84 resultados para adrenal cortex hormones


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Os autores apresentam um caso de um recém-nascido com um tipo raro de associação de hemorragia adrenal bilateral com trombose de veia renal direita e de veia cava inferior, em que os exames de ultra-sonografia e tomografia computadorizada exerceram papel crucial no estabelecimento do diagnóstico, orientação da conduta e seguimento do paciente.


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Os autores demonstram os principais achados do linfoma adrenal primário nas tomografias computadorizadas (TC) de abdome e crânio e na ressonância magnética (RM) do crânio, apresentando um caso raro de um paciente do sexo masculino, 72 anos de idade, com progressiva deterioração do estado mental, evoluindo, num período de dois meses, com perda da memória recente, desorientação e, finalmente, franco quadro demencial. O paciente foi submetido a investigação por métodos de imagem com TC de crânio (sem administração venosa de contraste iodado), tórax e abdome (sem e com administração venosa de contraste iodado), e RM de crânio (antes e após a administração venosa de gadolínio). Na TC de crânio observaram-se áreas nodulares levemente hiperdensas, adjacentes aos ventrículos laterais. A TC de tórax não mostrou alterações relevantes. Na TC do abdome foram demonstrados nódulos sólidos em ambas as adrenais. A RM de crânio evidenciou impregnação difusa e nodular do epêndima do IV ventrículo, III ventrículo, cornos anteriores e temporais, átrios e corpo dos ventrículos laterais. O diagnóstico definitivo foi realizado através do estudo imuno-histoquímico da peça após biópsia da adrenal. Os autores concluíram, após revisão atualizada da literatura, que a TC e a RM são métodos essenciais na detecção e melhor avaliação de linfomas adrenais primários, principalmente quando associados a envolvimento do sistema nervoso central, e a RM mostra-se mais sensível para a detecção de lesões extracerebrais nos espaços epidural e subdural, principalmente após a administração venosa de gadolínio.


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A ressonância magnética é ferramenta importante para a detecção e caracterização dos tumores adrenais. O conhecimento das diferentes apresentações dos tumores primários e secundários à ressonância magnética e sua correlação com dados da histologia são essenciais para o correto raciocínio diagnóstico. Este artigo revisa os aspectos que podem estreitar o diagnóstico diferencial dos tumores adrenais, dando ênfase à correlação histológica daqueles mais comuns.


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With the steep increase in the use of cross-sectional imaging in recent years, the incidentally detected adrenal lesion, or "incidentaloma", has become an increasingly common diagnostic problem for the radiologist, and a need for an approach to classifying these lesions as benign, malignant or indeterminate with imaging has spurred an explosion of research. While most incidentalomas represent benign disease, typically an adenoma, the possibility of malignant involvement of the adrenal gland necessitates a reliance on imaging to inform management decisions. In this article, we review the literature on adrenal gland imaging, with particular emphasis on computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and photon-emission tomography, and discuss how these findings relate to clinical practice. Emerging technologies, such as contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, dual-energy computed tomography, and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging will also be briefly addressed.


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Incidental adrenal tumors are lesions occasionally observed during abdominal US or CT scans. These tumors have been observed in patients without clinical or laboratorial signs of adrenal disease. The authors report a case of a 18 - years - old young man who was admitted to the Franco da Rocha Hospital, São Paulo, with abdominal pain and a palpated mass in the epigastrium which began one month ago. These findings were preceeded by a blunt trauma at the epigastrium three months earlier. First clinical hypothesis was of a traumatic pancreatic pseudocyst. However, investigation and laparotomy showed a large left adrenal solid mass, weighting 700 g. The mass was removed and histology was performed. There was no evidence of malignant neoplasm, then the diagnostic of incidental adenoma of adrenal was confirmed. The authors hope to stimulate surgeons for early detection of these lesions in order to prevent the complications and improve the prognosis.


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The authors present a case-report a 43 years old, female patient presenting with an eight-year history of hypertension caused by an adrenal adenoma. Hypokalemia and supressed plasma renina confirmed the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism. An abdominal computed tomography revealed a right adrenal mass. The patient was successfully treated laparoscopically. The histopathological diagnosis was adenoma. The patient had normal blood pressure within three months.


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Among the main etiologies of secondary arterial hypertension figure out the tumorous affections of adrenal gland, located on cortex - primary aldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome) and Cushing’s syndrome - or at glandular medulla - pheocromocytoma. Although these tumors are at most benign the surgical resection is needed in order to eliminate the disturbances provided by them and to limit the mass growth, being curative in about 80-90% of the cases. In this paper some particularities above surgical treatment of these diseases will be focused emphasizing the pre-operative prepare of the patients and the currently preconized approach.


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The authors present two cases of Primary Hiperaldosteronism, caused by functioning adenoma of the adrenal's cortex. The two females patients presented classic symptoms of the Conn's disease, especially hypocalemia and hypertension. Both were operated and unilateral adrenalectomy was done, with excelent outcome in one and satisfactory in the other one. It is discussed many aspects related to the incidence, the problems with the diagnosis, indication and surgery treatment.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar se os níveis de 17-hidroxiprogesterona podem predizer o resultado do teste de estímulo como diagnóstico de hiperplasia adrenal congênita, forma tardia. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas no estudo e avaliadas retrospectivamente 122 pacientes com suspeita clínica de hiperplasia adrenal congênita forma tardia. Essa suspeita clínica incluía sinais e/ou sintomas de hiperandrogenismo (hirsutismo, acne, pele oleosa, irregularidade menstrual, etc.). Todas as pacientes foram submetidas ao teste de estímulo da adrenal com ACTH sintético 0,25 mg (Synacthen®). Após repouso de 60 minutos as amostras foram colhidas nos tempos basal e 60 minutos após a administração de 0,25 mg de ACTH sintético para dosagem de 17-hidroxiprogesterona, sendo mantido o acesso venoso com catéter heparinizado. Foi utilizado o método de radioimunoensaio para realizar as dosagens séricas da 17-hidroxiprogesterona. A sensibilidade e a especificidade da 17-hidroxiprogesterona basal como teste de rastreamento para hiperplasia adrenal congênita foram medidas, avaliando vários pontos de corte. Curvas ROC foram feitas para analisar a performance do teste, utilizando o software Medcalc®. RESULTADOS: a análise por curva ROC mostrou um ponto de corte de 181 ng/dl acima do qual dever-se-ia realizar o teste de estímulo, bem próximo a 200 ng/dl, mais comumente aceito pela literatura. Níveis séricos da 17-hidroxiprogesterona mais altos que 200 ng/dl têm valores preditivo positivo e negativo de 75% e 100% e acurácia de 98,4% como diagnóstico de hiperplasia adrenal não-clássica. CONCLUSÕES: considerando os dados, sugerimos que pacientes com hiperandrogenismo clínico devam iniciar a investigação com 17-hidroxiprogesterona basal e, caso esta se mostre acima de 181 ng/dl, sigam a investigação com o teste de estímulo com ACTH sintético.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da melatonina na apoptose e atividade celular no córtex da adrenal de ratas pinealectomizadas. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 40 ratas adultas, divididas randomicamente em 4 grupos com 10 animais cada: GCont - sem intervenção cirúrgica e com ministração do veículo; GSham - sem retirar a pineal com ministração do veículo; GExpV - pinealectomizado e tratado com veículo; GExpM - pinealectomizado e tratado com melatonina (10 µg/animal, por dia) durante a noite. Após 60 dias de tratamento, todos os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia, as adrenais retiradas, fixadas em formol a 10% e processadas para inclusão em parafina. Nos cortes histológicos com 5 µm de espessura, foram realizados métodos imunoistoquímicos para detecção da apoptose (Caspase-3-clivada) e da atividade celular (fator de crescimento endotelial vascular, VEGF-A). Para avaliar a percentagem de apoptose foram contadas as células reativas em 1.000 células de cada zona da região cortical da adrenal em cada animal; já o VEGF-A foi expresso em escores. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados pela análise de variância (ANOVA) e pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey-Kramer (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: na avaliação do índice apoptótico, não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na zona glomerulosa entre os vários grupos estudados. Na zona fasciculada (GExpV=15,51±3,12*, p<0,05) e na reticulada (GExpV=8,11±1,90*, p<0,05) houve redução no índice apoptótico no grupo GExpV em relação aos demais grupos de estudo. Na reatividade ao VEGF-A, houve maior positividade, indicando maior atividade celular na zona na fasciculada do GExpV em relação aos outros grupos. CONCLUSÕES: a melatonina atua na região cortical da adrenal, em especial nas zonas fasciculada e reticulada, que estão relacionadas com a produção de esteroides sexuais.


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Analysis of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites provides a powerful noninvasive tool for monitoring adrenocortical activity in wild animals. However, differences regarding the metabolism and excretion of these substances make a validation for each species and sex investigated obligatory. Although maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) are the biggest canids in South America, their behaviour and physiology are poorly known and they are at risk in the wild. Two methods for measuring glucocorticoid metabolites in maned wolves were validated: a radio- and an enzyme immunoassay. An ACTH challenge was used to demonstrate that changes in adrenal function are reflected in faecal glucocorticoid metabolites. Our results suggest that both methods enable a reliable assessment of stress hormones in maned wolves avoiding short-term rises in glucocorticoid concentrations due to handling and restraint. These methods can be used as a valuable tool in studies of stress and conservation in this wild species.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of renal cortex copper (Cu) concentration in clinical cases of acute copper poisoning (ACP). A total of 97 calves that died due to subcutaneous copper administration were compiled in eleven farms. At least, one necropsy was conducted on each farm and samples for complementary analysis were taken. The degree of autolysis in each necropsy was evaluated. The cases appeared on extensive grazing calf breeding and intensive feedlot farms, in calves of 60 to 200 kg body weight. Mortality varied from 0.86 to 6.96 %, on the farms studied. The first succumbed calf was found on the farms between 6 and 72 hours after the susbcutaneous Cu administration. As discrepancies regarding the reference value arose, the local value (19.9 parts per million) was used, confirming the diagnosis of acute copper poisoning in 93% of the analyzed kidney samples. These results confirm the value of analysis of the cortical kidney Cu concentration for the diagnosis of acute copper poisoning.


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The aim of the present study was the ultrasound characterization of the abdominal and pelvic regions of five maned wolves kept in captivity at the Triage Center of Wild Animals of the Federal University of Viçosa (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, Universidade Federal de Viçosa). This characterization included descriptions of ultrasonographic aspects and measurements of various structures using B-mode ultrasound. Biometric data were collected to assess the existence of significant linear correlations between these measurements and the measurements obtained by ultrasound. Additionally, hematological and serum biochemistry evaluations of the animals were performed. The ultrasound findings were similar to those available in the literature on domestic dogs, which were used for comparison as a result of the lack of published data regarding maned wolves. The latter species showed characteristics closely resembling those of the former, differing in the spleen and left renal cortex echogenicities, in the appearance of the prostatic and testicular regions and in the hepatic portal vein morphology. In the current study, the biometric values were similar to those previously published; however, no data regarding thoracic perimeter, modified crown-rump length or thoracic depth were found in the literature for this Canidae species. Statistical analysis showed the existence of a strong negative correlation between the modified crown-rump length and left renal length, between the modified crown-rump length and the right renal volume, between the thoracic perimeter and the height at the cranial pole of the left adrenal gland and between the thoracic perimeter and the height at the caudal pole of the left adrenal gland. Laboratory findings, including segmented neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte and lymphocyte counts and the serum levels of glucose, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, urea, total protein, globulin, creatine phosphokinase, triglyceride, sodium, phosphate, potassium and chloride, were inconsistent with values found by other authors. The ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging method that must be further explored in the medicine of wild animals; therefore, additional research in this area is required.


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A total of 182 young adult male Wistar rats were bilaterally implanted with cannulae into the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus and into the amygdaloid nucleus, the entorhinal cortex, and the posterior parietal cortex. After recovery, the animals were trained in a step-down inhibitory avoidance task. At various times after training (0, 30, 60 or 90 min) the animals received a 0.5-µl microinfusion of vehicle (saline) or 0.5 µg of muscimol dissolved in the vehicle. A retention test was carried out 24 h after training. Retention test performance was hindered by muscimol administered into both the hippocampus and amygdala at 0 but not at 30 min posttraining. The drug was amnestic when given into the entorhinal cortex 30, 60 or 90 min after training, or into the parietal cortex 60 or 90 min after training, but not before. These findings suggest a sequential entry operation, during the posttraining period, of the hippocampus and amygdala, the entorhinal cortex, and the posterior parietal cortex in memory processing