36 resultados para allometric scaling
Apresentamos uma revisão sobre trauma renal, com ênfase na avaliação radiológica, particularmente com o uso da tomografia computadorizada, que tem se tornado o exame de eleição, ao invés da urografia excretora e arteriografia. O sucesso no tratamento conservador dos pacientes com trauma renal depende de um acurado estadiamento da extensão da lesão, classificado de acordo com a Organ Injury Scaling do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões. O tratamento conservador não-operatório é seguro e consiste de observação contínua, repouso no leito, hidratação endovenosa adequada e antibioti- coterapia profilática, evitando-se uma exploração cirúrgica desnecessária e possível perda renal. As indicações para exploração cirúrgica imediata são abdome agudo, rápida queda do hematócrito ou lesões associadas determinadas na avaliação radiológica. Quando indicada, a exploração renal após controle vascular prévio é segura, permitindo cuidadosa inspeção do rim e sua reconstrução com sucesso, reduzindo a probabilidade de nefrectomia.
Nas últimas décadas, diversas alternativas têm sido propostas para o tratamento do trauma esplênico. O presente estudo procurou comparar o tratamento não-operatório e a cirurgia conservadora na lesão esplênica. Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, os prontuários de 136 portadores de trauma esplênico atendidos na Unidade de Emergência do Hospital das Clínicas da FMRPUSP (1986-1995). Foram utilizados o lnjury Severity Score (1SS) e o Organ lnjury Scaling (OIS) para a definição da gravidade dos casos. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo A (n=32): conservador não operatório e grupo B (n=104): cirurgia conservadora. As médias de idade, em anos, foram semelhantes (A: 20,31 + 12,43 e B: 25,02 + 14,98; p>0,05). Houve predominância do sexo masculino em ambos os grupos. Os dois grupos diferiram quanto à etiologia (p<0,01). A avaliação das médias do ISS não mostrou diferença significativa (A: 14,21 ± 8,67 e B: 19,44 ± 11,33; p>0,05). Ocorreram complicações em 9,37% e 24,03% dos grupos A e B, respectivamente, mas a diferença não foi significativa (p>0,05). A média de permanência hospitalar foi de 6,68 ± 5,65 e 9,24 ± 9,09 dias, grupos A e B, sem diferença significativa (p>0,05). Concluímos, portanto: o tratamento não-operatório e a cirurgia conservadora do trauma esplênico são condutas equivalentes, sendo opções terapêuticas válidas nas lesões esplênicas de menor gravidade.
This work aimed to develop allometric equations for tree biomass estimation, and to determine the site biomass in different "cerrado" ecosystems. Destructive sampling in a "campo cerrado" (open savanna) was carried out at the Biological Reserve of Moji-Guaçu, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. This "campo cerrado" (open savanna) grows under a tropical climate and on acid, low nutrient soils. Sixty wood plants were cut to ground level and measurements of diameter, height and weight of leaves and stems were taken. We selected the best equations among the most commonly used mathematical relations according to R² values, significance, and standard error. Both diameter (D) and height (H) showed good relationship with plant biomass, but the use of these two parameters together (DH and D²H) provided the best predictor variables. The best equations were linear, but power and exponential equations also showed high R² and significance. The applicability of these equations is discussed and biomass estimates are compared with other types of tropical savannas. Mineralmass was also estimated. "Cerrados" proved to have very important carbon reservoirs due to their great extent. In addition, high land-use change that takes place nowadays in the "cerrado" biome may significantly affect the global carbon cycle.
The present study examined the floristic composition of three fragments of Araucaria Forest (AF) in the Planalto Catarinense region of southern Brazil as well as the floristic contextualization of these areas in relation to other remnant AF sites. Three AF fragments at different altitudes were analyzed in the municipalities of Campos Novos, Lages, and Painel. Fifty 200 m² plots were examined in each fragment and all of the trees with CBH (circumference at breast height) > 15.7 cm were identified. In order to floristically contextualize the study fragments, comparisons were made with other remnant AF sites by way of dendrograms and NMDS (Non-metric multidimensional scaling). Environmental and spatial variables were plotted on the diagram produced by the NMDS to evaluate their influence on the floristic patterns encountered. The forest fragments studied demonstrated high floristic heterogeneity, indicating that AFs cannot be considered homogeneous formations and they could be classified into 3 phytogeographical categories: i) high altitude areas influenced by cloud cover/fog, including the Painel region; ii) areas of lesser altitude and greater mean annual temperatures situated in the Paraná River basin, and iii) areas situated in the Paraná and Upper-Uruguay river basins and the smaller basins draining directly into the southern Atlantic, near Campos Novos and Lages. The environmental variables most highly correlated with species substitutions among the sites were altitude, mean annual temperature, and the mean temperature of the most humid trimester.
We performed a quantitative analysis of M and P cell mosaics of the common-marmoset retina. Ganglion cells were labeled retrogradely from optic nerve deposits of Biocytin. The labeling was visualized using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry and 3-3'diaminobenzidine as chromogen. M and P cells were morphologically similar to those found in Old- and New-World primates. Measurements were performed on well-stained cells from 4 retinas of different animals. We analyzed separate mosaics for inner and outer M and P cells at increasing distances from the fovea (2.5-9 mm of eccentricity) to estimate cell density, proportion, and dendritic coverage. M cell density decreased towards the retinal periphery in all quadrants. M cell density was higher in the nasal quadrant than in other retinal regions at similar eccentricities, reaching about 740 cells/mm² at 2.5 mm of temporal eccentricity, and representing 8-14% of all ganglion cells. P cell density increased from peripheral to more central regions, reaching about 5540 cells/mm² at 2.5 mm of temporal eccentricity. P cells represented a smaller proportion of all ganglion cells in the nasal quadrant than in other quadrants, and their numbers increased towards central retinal regions. The M cell coverage factor ranged from 5 to 12 and the P cell coverage factor ranged from 1 to 3 in the nasal quadrant and from 5 to 12 in the other quadrants. These results show that central and peripheral retinal regions differ in terms of cell class proportions and dendritic coverage, and their properties do not result from simply scaling down cell density. Therefore, differences in functional properties between central and peripheral vision should take these distinct regional retinal characteristics into account.
A 3-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism in intron 6 of GSTM3 (rs1799735, GSTM3*A/*B) affects the activity of the phase 2 xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme GSTM3 and has been associated with increased cancer risk. The GSTM3*B allele is rare or absent in Southeast Asians, occurs in 5-20% of Europeans but was detected in 80% of Bantu from South Africa. The wide genetic diversity among Africans led us to investigate whether the high frequency of GSTM3*B prevailed in other sub-Saharan African populations. In 168 healthy individuals from Angola, Mozambique and the São Tomé e Príncipe islands, the GSTM3*B allele was three times more frequent (0.74-0.78) than the GSTM3*A allele (0.22-0.26), with no significant differences in allele frequency across the three groups. We combined these data with previously published results to carry out a multidimensional scaling analysis, which provided a visualization of the worldwide population affinities based on the GSTM3 *A/*B polymorphism.