101 resultados para left trisectionectomy
OBJECTIVE: To determine the most sensitive criterion for the detection of left ventricular hypertrophy according to echocardiographically defined left ventricular mass. METHODS: The Sokolow-Lyon voltage, Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport, Cornell voltage duration product, White-Bock, and Romhilt-Estes point scoring criteria were compared with left ventricular mass index, corrected for body surface, obtained from the echocardiograms of 306 outpatients (176 females, 130 males), of all age groups. RESULTS: The Cornell voltage duration product criteria index had the greatest sensitivity in women (54.90%), and the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index was most sensitive in men (73.53%). When applied to men at the same voltage amplitude (20mm) as that in women, the Cornell index showed increased sensitivity relative to the conventional index (28mm) of 67.65% (P<=0.01) and a sensitivity similar to that of the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index, with higher specificity (P<=0.01). The White-Bock and Romhilt-Estes criteria were the least sensitive in men and women, despite their high specificity. The electrocardiographic criteria were more efficient when dilatation predominated over left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSION: The Cornell index had greater sensitivity in women, and the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index was more sensitive in men. When applied to men at the same voltage amplitude as that of women, the Cornell index had an increase in sensitivity similar to that of the Sokolow-Lyon-Rappaport index.
Mitral valvuloplasty is efficient for repairing mitral valve disease with few complications. In some cases, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract may occur due to systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve. We report the case of a patient with this complication and a pressure gradient between the left ventricle and the aorta of 130 mm Hg after mitral valvuloplasty with implantation of a Gregori's ring. The management was clinical with suspension of the vasoactive drugs and introduction of a beta-blocker. Two years after the surgery, the patient is asymptomatic and has a normal life.
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the effects of a new method of mitral valve replacement on left ventricular (LV) remodeling and heart failure functional class. METHODS: Eight patients (6 men) with severe mitral regurgitation from end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy underwent surgery. Five patients were in functional class (FC) IV, 2 were in FC III and 1 was in FC III/IV. Age ranged from 33 to 63 years. Both the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve were divided into hemileaflets. The resultant 4 pedicles were displaced under traction toward the left atrium and anchored between the mitral annulus and an implanted valvular prosthesis. The beating heart facilitated ideal chordae tendineae positioning. RESULTS: All patients survived and were discharged from the hospital. After a mean follow-up period of 6.5 months (1-12 m), 5 patients were in FC I; 2 in FC I/II; and 1 in FC II. The preoperative ejection fraction ranged from 19% to 30% (mean: 25.7±3.4 %), and the postoperative ejection fraction ranged from 21% to 40% (mean: 31.1± 5.8%). Doppler echocardiography showed evidence of LV remodeling in 4 patients, including lateral wall changes and a tendency of the LV cavity to return to its elliptical shape. CONCLUSION: This technique of mitral valve replacement, involving new positioning of the chordae tendineae, allowed LV remodeling and improvement in FC during this brief follow-up period.
We report the clinical findings, pathophysiology, diagnostic characteristics, and surgical repair of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery in a 26-year-old female patient with a clinical diagnosis of coronary heart disease.
PURPOSE: To evaluate left ventricular mass (LVM) index in hypertensive and normotensive obese individuals. METHODS: Using M mode echocardiography, 544 essential hypertensive and 106 normotensive patients were evaluated, and LVM was indexed for body surface area (LVM/BSA) and for height² (LVM/h²). The 2 indexes were then compared in both populations, in subgroups stratified according to body mass index (BMI): <27; 27-30; > or = 30kg/m². RESULTS: The BSA index does not allow identification of significant differences between BMI subgroups. Indexing by height² provides significantly increased values for high BMI subgroups in normotensive and hypertensive populations. CONCLUSION: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been underestimated in the obese with the use of LVM/BSA because this index considers obesity as a physiological variable. Indexing by height² allows differences between BMI subgroups to become apparent and seems to be more appropriate for detecting LVH in obese populations.
PURPOSE - To evaluate diastolic dysfunction (DD) in essential hypertension and the influence of age and cardiac geometry on this parameter. METHODS - Four hundred sixty essential hypertensive patients (HT) underwent Doppler echocardiography to obtain E/A wave ratio (E/A), atrial deceleration time (ADT), and isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT). All patients were grouped according to cardiac geometric patterns (NG - normal geometry; CR - concentric remodeling; CH- concentric hypertrophy; EH - eccentric hypertrophy) and to age (<40; 40 - 60; >60 years). One hundred six normotensives (NT) persons were also evaluated. RESULTS - A worsening of diastolic function in the HT compared with the NT, including HT with NG (E/A: NT - 1.38±0.03 vs HT - 1.27±0.02, p<0.01), was observed. A higher prevalence of DD occurred parallel to age and cardiac geometry also in the prehypertrophic groups (CR). Multiple regression analysis identified age as the most important predictor of DD (r²=0.30, p<0.01). CONCLUSION - DD was prevalent in this hypertensive population, being highly affected by age and less by heart structural parameters. DD is observed in incipient stages of hypertensive heart disease, and thus its early detection may help in the risk stratification of hypertensive patients.
The case of a 16-year-old patient with atrioventricular tachycardia caused by a single left anterolateral accessory pathway is reported. When the patient underwent radiofrequency ablation, a lesion on the mitral annulus lateral wall produced changes in the retrograde atrial activation pattern determined by that pathway; changes ranged from a delay in depolarization of the annulus posterior portions to full left atrium counterclockwise activation. Such phenomena were probably caused by a block in the isthmus between the annulus and the lower left pulmonary vein ostium. This case illustrates the importance of the mitral-pulmonary isthmus in the process of left atrium activation, an alert to changes induced by its unintentional block during accessory pathway ablation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess, in myocardium specimens obtained from necropsies, the correlation between the concentration of hydroxyproline, measured with the photocolorimetric method, and the intensity of fibrosis, determined with the morphometric method. METHODS: Left ventricle myocardium samples were obtained from 45 patients who had undergone necropsy, some of them with a variety of cardiopathies and others without any heart disease. The concentrations of hydroxyproline were determined with the photocolorimetric method. In the histologic sections from each heart, the myocardial fibrosis was quantified by using a light microscope with an integrating ocular lens. RESULTS: A median of, respectively, 4.5 and 4.3 mug of hydroxyproline/mg of dry weight was found in fixed and nonfixed left ventricle myocardium fragments. A positive correlation occurred between the hydroxyproline concentrations and the intensity of fibrosis, both in the fixed (Sr=+0.25; p=0.099) and in the nonfixed (Sr=+0.32; p=0.03) specimens. CONCLUSION: The biochemical methodology was proven to be adequate, and manual morphometry was shown to have limitations that may interfere with the statistical significance of correlations for the estimate of fibrosis intensity in the human myocardium.
OBJECTIVE - Evaluation of the performance of the QRS voltage-duration product (VDP) for detection of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). METHODS - Orthogonal electrocardiograms (ECG) were recorded in male SHR at the age of 12 and 20 weeks, when systolic blood pressure (sBP) reached the average values of 165±3 mmHg and 195±12 mmHg, respectively. Age- and sex- matched normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were used as controls. VDP was calculated as a product of maximum QRS spatial vector magnitude and QRS duration. Left ventricular mass (LVM) was weighed after rats were sacrificed. RESULTS - LVM in SHR at 12 and 20 weeks of age (0.86±0.05 g and 1.05±0.07 g, respectively) was significantly higher as compared with that in WKY (0.65±0.07 g and 0.70±0.02 g). The increase in LVM closely correlated with the sBP increase. VDP did not reflect the increase in LVM in SHR. VDP was lower in SHR as compared with that in WKY, and the difference was significant at the age of 20 weeks (18.2mVms compared with 10.7mVms, p<0.01). On the contrary, a significant increase in the VDP was observed in the control WKY at the age of 20 weeks without changes in LVM. The changes in VDP were influenced mainly by the changes in QRSmax. CONCLUSION - LVM was not the major determinant of QRS voltage changes and consequently of the VDP. These data point to the importance of the nonspatial determinants of the recorded QRS voltage in terms of the solid angle theory.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between myocardial bridges and the anterior interventricular branch (anterior descending) of the left coronary artery. METHODS: The study was carried out with postmortem material, and methods of dissection and observation were used. We assessed the perimeter of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery using a pachymeter, calculated its proximal and distal diameters in relation to the myocardial bridge, and also its diameter under the myocardial bridge in 30 hearts. We also observed the position of the myocardial bridge in relation to the origin of the anterior interventricular branch. RESULTS: The diameters of the anterior interventricular branch were as follows: the mean proximal diameter was 2.76±0.76 mm; the mean diameter under the myocardial bridge was 2.08±0.54 mm; and the mean distal diameter was 1.98±0.59 mm. In 33.33% (10/30) of the cases, the diameter of the anterior interventricular branch under the myocardial bridge was lower than the diameter of the anterior interventricular branch distal to the myocardial bridge. In 3.33% (1/30) of the cases, an atherosclerotic plaque was found in the segment under the myocardial bridge. The myocardial bridge was located in the middle third of the anterior interventricular branch in 86.66% (26/30) of the cases. CONCLUSION: Myocardial bridges are more frequently found in the middle third of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery. The diameter of the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery under the myocardial bridge may be smaller than after the bridge. Myocardial bridges may not provide protection against the formation of atherosclerotic plaque inside the anterior interventricular branch of the left coronary artery.
We describe the case of a 40-day-old female patient with a history of breathlessness since birth who was referred to our hospital for surgical correction of common arterial trunk. The invasive investigation disclosed a Fallot¢s tetralogy anatomy associated with an anomalous origin of the left pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta. Immediately after diagnosis, the patient underwent a successful total surgical correction of the defect, including simultaneous anastomosis of the left pulmonary artery to the pulmonary trunk.
Rupture of the left ventricle following mitral valve replacement is a catastrophic complication with deadly consequences. We report here the case of a 75-year-old man who underwent elective mitral valve replacement for severe mitral regurgitation. Delayed type 1 rupture of the left ventricle developed 3 hours postoperatively in the intensive care unit. A salvaging maneuver was used, which gained time, allowing reoperation and successful intraventricular repair.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether left ventricular end-systolic (ESD) diameters £ 51mm in patients (pt) with severe chronic mitral regurgitation (MR) are predictors of a poor prognosis after mitral valve surgery (MVS). METHODS: Eleven pt (aged 36±13 years) were studied in the preoperative period (pre), median of 36 days; in the early postoperative period (post1), median of 9 days; and in the late postoperative period (post2), mean of 38.5±37.6 months. Clinical and echocardiographic data were gathered from each pt with MR and systolic diameter ³51mm (mean = 57±4mm) to evaluate the result of MVS. Ten patients were in NYHA Class III/IV. RESULTS: All but 2 pt improved in functional class. Two pt died from heart failure and infectious endocarditis 14 and 11 months, respectively, after valve replacement. According to ejection fraction (EF) in post2, we identified 2 groups: group 1 (n=6), whose EF decreased in post1, but increased in post2 (p=0.01) and group 2 (n=5), whose EF decreased progressively from post1 to post2 (p=0.10). All pt with symptoms lasting £ 48 months had improvement in EF in post2 (p=0.01). CONCLUSION: ESD ³51mm are not always associated with a poor prognosis after MVS in patients with MR. Symptoms lasting up to 48 months are associated with improvement in left ventricular function.
OBJECTIVE: To study echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular systolic function and valvar regurgitation under pharmacological influence in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic mitral regurgitation (MR). METHODS: We carried out a double-blind placebo controlled study in 12 patients with MR, mean aged 12.5 years old, who were randomized in 4 phases: A) digoxin; B) enalapril; C) digoxin + enalapril; D) placebo. The medication was administered for 30 days in each phase, and the following variables were analyzed: shortening and ejection fractions, wall stress index of left ventricle, left ventricular meridional end-systolic wall stress, Doppler-derived mean rate of left ventricular pressure rise (mean dP/dt), stroke volume and MR jet area. The clinical variables analysed were heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. RESULTS: No significant variation was observed in the clinical variables analysed. The shortening and ejection fraction, the mean dP/dt and stroke volume significantly increased and the wall stress index of left ventricle, the meridional left ventricular end systolic wall stress and the mitral regurgitation jet area decreased in the phases with medication as compared with that in the placebo phase. CONCLUSION: The parameters of left ventricular systolic function improved significantly and the degree of MR decreased with the isolated administration of digoxin or enalapril in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic MR. The combination of the drugs, however, did not show better results.