145 resultados para subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis
We report a case of cutaneous infection caused by Phialemonium curvatum GAMS et COOKE, 1983, after bone marrow transplantation. The genus Phialemonium was created by GAMS & MCGINNIS in 1983 including three new species: Ph. obovatum, Ph. curvatum and Ph. dimorphosporum, and represents an intermediate genus between Acremonium and Phialophora. Nowadays, the genus Phialemonium is considered to be a pheoid fungus which may cause the eventual lesions observed in pheo- and hyalohyphomycosis. Species of this genus have been described as opportunistic agents in humans and animals, mainly as a result of immunosuppression. In the present case, the patient had multiple myeloma and received an allogenic bone marrow transplant from his HLA-compatible brother. Two months after transplantation, he developed purplish and painful nodular lesions on the right ankle. Some of these lesions drained spontaneously and apparently hyaline mycelial filaments were observed, whose culture was initially identified as Acremonium sp. Subsequent studies showed that the fungus was Phialemonium curvatum. The infection was treated with amphotericin B, followed by ketoconazole. The patient was submitted to surgical debridement followed by two skin grafts to repair the bloody area. The duration of the treatment was 4 months and secondary prophylaxis with ketoconazole alone was maintained for one additional month. No recurrence was observed after discontinuation of treatment. The authors comment on the pathogenicity of the genus Phialemonium.
The present report describes a case of cutaneous protothecosis caused by Prototheca wickerhamii in a non-immunocompromised female from the state of Bahia, Brazil. This is the second case described in Brazil. Dermatological examination revealed diffusely infiltrated erythematous plaques on the flexor aspect of the right arm and forearm. The authors emphasize the pathological aspects that can lead to misdiagnosis this condition. The patient was successfully treated with fluconazole.
Chromoblastomycosis (CBM) is a chronic subcutaneous infection caused by several dematiaceous fungi. The most commonly etiological agent found in Brazil is Fonsecaea pedrosoi, which appears as thick walled, brownish colored cells with transverse and longitudinal division in the lesions, called "muriform cells". This disease is found worldwide but countries like Madagascar and Brazil have highest incidence. Diagnosis is made by clinical, direct and histopathologic examination and culture of specimens. Serological tests have been used to identify specific antibodies against Fonsecaea pedrosoi antigens, as well as immunotechniques have been used for CBM serological identification and diagnosis. In the present study double immunodiffusion (DID), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) have been used to evaluate humoral immune response in patients with CBM caused by F. pedrosoi. Metabolic antigen was used for immunoprecipitation tests (DID and CIE) while somatic antigen for ELISA. Our results demonstrated 53% sensitivity and 96% specificity for DID, while CIE presented 68% sensitivity and 90.5% specificity. ELISA demonstrated 78% sensibility and 83% specificity. Serological tests can be a useful tool to study different aspects of CBM, such as helping differential diagnosis, when culture of the pathogenic agent is impossible.
In order to evaluate the potential allergenicity of Blomia tropicalis (Bt) antigen, IgE production of both specific and non-specific for Bt antigen was monitored in BALB/c mice after exposure to the antigen by nasal route. It was evidenced that B. tropicalis contains a functional allergen in its components. The allergenic components, however, when administered intranasally without any adjuvant, did not function to induce IgE response within a short period. On the other hand, intranasal inoculation of Bt antigens augmented serum IgE responses in mice pretreated by a subcutaneous priming injection of the same antigens. Inoculation of Bt antigen without subcutaneous priming injections induced IgE antibody production only when the antigen was continuously administered for a long period of over 24 weeks. Even when the priming injection was absent, the Bt antigen inoculated with cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant also significantly augmented the Bt antigen-specific IgE responses depending on the dose of CT co-administered. The present study also demonstrated that Bt antigen/CT-inoculated mice showed increased non-specific serum IgE level and peripheral blood eosinophil rates without noticeable elevations of the total leukocyte counts. The immunoblot analysis demonstrated 5 main antigenic components reactive to IgE antibodies induced. These components at about 44-64 kDa position were considered to be an important candidate antigen for diagnosis of the mite-related allergy.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the most frequent systemic and endemic mycoses of Latin America caused by a dimorphic fungus. In AIDS patients, paracoccidioidomycosis appears as a severe and disseminated disease with a wide spectrum of clinical findings. The CD4 counts are usually less than 200 cell/mu L. We present a case of disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis with peripleuritis and subcutaneous abscesses on the chest wall as initial manifestation of AIDS. In endemic countries, paracoccidioidomycosis should be included as an opportunistic infection in AIDS.
Bartonellosis or Carrion's disease is endemic in some regions of Peru, classically found in the inter-Andean valleys located between 500 and 3200 meters above sea level. We report the case of a 43 year-old male patient, farmer, who was born in the Pichanaki district (Chanchamayo, Junin), located in the High Forest of Peru. He presented with disseminated, raised, erythematous cutaneous lesions, some of which bled. The distribution of these lesions included the nasal mucosa and penile region. Additionally subcutaneous nodules were distributed over the trunk and extremities. Hematologic exams showed a moderate anemia. Serologic studies for HIV and Treponema pallidum were negative. The histopathologic results of two biopsies were compatible with Peruvian wart. Oral treatment with ciprofloxacin (500 mg BID) was begun. Over 10 days, the patient showed clinical improvement. This is the first report of a confirmed case of bartonellosis in the eruptive phase originating from the Peruvian High Forest, showing the geographical expansion of the Carrion's disease.
Erythema induratum of Bazin is a disease that usually affects women, in whom erythematous subcutaneous nodules and plaques appear on the posterior part of the lower extremities, some of which ulcerate. In many countries, tuberculosis is still the main etiologic factor. We report a case of a 40-year-old woman who presented a course of protracted and recurrent episodes over five years of cutaneous lesions on her legs. These tend to involute, but new crops appear at irregular intervals. It was painful, erythematous-violaceous nodules, some of which drained a reddish secretion. The histopathologic features of the lesions demonstrated inflammatory infiltration, with predominance of neutrophils in dermis and hypodermis, necrotizing vasculitis in the arterioles and septal fibrosis. There was no granuloma. The Ziehl-Neelsen stain did not revealed acid-fast bacilli, and the culture of biopsy specimen was negative. The tuberculin skin test was strongly positive (17 mm). The chest X-ray was normal. Few months later she presented adynamia and urinary complaints, such as polacyuria and dysuria. It has been done an urynalysis, which demonstrated acid pH urine, sterile pyuria and microscopic hematuria. It was then raised the diagnostic hypothesis of renal tuberculosis. The urine culture for M. tuberculosis was positive in two out of ten samples. The treatment was instituted with rifampin, isoniazid and pyrazinamide, with complete regression. This case illustrates a clear association between erythema induratum and renal tuberculosis, demonstrated by the remission of the cutaneous lesions after the treatment of the renal tuberculosis.
Eumycetoma and chromoblastomycosis are chronic, disfiguring fungal infections of the subcutaneous tissue that rarely resolve spontaneously. Most patients do not achieve sustained long-term benefits from available treatments; therefore, new therapeutic options are needed. We evaluated the efficacy of posaconazole, a new extended-spectrum triazole antifungal agent, in 12 patients with eumycetoma or chromoblastomycosis refractory to existing antifungal therapies. Posaconazole 800 mg/d was given in divided doses for a maximum of 34 months. Complete or partial clinical response was considered a success; stable disease or failure was considered a nonsuccess. All 12 patients had proven infections refractory to standard therapy. Clinical success was reported for five of six patients with eumycetoma and five of six patients with chromoblastomycosis. Two patients were reported to have stable disease. As part of a treatment-use extension protocol, two patients with eumycetoma who initially had successful outcome were successfully retreated with posaconazole after a treatment hiatus of > 10 months. Posaconazole was well tolerated during long-term administration (up to 1015 d). Posaconazole therapy resulted in successful outcome in most patients with eumycetoma or chromoblastomycosis refractory to standard therapies, suggesting that posaconazole may be an important treatment option for these diseases.
Subcutaneous candidal abscess is a very rare infection even in immunocompromised patients. Some cases are reported when breakdown in the skin occurs, as bacterial cellulites or abscess, iatrogenic procedures, trauma and parenteral substance abuse. We describe a case of Candida albicans subcutaneous abscess without fungemia, which can be associated with central venous catheter.
Chromoblastomycosis (CR) is a subcutaneous chronic mycosis characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory response. However, little is known regarding the pattern of leukocyte subsets in CR and the pathways involved in their recruitment. The objective of this study was to assess the cellular subsets, chemokine, chemokine receptors and enzymes in CR. The inflammatory infiltrate was characterized by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against macrophages (CD68), Langerhans'cells (S100), lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD20 and CD56) and neutrophils (CD15). The expression of MIP-1alpha (Macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha), chemokine receptors (CXCR3 and CCR1) and enzymes (superoxide dismutase-SOD and nitric oxide synthase-iNOS) was also evaluated by the same method. We observed an increase in all populations evaluated when compared with the controls. Numbers of CD15+ and CD56+ were significantly lower than CD3+, CD4+, CD20+ and CD68+ cells. Statistical analysis revealed an association of fungi numbers with CD3, CD45RO and iNOS-positive cells. Furthermore, MIP-1alpha expression was associated with CD45RO, CD68, iNOS and CXCR3. Our results suggest a possible role of MIP-1alpha and fungi persistence in the cell infiltration in CR sites.
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is an atypical and unexpected reaction related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. IRIS includes an atypical response to an opportunistic pathogen (generally Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium complex, cytomegalovirus and herpes varicella-zoster), in patients responding to HAART with a reduction of plasma viral load and evidence of immune restoration based on increase of CD4+ T-cell count. We reported a case of a patient with AIDS which, after a first failure of HAART, developed a subcutaneous abscess and supraclavicular lymphadenitis as an expression of IRIS due to Mycobacterium avium complex after starting a second scheme of HAART.
Phenotypic characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility profile, and clinical-epidemiological features of 28 Nocardia strains isolated from 19 cases of bovine mastitis, eight cutaneous-subcutaneous lesions and one case of pneumonia in dogs were evaluated. Microbiological, biochemical, cytological and scanning electron microscopy methods were used in diagnosis. Nocardia asteroides type IV, Nocardia otitidiscaviarum,Nocardia nova (type III) and Nocardia farcinica (type V) were isolated from bovine milk, bronchial lavage and/or cutaneous-subcutaneous abscesses in dogs. Nocardial bovine mastitis was diagnosed predominantly in clinical cases, in dairy herds with poor environmental hygienic conditions between milking and inappropriate intramammary therapy. Canine nocardiosis was observed commonly in animals co-infected with distemper virus. Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim (92.8%), amikacin (92.8%) and ceftiofur (92.8%) were the most effective drugs in 28 isolates. Multiple drug resistance to three or more and five or more antimicrobials was observed in ten (35.7%) and three (10.7%) strains, respectively, predominantly with use of cloxaxillin, cefoperazone and ampicillin. The species (type) classification, clinical-epidemiological characteristics, diagnosis, multiple-drug resistance and public health considerations in Nocardia strains isolated from cattle and dogs in Brazil are discussed, with special reference to report of bovine mastitis by N. otitidiscaviarum by first time in Brazil and the similarity between Nocardia species isolated from human and animal origin.
A 73 year-old male farm laborer from a rural area presented a 15 year history of extensive tumoral lesions over his left leg. Histological studies of skin biopsy showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and granulomatous chronic inflammatory process with muriform cells, confirming chromoblastomycosis (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii was isolated in culture. Treatment with itraconazole 400 mg/day for 12 months resulted in complete remission of lesions. As far we aware, this is the first case report of CBM caused by Cladophialophora carrionii in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
This study was aimed to evaluate and compare the pathogenicity of rabies virus isolated from bats and dogs, and to verify the efficacy of a commercial rabies vaccine against these isolates. For evaluation of pathogenicity, mice were inoculated by the intramuscular route (IM) with 500MICLD50/0.03mL of the viruses. The cross-protection test was performed by vaccinating groups of mice by the subcutaneous route and challenged through the intracerebral (IC) route. Isolates were fully pathogenic when inoculated by the IC route. When inoculated intramuscularly, the pathogenicity observed showed different death rates: 60.0% for the Desmodus rotundus isolate; 50.0% for dog and Nyctinomops laticaudatus isolates; 40.0% for Artibeus lituratus isolate; 9.5% Molossus molossus isolate; and 5.2% for the Eptesicus furinalis isolate. Mice receiving two doses of the vaccine and challenged by the IC route with the isolates were fully protected. Mice receiving only one dose of vaccine were partially protected against the dog isolate. The isolates from bats were pathogenic by the IC route in mice. However, when inoculated through the intramuscular route, the same isolates were found with different degrees of pathogenicity. The results of this work suggest that a commercial vaccine protects mice from infection with bat rabies virus isolates, in addition to a canine rabies virus isolate.
Jorge Lobo's disease is a cutaneous and subcutaneous mycosis that affects patients in the Amazon region. The number of patients is relatively small, but the real situation of the disease as public health problem is not known, because Jorge Lobo's disease is not a notifiable disease. This study aims to report the clinical evolution in patients affected and to determine the prevalence and areas of occurrence of the disease. A retrospective study was carried out based on the analysis of the clinical records, which included a collection of photographs of patients in the Department of Sanitary Dermatology, in Rio Branco, and patients seen in the interior of the state. In a decade, in Rio Branco, 249 cases of the disease were reported, 30 were females and 219 males. Of these patients, 153 had localized lesions, 94 of them were on one ear, 55 had multifocal lesions and 41 had disseminated lesions. The average time between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis was 19 years. The average age at the time of diagnosis was 53 years, and ages ranged from 14 to 96 years.