62 resultados para number of leaves
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed stratification on germination rate, germination speed, and initial development of seedlings of six pecan (Carya illinoinensis) cultivars under subtropical climatic conditions in southern Brazil. For stratification, the seeds were placed in boxes with moist sand, in a cold chamber at 4°C, for 90 days. In the fourteenth week after sowing, the emergence speed index, total emergence, plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves were evaluated. Seed stratification significantly improves the germination potential and morphological traits of the evaluated cultivars.
The effects of 0, 30 and 60 mM NaCl and substrates (red peat, sand or 3:1:1 [w/w] mixture of peat, sand, or soil) on vegetative growth of lulo, an Andean fruit species, during 12 weeks were studied. The experiment was carried out by using 2000 cm³ of polypropylene plastic pots under greenhouse conditions. Plant height, number of leaves and nodes, leaf area, total plant dry matter (DM), and shoot/root ratio were evaluated. With the increase of salt concentration, the plant height, the number of leaves and nodes, the leaf areas and plant dry mass DM decreased, whereas shoot/root ratio increased. Sand grown lulo plants were most affected by salinity and presented total mortality at 60 mM NaCl. On the other hand, plants held either in peat or in substrate mixture developed larger height, greater leaf and node numbers, higher leaf area and dry matter content. Shoot/root ratio in control (soil) and sand-grown plants (30 mM NaCl) was lower.
In pineapple fields, weed competition is exacerbated by the fact that the crop is small and has a very slow vegetative development. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of herbicides on growth, yield and quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Pérola'. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four treatments and four replications. Treatments consisted of weeding by hoe and the herbicides diuron; fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor applied in post-emergence. The characteristics evaluated monthly during the vegetative stage were stem diameter, D-leaf length, number of leaves, number of emitted leaves and percentage of natural floral induction. In the reproductive phase, evaluations were made of average fruit weight (g) with and without crown, fruits length and diameter, number of slip, slip-sucker and sucker type seedlings, determination of soluble solids and pH in the pulp. There was no effect of herbicide treatment on the vegetative growth characteristics. Stem diameter increased until 330 days after planting, showing a decrease after this period. The D-leaf grew over time in all treatments, although phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after the first application of herbicides. The traits evaluated on the reproductive phase showed no significant differences in response to treatments. Therefore, the use of diuron fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor did not affect growth, yield and fruit quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Pérola'.
Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Mangaba tree) is a fruit tree belonging to the Apocynaceae family and is native to Brazil. The production of seedlings of this species is limited by a lack of technical and nutritional expertise. To address this deficiency, this study aimed to characterize the visual symptoms of micronutrient deficiency and to assess growth and leaf nutrient accumulation in H. speciosa seedlings supplied with nutrient solutions that lack individual micronutrients. H. speciosa plants were grown in nutrient solution in a greenhouse according to a randomized block design, with four replicates. The treatments consisted of a group receiving complete nutrient solution and groups treated with a nutrient solution lacking one of the following micronutrients: boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo). The visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency were generally easy to characterize. Dry matter production was affected by the omission of micronutrients, and the treatment lacking Fe most limited the stem length, stem diameter, root length, and number of leaves in H. speciosa seedlings as well as the dry weight of leaves, the total dry weight, and the relative growth in H. speciosa plants. The micronutrient contents of H. speciosa leaves from plants receiving the complete nutrient solution treatment were, in decreasing order, Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn>B.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of substrate on growth, emergence, nutrition, and quality of Anacardium othonianum Rizz. (cerrado cashew tree) seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory on the Rio Verde campus. The following substrates were used: 1) Bioplant®, 2) Mecplant® (MP) + carbonized rice husk (CRH) (7:3), 3) fine-grained vermiculite (FGV), 4) FGV+CRH (3:1), 5) FGV+CRH (1:1), 6) FGV+CRH (1:3), and 7) sugarcane bagasse (SB) + sugarcane mill filter cake (FC) (3:2). Emerged seedlings were counted at 2-day intervals for 38 days following emergence of the first seedling. At 39, 64, and 89 days after seeding (DAS), the following variables were measured: stem length (SL), stem diameter (SD), and number of leaves (NL). Accumulated dry weight, quality indices, and leaf macro- and micronutrient levels were determined at 89 DAS. Plants grown in the FGV and FGV+CFH (1:3) substrates had shorter stem lengths than the plants grown in other substrates. Increases in seedling growth were smaller between 64 and 89 DAS compared to the initial period of the experiment. The highest leaf N concentrations were found in the SB+FC substrate treatment group; P and K concentrations were higher for the MP+CRH (7:3), SB+FC, and Bioplant® treatments; and Ca levels were higher for the SB+FC and MP+CRH (7:3) substrate treatments. The MP+CRH (7:3) substrate treatment group had the highest leaf B and Mn micronutrient concentrations, and plants from the Bioplant® substrate group had the highest leaf B micronutrient content. Mg, S, Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations did not differ among the different substrates. The plant traits that differed most among the treatments included stem length for the FGV and FGV+CRH (1:3) substrate groups and leaf nutrient concentrations, which were higher for the SB+FC group followed by the MP+CRH and Bioplant® treatments.
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of 'Feizixiao', 'Nuomici', 'Heiye', 'Kway May Pink' and 'Bengal' lychee cultivars topworked onto bearing 'Bengal' trees. The experiments were carried out in commercial orchard at Rio das Pedras Farm in Jundiaí, state of São Paulo. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks in a subdivided parcel arrangement, in which the parcel consisted of five cultivars and the sub-parcel consisted of six evaluation periods. Five replicates of three plants per parcel and six grafts per plant, (with two grafts per main branch) were used. The trees were approximately 10 years old propagated by air layering and planted with 6 x 4 m (416 plants/ha) spacing. The following characteristics were evaluated: success rate of the grafts, number of shoots, shoot length, number of nodes, number of leaves and chlorophyll content (SPAD). The control ('Bengal'/'Bengal') had the highest grafting success rate with 89.9%. On the other hand, 'Heiye', 'Feizixião', 'Nuomici' and 'Kway May Pink' had, respectively, 60.6, 55.0, 52.6 and 47.0% grafting success rates. All of the shoot grafts had normal growth with no signs of incompatibility. Therefore, the cultivars studied are compatible with 'Bengal' and may be used on commercial orchards.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the number of punctures in fine-needle aspiration biopsies required for a safe cytological analysis of thyroid nodules. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study with focus on diagnosis. The study population included 94 patients. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients participating in the study was 52 years (standard-deviation = 13.7) and 90.4% of them were women. Considering each puncture as an independent event, the first puncture has showed conclusive results in 78.7% of cases, the second, in 81.6%, and the third, in 71.8% of cases. With a view to the increasing chance of a conclusive diagnosis at each new puncture, two punctures have showed conclusive results in 89.5% of cases, and three punctures, in 90.6% of cases with at least one conclusive result. CONCLUSION: Two punctures in fine-needle aspiration biopsies of thyroid nodules have lead to diagnosis in 89.5% of cases in the study sample, suggesting that there is no need for multiple punctures to safely obtain the diagnosis of thyroid nodules.
The fractionation of the antioxidant ethyl acetate extract obtained from the dried leaves of Chrysophyllum marginatum afforded six substances identified as: alpha-amirin, gallic acid, myricitrin, quercitrin, (-)-epigallocatechin and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate. This study contributes to the knowledge of the secondary metabolites produced by one more species of the Brazilian Flora, until now not investigated. Moreover, this study allowed the identification of three substances with antioxidant activity previously detected in this species.
A chemical investigation of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. (Myrtaceae) leaves led to the isolation of α-amyrin and β-amyrin (in a mixture), betulin, 29-hydroxy-oleanolic acid, quercetin, catechin and gallocatechin. Herein, the identification of 29-hydroxy-oleanolic acid is reported for the first time in the Myrtaceae family. Moreover, in this study, the extract, fractions and six of the seven compounds were monitored for toxicity toward Artemia salina, antibacterial and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity. The crude ethanol extract of the leaves and fractions were found be active on A. salina toxicity bioassay.
The chemical composition of the essential oil and hydrolates of Campomanesia viatoris Landrum were investigated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and a GC flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The major constituents were tasmanone (70.50, essential oil; 74.73%, hydrolate), flavesone (12.77, essential oil; 12.24%, hydrolate) and agglomerone (6.79, essential oil; 10.84%, hydrolate). Tasmonone was isolated and its structure was characterized by spectrometric analysis, specifically 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). These findings supports the quimiotaxonomic relationship with Campomanesia and Eucalyptus genera.
The chemical treatment evaluation in the field to control post-harvest fruit anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) requires a suitable disease incidence assessment on harvested papaya (Carica papaya) fruits. The minimum number of papaya fruit harvests was determined for valid treatment comparison in field trials for anthracnose chemical control. Repeatability analysis was done using previously published data. The coefficient determination (R²) estimate range, using four methods, and based on means of 12 assessment times, was 92.58 < R² < 94.45%. The number of assessment times required for R²=90% varied from seven to nine. The R² values of 85.1 < R² < 91.3% estimated by ANOVA suggested that any seven successive assessment times were sufficient for treatment comparison.
It was evaluated the effect of two different sources of local inocula from two contrasting sites (mature forest, pasture) of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) and a non-mycorrhizal control on the plant growth of six woody species differing in functional characteristics (slow-, intermediate- and fast-growth), when introduced in a seasonally tropical dry forest (STDF) converted into abandoned pasture. Six plots (12 X 12m) were set as AMF inoculum source. Six replicates of six different species arranged in a Latin Square design were set in each plot. Plant height, cover area and the number of leaves produced by individual plant was measured monthly during the first growing season in each treatment. Species differed in their ability to benefit from AMF and the largest responsiveness in plant height and leaf production was exhibited by the slow-growing species Swietenia humilis, Hintonia latiflora and Cordia alliodora. At the end of the growing season (November), the plant height of the fast growing species Tabebuia donnel-smithii, Ceiba pentandra and Guazuma ulmifolia were not influenced by AMF. However, inocula of AMF increased leaf production of all plant species regardless the functional characteristics of the species, suggesting a better exploitation of above-ground space and generating a light limited environment under the canopy, which contributed to pasture suppression. Inoculation of seedlings planted in abandoned pasture areas is recommended for ecological restoration due to the high responsiveness of seedling growth in most of species. Use of forest inoculum with its higher diversity of AMF could accelerate the ecological restoration of the above and below-ground comunities.
Immediately after planting, tree seedlings face adverse environmental and biotic stresses that must be overcome to ensure survival and to yield a desirable growth. Hardening practices in the nursery may help improve seedling stress resistance through reduction of aboveground plant tissues and increased root volume and biomass. We conducted an assay to quantify changes in the morphogenesis following application of ethephon on seedlings of Pachystroma longifolium (Ness) I. M. Johnst.during hardening. The results showed no effect of the ethephon treatments on the number of leaves but a reduction of up to 50% in seedling height increment, and an increase in stem diameter increment of up to 44% with the 600 mg L-1 ethephon treatment, which consequently altered seedling Dickson Quality Index. Our results indicate that ethephon may help to promote desired morphological changes that occur during seedling hardening in nurseries.
The objective of this study was to simulate the impact of elevated temperature scenarios on leaf development of potato in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Leaf appearance was estimated using a multiplicative model that has a non-linear temperature response function which calculates the daily leaf appearance rate (LAR, leaves day-1) and the accumulated number of leaves (LN) from crop emergence to the appearance of the upper last leaf. Leaf appearance was estimated during 100 years in the following scenarios: current climate, +1 °C, +2 °C, +3 °C, +4 °C e +5 °C. The LAR model was estimated with coefficients of the Asterix cultivar in five emergence dates and in two growing seasons (Fall and Spring). Variable of interest was the duration (days) of the crop emergence to the appearance of the final leaf number (EM-FLN) phase. Statistical analysis was performed assuming a three-factorial experiment, with main effects being climate scenarios, growing seasons, and emergence dates in a completely randomized design using years (one hundred) as replications. The results showed that warmer scenarios lead to an increase, in the fall, and a decrease, in the spring growing season, in the duration of the leaf appearance phase, indicating high vulnerability and complexity of the response of potato crop grown in a Subtropical environment to climate change.
The implementation of local geodetic networks for georeferencing of rural properties has become a requirement after publication of the Georeferencing Technical Standard by INCRA. According to this standard, the maximum distance of baselines to GNSS L1 receivers is of 20 km. Besides the length of the baseline, the geometry and the number of geodetic control stations are other factors to be considered in the implementation of geodetic networks. Thus, this research aimed to examine the influence of baseline lengths higher than the regulated limit of 20 km, the geometry and the number of control stations on quality of local geodetic networks for georeferencing, and also to demonstrate the importance of using specific tests to evaluate the solution of ambiguities and on the quality of the adjustment. The results indicated that the increasing number of control stations has improved the quality of the network, the geometry has not influenced on the quality and the baseline length has influenced on the quality; however, lengths higher than 20 km has not interrupted the implementation, with GPS L1 receiver, of the local geodetic network for the purpose of georeferencing. Also, the use of different statistical tests, both for the evaluation of the resolution of ambiguities and for the adjustment, have enabled greater clearness in analyzing the results, which allow that unsuitable observations may be eliminated.