177 resultados para humoral


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Philander opossum and Didelphis marsupialis considered the most ancient mammals and an evolutionary success, maintain parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi without developing any apparent disease or important tissue lesion. In order to elucidate this well-balanced interaction, we decided to compare the humoral immune response kinetics of the two didelphids naturally and experimentally infected with T. cruzi and immunized by different schedules of parasite antigens, employing an indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Both didelphids responded with high serological titers to different immunization routes, while the earliest response occurred with the intradermic route. Serological titers of naturally infected P. opossum showed a significant individual variation, while those of D. marsupialis remained stable during the entire follow-up period. The serological titers of the experimentally infected animals varied according to the inoculated strain. Our data suggest that (1) IFAT was sensitive for follow-up of P. opossum in natural and experimental T. cruzi infections; (2) both P. opossum and D. marsupialis are able to mount an efficient humoral immune response as compared to placental mammals; (3) experimentally infected P. opossum and D. marsupialis present distinct patterns of infection, depending on the subpopulation of T. cruzi, (4) the differences observed in the humoral immune responses between P. opossum and D. marsupialis, probably, reflect distinct strategies selected by these animals during their coevolution with T. cruzi.


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Humoral and cellular immune responses are currently induced against hepatitis C virus (HCV) core following vaccination with core-encoding plasmids. However, the anti-core antibody response is frequently weak or transient. In this paper, we evaluated the effect of different additives and DNA-protein combinations on the anti-core antibody response. BALB/c mice were intramuscularly injected with an expression plasmid (pIDKCo), encoding a C-terminal truncated variant of the HCV core protein, alone or combined with CaCl2, PEG 6000, Freund's adjuvant, sonicated calf thymus DNA and a recombinant core protein (Co.120). Mixture of pIDKCo with PEG 6000 and Freund's adjuvant accelerated the development of the anti-core Ab response. Combination with PEG 6000 also induced a bias to IgG2a subclass predominance among anti-core antibodies. The kinetics, IgG2a/IgG1 ratio and epitope specificity of the anti-core antibody response elicited by Co.120 alone or combined with pIDKCo was different regarding that induced by the pIDKCo alone. Our data indicate that the antibody response induced following DNA immunization can be modified by formulation strategies.


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A study was undertaken to search for DNA recombinant Schistosoma mansoni proteins responsible for eliciting an antibody response from the host at a very early phase after infection. A S. mansoni adult worm cDNA expression library was screened using pooled sera from baboons with four weeks of infection. Based on their specific reactivity with the S. mansoni infected sera and no reactivity when tested against the pre-infection sera from the same baboons, four clones were selected for further studies. Sequence analysis revealed that they were homologous to the S. mansoni heat shock protein 70 (hsp70). The insert sizes of the four selected clones varied from 1150 to 2006 bp. The preliminary characterization for antibody reactivity against a panel of baboon sera showed that the longest clone was the most reactive, eight out of eight acute and three out of four chronic sera reacting positively to this clone. The shortest clone was the least reactive. Our results suggest that the S. mansoni hsp70 elicits an early and strong antibody response in baboons and that antibodies to this protein can be detected in chronically infected animals. Therefore S. mansoni hsp70 may be a valid target for immunodiagnosis. However further studies are needed to identify the portion of the hsp70 that best fits the requirements for a valuable diagnostic antigen.


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The majority of Kudoa species infect the somatic muscle of fish establishing cysts. As there is no effective method to detect infected fish without destroying them these parasited fish reach the consumer. This work was developed to determine whether this parasite contains antigenic compounds capable of provoking an immune response in laboratory animals, in order to consider the possible immunopathological effects in man by the ingestion of Kudoa infected fish. BALB/c mice were injected by the subcutaneous route with the following extracts suspended in aluminium hydroxide: group 1 (black Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract), group 2 (white Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract), and group 3 (non-infected hake meat extract). Specific antibody levels were measured by ELISA against homologous and heterologous antigens. The highest responses were obtained from the black Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extract (group 1).The low optic density levels detected in group 3 proved that the results obtained in groups 1 and 2 were a consequence of the parasitic extract injection. The IgG1 was the predominant subclass. IgE detected in groups 1 and 2 showed the possible allergenic nature of some of the components of the parasitic extract. High IgA levels and medium IgG2a and IgG3 levels were obtained in groups 1 and 2. Low IgG2b responses were shown. No cross-reactions between Kudoa sp. pseudocyst extracts and the non-infected hake meat extract were observed.


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Antibody responses directed against the Plasmodium falciparum antigens, total extract, anti-merozoite surface protein-3 (MSP3b) and glutamate-rich protein (Glurp-R0) were studied in 42 children exposed to both Schistosoma haematobium and P. falciparum infections. The association between levels of the anti-malaria IgG subclasses and IgM with host age, sex, schistosome infection intensity and schistosome specific antibodies was studied before chemotherapeutic treatment of schistosome infections. This showed a significant negative association between schistosome infection intensity and levels of IgG1, IgG3, and IgG4 directed against malaria total extract antigen, and a positive association between levels of anti-schistosome soluble egg antigen IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 and levels of the same subclasses directed against malaria total extract antigens. The effect of treating schistosome infections with praziquantel on malaria specific responses was also studied. This treatment resulted in increases in significant IgG4 levels against MSP3b and IgM against Glurp R0. Treatment also resulted in a significant decrease in IgG4 levels against Glurp R0. Host age, sex or pre-treatment infection intensity was not associated with the magnitude of change in the two IgG4 responses while males showed a significantly higher increase in levels of IgM. The results suggest cross reactivity between schistosome and malaria antigens in this population.


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Given that highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been demonstrated useful to restore immune competence in type-1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-infected subjects, we evaluated the specific antibody response to influenza vaccine in a cohort of HIV-1-infected children on HAART so as to analyze the quality of this immune response in patients under antiretroviral therapy. Sixteen HIV-1-infected children and 10 HIV-1 seronegative controls were immunized with a commercially available trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine containing the strains A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B. Serum hemagglutinin inhibition (HI) antibody titers were determined for the three viral strains at the time of vaccination and 1 month later. Immunization induced a significantly increased humoral response against the three influenza virus strains in controls, and only against A/H3N2 in HIV-1-infected children. The comparison of post-vaccination HI titers between HIV-1+ patients and HIV-1 negative controls showed significantly higher HI titers against the three strains in controls. In addition, post vaccination protective HI titers (defined as equal to or higher than 1:40) against the strains A/H3N2 and B were observed in a lower proportion of HIV-1+ children than in controls, while a similar proportion of individuals from each group achieved protective HI titers against the A/H1N1 strain. The CD4+ T cell count, CD4/CD8 T cells ratio, and serum viral load were not affected by influenza virus vaccination when pre- vs post-vaccination values were compared. These findings suggest that despite the fact that HAART is efficient in controlling HIV-1 replication and in increasing CD4+ T cell count in HIV-1-infected children, restoration of immune competence and response to cognate antigens remain incomplete, indicating that additional therapeutic strategies are required to achieve a full reconstitution of immune functions.


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Highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) of human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) infection is very effective in controlling infection, but elimination of viral infection has not been achieved as yet, and upon treatment interruption an immediate rebound of viremia is observed. A combination of HAART with an immune stimulation might allow treatment interruption without this rebounding viremia, as the very low viremias observed with successful HAART may be insufficient to permit maintenance of a specific anti-HIV-1 immune response. The objective of this study was to compare the humoral immune response of individuals undergoing successful HAART (NF=no failure) with that of individuals with evidence of failure of therapy (FT) and to verify if the viremia peaks observed in individuals with therapy failure would act as a specific stimulus for the humoral anti-HIV-1 immune response. Antibodies binding to gp120 V3 genotype consensus peptides were more frequently observed for FT, mainly against peptides corresponding to sequences of genotypes prevalent in the Rio de Janeiro city area, B and F. HIV-1 neutralization of HIV-1 IIIB and of four primary isolates from Rio de Janeiro was less frequently observed for plasma from the NF than the FT group, but this difference was more expressive when plasma from individuals with detectable viremia were compared to that of individuals with undetectable viral loads in the year before sample collection. Although statistically significant differences were observed only in some specific comparisons, the study indicates that presence of detectable viremia may contribute to the maintenance of a specific anti-HIV-1 humoral immune response.


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Adjuvants play an important role in vaccine formulations by increasing their immunogenicity. In this study, the phenolic compound-rich J fraction (JFR) of a Brazilian green propolis methanolic extract stimulated cellular and humoral immune responses when co-administered with an inactivated vaccine against swine herpesvirus type 1 (SuHV-1). When compared to control vaccines that used aluminium hydroxide as an adjuvant, the use of 10 mg/dose of JFR significantly increased (p < 0.05) neutralizing antibody titres against SuHV-1, as well as the percentage of protected animals following SuHV-1 challenge (p < 0.01). Furthermore, addition of phenolic compounds potentiated the performance of the control vaccine, leading to increased cellular and humoral immune responses and enhanced protection of animals after SuHV-1 challenge (p < 0.05). Prenylated compounds such as Artepillin C that are found in large quantities in JFR are likely to be the substances that are responsible for the adjuvant activity.


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O presente trabalho teve por finalidade associar a cinética da resposta humoral à recuperação de leptospiras viáveis e à intensidade das lesões teciduais em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para bons (High) e maus (Low) produtores de anticorpos (seleção IV-A), além de camundongos outbreed, Balb/c, inoculados com amostra patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar icterohaemorrhagiae. As linhagens High e Low (seleção IV-A) apresentam modificações em alguns compartimentos da resposta imune, principalmente em relação à atividade macrofágica, representando fenótipos extremos encontrados em populações naturais heterogêneas. Os camundongos foram sacrificados em oito momentos após a infecção. A análise dos resultados revelou que a partir do 7º dia após a infecção, os camundongos da linhagem High apresentaram elevação nos títulos de anticorpos estatisticamente significantes quando comparados aos camundongos da linhagem Low, mantendo assim o efeito multiespecífico. Os camundongos Balb/c apresentaram resultados intermediários entre as duas linhagens. A produção de anticorpos colaborou como fator limitante à infecção, pois quando obteve-se maior recuperação de leptospiras, na fase inicial da infecção, os títulos de anticorpos encontravam-se em elevação. As lesões observadas nos órgãos de camundongos infectados consistiram basicamente nos mesmos processos inflamatórios e degenerativos, que não se alteraram, variando apenas o grau de comprometimento tecidual, de acordo com a linhagem. A linhagem high apresentou lesões mais extensas que as apresentadas pelas linhagens low e Balb/c, sendo que nesta última as lesões foram moderadas. De forma geral a linhagem High e Balb/c apresentaram um perfil de resposta Th2, com o maior índice de produção de anticorpos e gravidade das lesões, enquanto a linhagem Low apresentou um perfil de resposta Th1.


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Objetivou-se analisar a resposta imune humoral contra Leptospira interrogans mediante a utilização da prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) em 26 cães jovens, sendo 17 de raça definida (Grupo A) e nove sem raça (Grupo B), de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a canis e ambientes domiciliares em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Os cães foram vacinados com bacterina inativada comercial polivalente com os sorovares Canicola, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae e Pomona. O esquema vacinal baseou-se em três imunizações. A primovacinação foi realizada aos quarenta e cinco dias de idade, considerado dia zero, e após dois reforços com intervalos de trinta dias cada. Sete colheitas sanguíneas de cada cão foram efetuadas do dia zero até aos 180 dias pós-vacinais, com intervalos de trinta dias cada. Não foram detectados títulos pré-vacinais para os sorovares Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae e Grippotyphosa no dia zero. Apenas um cão do grupo A foi reagente com título 1:100 contra o sorovar Pomona na primeira colheita. Não houve diferença estatística entre os títulos de anticorpos aglutinantes entre os Grupos A e B (p>0,05), induzidos pela bacterina comercial utilizada, exceto na colheita II (p<0,05), na qual o grupo B apresentou títulos para o sorovar Autumnalis em todos os cães avaliados, enquanto que, no grupo A, 64,7% dos cães não foram reagentes a nenhum sorovar testado. No dia 30, títulos para o sorovar Autumnalis que persistiram até os 180 dias pós-vacinais, em ambos os grupos, variando apenas a intensidade da resposta imunológica sem diferença estatística significativa. Para avaliação da eficiência vacinal da bacterina anti-Leptospira, a presente pesquisa alerta para os ricos à infecção que os cães vacinados anualmente estão submetidos.


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Two attenuated bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) preparations derived from the same Moreau strain, Copenhagen but grown in Sauton medium containing starch and bacto-peptone (onco BCG, O-BCG), or asparagine (intradermal BCG, ID-BCG), exhibited indistinguishable DNA sequences and bacterial morphology. The number of viable bacilli recovered from spleen, liver and lungs was approximately the same in mice inoculated with the vaccines and was similarly reduced (over 90%) in mice previously immunized with either BCG vaccine. The humoral immune response evoked by the vaccines was, however, distinct. Spleen cell proliferation accompanying the growth of bacilli in tissue was significantly higher in mice inoculated with O-BCG. These cells proliferated in vitro upon challenge with the corresponding BCG extract. Previous cell treatment with mAb anti-CD4 T cells abolished this effect. Anti-BCG antibodies, as assayed either in serum by ELISA or by determining the number of antibody-producing spleen cells by the spot-ELISA method, were significantly higher in mice inoculated with ID-BCG. Anti-BCG antibodies were detected in all immunoglobulin classes, but they were more prevalent in IgG with the following distribution among its isotypes: IgG1>(IgG2a = IgG2b)>IgG3. When some well-characterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens were used as substitutes for BCG extracts in ELISA, although antibodies against the 65-kDa and 96-kDa proteins were detected significantly, antibodies against the 71-kDa, 38-kDa proteins and lipoarabinomannan were only barely detected or even absent. These results indicate that BCG bacilli cultured in Sauton-asparagine medium permitted the multiplication of bacilli, tending to induce a stronger humoral immune response as compared with bacilli grown in Sauton-starch/bacto-peptone-enriched medium.


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Much effort has been devoted to the identification of immunologically important antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and to the combination of target antigens to which antibodies from serum of tuberculous patients could react specifically. We searched for IgG antibodies specific for antigens of 45 to 6 kDa obtained after sonication of the well-characterized wild M. tuberculosis strain in order to detect differences in the antibody response to low molecular weight antigens from M. tuberculosis between patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and contacts. Specific IgG antibodies for these antigens were detected by Western blot analysis of 153 serum samples collected from 51 patients with confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis. Three samples were collected from each patient: before therapy, and after 2 and 6 months of treatment. We also analyzed 25 samples obtained from contacts, as well as 30 samples from healthy individuals with known tuberculin status, 50 samples from patients with other lung diseases and 200 samples from healthy blood donors. The positive predictive value for associated IgG reactivity against the 6-kDa and 16-kDa antigens, 6 and 38 kDa, and 16 and 38 kDa was 100% since simultaneous reactivity for these antigens was absent in healthy individuals and individuals with other lung diseases. This association was observed in 67% of the patients, but in only 8% of the contacts. The humoral response against antigens of 16 and 6 kDa seems to be important for the detection of latent tuberculosis since the associated reactivity to these antigens is mainly present in individuals with active disease.


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Aging is accompanied by a decrease in several physiological functions that make older individuals less responsive to environmental challenges. In the present study, we analyzed the immune response of female BALB/c mice (N = 6) of different ages (from 2 to 96 weeks) and identified significant age-related alterations. Immunization with hapten-protein (trinitrophenyl-bovine serum albumin) conjugates resulted in lower antibody levels in the primary and secondary responses of old mice (72 weeks old). Moreover, young mice (2, 16, and 32 weeks old) maintained specific antibodies in their sera for longer periods after primary immunization than did old mice. However, a secondary challenge efficiently induced memory in old mice, as shown by the increased antibody levels in their sera. The number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the spleen increased until 8 weeks of age but there was no change in the CD4+/CD8+ ratio with aging. Splenic T cells from old mice that had or had not been immunized were less responsive to concanavalin-A and showed reduced cytokine production compared to young mice (IL-2: 57-127 vs 367-1104 pg/mL, IFN-g: 2344-12,836 vs 752-23,106 pg/mL and IL-10: 393-2172 vs 105-2869 pg/mL in old and young mice, respectively). These data suggest that there are significant changes in the organization of the immune system throughout life. However, the relevance of these alterations for the functioning of the immune system is unknown.


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Two recombinant baculoviruses were produced in order to obtain a bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) immunogen: AcNPV/E2 expressing E2 glycoprotein, and AcNPV/E0E1E2 expressing the polyprotein region coding for the three structural proteins of BVDV (E0, E1, and E2). Mice were immunized with Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculoviruses in a water in oil formulation and the production of neutralizing antibodies was evaluated. Since E2 elicited higher neutralizing antibody titers than E0-E1-E2 polyprotein, it was selected to immunize cattle. Calves received two doses of recombinant E2 vaccine and were challenged with homologous BVDV 37 days later. The recombinant immunogen induced neutralizing titers which showed a mean value of 1.5 ± 0.27 on the day of challenge and reached a top value of 3.36 ± 0.36, 47 days later (84 days post-vaccination). On the other hand, sera from animals which received mock-infected Sf9 cells did not show neutralizing activity until 25 days post-challenge (62 days post-vaccination), suggesting that these antibodies were produced as a consequence of BVDV challenge. Even when no total protection was observed in cattle, in vitro viral neutralization assays revealed that the recombinant immunogen was able to induce neutralizing antibody synthesis against the homologous strain as well as against heterologous strains in a very efficient way.


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Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and D. farinae are prevalent house dust mites. Concanavalin A-binding components derived from B. tropicalis (Bt-ConA extract) are highly immunogenic in allergic diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the humoral and cellular immune responses to B. tropicalis in mite-sensitized patients. A total of 137 patients with allergic rhinitis with/without asthma and 109 non-atopic subjects were selected and analyzed by the skin prick test, and for total serum IgE and specific IgE levels to both Bt-total and Bt-ConA extracts, their proliferative response and cytokine (IFN-γ and IL-5) production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) stimulated with both extracts. Skin prick test showed that 70% of the patients were sensitized to Bt (Bt+) and similar levels of specific IgE to Bt-total and Bt-ConA extracts were demonstrable in Bt+ patients. Significant PBMC proliferation was observed in response to Bt-total extract in Bt+, but not in Bt- patients and non-atopic subjects (P < 0.001). Bt-ConA extract induced increased proliferative responses in all patient groups compared to medium alone (P < 0.05), but these responses were significantly decreased in the presence of the mannopyranoside ConA inhibitor (P < 0.05). Significant IFN-γ production was observed after Bt-ConA stimulation of Bt+ patients (P < 0.05), while Bt-total extract had no effect. IL-5 production was consistently detected in Bt+ patients after allergen-specific stimulation or with no stimulus, indicating that PBMC from allergic patients are prone to produce Th2 profile cytokines, spontaneously or inductively by allergen restimulation. These data showed that ConA-binding components isolated from B. tropicalis may contain relevant antigens that are involved in both humoral and cellular immune responses. However, without an additional purification procedure to eliminate the residual contamination with ConA, its use in immunotherapeutic procedures cannot be recommended.