47 resultados para citocromo P-450
Foi realizado em Pelotas, RS, Brasil, estudo de intervenção randomizado, para a promoção do aleitamento materno. Grupo de 450 mães e lactentes foram visitados em casa aos 5, 10 e 20 dias após o nascimento, e comparados com um grupo-controle do mesmo número. Noventa e dois por cento das famílias no grupo de intervenção receberam as três visitas planejadas. A avaliação do padrão de aleitamento materno e causas de desmame aconteceu seis meses depois do nascimento para ambos os grupos. Noventa e quatro por cento do grupo de intervenção e noventa e dois por cento do grupo-controle foram encontrados na visita de avaliação. A intervenção aumentou a duração do aleitamento (mediana de 120 dias no grupo de intervenção, contra 105 dias no grupo-controle; p=0,03) e retardou a introdução do leite artificial (mediana de idade de 90 dias no grupo de intervenção e 60 dias no grupo-controle; p=0,01). As causas de desmame foram classificadas como subjacentes, intermediárias, e imediatas. A causa subjacente mais comum foi "o bebê chora muito", sugerindo que as mães devem ser instruídas a respeito dos padrões normais de comportamento do lactente nas primeiras semanas de vida, em particular da necessidade que a criança tem de chorar e o fato de que isto, não necessariamente, significa fome.
O desempenho do ensaio por enzimas imuno-adsorvidas (ELISA), mediante o emprego de conjuntos de reativos produzidos em escala comercial, para determinação de aflatoxina, foi avaliado em condições experimentais, através de análises repetidas, em amostras de leite em pó reconstituído contaminadas com concentrações conhecidas da fração M1 da toxina. Para os níveis de 0,10; 0,20; 0,50; e, 1,00 ng/ml, os percentuais de recuperação foram: 83,0%; 87,5%; 103,0%; e, 111,8%, respectivamente. O desvio-padrão relativo, para as referidas concentrações, foi, respectivamente, 65,5%; 31,8%; 10,9% e 13,6% (n=10, para cada nível de contaminação). Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o método é apropriado para pesquisas e levantamentos sobre a ocorrência de aflatoxina M1 em leite, sobretudo nas faixas de concentração entre 0,20 - 1,00 ng/ml.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a composição, características ecológicas e comportamentais e infectividade das espécies de anofelinos em reservas indígenas da região Amazônica. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi conduzido no ano de 2002 em aldeias das reservas indígenas Nhamundá-Mapuera e Cuminapanema no estado do Pará. Foram realizadas três coletas de duas semanas em cada reserva, com capturas de adultos e de imaturos. Anofelinos adultos foram capturados com capturador de Castro por atração humana nos ambientes intra e peridomiciliares, no período das 18h às 21h e das 18 às 06h e avaliados para verificação da paridade e infectividade para plasmódios por dissecção e ELISA. As coleções hídricas próximas às aldeias foram pesquisadas utilizando conchas de 500 ml, sendo 20 conchadas a cada 10 m, cobrindo-se a extensão máxima de 200 m de perímetro do criadouro. RESULTADOS: Foram capturadas 8.668 fêmeas somando-se as coletas das duas reservas. Anopheles darlingi foi a espécie predominante, com maior freqüência no peridomicílio. Na reserva Mapuera, a atividade hematofágica concentrou-se entre as 20h e 24h e, em Cuminapanema, manteve-se elevada até as 24h, diminuindo após esse horário e voltando a elevar-se no início da manhã. Das 6.350 fêmeas de An. darlingi examinadas, 18 estavam infectadas por Plasmodium vivax VK 247, VK 210, P. falciparum e P. malariae. Outras 1.450 fêmeas de outras espécies foram examinadas, mas nenhuma foi encontrada infectada. An. nuneztovari e Chagasia bonnae foram as espécies mais freqüentes nos criadouros das aldeias Mapuera e Cuminapanema, respectivamente. Imaturos de An. darlingi não foram localizados em Mapuera e foram capturados em apenas uma das coletas da reserva Cuminapanema. CONCLUSÕES: As populações de An. darlingi das duas reservas apresentaram comportamento exofílico e intensa atividade noturna. A ocorrência de imaturos foi pouco freqüente e a densidade larvária foi baixa. As características comportamentais dos vetores não se mostraram favoráveis às atividades usuais de controle vetorial.
A caracterização de cepas de P. falciparum coletadas de três pacientes internados no Centro de Provas Clínico-Farmacológicas do Hospital Barros Barreto (Belém, PA), através da eletroforese em acetato de celulose para duas enzimas (GPI e ADA), assim como através de testes de sensibilidade para duas drogas, cloroquina e mefloquina, permitiram observações da variação dos tipos enzimáticos em um dos pacientes e modificação no nível de sensibilidade à cloroquina em outro, tanto em amostras obtidas da infecção original, como em cada uma das recrudescências.
17 of 20 adult sera from the Amapa region of Brazil were active in the inhibition of P. falciparum sporozoite invasion (ISI) assay which has been correlated with protective antibodies. In contrast 11 sera were positive in IFA tests and 6 were positive in CSP tests. These results suggest that the ISI assay will be useful for evaluating naturally acquired protective anti-sporozoite antibodies in endemic areas, particularly during vaccine efficacy studies using sporozoite-based vaccines.
The experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis induced in mice by the intravenous injection of yeast-forms of P. brasiliensis (Bt2 strain; 1 x 10(6) viable fungi/animal) was used to evaluate sequentially 2, 4, 8, 16 and 20 weeks after inoculation: 1. The presence of immunoglobulins and C3 in the pulmonary granuloma-ta, by direct immunofluorescence; 2. The humoral (immunodiffusion test) and the cellular (footpad sweeling test) immune response; 3. The histopathology of lesions. The cell-immune response was positive since week 2, showing a transitory depression at week 16. Specific antibodies were first detected at week 4 and peaked at week 16. At histology, epithelioid granulomas with numerous fungi and polymorphonuclear agreggates were seen. The lungs showed progressive involvement up to week 16, with little decrease at week 20. From week 2 on, there were deposits of IgG and C3 around fungal walls within the granulomas and IgG stained cells among the mononuclear cell peripheral halo. Interstitital immunoglobulins and C3 deposits in the granulomas were not letected. IgG and C3 seen to play an early an important role in. the host defenses against P. brasiliensis by possibly cooperating in the killing of parasites and blocking the antigenic diffusion.
Os autores estudaram 31 pacientes portadores de tinhas crural, do corpo e do pé interdigital, tratados com 100 mg de itraconazol, administrados junto com o almoço, durante 15 dias. Foram realizadas 3 avaliações clínicas e micológicas: no pré-tratamento, no final do tratamento e 2 semanas após o tratamento. O itraconazol mostrou-se eficaz para o tratamento das dermatofitoses estudadas, na dose empregada, com 100% de cura micológica. Em relação a evolução clínica, houve diminuição estatística significante (teste de Friedman - p < 0,001) dos sinais e sintomas avaliados. Não foi observada ocorrência de efeitos colaterais.
The objective of the present study was to develop an efficient and reproducible protocol of immunization of guinea pigs with P. brasiliensis antigens as an animal model for future studies of protective immunity mechanisms. We tested three different antigens (particulate, soluble and combined) and six protocols in the presence and absence of Freund's complete adjuvant and with different numbers of immunizing doses and variable lenght of time between the last immunizing dose and challenge. The efficacy of the immunizing protocol was evaluated by measuring the humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response of the animals, using immuno-diffusion, skin test and macrophage migration inhibition test. It was observed that: 1. Three immunizing doses of the antigens induced a more marked response than two doses; 2. The highest immune response was obtained with the use of Freund's complete adjuvant; 3. Animals challenged a long time (week 6) after the last immunizing dose showed good anti-P. brasiliensis immune response; 4. The particulate antigen induced the lowest immune response. The soluble and the combined antigens were equally efficient in raising good humoral and cellular anti-P. brasiliensis immune response
A seroepidemiologic survey was carried out in schoolchildren from public schools of the Niterói municipality, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after a period of sequential epidemics by dengue virus type 1 and 2 (DEN-1 and DEN-2). 450 blood samples were obtained by fingertip puncture and collected on filter paper discs. The hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) test was carried out using DEN-1 and DEN-2 antigens. HAI titres were demonstrated in 66% (297/450) of the sera and the geometric means of the titres were 1/182 and 1/71 for DEN-1 and DEN-2, respectively. Secondary infections were observed in 61% (181/297) of positive cases. Among these, 75% (135/181) were under fifteen years old. No dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) was reported in these children. Asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic infections were detected in 56% of the studied population. The absolute and relative frequencies of positive tests by age group and sex did not evidence statistically significant difference. The number of individuals infected probably produced a immunologic barrier responsible for the non occurrence of dengue epidemic in the latter years.
Characterization of rotavirus P genotypes circulating among paediatric inpatients in Northern Brazil
Between November 1992 and August 1993, twenty-eight rotavirus-positive stool samples obtained from paediatric inpatients in Belém, Brazil, aged less than four years, were tested by RT-PCR to determine the P genotype specificities. With the exception of 7 non-diarrhoeic children, all patients were either diarrhoeic at admission or developed diarrhoea while in hospital. Rotavirus strains with the gene 4 alleles corresponding to P1B[4] and P1A[8] types (both of which bearing G2 specificity) predominated, accounting for 78.6% of the strains. While only one P2A[6] type strain - with (mixed) G1 and 4 type specificities - was detected, the gene 4 allele could not be identified in 4 (14.3%) of the strains. Most (81%) of the specimens were obtained from children during their first 18 months of life. Rotavirus strains bearing single P1B[4] type-specificity were identified in both diarrhoeic (either nosocomial, 28.6% or community-acquired diarrhoea, 28.6%) and non-diarrhoeic (42.8%) children. P1A[8] gene 4 allele, on the other hand, was detected only among diarrhoeic children, at rates of 57.1% and 42.9% for nosocomial- and- community acquired diarrhoea, respectively. Mixed P1A[8],1B[4] type infection was identified in only one case of community-acquired diarrhoea.
Erythromycin, a reversal agent in multidrug-resistant cancer, was assayed in chloroquine resistance modulation. The in vitro microtechnique for drug susceptibility was employed using two freshly isolates of Plasmodium falciparum from North of Brazil. The antimalarial effect of the drug was confirmed, with an IC50 estimates near the usual antimicrobial therapy concentration, and a significant statistical modulating action was observed for one isolate.
The P System antigens have been detected in numerous parasites, bacterias and viruses, nevertheless the clinical significance is still unknown. The aim was to study the presence of P1 antigenic determiners in A. lumbricoides extracts by means of the use of 6 different monoclonal antibodies of well-known concentrations and Ig class. We worked with 14 A. lumbricoides extracts. Inhibition Agglutination Test was made in a bromelin enzymatic medium and 4 ºC temperature. Titre, Score and Sensitivity Parameter were determined for each monoclonal antibody against red cells suspension used as revealing system. Ten extracts inhibited the agglutination of all anti P1 monoclonal antibodies. The 4 remaining extracts only inhibited the agglutination of some of them. It is demonstrated that the extracts have P1 activity. This activity is independent of titre, Score, Sensitivity Parameter, concentration and Ig class and it depends on the epitope at which the monoclonal antibody is directed.
Malaria regions of the Amazon basin have been characterized by difficult access and non-compliance of the patients to treatment. In an attempt to assess the schizonticide efficacy of chloroquine in a single dose of 600 mg, the authors realized a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 132 outpatients with vivax malaria. Patients were distributed into two groups: group CPLA, given chloroquine 600 mg (single dose) on the first day of treatment, and two doses of placebo on second and third days. Group CHLO, given chloroquine 600 mg on first day and 450 mg on second and third day. Geometric means of the parasite density during the follow-up was similar in both groups. No differences were observed in the parasitological cure between the two groups (p = 0.442). There was clinical and parasitological efficacy in treatment of patients given a single-dose of chloroquine. This suggests that its restricted use could be indicated in remote areas of Brazilian Amazon Region, nevertheless the inadequate response of three patients indicates the need for further studies.