38 resultados para hybrid materials-ormolyte
The objective of this work was to confirm the hybrids obtained in plants originated from the crossing between the mandarins Citrus deliciosa 'Montenegrina' and C. nobilis 'King', and to estimate the genetic similarity among hybrids, and between each hybrid and its parents. Twenty‑three pairs of microsatellite primers were tested. Fourteen of these pairs showed polymorphic bands between parents. Primers CCSM 129 and CCSME 52 were sufficient to identify the 12 nucellar clones observed in the studied population. Genetic similarity analysis of the population (hybrids and parents) showed 0.56 average similarity. Besides the 12 clones of 'Montenegrina' identified, 25 hybrids were found of which D18, C32, D06, C05 and D09 are the more similar to 'Montenegrina'.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the parasitic fauna of hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus mesopotamicus) from fish farms and the host-parasite relationship. A hundred and fourteen fish were collected from four fish farms in Macapá, in the state of Amapá, Brazil, 80.7% of which were infected by: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora); Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida); Anacanthorus spatulatus, Notozothecium janauachensis, and Mymarothecium viatorum (Monogenoidea); Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae (Acanthocephala); Cucullanus colossomi (Nematoda); Perulernaea gamitanae (Lernaeidae); and Proteocephalidae larvae (Cestoda). A total of 8,136,252 parasites were collected from the examined fish. This is the first record of N. buttnerae, C. colossomi, N. janauachensis, M. viatorum, and Proteocephalidae for hybrid tambacu in Brazil. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis was the most prevalent parasite, whereas endohelminths were the less. A positive correlation was observed between number of I. multifiliis and total length and weight of fish, as well as between number of P. gamitanae and total length. The infection by I. multifiliis had association with the parasitism by Monogenoidea. Low water quality contributes to high parasitism of hybrid tambacu by ectoparasites, which, however, does not influence the relative condition factor of fish.
The Murcott tangor represent 20% of the tangerines trees in São Paulo State being the second more grown. Their fruits have good acceptance in the market cause of the good characteristics presented as: size, attractive internal and external color, transport resistance, high juice rate and industry potential. It is necessary to study the behavior of others varieties, in order to amplify the diversity of tangerine industry, which show suitable characteristics to the fresh fruit market and that make possible different harvest season. Many tangerine varieties, selected from the Citrus Germplasm Bank of the do Centro Avançado de Pesquisa Tecnológica do Agronegócio de Citros "Sylvio Moreira"/IAC, belong to trials carried out in 15 places in São Paulo State. The Capão Bonito area, south-west of the state, is one of this places where the Nova tangelo, the Ortanique and the Murcott tangors are showing quite good results about their fruit qualities. This paper had as an objective to compare the fruit characteristics of the Nova tangelo, the Murcott and the Ortanique tangors grafted on two rootstocks: Rangpur lime and Cleopatra mandarin. Accordingly to the gotten results, is possible to conclude that Nova and Ortanique had shown weight, width, fruit shape and juice percent, similar to the Murcott. In compliance with the harvest season, the Nova present suitable conditions to fresh fruit market in May and June. By the other hand the Murcott fruits can be harvested in July to August and the Ortanique in August to September. For this reason, is possible extend the harvest season of this mandarin-like, from two to five month, occurring inclusive in a period out of the crop at the north hemisphere.
AbstractPenetrating atherosclerotic aortic ulcer is a rare entity with poor prognosis in the setting of acute aortic syndrome. In the literature, cases like the present one, located in the aortic arch, starting with chest pain and evolving with dysphonia, are even rarer. The present report emphasizes the role played by computed tomography in the diagnosis of penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer as well as in the differentiation of this condition from other acute aortic syndromes. Additionally, the authors describe a new therapeutic approach represented by a hybrid endovascular surgical procedure for treatment of the disease.
The process of coarsening of an ensemble of clusters is investigated for the case that elastic strains due to matrix - cluster interactions change the process qualitatively as compared with dependencies established theoretically first by Lifshitz and Slezov. Such a qualitatively different behavior occurs always when the energy of elastic deformation in cluster growth increases more rapidly than linear with the volume of a cluster. Analytic solutions, for limiting cases, as well as numerical solutions, for the general case of coarsening in an ensemble of pores with a given pore size distribution, are presented. Possible applications are discussed.
Pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials is essential for bioconversion because of the various physical and chemical barriers that greatly inhibit their susceptibility to bioprocesses such as hydrolysis and fermentation. The aim of this article is to review some of the most important pretreatment methods developed to date to enhance the conversion of lignocellulosics. Steam explosion, which precludes the treatment of biomass with high-pressure steam under optimal conditions, is presented as the pretreatment method of choice and its mode of action on lignocellulosics is discussed. The optimal pretreatment conditions for a given plant biomass are defined as those in which the best substrate for hydrolysis is obtained with the least amount of soluble sugars lost to side reactions such as dehydration. Therefore, pretreatment optimization results from a compromise between two opposite trends because hemicellulose recovery in acid hydrolysates can only be maximized at lower pretreatment severities, whereas the development of substrate accessibility requires more drastic pretreatment conditions in which sugar losses are inevitable. To account for this heterogeneity, the importance of several process-oriented parameters is discussed in detail, such as the pretreatment temperature, residence time into the steam reactor, use of an acid catalyst, susceptibility of the pretreated biomass to bioconversion, and process design.
In this article we review some of the basic aspects of rare earth spectroscopy applied to vitreous materials. The characteristics of the intra-atomic free ion and ligand field interactions, as well as the formalisms of the forced electric dipole and dynamic coupling mechanisms of 4f-4f intensities, are outlined. The contribution of the later mechanism to the 4f-4f intensities is critically discussed, a point that has been commonly overlooked in the literature of rare earth doped glasses. The observed correlation between the empirical intensity parameter W2 and the covalence of the ion first coordination shell is discussed accordingly to the theoretical predictions.
The present work reviews recent advances in the preparation of new reversed phase packing materials such as sterically protected, bidentate, hybrid organic-inorganic and monolithic phases and phases containing embedded polar groups. The bonding chemistry involved in the preparation of these phases as well as their advantages over conventional C8 and C18 reversed phases are discussed. Understanding the reasons behind the development of these newer column packings helps analysts select the best stationary phase for a given application.