41 resultados para distribuzione, corda vibrante, soluzioni deboli delta, Dirac


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar o efeito da temperatura e da umidade na germinação e na emergência de corda-de-viola (Ipomoea triloba) e determinar o efeito de potenciais hídricos e de temperaturas na germinação de sementes e na elongação do hipocótilo e da radícula dessa espécie. Avaliaram-se os termoperíodos de 9,3 e 5 (7,5); 14,3 e 10 (12,5); 19,3 e 15 (17,5); 24,3 e 20 (22,5); 29,3 e 25 (27,5); 34,3 e 30 (32,5); 39,2 e 35 (37,5) e 44,2; 40 (42,5); e 49,2 e 45 (47,5) ºC, alternando-se durante 14 e 10 horas, e os potenciais hídricos de 0, -0,03, -0,06, -0,1, -0,2, -0,4, -0,6 e -0,9 MPa. A germinação de corda-de-viola foi descrita pela interação da temperatura e do potencial hídrico, e a taxa de elongação da radícula e do hipocótilo, em função da temperatura. Os parâmetros do modelo usado para estimar as temperaturas cardeais e o potencial hídrico base foram determinados por "probit" análise, para a germinação. Em se tratando dos processos de elongação, as temperaturas cardeais foram determinadas por regressão linear, e suas respostas à temperatura, descritas por equação de regressão de segunda ordem. Os modelos matemáticos usados descreveram os processos de germinação e elongação do hipocótilo e da radícula dessa espécie em termos de tempo hidrotérmico e temperatura, respectivamente.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo testar o uso da água como método de superação de dormência de sementes de Ipomoea hederifolia e I. quamoclit (cordas-de-viola). Antes da realização dos tratamentos, as sementes das duas espécies foram submetidas ao teste de tetrazólio, para avaliar a sua viabilidade. Os tratamentos utilizados constituíram-se do uso de água quente em ponto de ebulição (98 ºC) e em temperatura ambiente (26 ºC), submetendo-se as sementes de ambas as espécies a diferentes períodos de exposição (zero; 0,5; 1; 5; 10; 15; 20; e 24 horas). A emergência das plântulas foi determinada diariamente, durante 21 dias, para posterior cálculo da porcentagem e da velocidade de emergência. As espécies de Ipomoea tiveram comportamento diferenciado. As sementes de I. hederifolia submetidas ao tratamento com água quente apresentaram maior porcentagem de emergência de plântulas que a da testemunha, a partir de 0,5 hora de embebição; os tratamentos mantidos em água à temperatura ambiente não foram eficientes para superar a dormência desta espécie. Para sementes de I. quamoclit, os tratamentos estudados não tiveram efeito na superação da dormência, sendo prejudiciais à sua qualidade.


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As pontas de pulverização são responsáveis pela formação das gotas, e cada ponta apresenta características próprias relacionadas ao espectro de gotas e perfil de deposição, específicas para determinados alvos. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de caracterizar o diâmetro e a uniformidade das gotas e o perfil de distribuição volumétrica das pontas de pulverização AI 110015 e TTI 110015, bem como seu efeito sobre a mortalidade de corda-de-viola, com herbicida pré-emergente, associado ou não a adjuvantes. Avaliou-se o número de plantas emergidas e os pesos secos da parte aérea e radicular das plantas. Os perfis de distribuição volumétrica para a altura de 40 cm foram avaliados em mesa de deposição. A partir dos perfis de distribuição, simulou-se o padrão de deposição ao longo da barra de pulverização. O espectro do diâmetro de gotas foi determinado em analisador de tamanho de partículas por difração de luz laser . O herbicida diuron + hexazinona foi eficiente no controle em préemergência de corda-de-viola, podendo ser utilizado polimetil siloxano organomodificado ou óleo mineral como adjuvantes, associados às pontas de pulverização AI 110015 ou TTI 110015. O uso de adjuvantes proporcionou aumento no diâmetro mediano volumétrico e redução na porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm. O espaçamento sugerido entre os bicos na barra de pulverização foi de 70 cm para o modelo AI 110015 e 80 cm para o modelo TTI 110015.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da chuva na eficiência de herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Ipomoea grandifolia. As plantas de I. grandifolia foram cultivadas em vasos plásticos com capacidade de 2,5 L, em casa de vegetação, com uma planta por vaso. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, com os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial 7x8 (sete tratamentos químicos e oito períodos para ocorrência de chuva após a aplicação dos tratamentos). Os tratamentos químicos constaram da aplicação de glyphosate em cinco formulações comerciais (Roundup Original, Roundup WG, Roundup Transorb, Roundup Transorb R e Roundup Ultra) a 1.080 g e.a. ha-1, amônio-glufosinate (Finale) a 400 g i.a. ha-1 e 2,4-D (DMA 806) a 1.000 g e.a. ha-1 e de oito intervalos de tempo para simulação de uma chuva de 15 mm, com duração de cinco minutos: 15', 30', 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h após a aplicação dos tratamentos e uma testemunha sem chuva, Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle das plantas aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias após a aplicação e, por ocasião da última avaliação, determinou-se a massa seca das plantas. A ocorrência de chuvas após a aplicação de 2,4-D não alterou a sua eficiência no controle das plantas de I. grandifolia; já os herbicidas amônio-glufosinate e glyphosate, em todas suas formulações testadas, apresentaram redução na eficiência de controle quando da ocorrência de chuvas em até oito horas após a aplicação dos tratamentos.


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the in vitro and in vivo effects of aluminum sulfate on delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) activity from the brain, liver and kidney of adult mice (Swiss albine). In vitro experiments showed that the aluminum sulfate concentration needed to inhibit the enzyme activity was 1.0-5.0 mM (N = 3) in brain, 4.0-5.0 mM (N = 3) in liver and 0.0-5.0 mM (N = 3) in kidney. The in vivo experiments were performed on three groups for one month: 1) control animals (N = 8); 2) animals treated with 1 g% (34 mM) sodium citrate (N = 8) and 3) animals treated with 1 g% (34 mM) sodium citrate plus 3.3 g% (49.5 mM) aluminum sulfate (N = 8). Exposure to aluminum sulfate in drinking water inhibited ALA-D activity in kidney (23.3 ± 3.7%, mean ± SEM, P<0.05 compared to control), but enhanced it in liver (31.2 ± 15.0%, mean ± SEM, P<0.05). The concentrations of aluminum in the brain, liver and kidney of adult mice were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The aluminum concentrations increased significantly in the liver (527 ± 3.9%, mean ± SEM, P<0.05) and kidney (283 ± 1.7%, mean ± SEM, P<0.05) but did not change in the brain of aluminum-exposed mice. One of the most important and striking observations was the increase in hepatic aluminum concentration in the mice treated only with 1 g% sodium citrate (34 mM) (217 ± 1.5%, mean ± SEM, P<0.05 compared to control). These results show that aluminum interferes with delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity in vitro and in vivo. The accumulation of this element was in the order: liver > kidney > brain. Furthermore, aluminum had only inhibitory properties in vitro, while in vivo it inhibited or stimulated the enzyme depending on the organ studied.


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Lead has been shown to produce cognitive and motor deficits in young rats that could be mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of the zinc-containing heme biosynthetic enzyme delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALA-D). In the present study we investigated the effects of lead and/or zinc treatment during the second stage of rapid postnatal brain development on brain, kidney and blood ALA-D specific activity, as well as the negative geotaxis behavior of rats. Eight-day-old Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with saline, lead acetate (8 mg/kg) and/or zinc chloride (2 mg/kg) daily for five consecutive days. Twenty-four hours after treatment, ALA-D activity was determined in the absence and presence of DL-dithiothreitol (DTT). The negative geotaxis behavior was assessed in 9- to 13-day-old rats. Treatment with lead and/or zinc did not affect body, brain or kidney weights or brain- or kidney-to-body weight ratios of the animals. In spite of the absence of effect of any treatment on ALA-D specific activity in brain, kidney and blood, the reactivation index with DTT was higher in the groups treated with lead or lead + zinc than in the control group, in brain, kidney and blood (mean ± SEM; brain: 33.33 ± 4.34, 38.90 ± 8.24, 13.67 ± 3.41; kidney: 33.50 ± 2.97, 37.60 ± 2.67, 15.80 ± 2.66; blood: 63.95 ± 3.73, 56.43 ± 5.93, 31.07 ± 4.61, respectively, N = 9-11). The negative geotaxis response behavior was not affected by lead and/or zinc treatment. The results indicate that lead and/or zinc treatment during the second stage of rapid postnatal brain growth affected ALA-D, but zinc was not sufficient to protect the enzyme from the effects of lead in brain, kidney and blood.


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The interaction of the product of H2O2 and (PhSe)2 with delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) from mammals and plants was investigated. (PhSe)2 inhibited rat hepatic delta-ALA-D with an IC50 of 10 µM but not the enzyme from cucumber leaves. The reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 for 1 h increased the inhibitory potency of the original compound and the IC50 for animal delta-ALA-D inhibition was decreased from 10 to 2 µM. delta-ALA-D from cucumber leaves was also inhibited by the products of reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 with an IC50 of 4 µM. The major product of reaction of (PhSe)2 with H2O2 was identified as seleninic acid and produced an intermediate with a lambdamax at 265 nm after reaction with t-BuSH. These results suggest that the interaction of (PhSe)2 with mammal delta-ALA-D requires the presence of cysteinyl residues in close proximity. Two cysteine residues in spatial proximity have been recently described for the mammalian enzyme. Analysis of the primary structure of plant delta-ALA-D did not reveal an analogous site. In contrast to (PhSe)2, seleninic acid, as a result of the higher electrophilic nature of its selenium atom, may react with additional cysteinyl residue(s) in mammalian delta-ALA-D and also with cysteinyl residues from cucumber leaves located at a site distinct from that found at the B and A sites in mammals. Although the interaction of organochalcogens with H2O2 may have some antioxidant properties, the formation of seleninic acid as a product of this reaction may increase the toxicity of organic chalcogens such as (PhSe)2.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the expression of a cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) in slow wave sleep (SWS) in children with the well-defined chronic syndrome juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Twelve patients (9-17 years of age), 7 girls, with JIA were compared to matched controls by age, pubertal stage and gender. After one night of habituation in the sleep laboratory, sleep measurements were obtained by standard polysomnography with conventional sleep scoring and additional CAP analyses. The sleep parameters of the JIA and control groups were similar for sleep efficiency (91.1 ± 6.7 vs 95.8 ± 4.0), sleep stage in minutes: stage 1 (16.8 ± 8.5 vs 17.8 ± 4.0), stage 2 (251.9 ± 41 vs 262.8 ± 38.1), stage 3 (17.0 ± 6.0 vs 15.1 ± 5.7), stage 4 (61.0 ± 21.7 vs 77.1 ± 20.4), and rapid eye movement sleep (82.0 ± 27.6 vs 99.0 ± 23.9), respectively. JIA patients presented nocturnal disrupted sleep, with an increase in short awakenings, but CAP analyses showed that sleep disruption was present even during SWS, showing an increase in the overall CAP rate (P < 0.01). Overall CAP rate during non-rapid eye movement sleep was significantly higher in pediatric patients who were in chronic pain. This is the first study of CAP in pediatric patients with chronic arthritis showing that CAP analyses can be a powerful tool for the investigation of disturbance of SWS in children, based on sleep EEG visual analysis.


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Notch signaling plays a vital role in tumorigenicity and tumor progression by regulating proliferation, invasion, and the tumor microenvironment. Previous research by our group indicated that Notch ligand Delta-like 1 (Dll1) is involved in angiogenesis in melanoma, and we noticed that it took a longer time to trypsinize Dll1-expressing B16 melanoma cells than the control cells. In this article, we extended our study to investigate the effects of Dll1 on tumor cell adhesion and metastasis. Dll1 overexpression activated Notch signaling in B16 tumor cells and significantly enhanced the adhering capacity of B16 tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo. B16-Dll1 cells also had a higher metastatic potential than their counterpart in the mouse model of lung metastasis. Along with increased Dll1 expression, N-cadherin, but not E-cadherin, was upregulated in B16-Dll1 cells. These data suggested that Notch ligand Dll1 may enhance the adhesion and metastasis of melanoma cells by upregulation of N-cadherin.


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The effects of carnauba-based wax on the quality of 'Delta Valencia' orange produced in Ceará state, Brazil, were studied. The fruits were coated with carnauba-based wax and refrigerated (7 ± 2 ºC and 85 ± 2% R.H.) for 28 days. The quality attribute parameters assessed were weight loss, peel color (brightness, hue angle, and chromaticity), peel moisture, pH, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, ascorbic acid, total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, yellow flavonoids, and polyphenols. The results showed that 'Delta Valencia' oranges grown in the dry climate of Ceará state has excellent quality. The coated fruits lost mass at a lower rate than the the control fruits. No significant loss of soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, and SS/TA ratio was observed, while ascorbic acid, soluble sugars, reducing sugars, yellow flavonoids, and polyphenols increased during storage in both the coated and control fruits. Carnauba-based wax coated fruits showed no signal of dehydration keeping their shiny green peel up to the end of the storage. The use of coating was crucial for the maintenance of visual quality by reducing mass loss, as well as keeping peel moisture.


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AbstractThis study analyzed the addition of huitlacoche paste (HP) in baked tortilla chips (TC), evaluating its effects on functional, physicochemical and structural changes during processing. Two blue corn grains were nixtamalized, stone milled, air dried and milled to obtain flour; commercial blue corn flour (TM1) and commercial TC (TM2) were used as controls. Additions of 0, 3, 6 and 9% of HP were formulated; masas were prepared at 55% moisture content (MC), precooked and baked in an industrial machine. TC crispiness was influenced by grain characteristics and percentage of HP. Huitlacoche paste addition caused an increase in total dietary fiber (from 5.27 to 14.54%), total soluble phenolics content (from 17.52 to 37.60 mg GAE/100 g) and antioxidant capacity (from 6.74 to 7.98 μmol TE/g) in TC. Results suggest that tortilla chips added with huitlacoche can be an alternative to prepare this traditional edible fungus and produce healthier snacks, not fried and enriched with bioactive compounds.