37 resultados para puerto de Puntarenas
Euryomma is the second largest genus within Fanniidae, but only two species, E. panamensis Chillcott, 1958 and E. rettenmeyeri Chillcott, 1958 have been recorded in Central America. In this paper we describe two new species of the genus found in Costa Rica, Euryomma chillcotti sp. nov. (Province of Puntarenas) and Euryomma steini sp. nov. (Provinces of Cartago and Limón). Euryomma tahami Grisales, Wolff & Carvalho, 2012 is recorded for the first time to Costa Rica. Identification key to all species found in Central America, descriptions and re-descriptions of species occurring in the region and illustrations of the terminalia of new species are presented.
In 2007 (the last agricultural census), Chile had 308, 445 ha of fruit orchards: an increase of almost 32% from the previous census (1997). The most important species were table grapes (20%), avocados (13%) and apples (12%). Some 22% of the fruit crops growing area corresponded to juvenile orchards; within the species with higher proportion of juvenile orchards were prunes (42%) and blueberries (56%). Most orchards are located between latitude 27º18` S (Copiapó) and 40º36´S (Puerto Varas). The industry is driven by the export component which accounts for more than 50% of the fruits produced. In the crop season 2009-2010, approximately 254 million boxes (around 2.5 million tons) were exported, representing over US$ 3.5 million. Processed and fresh fruits represented 8.2 and 26.7% of the total forest and agricultural Chilean exports in 2008, respectively. The main markets for this fruits were USA/Canada (42%) and Europe (32%). The fruit grower receives, on average, 12-16% of the total price of the fruit in its final destination. Each year the fruit industry employs 450.000 people directly, of which 1/3 are permanent. Even though the fruit industry employs the highest proportion of the agricultural labor and the growing area has increased in the last 20 years, the proportion of agricultural employment has decreased from 19.5% in 1989 to 10.8% in 2008. It might also be noted that Chile invests only 0.7% of the GDP in research. In the last 40 years, the fruit industry has been a motor for the Chilean economic development, but the lower rates of currency exchange, the rising costs of energy (oil, electricity), and the increasing scarcity of hand labor have drastically reduced the profitability and are putting at risk the viability of a large proportion of the fruit orchards in Chile. It is estimated that this season around 65% of the orchards will have a negative economic balance in their operations. Higher investment in research, improvements in fruit quality and various orchard management practices, as well as higher financial support from the Government are needed for the long term viability of the fruit industry in Chile.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento da variabilidade espacial da resistência mecânica à penetração (RP), da densidade do solo, da densidade de partículas do solo, da porosidade total e dos teores de areia, silte e argila, e as relações existentes entre as propriedades analisadas. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Puerto López (Meta-Colômbia). As amostras do solo foram coletadas em duas profundidades (0 - 0,10 e 0,10 - 0,20 m), em intervalos regulares de 25 m, em malha regular, compreendendo 42 pontos, sendo a RP medida até 0,42 m de profundidade. A RP não se correlacionou com nenhuma propriedade, na primeira profundidade. De 0,10 - 0,20 m de profundidade, a RP correlacionou-se com os teores de silte e areia. Os semivariogramas da RP não apresentaram correlação espacial nas duas profundidades, possivelmente devido ao sistema de preparo do solo, que modifica a dependência espacial na superfície, acarretando maior homogeneidade do solo. As propriedades ajustaram-se a modelos de semivariogramas exponenciais e esféricos. Para a profundidade de 0,10 - 0,20 m, as propriedades não se ajustaram a modelos de semivariogramas, apresentando efeito pepita puro, ou seja, não apresentaram dependência espacial, à exceção da densidade aparente.
A quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed canine distemper virus presence in peripheral blood samples from asymptomatic and non vaccinated dogs. Samples from eleven domestic dogs with no signs of canine distemper and not vaccinated at the month of collection were used. Canine distemper virus vaccine samples in VERO cells were used as positive controls. RNA was isolated with Trizol®, and treated with a TURBO DNA-free kit. Primers were designed for canine distemper virus nucleocapsid protein coding region fragment amplification (84 bp). Canine b-actin (93 bp) was utilized as the endogenous control for normalization. Quantitative results of real time PCR generated by ABI Prism 7000 SDS Software showed that 54.5% of dogs with asymptomatic canine distemper were positive for canine distemper virus. Dissociation curves confirmed the specificity of the real time PCR fragments. This technique could detect even a few copies of viral RNA and identificate subclinically infected dogs providing accurate diagnosis of this disease at an early stage.
Apoptose tem um papel importante na manutenção da homeostase placentária, e o desequilíbrio desse processo pode comprometer a gestação. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ocorrencia de apoptose em amostras de placenta de vacas em diferentes fases de gestação. Amostras de placentomos de 15 vacas saudáveis com 4 (n=5), 6 (n=5) e 9 (n=5) meses de gestação foram colhidas e processadas rotineiramente para a histologia, imuno-histoquímica e isolamento de DNA. As lâminas obtidas foram coradas em HE, ou submetidas à análise imuno-histoquímica das proteínas pró-apoptóticas caspase-3 e Bax, e da proteína anti-apoptótica Bcl-2. O DNA isolado foi submetido à eletroforese em gel de agarose para detecção da fragmentação internucleossômica do genoma. Os resultados de histomorfometria revelaram que as células apoptóticas aumentaram progressivamente com o avanço da gestação. Confirmou-se a apoptose pela fragmentação característica do DNA genômico, visualizada pelo clássico "padrão em escada" na eletroforese em gel de agarose. Adcionalmente, a imunoexpressão de caspase-3, Bax e Bcl-2 foram observadas em todas as amostras. Entretanto, a proteína caspase-3 apresentou marcação mais intensa em todos os tempos gestacionais, quando comparada com a marcação das proteínas Bcl-2 e Bax. Esses resultados confirmam e reforçam a importância da apoptose na maturação placentária. Além disto, indica que caspase-3, Bax e Bcl-2 estão envolvidas nos mecanismos de ativação da apoptose pela via intrínseca mitocondrial ao longo da gestação, contribuindo para o equilíbrio fisiológico da celularidade e renovação celular na placenta bovina.
The Guayana Shield, located in north-eastern South America, consists of a highly complex and composite mosaic of landscape elements. Amongst these, inselbergs are very conspicuous, because of their peculiar shape and their unusual associated vegetation. Geologically, these rock outcrops are part of the underlying ancient igneous-metamorphic basement and occur mainly in the lowlands of the periphery of the shield. As azonal habitats, inselbergs harbour a highly specialized flora. The characteristic vegetation is composed of lithophytic and savanna-like plant communities, as well as low dry forests. As a whole, the vegetation of an inselberg may be interpreted as a mosaic of marginal habitats. Therefore a large number of taxa find suitable niches in a quite condensed space. Gradients of soil depth and water availability are the main factors determining the floristic composition. A preliminary floristic inventory of the Venezuelan inselberg flora comprises 614 vascular plant species. 24% of them are endemic to the Guayana region, 15% are endemic to inselbergs of the Guayana region. The distribution patterns of these latter, eco-endemic species allows to distinguish a northern and a southern inselberg district. The two districts overlap in the Átures area, in the surroundings of Puerto Ayacucho, where a true centre of endemism is located. The distinction into two districts is emphasised by different phytogeographic relations. The southern inselberg district shows connections to the "tepui" flora, whereas the northern district reveals phytogeographic relations to the Caribbean region as well as to the Brazilian Shield. Possible explanations for the floristic interchange across the equator are discussed.
The aim of this work was the identification of geographic zones suitable for the production of honeys in which pollen grains of Escallonia pulverulenta (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Saxifragaceae) can be detected. The analysis of botanical origin of 240 honey samples produced between La Serena and Puerto Mont (the IV and X Administrative Regions of Chile), allowed the detection of pollen grains of E. pulverulenta in 46 Chilean honeys. The geographic distribution of the honeys studied is presented together with their affinities, through factor analysis and frequency tables. The study was based on the presence of E. pulverulenta pollen. Escallonia pulverulenta pollen percentages oscillated between 0.24% and 78.5%. Seventeen of the studied samples were designated as unifloral - i.e. samples showing more than 45% pollen of a determined plant species. Two of these corresponded to E. pulverulenta (corontillo, madroño or barraco) honeys. The remaining unifloral honeys correspond to 8 samples of Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr (birdsfoot trefoil), 2 samples of Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz (maqui) and 1 sample of Escallonia rubra (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (siete camisas), Eucryphia cordifolia Cav. (ulmo or muemo), Weinmannia trichosperma Cav. (tineo), Rubus ulmifolius Schott (blackberry) and Brassica rapa L. (turnip). Honeys with different percentages of E. pulverulenta pollen - statistically analyzed through correspondence analysis - could be associated and assigned to one of three geographic types, defined on the basis of this analysis. The geographical type areas defined were the Northern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IV Region), Central Mediterranean Zone (samples from the V to the VIII regions including two samples of unifloral Escallonia pulverulenta honey), and Southern Mediterranean Zone (samples from the IX Region).