66 resultados para proton transporting adenosine triphosphate synthase
Red blood cells (RBC) are viable if kept in an adequate preservative solution, although gradual changes in morphology and metabolism may occur. There is a gradual decrease in adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) concentration, pH, glucose consumption, and enzyme activity during preservation. The normal discocyte shapes are initially replaced by echinocytes and stomatocytes and, at final stages, by spherocytes, the last step before splenic sequestration. Post-transfusional survival has been correlated with the ATP concentration. RBC preserved in ADSOL, a solution containing adenine, dextrose, sodium chloride, and mannitol, are viable for transfusion for up to 6 weeks. Erythrocytes from 10 blood units taken from healthy adult donors were preserved for 12 weeks in ADSOL at 4oC. We now report a significant correlation (r2 = 0.98) between the percentage of discocytes (89 to 7%) and ATP (100 to 10%) concentration in ADSOL-preserved RBC. The results suggest that the percent of discocyte shapes used as an indicator of ATP concentration may be a useful indicator for quality control of RBC viability in centers which have limited assay facilities.
Nitric oxide synthase activity was measured in Langerhans islets isolated from control and streptozotocin diabetic rats. The activity of the enzyme was linear up to 150 µg of protein from control rats and was optimal at 0.1 µM calcium, when it was measured after 45 min of incubation at 37oC in the presence of 200 µM arginine. Specific activity of the enzyme was 25 x 10-4 nmol [3H]citrulline 45 min-1 mg protein-1. Streptozotocin diabetic rats exhibited less enzyme activity both in total pancreas homogenate and in isolated Langerhans islets when compared to control animals. Nitric oxide synthase activity measured in control and diabetic rats 15 days after the last streptozotocin injection in the second group of animals corresponded only to a constitutive enzyme since it was not inhibited by aminoguanidine in any of the mentioned groups. Hyperglycemia in diabetic rats may be the consequence of impaired insulin release caused at least in part by reduced positive modulation mediated by constitutive nitric oxide synthase activity, which was dramatically reduced in islets severely damaged after streptozotocin treatment.
We investigated the participation of A1 or A2 receptors in the gonadotrope and their role in the regulation of LH and FSH secretion in adult rat hemipituitary preparations, using adenosine analogues. A dose-dependent inhibition of LH and FSH secretion was observed after the administration of graded doses of the R-isomer of phenylisopropyladenosine (R-PIA; 1 nM, 10 nM, 100 nM, 1 µM and 10 µM). The effect of R-PIA (10 nM) was blocked by the addition of 8-cyclopentyltheophylline (CPT), a selective A1 adenosine receptor antagonist, at the dose of 1 µM. The addition of an A2 receptor-specific agonist, 5-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (MECA), at the doses of 1 nM to 1 µM had no significant effect on LH or FSH secretion, suggesting the absence of this receptor subtype in the gonadotrope. However, a sharp inhibition of the basal secretion of these gonadotropins was observed after the administration of 10 µM MECA. This effect mimicked the inhibition induced by R-PIA, supporting the hypothesis of the presence of A1 receptors in the gonadotrope. R-PIA (1 nM to 1 µM) also inhibited the secretion of LH and FSH induced by phospholipase C (0.5 IU/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest the presence of A1 receptors and the absence of A2 receptors in the gonadotrope. It is possible that the inhibition of LH and FSH secretion resulting from the activation of A1 receptors may have occurred independently of the increase in membrane phosphoinositide synthesis.
Cardiac surgery involving ischemic arrest and extracorporeal circulation is often associated with alterations in vascular reactivity and permeability due to changes in the expression and activity of isoforms of nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase. These inflammatory changes may manifest as systemic hypotension, coronary spasm or contraction, myocardial failure, and dysfunction of the lungs, gut, brain and other organs. In addition, endothelial dysfunction may increase the occurrence of late cardiac events such as graft thrombosis and myocardial infarction. These vascular changes may lead to increased mortality and morbidity and markedly lengthen the time of hospitalization and cost of cardiac surgery. Developing a better understanding of the vascular changes operating through nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase may improve the care and help decrease the cost of cardiovascular operations.
Targeted disruption of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) genes has led to knockout mice that lack these isoforms. These animal models have been useful to study the roles of nitric oxide (NO) in physiologic processes. nNOS knockout mice have enlarged stomachs and defects in the inhibitory junction potential involved in gastrointestinal motility. eNOS knockout mice are hypertensive and lack endothelium-derived relaxing factor activity. When these animals are subjected to models of focal ischemia, the nNOS mutant mice develop smaller infarcts, consistent with a role for nNOS in neurotoxicity following cerebral ischemia. In contrast, eNOS mutant mice develop larger infarcts, and show a more pronounced hemodynamic effect of vascular occlusion. The knockout mice also show that nNOS and eNOS isoforms differentially modulate the release of neurotransmitters in various regions of the brain. eNOS knockout mice respond to vessel injury with greater neointimal proliferation, confirming that reduced NO levels seen in endothelial dysfunction change the vessel response to injury. Furthermore, eNOS mutant mice still show a protective effect of female gender, indicating that the mechanism of this protection cannot be limited to upregulation of eNOS expression. The eNOS mutant mice also prove that eNOS modulates the cardiac contractile response to ß-adrenergic agonists and baseline diastolic relaxation. Atrial natriuretic peptide, upregulated in the hearts of eNOS mutant mice, normalizes cGMP levels and restores normal diastolic relaxation.
This review explores advances in our understanding of the intracellular regulation of the endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the context of its dynamically regulated subcellular targeting. Nitric oxide (NO) is a labile molecule, and may play important biological roles both within the cell in which it is synthesized and in its interactions with nearby cells and molecules. The localization of eNOS within the cell importantly influences the biological role and chemical fate of the NO produced by the enzyme. eNOS, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent enzyme, is subject to a complex pattern of intracellular regulation, including co- and post-translational modifications and interactions with other proteins and ligands. In endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes eNOS is localized in specialized plasmalemmal signal-transducing domains termed caveolae; acylation of the enzyme by the fatty acids myristate and palmitate is required for targeting of the protein to caveolae. Targeting to caveolae facilitates eNOS activation following receptor stimulation. In resting cells, eNOS is tonically inhibited by its interactions with caveolin, the scaffolding protein in caveolae. However, following agonist activation, eNOS dissociates from caveolin, and nearly all the eNOS translocates to structures within the cell cytosol; following more protracted incubations with agonists, most of the cytosolic enzyme subsequently translocates back to the cell membrane. The agonist-induced internalization of eNOS is completely abrogated by chelation of intracellular Ca2+. These rapid receptor-mediated effects are seen not only for "classic" eNOS agonists such as bradykinin, but also for estradiol, indicating a novel non-genomic role for estrogen in eNOS activation. eNOS targeting to the membrane is labile, and is subject to receptor-regulated Ca2+-dependent reversible translocation, providing another point for regulation of NO-dependent signaling in the vascular endothelium.
It has been demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) has a thermoregulatory action, but very little is known about the mechanisms involved. In the present study we determined the effect of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibition on thermoregulation. We used 7-nitroindazole (7-NI, 1, 10 and 30 mg/kg body weight), a selective nNOS inhibitor, injected intraperitoneally into normothermic Wistar rats (200-250 g) and rats with fever induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (100 µg/kg body weight) administration. It has been demonstrated that the effects of 30 mg/kg of 7-NI given intraperitoneally may inhibit 60% of nNOS activity in rats. In all experiments the colonic temperature of awake unrestrained rats was measured over a period of 5 h at 15-min intervals after intraperitoneal injection of 7-NI. We observed that the injection of 30 mg/kg of 7-NI induced a 1.5oC drop in body temperature, which was statistically significant 1 h after injection (P<0.02). The coinjection of LPS and 7-NI was followed by a significant (P<0.02) hypothermia about 0.5oC below baseline. These findings show that an nNOS isoform is required for thermoregulation and participates in the production of fever in rats.
Nitric oxide (NO·) has been identified as a principal regulatory molecule of the immune system and the major cytotoxic mediator of activated immune cells. NO· can also react rapidly with a variety of biological species, particularly with the superoxide radical anion O2·- at almost diffusion-limited rates to form peroxynitrite anion (ONOO-). ONOO- and its proton-catalyzed decomposition products are capable of oxidizing a great diversity of biomolecules and can act as a source of toxic hydroxyl radicals. As a consequence, a strategy for the development of molecules with potential trypanocidal activities could be developed to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the parasites through NO·-releasing compounds. In this way, the rate of formation of peroxynitrite from NO· and O2·- would be faster than the rate of dismutation of superoxide radicals by superoxide dismutases which constitute the primary antioxidant enzymatic defense system in trypanosomes. The adenosine transport systems of parasitic protozoa, which are also in certain cases implicated in the selective uptake of active drugs such as melarsoprol or pentamidine, could be exploited to specifically target these NO·-releasing compounds inside the parasites. In this work, we present the synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of a series of molecules that contain both a group which would specifically target these drugs inside the parasites via the purine transporter, and an NO·-donor group that would exert a specific pharmacological effect by increasing NO level, and thus the peroxynitrite concentration inside the parasite.
Cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (AOX) is not limited to plant mitochondria and is widespread among several types of protists. The uncoupling protein (UCP) is much more widespread than previously believed, not only in tissues of higher animals but also in plants and in an amoeboid protozoan. The redox energy-dissipating pathway (AOX) and the proton electrochemical gradient energy-dissipating pathway (UCP) lead to the same final effect, i.e., a decrease in ATP synthesis and an increase in heat production. Studies with green tomato fruit mitochondria show that both proteins are present simultaneously in the membrane. This raises the question of a specific physiological role for each energy-dissipating system and of a possible functional connection between them (shared regulation). Linoleic acid, an abundant free fatty acid in plants which activates UCP, strongly inhibits cyanide-resistant respiration mediated by AOX. Moreover, studies of the evolution of AOX and UCP protein expression and of their activities during post-harvest ripening of tomato fruit show that AOX and plant UCP work sequentially: AOX activity decreases in early post-growing stages and UCP activity is decreased in late ripening stages. Electron partitioning between the alternative oxidase and the cytochrome pathway as well as H+ gradient partitioning between ATP synthase and UCP can be evaluated by the ADP/O method. This method facilitates description of the kinetics of energy-dissipating pathways and of ATP synthase when state 3 respiration is decreased by limitation of oxidizable substrate.
The role of sympathetic nerve activity in the changes in arterial blood pressure and renal function caused by the chronic administration of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), an inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, was examined in sham and bilaterally renal denervated rats. Several studies have demonstrated that sympathetic nerve activity is elevated acutely after L-NAME administration. To evaluate the role of renal nerve activity in L-NAME-induced hypertension, we compared the blood pressure response in four groups (N = 10 each) of male Wistar-Hannover rats weighing 200 to 250 g: 1) sham-operated vehicle-treated, 2) sham-operated L-NAME-treated, 3) denervated vehicle-treated, and 4) denervated L-NAME-treated rats. After renal denervation or sham surgery, one control week was followed by three weeks of oral administration of L-NAME by gavage. Arterial pressure was measured weekly in conscious rats by a tail-cuff method and renal function tests were performed in individual metabolic cages 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after the beginning of L-NAME administration. L-NAME (60 mg kg-1 day-1) progressively increased arterial pressure from 108 ± 6.0 to 149 ± 12 mmHg (P<0.05) in the sham-operated group by the third week of treatment which was accompanied by a fall in creatinine clearance from 336 ± 18 to 222 ± 59 µl min-1 100 g body weight-1 (P<0.05) and a rise in fractional urinary sodium excretion from 0.2 ± 0.04 to 1.62 ± 0.35% (P<0.05) and in sodium post-proximal fractional excretion from 0.54 ± 0.09 to 4.7 ± 0.86% (P<0.05). The development of hypertension was significantly delayed and attenuated in denervated L-NAME-treated rats. This was accompanied by a striking additional increase in fractional renal sodium and potassium excretion from 0.2 ± 0.04 to 4.5 ± 1.6% and from 0.1 ± 0.015 to 1.21 ± 0.37%, respectively, and an enhanced post-proximal sodium excretion compared to the sham-operated group. These differences occurred despite an unchanged creatinine clearance and Na+ filtered load. These results suggest that bilateral renal denervation delayed and attenuated the L-NAME-induced hypertension by promoting an additional decrease in tubule sodium reabsorption in the post-proximal segments of nephrons. Much of the hypertension caused by chronic NO synthesis inhibition is thus dependent on renal nerve activity.
The influence of chronic nitric oxide synthase inhibition with N G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on body fluid distribution was studied in male Wistar rats weighing 260-340 g. Extracellular, interstitial and intracellular spaces, as well as plasma volume were measured after a three-week treatment with L-NAME (~70 mg/kg per 24 h in drinking water). An increase in extracellular space (16.1 ± 1.1 vs 13.7 ± 0.6 ml/100 g in control group, N = 12, P<0.01), interstitial space (14.0 ± 0.9 vs 9.7 ± 0.6 ml/100 g in control group, P<0.001) and total water (68.7 ± 3.9 vs 59.0 ± 2.9 ml/100 g, P<0.001) was observed in the L-NAME group (N = 8). Plasma volume was lower in L-NAME-treated rats (2.8 ± 0.2 ml/100 g) than in the control group (3.6 ± 0.1 ml/100 g, P<0.001). Blood volume was also lower in L-NAME-treated rats (5.2 ± 0.3 ml/100 g) than in the control group (7.2 ± 0.3 ml/100 g, P<0.001). The increase in total ratio of kidney wet weight to body weight in the L-NAME group (903 ± 31 vs 773 ± 45 mg/100 g in control group, P<0.01) but not in total kidney water suggests that this experimental hypertension occurs with an increase in renal mass. The fact that the heart weight to body weight ratio and the total heart water remained constant indicates that, despite the presence of high blood pressure, no modification in cardiac mass occurred. These data show that L-NAME-induced hypertension causes alterations in body fluid distribution and in renal mass.
We investigated the effects of adenosine on prolactin (PRL) secretion from rat anterior pituitaries incubated in vitro. The administration of 5-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (MECA), an analog agonist that preferentially activates A2 receptors, induced a dose-dependent (1 nM to 1 µM) increase in the levels of PRL released, an effect abolished by 1,3-dipropyl-7-methylxanthine, an antagonist of A2 adenosine receptors. In addition, the basal levels of PRL secretion were decreased by the blockade of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase pathways, with indomethacin and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), respectively. The stimulatory effects of MECA on PRL secretion persisted even after the addition of indomethacin, but not of NDGA, to the medium. MECA was unable to stimulate PRL secretion in the presence of dopamine, the strongest inhibitor of PRL release that works by inducing a decrease in adenylyl cyclase activity. Furthermore, the addition of adenosine (10 nM) mimicked the effects of MECA on PRL secretion, an effect that persisted regardless of the presence of LiCl (5 mM). The basal secretion of PRL was significatively reduced by LiCl, and restored by the concomitant addition of both LiCl and myo-inositol. These results indicate that PRL secretion is under a multifactorial regulatory mechanism, with the participation of different enzymes, including adenylyl cyclase, inositol-1-phosphatase, cyclooxygenase, and lipoxygenase. However, the increase in PRL secretion observed in the lactotroph in response to A2 adenosine receptor activation probably was mediated by mechanisms involving regulation of adenylyl cyclase, independent of membrane phosphoinositide synthesis or cyclooxygenase activity and partially dependent on lipoxygenase arachidonic acid-derived substances.
Angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) play important and opposite roles in the control of water and salt intake, with angiotensin II promoting the intake of both and ANP inhibiting the intake of both. Following blood volume expansion, baroreceptor input to the brainstem induces the release of ANP within the hypothalamus that releases oxytocin (OT) that acts on its receptors in the heart to cause the release of ANP. ANP activates guanylyl cyclase that converts guanosine triphosphate into cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP activates protein kinase G that reduces heart rate and force of contraction, decreasing cardiac output. ANP acts similarly to induce vasodilation. The intrinsic OT system in the heart and vascular system augments the effects of circulating OT to cause a rapid reduction in effective circulating blood volume. Furthermore, natriuresis is rapidly induced by the action of ANP on its tubular guanylyl cyclase receptors, resulting in the production of cGMP that closes Na+ channels. The OT released by volume expansion also acts on its tubular receptors to activate nitric oxide synthase. The nitric oxide released activates guanylyl cyclase leading to the production of cGMP that also closes Na+ channels, thereby augmenting the natriuretic effect of ANP. The natriuresis induced by cGMP finally causes blood volume to return to normal. At the same time, the ANP released acts centrally to decrease water and salt intake.
Acute nitric oxide synthase inhibition with N G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on chronotropic and pressor responses was studied in anesthetized intact rats and rats submitted to partial and complete autonomic blockade. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored intra-arterially. Intravenous L-NAME injection (7.5 mg/kg) elicited the same hypertensive response in intact rats and in rats with partial (ganglionic and parasympathetic blockade) and complete autonomic blockade (38 ± 3, 55 ± 6, 54 ± 5, 45 ± 5 mmHg, respectively; N = 9, P = NS). L-NAME-induced bradycardia at the time when blood pressure reached the peak plateau was similar in intact rats and in rats with partial autonomic blockade (43 ± 8, 38 ± 5, 46 ± 6 bpm, respectively; N = 9, P = NS). Rats with combined autonomic blockade showed a tachycardic response to L-NAME (10 ± 3 bpm, P<0.05 vs intact animals, N = 9). Increasing doses of L-NAME (5.0, 7.5 and 10 mg/kg, N = 9) caused a similar increase in blood pressure (45 ± 5, 38 ± 3, 44 ± 9 mmHg, respectively; P = NS) and heart rate (31 ± 4, 34 ± 3, 35 ± 4 bpm, respectively; P = NS). Addition of L-NAME (500 µM) to isolated atria from rats killed by cervical dislocation and rats previously subjected to complete autonomic blockade did not affect spontaneous beating or contractile strength (N = 9). In vivo results showed that L-NAME promoted a tachycardic response in rats with complete autonomic blockade, whereas the in vitro experiments showed no effect on intrinsic heart rate, suggesting that humoral mechanisms may be involved in the L-NAME-induced cardiac response.
We investigated the level of expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the retinorecipient layers of the rat superior colliculus during early postnatal development. Male and female Lister rats ranging in age between the day of birth (P0) and the fourth postnatal week were used in the present study. Two biochemical methods were used, i.e., in vitro measurement of NOS specific activity by the conversion of [³H]-arginine to [³H]-citrulline, and analysis of Western blotting immunoreactive bands from superior colliculus homogenates. As revealed by Western blotting, very weak immunoreactive bands were observed as early as P0-2, and their intensity increased progressively at least until P21. The analysis of specific activity of NOS showed similar results. There was a progressive increase in enzymatic activity until near the end of the second postnatal week, and a nonsignificant tendency to an increase until the end of the third week was also observed. Thus, these results indicated an increase in the amount of nNOS during the first weeks after birth. Our results confirm and extend previous reports using histochemistry for NADPH-diaphorase and immunocytochemistry for nNOS, which showed a progressive increase in the number of stained cells in the superficial layers during the first two postnatal weeks, reaching an adult pattern at the end of the third week. Furthermore, our results suggested that nNOS is present in an active form in the rat superior colliculus during the period of refinement of the retinocollicular pathway.