56 resultados para genetic variation
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity and structure in the germoplasm of Oenocarpus mapora conserved at Eastern Amazon. Thus, 88 individuals were genotyped with five microsatellite loci. These individuals belong to 24 accessions that were sampled in eight sample places of three Brazilian Amazon states conserved at the Active Germplasm Bank (AGB) of Embrapa Eastern Amazon. All loci were polymorphic and they generated 85 alleles with an average of 17 alleles per loci. Total genetic diversity (HE) was 0.48. Sample places were considered genetically distinct, with ?p = 0.354. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) identified that the genetic portion among areas was of 36.14% and within 63.86%. The Nei distances varied from 0.091 between Abaetetuba and Santo Antônio do Tauá, both in the state of Pará (PA), to 4.18, between Parintins, AM and Rio Branco, AC. By means of Bayesian analysis, it was identified nine clusters that compose the accessions of the germplasm bank, with different distributions among individuals. The study showed high fixation rates per sample area, which indicates that there may have been significant inbreeding or crossing among parental individuals. It suggests that future samples should be made of different plants in natural populations. Even though, it was verified that there is considerable genetic variation in the germplasm of O. mapora.
Three egg-type stocks segregating dwarf (dw) and bantam (dwB) genes in female progeny were produced from the same 18 heterozygous (dwB/dw) sires used to inseminate dams of three different genotypes: normal (dw+), dwarf (dw) and bantam (dwB) dams. The heritability of 8-week body weight estimated from full-sibs of the same phenotype of progeny was 0.40, and that estimated from paternal half-sibs of the same phenotype (dwarf or bantam), and from the same genotype of dam was 0.38. Therefore, maternal and non-additive effects within genotypic classes of dam made little contribution to the genetic variance for 8-week body weight among their progeny. The interaction of sires (S) with genotypes (dw+, dw and dwB) of dam (G) was significant at the 5% level. This indicates that the rankings of the sires within each one of the three genotypes of dam were not the same, probably due to non-additive genetic variation among genotypes of dams. The evidence indicated that in general the genes from individual sires combined differently with each type of dam (G). Those genes which combined well with the genes from normal (dw+) dams combined poorly with both the genes from the dwarf (dw) and the genes from the bantam (dwB) dams. The interaction of sires (S) with phenotypes (dwarf and bantam) of progeny (P) was significant at the 10% level. The results indicated a probable gene x genotype interaction for 8-week weight between genes at the dwarf locus (dw and dwB) and the background genotype (single and/or polygenes). The correlation among paternal half-sibs was influenced more by the S x G than by the S x P interaction, but the effects tended to be cumulative
Variation in salt tolerance of six natural populations of Stylosanthes humilis from three ecogeographic regions, Mata (wet tropical climate), Agreste and Sertão (semi-arid tropical climate) of Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil, was evaluated on germination in 201 mM NaCl. There were significant differences among families of all populations for germination percentage and of five populations (except Tamandaré, from Mata) for germination rate. Populations from semi-arid regions presented high coefficients of genetic variation, those from Agreste being higher than those from Sertão. Populations from Mata showed low coefficients of genetic variation. The coefficients of genotypic determination were high for five populations, except Tamandaré, both for germination percentage ( > or = 0.89) and for germination rate ( > or = 0.79), indicating the possibility of selection for salt tolerance in these populations. An electrophoretic analysis of esterase and peroxidase isozymes was also performed in the six populations, and correlations were estimated between salt tolerance and allelic frequencies. The analysis of salt tolerant and salt sensitive families of populations from Agreste suggested an association of alleles of a peroxidase locus with salt tolerance during germination in the Caruaru population
To find Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) strains with genetic variations of EBV latent membrane protein 1 (EBV-LMP1) from nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), the full-length DNA of LMP1 genes from 21 NPC biopsies obtained in Hunan province in southern China was amplified and sequenced. Our sequences were compared to those previously reported by the Clustal V method. Results showed that all 21 sequences displayed two amino acid changes most frequently in LMP1 of CD4+ T cell epitopes at codons 144 (F®I, 21/21) and 212 (G®S, 19/21) or (G®N, 2/21). We also show that type A EBV strain is prevalent in the cases of NPC from Hunan province with a 30-bp 18/21 deletion, and we highlight that this deletion resulted in loss of one of the CD4+ T cell-restricted epitopes. The other 3 sequences without this deletion all had a change at codon 344 (G®D). Furthermore, in the major epitope sequence of CD8+ T cells restricted by HLA-A2, all 21 sequences showed changes at codons 126 (L®F) and 129 (M®I). Our study discovered that one of the 21 sequence variations harbored a new change at codon 131 (W®C), and 5/21 specimens showed another novel change at codon 115 (G®A) in the major epitope sequence of CD8+ T cells restricted by HLA-A2. Our study suggests that these sequence variations of NPC-derived LMP1 may lead to a potential escape from host cell immune recognition, protecting latent EBV infection and causing an increase in tumorigenicity.
Coping with genetic diversity: the contribution of pathogen and human genomics to modern vaccinology
Vaccine development faces major difficulties partly because of genetic variation in both infectious organisms and humans. This causes antigenic variation in infectious agents and a high interindividual variability in the human response to the vaccine. The exponential growth of genome sequence information has induced a shift from conventional culture-based to genome-based vaccinology, and allows the tackling of challenges in vaccine development due to pathogen genetic variability. Additionally, recent advances in immunogenetics and genomics should help in the understanding of the influence of genetic factors on the interindividual and interpopulation variations in immune responses to vaccines, and could be useful for developing new vaccine strategies. Accumulating results provide evidence for the existence of a number of genes involved in protective immune responses that are induced either by natural infections or vaccines. Variation in immune responses could be viewed as the result of a perturbation of gene networks; this should help in understanding how a particular polymorphism or a combination thereof could affect protective immune responses. Here we will present: i) the first genome-based vaccines that served as proof of concept, and that provided new critical insights into vaccine development strategies; ii) an overview of genetic predisposition in infectious diseases and genetic control in responses to vaccines; iii) population genetic differences that are a rationale behind group-targeted vaccines; iv) an outlook for genetic control in infectious diseases, with special emphasis on the concept of molecular networks that will provide a structure to the huge amount of genomic data.
There has been good progress in inferring the evolutionary relationships within trypanosomes from DNA data as until relatively recently, many relationships have remained rather speculative. Ongoing molecular studies have provided data that have adequately shown Trypanosoma to be monophyletic and, rather surprisingly, that there are sharply contrasting levels of genetic variation within and between the major trypanosomatid groups. There are still, however, areas of research that could benefit from further development and resolution that broadly fall upon three questions. Are the current statements of evolutionary homology within ribosomal small sub-unit genes in need of refinement? Can the published phylograms be expanded upon to form `supertrees' depicting further relationships? Does a bifurcating tree structure impose an untenable dogma upon trypanosomatid phylogeny where hybridisation or reticulate evolutionary steps have played a part? This article briefly addresses these three questions and, in so doing, hopes to stimulate further interest in the molecular evolution of the group.
Zymovars analysis also known as multilocus enzyme electrophoresis is applied here to investigate the genetic variation of Vibrio cholerae strains and characterise strains or group of strains of medical and epidemiological interest. Fourteen loci were analyzed in 171 strains of non-O1 non-O139, 32 classical and 61 El Tor from America, Africa, Europe and Asia. The mean genetic diversity was 0.339. It is shown that the same O antigen (both O1 and non-O1) may be present in several geneticaly diverse (different zymovars) strains. Conversely the same zymovar may contain more than one serogroup. It is confirmed that the South American epidemic strain differs from the 7th pandemic El Tor strain in locus LAP (leucyl leucyl aminopeptidase). Here it is shown that this rare allele is present in 1 V. mimicus and 4 non-O1 V. cholerae. Non toxigenic O1 strains from South India epidemic share zymovar 14A with the epidemic El Tor from the 7th pandemic, while another group have diverse zymovars. The sucrose negative epidemic strains isolated in French Guiana and Brazil have the same zymovar of the current American epidemic V. cholerae.
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyze 119 DNA samples of three Colombian Anopheles nuneztovari populations to study genetic variation and structure. Genetic diversity, estimated from heterozygosity, averaged 0.34. Genetic flow was greater between the two populations located in Western Colombia (F ST: 0.035; Nm: 6.8) but lower between these two and the northeastern population (F ST: 0.08; Nm: 2.8). According to molecular variance analysis, the genetic distance between populations was significant (phiST 0.1131, P < 0.001). The variation among individuals within populations (phiST 0.8869, P < 0.001)was also significant, suggesting a greater degree of population subdivision, not considered in this study. Both the parameters evaluated and the genetic flow suggest that Colombian An. nuneztovari populations are co-specific.
To investigate the genetic variation among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran and to evaluate the level of and risk factors for recent transmission of tuberculosis (TB), we performed IS6110-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of strains, isolated from 105 patients during the period of September 2002 to March 2003 in TB centers and university hospitals of the province. Among 105 isolates, 81 different IS6110 patterns were found, of which 70 were observed only once and 11 were shared by two to eight isolates. Ninety-six isolates (91.4%) were found to have more than five copies of IS6110 and together with high patterns polymorphism, shows that IS6110-RFLP typing could be useful for studying the epidemiology of TB in Azerbaijan. The minimum estimated rate of recent transmission was 23%, suggesting that the degree of recent transmission in East Azerbaijan Province is relatively low. Clustering was not associated with age, sex or site of infection of TB but drug-resistant isolates were less likely to be clustered than sensitive isolates (p < 0.05).
The genetic variation and population structure of three populations of Anopheles darlingi from Colombia were studied using random amplified polymorphic markers (RAPDs) and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers (AFLPs). Six RAPD primers produced 46 polymorphic fragments, while two AFLP primer combinations produced 197 polymorphic fragments from 71 DNA samples. Both of the evaluated genetic markers showed the presence of gene flow, suggesting that Colombian An. darlingi populations are in panmixia. Average genetic diversity, estimated from observed heterozygosity, was 0.374 (RAPD) and 0.309 (AFLP). RAPD and AFLP markers showed little evidence of geographic separation between eastern and western populations; however, the F ST values showed high gene flow between the two western populations (RAPD: F ST = 0.029; Nm: 8.5; AFLP: F ST = 0.051; Nm: 4.7). According to molecular variance analysis (AMOVA), the genetic distance between populations was significant (RAPD:phiST = 0.084; AFLP:phiST = 0.229, P < 0.001). The F ST distances and AMOVAs using AFLP loci support the differentiation of the Guyana biogeographic province population from those of the Chocó-Magdalena. In this last region, Chocó and Córdoba populations showed the highest genetic flow.
Genetic variation in immune response is probably involved in the progression of sepsis and mortality in septic patients. However, findings in the literature are sometimes conflicting or their significance is uncertain. Thus, we investigated the possible association between 12 polymorphisms located in the interleukin-6 (IL6), IL10, TLR-2, Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4), tumor necrosis factor-α and tumor necrosis factor-β (lymphotoxin α - LTA) genes and sepsis. Critically ill patients classified with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock and 207 healthy volunteers were analyzed and genotyped. Seven of the nine polymorphisms showed similar distributions in allele frequencies between patients and controls. Interestingly, our data suggest that the IL10-819 and TLR-2 polymorphisms may be potential predictors of sepsis.
Triatoma sordida is a species that transmits Trypanosoma cruzi to humans. In Brazil, T. sordida currently deserves special attention because of its wide distribution, tendency to invade domestic environments and vectorial competence. For the planning and execution of control protocols to be effective against Triatominae, they must consider its population structure. In this context, this study aimed to characterise the genetic variability of T. sordida populations collected in areas with persistent infestations from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Levels of genetic variation and population structure were determined in peridomestic T. sordida by sequencing a polymorphic region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Low nucleotide and haplotype diversity were observed for all 14 sampled areas; π values ranged from 0.002-0.006. Most obtained haplotypes occurred at low frequencies, and some were exclusive to only one of the studied populations. Interpopulation genetic diversity analysis revealed strong genetic structuring. Furthermore, the genetic variability of Brazilian populations is small compared to that of Argentinean and Bolivian specimens. The possible factors related to the reduced genetic variability and strong genetic structuring obtained for studied populations are discussed in this paper.
Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD) were used to estimate the variability of 14 genotypes of Brazilian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), using a set of 50 random 10mer primers. A total of 256 reproducibly scorable DNA amplification products were obtained from 48 of the primers, 83% of which were polymorphic. Genetic distances among genotypes were calculated and a dendrogram and a principal coordinates analysis showing the genetic relationships among them were obtained. Despite the low variability found (average genetic distance of 27%), two groups of genotypes could be identified, which probably reflect how they were formed. Studies such as this one may be important in the planning and development of future improvement programs for this plant species.
Two species of wild potato Solanum commersonii, subspecies commersonii and malmeanum, and S. chacoense, subspecies muelleri occur in southern Brazil. Their rusticity and easy adaptation to extreme climatic conditions make them valuable for breeding programs. The objective of this work was to analyze the isoenzymatic variability of 113 clones of wild potato subspecies. They were collected and maintained at Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Clima Temperado, at Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Enzymes involved in energetic (group I) or in peripherical (group II) metabolism constituted the material used. Polyacrylamide horizontal gel electrophoresis was used to analyze peroxidase, aspartate transaminase, phosphoglucomutase and isocitrate dehydrogenase isoenzymes. Solanum spp. has considerable genetic variability for isoenzymatic patterns. Cluster analysis classified the clones into 51 subgroups, based on electrophoretic variants of group I enzymes, and into 89, when group II enzyme variants were added. Genotypic differentiation of S. chacoense muelleri in relation to S. commersonii commersonii and S. commersonii malmeanum is evident when expressed through similarity and cluster analysis.