63 resultados para colorimetric quantification
In this study, the validation of a method for analyzing the uranium (U) concentration in human urine samples by inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) was conducted. PROCORAD (the Association for the Promotion of Quality Control in Radiotoxicological Analysis) provided two urine samples spiked with unknown contents of U (Sample A = 33.6 ± 1.0 µg/L and Sample B = 3.3 ± 0.1 µg/L) and one unspiked sample as a blank. The analyses were directly performed on the diluted urine samples (dilution factor = 1:20) in 5% v/v HNO3. The results obtained by ICP-SFMS corresponded well with the reference values, and the limits of detection were 235U = 0.049 × 10-3 µg/L and 238U = 7.37 × 10-3 µg/L. The ICP-SFMS technique has been shown to be successful in the analysis of the U concentration in human urine samples and for the quantification of isotopic ratios.
A new cloud point extraction (CPE) method was developed for the separation and preconcentration of copper (II) prior to spectrophotometric analysis. For this purpose, 1-(2,4-dimethylphenyl) azonapthalen-2-ol (Sudan II) was used as a chelating agent and the solution pH was adjusted to 10.0 with borate buffer. Polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether (Triton X-114) was used as an extracting agent in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS). After phase separation, based on the cloud point of the mixture, the surfactant-rich phase was diluted with acetone, and the enriched analyte was spectrophotometrically determined at 537 nm. The variables affecting CPE efficiency were optimized. The calibration curve was linear within the range 0.285-20 µg L-1 with a detection limit of 0.085 µg L-1. The method was successfully applied to the quantification of copper in different beverage samples.
This work focused on the development and validation of an RP-HPLC-UV method for quantification of beta-lactam antibiotics in three pharmaceutical samples. Active principles analyzed were amoxicillin and ampicillin, in 3 veterinary drugs. Mobile phase comprised 5 mmol L-1 phosphoric acid solution at pH 2.00, acetonitrile with gradient elution mode and detection wavelength at 220 nm. The method was validated according to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance regulation, where linear range and linearity, selectivity, precision, accuracy and ruggedness were evaluated. Inter day precision and accuracy for pharmaceutical samples 1, 2 and 3 were: 1.43 and 1.43%; 4.71 and 3.74%; 2.72 and 1.72%, respectively, while regression coefficients for analytical curves exceeded 0.99. The method had acceptable merit figure values, indicating reliable quantification. Analyzed samples had active principle concentrations varying from -12 to +21% compared to manufacturer label claims, rendering the medicine unsafe for administration to animals.
A simple HPLC/UV method was developed for the determination of the anticancer candidate LaSOM 65 in rat plasma. Samples were cleaned by protein precipitation with acetonitrile (recovery > 95%), after which they were subjected to chromatography under the isocratic elution of an acetonitrile:water (45:55, ν/ν) solution with detection at 303 nm. The method was linear (r² > 0.98) over the concentration range (0.05-2 µg mL-1) with intra- and inter-day precision ranging from 9.6% to 13.6% and 4.3% to 5.4%, respectively. The accuracy of the method ranged from 85% to 113.6%, and it showed sufficient sensitivity to determine pharmacokinetic parameters of LaSOM 65 after intravenous administration to Wistar rats.
Capsaicinoids (CAPS) are substances responsible for pungency in Capsicum. It is important to quantify these types of compounds owing to their broad application in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and chemical weapons. In this work, we developed an indirect spectrophotometric method based on the colorimetric reaction between CAPS, Co(II) 3.10×10-5 mol L-1 and 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol (PAR) 6.23×10-5 and, in cachaça:water 92:8v/v solutions, for quantification of total CAPS in Capsicum peppers. The product of the reaction is CoPAR2CAPS2 and its absorption in aquo-ethanolic solution at 510 nm is proportional to the total CAPS concentration from 0.60 to 17.94 mg L-1. The values of limit of detection and limit of quantification were 0.0004 and 0.001 mg of CAPS/g of pepper, respectively, with 4% relative standard deviation. The developed method yielded similar results to those obtained from high performance liquid chromatography, with 95% of confidence.
This article describes the isolation and identification of flavonoids in the hydroethanolic extract of the aerial parts from Tonina fluviatilis and evaluation of their antiradical activity. A method based on HPLC-DAD was developed and validated for detecting and quantifying flavonoids in hydroethanolic extracts. The flavonoids identified and quantified in the extract were 6,7-dimethoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (1), 6-hydroxy-7-methoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (2), and 6-methoxyquercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (3). The developed method presented good validation parameters, showing that the results obtained are consistent and can be used in ensuring the quantification of these constituents in the extracts. Compounds 2 and 3 showed strong antiradical activity when compared with the positive controls (quercetin and gallic acid).
This paper describes the optimization of a multiresidue chromatographic analysis for the identification and quantification of 20 pesticides in bovine milk, including three carbamates, a carbamate oxime, six organophosphates, two strobilurins, a pyrethroid, an oxazolidinedione, an aryloxyphenoxypropionate acid/ester, a neonicotinoid, a dicarboximide, and three triazoles. The influences of different chromatographic columns and gradients were evaluated. Furthermore, four different extraction methods were evaluated; each utilized both different solvents, including ethyl acetate, methanol, and acetonitrile, and different workup steps. The best results were obtained by a modified QuEChERS method that lacked a workup step, and that included freezing the sample for 2 hours at -20 ºC. The results were satisfactory, yielding coefficients of variation of less than 20%, with the exception of the 50 µg L-1 sample of famoxadone, and recoveries between 70 and 120%, with the exception of acephate and bifenthrin; however, both analytes exhibited coefficients of variation of less than 20%.
Bioorganic and biological chemistry have been found to be highly motivating to undergraduate students and in this context, biochemical blood parameter analysis emerges as highly attractive content. In this proposal, several aspects related to analyses of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides using the enzymatic colorimetric method were involved, and the findings have at least two relevant implications: i) introducing students to connections between organic chemistry and biology based on enzymatic processes, including reactivity and mechanistic aspects; ii) performing a micro scale bioassay analysis. The proposal requires two theoretical classes (2 h per class) and one practical class (4 h).
Ilex paraguariensis (yerba-mate) is used as a beverage, and its extract requires adequate quality control methods in order to guarantee quality and safe use. Strategies to develop and optimize a chromatographic method to quantify theobromine, caffeine, and chlorogenic acid in I. paraguariensis extracts were evaluated by applying a quality by design (QbD) model and ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). The presence of these three phytochemical markers in the extracts was evaluated using UHPLC-MS and was confirmed by the chromatographic bands in the total ion current traces (m/z of 181.1 [M+H]+, 195.0 [M+H]+, and 353.0 [M−H]−, respectively). The developed method was then transferred to a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) platform, and the three phytochemical markers were used as external standards in the validation of a method for analyses of these compounds in extracts using a diode array detector (DAD). The validated method was applied to quantify the chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and theobromine in the samples. HPLC-DAD chromatographic fingerprinting was also used in a multivariate approach to process the entire data and to separate the I. paraguariensis extracts into two groups. The developed method is very useful for qualifying and quantifying I. paraguariensis extracts.
In this study the BEST7 software was employed to quantify different classes of functional groups and to model the proton titration behavior of humic substances. To illustrate the process, the Suwannee River fulvic acid of the IHSS (International Humic Substances Society) was used. Five categories - two classes of phenolic groups (phenol and cathecol), two classes of carboxylic groups (benzoic and phtalic) and the combination between them (salicylic) - of oxygenated groups were considered as being responsible for the potentiometric behavior of the sample and were quantitatively determined. The most and the least abundant groups were cathecol (3.300 ± 0.010 mmol g-1) and phenol (1.225 ± 0.070 mmol g-1), respectively. The estimated equilibrium constants were also determined and were in good agreement with the literature values for phenol and cathecol groups and for benzoic, phtalic and salicylic acids. Distribution diagrams of the species were generated with the software SPE and SPEPLOT.
The damage and the resistance levels of cultivars and accessions of common beans rescued in the South and mountain regions of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to M. incognita race 3 and M. javanica parasitism were evaluated under a greenhouse. Four rescued bean genotypes ("FORT-10", "FORT-13", "FORT-16" and "FORT-19") and 2 commercial cultivars: "Pérola", and "Aporé", were tested. The cultivar "Rico-23" was included as standard of susceptibility to nematodes and non-inoculated plants constituted the control. Thus, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in 3 (treatments considering nematodes) x 7 (genotypes and bean cultivars) factorial arrangement, with 7 replicates. Data were measured at 50 days after plant inoculation. For damage quantification, the following variables were evaluated: plant height (PHE), number of nodes (NNO), number of trifoliate leaves (NRT), fresh matter weight (FWE) and dry matter weight (DWE) of shoots, root weight (RWE), number of root nodules (NRO) and final population (FPO) of nematodes per root system. There were no significant differences between the effects caused by M. incognita and M. javanica, but both species showed inferior values of PHE, NNO, NRT, RWE, FWE and DWE compared to controls. Concerning the levels of resistance of bean plants to M. incognita, the genotypes "FORT-10", "FORT-13", "Aporé" and "FORT-16" behaved as moderately resistant, the cultivars "Rico 23" and "Pérola" low resistant, and the genotype "FORT-19" as highly susceptible. When parasitized by M. javanica, the beans "FORT-19", "Rico-23", "FORT-16" and "FORT-13" were low resistant, "Pérola" and "Aporé" susceptible and "FORT-10" highly susceptible.
ABSTRACT In experiments conducted in a growth chamber, the chronological time and the accumulated degree-days were determined for the duration of incubation, latent and infectious periods of Phakopsora pachyrhizi cultivars BRSGO 7560 and BRS 246 RR. Detached soybean leaflets were placed in gerbox-type acrylic boxes and inoculated with 20 x 103 uredospores/mL. The study was conducted at 12-h photoperiod and temperatures of 10ºC, 15ºC, 22ºC, 25ºC and 30°C for 30 days. Lesions and uredia/cm2were evaluated and the number of uredia per lesion was quantified after the beginning of sporulation. The sporulation potential was also quantified for cultivars BRSGO 7560 and BRS 246 RR. The steps of the infection process can be quantified based on both the chronological time and the accumulated heat. The cultivar BRSGO 7560 produced 4,012.8 spores/cm2 and BRS 246 RR, 7,348.4 uredospores/cm2. The largest number of uredia was produced at 25ºC in both cultivars; however, BRS 246 RR presented 372.7 uredia/cm2 and BRSGO 7560, 231.6 uredia/cm2. At 10ºC and 30°C, leaf infection did not occur in both cultivars.
Each year, there is an increase in pesticide consumption and in its importance of use in the large-scale agricultural production, being fundamental the knowledge of application technology to the activity success. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of working pressure on the drift generated by different spray nozzles, assessed in wind tunnel. The treatments were composed of two spray nozzles AXI 110015 and AXI 11002 with pressure levels of 276 and 414 kPa. The spray solution was composed by water and NaCl at 10%. The applications were conducted at wind speed of 2.0 m s-1, being the drift collected at 5.0; 10.0 and 15.0 m away from the spray boom and at heights of 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 e 1.0 m from the tunnel floor. To both spray nozzles, the greatest drift was collected at the smallest distance to the spray-boom and at the lowest height. The AXI 11002 nozzle gave a smaller drift relative to the AXI 110015 nozzle for the two tested pressures and for all the collection points. Regardless of the nozzle, a rise in the working pressure increases the spray drift percentage at all distances in the wind tunnel.
Babesiosis is one of the most important diseases affecting livestock agriculture worldwide. Animals from the subspecies Bos taurus indicus are more resistant to babesiosis than those from Bos taurus taurus. The genera Babesia and Plasmodium are Apicomplexa hemoparasites and share features such as invasion of red blood cells (RBC). The glycoprotein Duffy is the only human erythrocyte receptor for Pasmodium vivax and a mutation which abolishes expression of this glycoprotein on erythrocyte surfaces is responsible for making the majority of people originating from the indigenous populations of West Africa resistant to P. vivax. The current work detected and quantified the Duffy antigen on Bos taurus indicus and Bos taurus taurus erythrocyte surfaces using a polyclonal antibody in order to investigate if differences in susceptibility to Babesia are due to different levels of Duffy antigen expression on the RBCs of these animals, as is known to be the case in human beings for interactions of Plasmodium vivax-Duffy antigen. ELISA tests showed that the antibody that was raised against Duffy antigens detected the presence of Duffy antigen in both subspecies and that the amount of this antigen on those erythrocyte membranes was similar. These results indicate that the greater resistance of B. taurus indicus to babesiosis cannot be explained by the absence or lower expression of Duffy antigen on RBC surfaces.
The aim of this study was to compare two methods of tear sampling for protein quantification. Tear samples were collected from 29 healthy dogs (58 eyes) using Schirmer tear test (STT) strip and microcapillary tubes. The samples were frozen at -80ºC and analyzed by the Bradford method. Results were analyzed by Student's t test. The average protein concentration and standard deviation from tears collected with microcapillary tube were 4.45mg/mL ±0.35 and 4,52mg/mL ±0.29 for right and left eyes respectively. The average protein concentration and standard deviation from tears collected with Schirmer Tear Test (STT) strip were and 54.5mg/mL ±0.63 and 54.15mg/mL ±0.65 to right and left eyes respectively. Statistically significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the methods. In the conditions in which this study was conducted, the average protein concentration obtained with the Bradford test from tear samples obtained by Schirmer Tear Test (STT) strip showed values higher than those obtained with microcapillary tube. It is important that concentration of tear protein pattern values should be analyzed according the method used to collect tear samples.