na depressão pós-AVE. MÉTODO: Foi feita uma revisão nos bancos de dados MedLine e SciELO, utilizando-se como descritores primários "stroke", "depression" e "treatment", incluindo artigos publicados entre 1996 e 2008. RESULTADOS: Treze artigos foram selecionados. Foram encontrados dez artigos que apresentaram terapias farmacológicas eficazes no tratamento da depressão pós-AVE e três em que as terapias farmacológicas utilizadas não trouxeram benefício para a depressão dos grupos em estudo. CONCLUSÃO: O manejo farmacológico da DPAVE pode ser realizado de maneira profilática ou terapêutica. Em ambas as modalidades, os inibidores de recaptação seletiva são as medicações mais adequadas, destacando-se a fluoxetina e, em pacientes adequadamente selecionados, a reboxetina e o citalopram. A nortriptilina, antidepressivo tricíclico, é uma alternativa com relativa eficácia na conduta da DPAVE.


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Objetivo O estudo objetivou-se a fazer um rastreio cognitivo nos pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), a fim de determinar pontos de corte de acordo com a idade, escolaridade e grau de comprometimento neurológico. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo transversal no qual participaram 109 pacientes ambulatoriais, sendo 61 homens, com média da idade de 59 anos (± 11), média do tempo de escolaridade de 5 anos (± 4) e do tempo de sequela de 16 meses (± 14). Os pacientes foram avaliados por meio do Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e pela National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Os dados foram analisados pela regressão linear múltipla (stepwise forward). Resultados Verificou-se que as variáveis grau de comprometimento neurológico, idade e escolaridade contribuíram significativamente para o valor global do MEEM e explicaram a variância do estado cognitivo (R2 ajustado = 0,24). Cada aumento do comprometimento neurológico representou diminuição de 0,456 no escore do MEEM. Quanto maior a idade, ocorreu uma diminuição de 0,202 no MEEM, e à medida que diminui o tempo de escolaridade, houve uma diminuição de 0,190 no MEEM. Os pontos de corte variaram de 14 a 22 de acordo com o grau de comprometimento neurológico, idade e escolaridade. Conclusão Os resultados apontaram que, por meio do rastreio positivo de déficit cognitivo, foram encontrados pontos de corte associados ao comprometimento neurológico, necessitando também serem ajustados pela idade e escolaridade, sugerindo que essas associações sejam preferencialmente levadas em consideração na planificação da reabilitação neuropsicológica dos pacientes com AVC.


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É apresentado um caso de mixoma atrial esquerdo associado a acidente vascular cerebral embólico em paciente do sexo feminino, com oito anos de idade. Feita a exérese do tumor, a criança apresentava, dois meses após cirurgia, presença de massa septoatrial esquerda, sugerindo recidiva, mantendo-se, porém, assintomática. A revisão da literatura enfatiza a raridade e a agressividade com que este tumor acomete esta faixa etária, além de salientar baixas taxas de recidiva após sua retirada.


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Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation is frequently used in patients experiencing severe ventricular dysfunction following maximal drug therapy. However, even with the improvement of percutaneous insertion techniques, the procedure has always been followed by vascular, infectious, and neurological complications. This article describes a case of paraplegia due to intraaortic balloon counterpulsation in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in women during the reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1995. METHODS: A list of all deaths and their underlying causes, coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, multiple causes of death, and estimates of the female population according to age groups were provided by the SEADE Foundation. Specific coefficients for 100 thousand women for each year as well as the medians of these coefficients related to 5 years, and the percentage of death by subgroups were calculated. RESULTS: Cerebrovascular diseases have the highest coefficients (14.24 for 100 thousand females), followed by ischemic heart disease (7.37), other heart diseases (6.39), hypertensive disease (3.03), chronic rheumatic heart disease (1.58), pulmonary vascular diseases (1.29), and active rheumatic fever (0.05). Systemic arterial hypertension, as an associated cause, occurred in 55.3% to 57.8% of all the deaths due to intracerebral hemorrhage and in 30.4% to 30.8% due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. CONCLUSION: The significance of cerebrovascular diseases, coronary artery disease, and systemic arterial hypertension as causes of mortality suggests the need to emphasize preventive actions for young women who have the potential to reproduce to avoid possible complications in future pregnancies, and premature mortality.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the predictive values of noninvasive tests for the detection of allograft vascular disease. METHODS: We studied 39 patients with mean ages of 48±13 years and a follow-up period of 86±13 months. The diagnosis of allograft vascular disease was made by cine-coronary arteriography, and it was considered as positive if lesions existed that caused > or = 50% obstruction of the lumen. Patients underwent 24h Holter monitoring, thallium scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test, and dobutamine stress echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were determined in percentages for each method, as compared with the cine-coronary arteriography results. RESULTS: Allograft vascular disease was found in 15 (38%) patients. The Holter test showed 15.4% sensitivity, 95.5% specificity. For the treadmill stress test, sensitivity was 10%, specificity was 100%. When thallium scintigraphy was used, sensitivity was 40%, specificity 95.8%. On echocardiography with dobutamine, we found a 63.6% sensitivity, 91.3% specificity. When the dobutamine echocardiogram was associated with scintigraphy, sensitivity was 71.4%, specificity was 87%. CONCLUSION: In this group of patients, the combination of two noninvasive methods (dobutamine echocardiography and thallium scintigraphy) may be a good alternative for the detection of allograft vascular disease in asymptomatic patients with normal ventricular function.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence of intraventricular and atrioventricular conduction defects associated with acute myocardial infarction and the degree of in hospital mortality resulting from this condition during the era of thrombolytic therapy. METHODS: Observational study of a cohort of 929 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction. Multivariate analysis by logistic regression. Was used. RESULTS: Logistic regression showed a greater incidence of bundle branch block in male sex (odds ratio = 1.87, 95% CI = 1.02-3.42), age over 70 years (odds ratio = 2.31, 95% CI = 1.68-5.00), anterior localization of the infarction (odds ratio = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.03-3.65). There was a greater incidence of complete atrioventricular block in inferior infarcts (odds ratio = 2.59, 95% CI 1.30-5.18) and the presence of cardiogenic shock (odds ratio = 3.90, 95% CI = 1.43-10.65). Use of a thrombolytic agent was associated with a tendency toward a lower occurrence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 0.68) and a greater occurrence of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 1.44). The presence of bundle branch block (odds ratio = 2.45 95% , CI = 1.14-5.28) and of complete atrioventricular block (odds ratio = 13.59, 95% CI = 5.43-33.98) was associated with a high and independent probability of inhospital death. CONCLUSION: During the current era of thrombolytic therapy and in this population, intraventricular disturbances of electrical conduction and complete atrioventricular block were associated with a high and independent risk of inhospital death during acute myocardial infarction.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility and safety of coronary interventions performed through the radial artery. METHODS: We studied 103 patients with ages from 38 to 86 years (57±8.7), 90 (87%) males, and: radial pulse with a good amplitude, presence of ulnar pulse, a good collateral flow through the palmar arch assessed with the Allen's test. RESULTS: The vascular approach was obtained in 97 (94%) patients, 88 (91%) treated electively and 9 (9%) during acute myocardial infarction, for primary angioplasty; 56 (64%) unstable angina; 22 (25%) stable angina; 10 (11%) were asymptomatic, 6 referred for recanalization of chronic occlusion and 4 silent ischemia in the first week after acute myocardial infarction. We approached 107 arteries: anterior descending artery, 49 (46%); right coronary artery, 27 (25%); circumflex artery, 25 (23%); diagonal artery, 6 (6%); and 2 saphenous vein bypass grafts. We treated 129 lesions: 80 (62%) B2 type; 23 (18%) B1 type; 17 (13%) C type; and 9 (7%). A type. There were 70 stents , and 59 balloon angioplasties performed. Thirty-two (33%) patients used GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors. The mean duration of the elective procedure was 42.3±12.8 min. Success, correct stent deployment and residual lesion <20%, was reached in 100% of the lesions treated with stent implantation; arterial dilation with residual lesion <50% was obtained in 96% of the lesions treated with transluminal coronary angioplasty (TCA). Complications, were: 1 (1.0%) non-Q-wave acute myocardial infarction; 2 (2%) hematomas in the forearm; and 2 losses of radial pulse. CONCLUSION: Radial artery aproach is practical and safe for percutaneous coronary interventions there was a low incidence of complications.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate preoperative predictive factors of severe perioperative intercurrent events and in-hospital mortality in coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and to develop specific models of risk prediction for these events, mainly those that can undergo changes in the preoperative period. METHODS: We prospectively studied 453 patients who had undergone CABG. Factors independently associated with the events of interest were determined with multiple logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression model. RESULTS: The mortality rate was 11.3% (51/453), and 21.2% of the patients had 1 or more perioperative intercurrent events. In the final model, the following variables remained associated with the risk of intercurrent events: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde - the Brazilian public health system), cardiogenic shock, ischemia, and dependence on dialysis. Using multiple logistic regression for in-hospital mortality, the following variables participated in the model of risk prediction: age ³ 70 years, female sex, hospitalization via SUS, diabetes, renal dysfunction, and cardiogenic shock. According to the Cox regression model for death within the 7 days following surgery, the following variables remained associated with mortality: age ³ 70 years, female sex, cardiogenic shock, and hospitalization via SUS. CONCLUSION: The aspects linked to the structure of the Brazilian health system, such as factors of great impact on the results obtained, indicate that the events investigated also depend on factors that do not relate to the patient's intrinsic condition.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the predictive factors of complications after implantation of coronary stents in a consecutive cohort study. METHODS: Clinical and angiographic characteristics related to the procedure were analyzed, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, urgent surgery, new angioplasty, death) in the in-hospital phase were recorded. Data were stored in an Access database and analyzed by using the SPSS 6.0 statistical program and a stepwise backwards multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: One thousand eighteen (mean age of 61±11 years, 29% females) patients underwent 1,070 stent implantations. The rate of angiographic success was 96.8%, the rate of clinical success was 91%, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications was 7.9%. The variables independently associated with major cardiovascular complications, with their respective odds ratio (OR) were: rescue stent, OR = 5.1 (2.7-9.6); filamentary stent, OR = 4.5 (2.2-9.1); first-generation tubular stent, OR = 2.4 (1.2-4.6); multiple stents, OR = 3 (1.6-5.6); complexity of the lesion, OR = 2.4 (1.1-5.1); thrombus, OR = 2 (1.1-3.5). CONCLUSION: The results stress the importance of angiographic variables and techniques in the risk of complications and draw attention to the influence of the stent's design on the result of the procedure.