37 resultados para galactosidase


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The presence of carbohydrate-binding proteins, namely lectins, ß-galactosidases and amylases, was determined in aqueous extracts of plants collected in Uruguay. Twenty-six extracts were prepared from 15 Uruguayan plants belonging to 12 Phanerogam families. Among them, 18 extracts caused hemagglutination (HAG) that was inhibited by mono- and disaccharides in 13 cases, indicating the presence of lectins. The other 8 extracts did not cause any HAG with the four systems used to detect HAG activity (rabbit and mouse red cells, trypsin-treated rabbit and mouse red cells). For the extracts prepared from Solanum commersonii, HAG activity and HAG inhibition were similar for those prepared from tubers, leaves and fruits, with the chitocompounds being responsible for all the inhibitions. Purification of the S. commersonii tuber lectin was carried out by affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-Sepharose, and SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions gave a single band of Mr of approximately 80 kDa. The monomer N-acetylglucosamine did not inhibit HAG induced by the purified lectin, but chitobiose inhibited HAG at 24 mM and chitotriose inhibited it at 1 mM. ß-Galactosidase activity was detected in leaves and stems of Cayaponia martiana, and in seeds from Datura ferox. Only traces of amylase activity were detected in some of the extracts analyzed. The present screening increases knowledge about the occurrence of carbohydrate-binding proteins present in regional plants.


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Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal disorder due to a-galactosidase A deficiency that causes storage of globotriaosylceramide. The gene coding for this lysosomal enzyme is located on the long arm of the X chromosome, in region Xq21.33-Xq22. Disease progression leads to vascular disease secondary to involvement of kidney, heart and the central nervous system. Detection of female carriers based solely on enzyme assays is often inconclusive. Therefore, mutation analysis is a valuable tool for diagnosis and genetic counseling. Many mutations of the a-galactosidase A gene have been reported with high genetic heterogeneity, being most mutations private found in only one family. The disease is panethnic, and estimates of incidence range from about 1 in 40,000 to 60,000 males. Our objective was to describe the analysis of 6 male and 7 female individuals belonging to 4 different Fabry disease families by automated sequencing of the seven exons of the a-galactosidase gene. Sequencing was performed using PCR fragments for each exon amplified from DNA extracted from peripheral blood. Three known mutations and one previously described in another Brazilian family were detected. Of 7 female relatives studied, 4 were carriers. Although the present study confirms the heterogeneity of mutations in Fabry disease, the finding of the same mutation previously detected in another Fabry family from our region raises the possibility of some founder effect, or genetic drift. Finally, the present study highlights the importance of molecular analysis for carrier detection and genetic counseling.


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Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) is an important pathogen of cattle in South America. We describe here the construction and characterization of deletion mutants defective in the glycoprotein E (gE) or thymidine kinase (TK) gene or both (gE/TK) from a highly neurovirulent and well-characterized Brazilian BoHV-5 strain (SV507/99). A gE-deleted recombinant virus (BoHV-5 gE∆) was first generated in which the entire gE open reading frame was replaced with a chimeric green fluorescent protein gene. A TK-deleted recombinant virus (BoHV-5 TK∆) was then generated in which most of the TK open reading frame sequences were deleted and replaced with a chimeric β-galactosidase gene. Subsequently, using the BoHV-5 gE∆ virus as backbone, a double gene-deleted (TK plus gE) BoHV-5 recombinant (BoHV-5 gE/TK∆) was generated. The deletion of the gE and TK genes was confirmed by immunoblotting and PCR, respectively. In Madin Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells, the mutants lacking gE (BoHV-5 gE∆) and TK + gE (BoHV-5 gE/TK∆) produced small plaques while the TK-deleted BoHV-5 produced wild-type-sized plaques. The growth kinetics and virus yields in MDBK cells for all three recombinants (BoHV-5 gE∆, BoHV-5 TK∆ and BoHV-5 gE/TK∆) were similar to those of the parental virus. It is our belief that the dual gene-deleted recombinant (BoHV-5 gE/TK∆) produced on the background of a highly neurovirulent Brazilian BoHV-5 strain may have potential application in a vaccine against BoHV-5.


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Variations in the estrogenic activity of the phytoestrogen-rich plant, Pueraria mirifica, were determined with yeast estrogen screen (YES) consisting of human estrogen receptors (hER) hERα and hERβ and human transcriptional intermediary factor 2 (hTIF2) or human steroid receptor coactivator 1 (hSRC1), respectively, together with the β-galactosidase expression cassette. Relative estrogenic potency was expressed by determining the β-galactosidase activity (EC50) of the tuber extracts in relation to 17β-estradiol. Twenty-four and 22 of the plant tuber ethanolic extracts interacted with hERα and hERβ, respectively, with a higher relative estrogenic potency with hERβ than with hERα. Antiestrogenic activity of the plant extracts was also determined by incubation of plant extracts with 17β-estradiol prior to YES assay. The plant extracts tested exhibited antiestrogenic activity. Both the estrogenic and the antiestrogenic activity of the tuber extracts were metabolically activated with the rat liver S9-fraction prior to the assay indicating the positive influence of liver enzymes. Correlation analysis between estrogenic potency and the five major isoflavonoid contents within the previously HPLC-analyzed tuberous samples namely puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, and genistein revealed a negative result.


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Este trabalho tratou da investigação do efeito do peso molecular de polietilenoglicol (PEG) sobre a partição de enzimas beta-galactosidases de diferentes origens microbianas: Escherichia coli, Klueveromyces lactis e Aspergillus orizae em sistemas de duas fases aquosas (SDFA).Foi observado que os melhores sistemas para purificação da enzima de E. coli foram os formados por PEG 4000, 6000 e 8000/fosfato, fornecendo os mais elevados fatores de purificação da enzima. As enzimas de Klueveromyces lactis e Aspergillus orizae não foram eficientemente purificadas nestes sistemas sendo insensíveis à alterações do peso molecular do PEG. Portanto, um outro sistema de duas fases aquosas foi desenvolvido contendo um ligante específico, p-aminofenil 1-tio-beta-D-galactopiranosídeo (APGP), acoplado ao PEG para purificar a enzima de Klueveromyces lactis. Uma etapa simples de partição no SDFA formado por 6% APGP-PEG4000 + 12% dextrana T505.000 foi capaz de recuperar 83% da enzima na fase superior do sistema e de aumentar 1,6 vezes o fator de purificação.


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Os galactooligossacarídeos (GOS) são um grupo de oligossacarídeos não digeríveis (NDOs), resistentes às enzimas digestivas do intestino com efeitos similares ao da fibra. Sua ingestão aumenta seletivamente o crescimento das Bifidobacterium e dos Lactobacilus no intestino. O benéfico da ingestão de galactooligossacarídeos ocorre pelo aumento dessas populações de bifidobactérias no cólon, suprimindo a atividade de bactérias putrefativas e reduzindo a formação de produtos tóxicos por fermentação. A cepa de Scopulariopsis sp. apresentou boa produtividade de β-galactosidase quando crescida em meio de fermentação semissólida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi extrair a enzima β-galactosidase produzida por uma linhagem de Scopulariopsis sp. e avaliar o efeito da temperatura, tempo de reação, concentração de enzima e lactose para produção de GOS. Foram analisadas as temperaturas 35, 45 e 60 °C, os tempos de reação 12, 24 e 48 horas, concentrações de enzima 0,5 a 10 U.mL-1 e 10, 25 e 40% (p/v) de solução de lactose (em 0,1 M de tampão acetato de sódio, pH 5.0). As condições ótimas foram de 40% (p/v), a 45 °C, 10 U.mL-1 de enzima e o melhor tempo foi de 12 horas de reação. Nessas condições, a enzima converteu 20% de lactose em oligossacarídeos (80,8 mg.mL-1 de 4'galactosyl-lactose).


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Resumo Introdução: A doença de Fabry (DF) é uma desordem lisossômica ligada ao cromossomo X ocasionada por mutações no gene que codifica a enzima lisossômica α-galactosidase A (α-GAL). A redução ou ausência da atividade dessa enzima leva ao acúmulo progressivo de gb3. A doença renal é uma importante consequência clínica da acumulação de Gb3. Podócito é o tipo celular mais afetado na doença renal, que mostra apenas uma resposta parcial à Terapia de Reposição Enzimática. Além disso, a disfunção podocitária é a principal contribuinte para a perda progressiva da função renal e pode ser encontrada alterada mesmo antes do início da microalbuminúria. Assim, a podocitúria na DF pode ser uma ferramenta importante para prever a doença renal. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a excreção urinária de podócitos em pacientes com DF (V269M, n = 14) e controles saudáveis (n = 40), e relacioná-las com as variáveis sexo, idade, tempo de terapia e a razão albumina: creatinina (AUC). Métodos: Podócitos urinários foram identificados utilizando imunofluorescência para podocalixina e DAPI. O número de células podocalixina positivo foi contado e o número médio foi utilizado (faixa normal 0-0.6 podócitos/mL). Resultados: O número médio de podócitos na urina de pacientes com DF foi significativamente maior do que os controles saudáveis (p < 0.0001). Observou-se uma correlação positiva entre podocitúria e AUC (p = 0.004; r2 = 0.6417). Conclusão: A podocitúria pode ser uma ferramenta adicional para avaliar a progressão da doença renal em pacientes que se espera que tenha um fenótipo mais agressivo.