103 resultados para Vallée
A total of 24 patients with syphilis and HIV infection were treated from January 1997 to March 2003 at the Infectious Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The caseload consisted of 20 males (83.3%) and four females (16.7%), with a mean age of 38.04 years and mean T CD4+ count of 389.5 cells/mL. Syphilis was diagnosed as secondary in 16 (62.5%) patients, late latent in eight (33.3%), and tertiary in one (4.2%). Manifestations of secondary syphilis were palmar and plantar erythematopapulous cutaneous lesions in nine (37.5%), papulous exanthema in four (16.7%), patchy alopecia in 3 (12.5%) and osteochondritis in one patient (4.2%). Tertiary syphilis was characterized by verrucous lesions. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four patients (16.7%), with headache as the only manifestation in two patients. Drugs used in treatment included benzathine penicillin, ceftriaxone, erythromycin, and crystalline penicillin. Cure was achieved in 18 patients (75%). Five patients (20.8%) were retreated, three of whom presented a history of re-exposure. This study confirms the importance of establishing the diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients with HIV infection, in addition to performing follow-up on treatment for syphilis.
Hepatitis C virus infection evolves progressively persisting in the majority of patients (85%). Most patients have high ALT (alanine aminotransferase) levels and approximately 25% normal ALT. The latter are usually female and there is no association between genotype and severity of hepatic lesion. Histologic analysis usually shows small lesion and absence or low amount of fibrosis, despite cirrhosis having been reported. Aiming at assessing prevalence, demographic, genotypical and anatomopathological characteristics in patients with normal ALT levels, we have carried out a study of 68 chronic hepatitis C patients between January 1997 and April 2000. There was a prevalence of 13.8% chronic hepatitis C patients with normal ALT levels, 45.6% of which were male and 54.4% female, the mean age being 38 +/- 13 years. We found a predominance of genotype 1 in 84.7% of the patients, genotype 2 in 6.8% and genotype 3 in 10.7%. In 52.9% of the cases liver biopsies revealed liver reaction, periportal activity score 0-1 was observed in 85.3% of the patients and score 2-4 was seen in 14.7%. Structural activity score 0-1 was seen in 73.5% of the patients and score 2-4 in 26.5% of them. Periportal activity > 2 and structural activity > 1 was seen in 29%, but steatosis was not seen in 73.5%. Our results suggest the need to revisit for liver biopsy practice in patients with Chronic Hepatitis C and normal transaminases.
We report a rare case of chronic disseminated histoplasmosis with several ulcerated lesions in the oral cavity in an alcoholic patient without human immunodeficiency virus infection, with no detectable signs and symptoms of systemic disease or extraoral manifestations. Histopathological analysis revealed chronic inflammatory process with granulomas containing Histoplasma-like organisms. The isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum provided the definitive diagnosis. Treatment with itraconazole resulted in complete remission of oral lesions. As far we aware, this is the second case report of oral histoplasmosis in an HIV negative patient described in Brazil.
A 73 year-old male farm laborer from a rural area presented a 15 year history of extensive tumoral lesions over his left leg. Histological studies of skin biopsy showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and granulomatous chronic inflammatory process with muriform cells, confirming chromoblastomycosis (CBM). Cladophialophora carrionii was isolated in culture. Treatment with itraconazole 400 mg/day for 12 months resulted in complete remission of lesions. As far we aware, this is the first case report of CBM caused by Cladophialophora carrionii in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
Foodborne diseases represent operational risks in industrial restaurants. We described an outbreak of nine clustered cases of acute illness resembling acute toxoplasmosis in an industrial plant with 2300 employees. These patients and another 36 similar asymptomatic employees were diagnosed with anti-T. gondii IgG titer and avidity by ELISA. We excluded 14 patients based on high IgG avidity and chronic toxoplasmosis: 13 from controls and one from acute disease other than T. gondii infection. We also identified another three asymptomatic employees with T.gondii acute infection and also anti-T. gondii IgM positive as remaining acute cases. Case control study was conducted by interview in 11 acute infections and 20 negative controls. The ingestion of green vegetables, but not meat or water, was observed to be associated with the incidence of acute disease. These data reinforce the importance of sanitation control in industrial restaurants and also demonstrate the need for improvement in quality control regarding vegetables at risk for T. gondii oocyst contamination. We emphasized the accurate diagnosis of indexed cases and the detection of asymptomatic infections to determine the extent of the toxoplasmosis outbreak.
With the objective to evaluate the behavior of paracoccidioidomycosis in the last three decades, clinical and epidemiological data of 595 patients admitted to clinical services of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul from 1980 to 2009 were investigated. Gender, age distribution, clinical form, comorbidity with tuberculosis or AIDS, and mortality were compared by decades of clinical admission. It was shown that during the three decades there was a decrease in women percentage, and the same manner occurred a reduction in participants in the age group of 20 to 39 years. Moreover, the acute/subacute forms have been diminished in the period. These fluctuations are closely related and can be simultaneously analyzed. Increased AIDS co-infection prevalence from the first to the second decade was also revealed, coinciding with the appearance of the retroviral epidemic and stabilizing during the third decade. No change in the tuberculosis co-infection rate was observed (overall = 6.9%). It reinforces the importance of this co-morbidity. The overall mortality rate remained steady at 6.7%, not varying significantly from one decade to another. The persistent mortality rate calls attention to the importance of this neglected disease.
Chronic infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the main risk factors for the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the emergence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in non-cirrhotic HCV patients, especially after sustained virological response (SVR) is an unusual event. Recently, it has been suggested that HCV genotype 3 may have a particular oncogenic mechanism, but the factors involved in these cases as well as the profile of these patients are still not fully understood. Thus, we present the case of a non-cirrhotic fifty-year-old male with HCV infection, genotype 3a, who developed HCC two years after treatment with pegylated-interferon and ribavirin, with SVR, in Brazil.
Although the protease inhibitors have revolutionized the therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC), the concomitant use of pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) is associated to a high rate of adverse effects. In this study, we evaluated the consequences of PEG-IFN and RBV and their relationship with mortality in patients with cirrhosis. METHODS: Medical records of CHC who underwent treatment with PEG-IFN and RBV in a public hospital in Brazil were evaluated. All the patients with cirrhosis were selected, and their clinical and laboratory characteristics, response to treatment, side effects and mortality were evaluated. RESULTS: From the 1,059 patients with CHC, 257 cirrhotic patients were evaluated. Of these, 45 (17.5%) achieved sustained viral response (SVR). Early discontinuation of therapy occurred in 105 (40.8%) patients, of which 39 (15.2%) were due to serious adverse effects. The mortality rate among the 257 cirrhotic patients was 4.3%, occurring in 06/242 (2.4%) of the Child-A, and in 05/15 (33.3%) of the Child-B patients. In conclusion, the treatment of patients with cirrhosis due to HCV with PEG-IFN and RBV shows a low SVR rate and a high mortality, especially in patients with liver dysfunction.
Os autores apresentam estudo sorológico e eletrocardiográfico em 100 indivíduos idosos residentes desde a infância, 95 por cento, ou desde a juventude, 5 por cento, em região endêmica para Doença de Chagas, situados entre a sexta e a décima décadas, pertencendo a maioria, 60 por cento, às sétima e oitava décadas de vida. A reação de Fixação de Complemento segundo a técnica de FULTON e ALMEIDA foi positiva em 31 por cento da amostra. A análise geral dos eletrocardiogramas mostrou alterações em 77 por cento dos casos assim distribuídos: alterações de formação do estímulo em 27 por cento; alterações da condução em 27 por cento; alterações primárias da repolarização ventricular em 36 por cento; alterações sugestivas de fibrose ou necrose em 15 por cento; sobrecarga de cavidades em 31 por cento; baixa voltagem do QRS em 6 por cento e outras alterações em 15 por cento. Comparativamente nos grupos com RFC positiva e negativa foi constatada uma nítida prevalência da alteração da condução do estímulo no primeiro grupo (48,6 por cento e 17,4 por cento, respectivmente). Não houve diferença nítida na incidência dos demais tipos de alterações nos dois grupos. O BCRD, principalmente com SAQRS desviado para a esquerda, foi a alteração da condução do estimulo mais freqüente no grupo com RFC positiva seguido pelo BAV de primeiro grau. A análise dos resultados obtidos é muito sugestiva da presença de cardiopatia chagásica crônica neste grupo etário, fato que ilustraria o caráter de benignidade com que pode evoluir a cardiopatia em pauta. Por outro lado, a prevalência do BCRD sôbre outras alterações também comuns na cardiopatia chagásica crônica como extrassístoles ventricular, bloqueio aurículo ventriculares do segundo e terceiro graus, ilustra o caráter de benignidade desta alteração quando ocorre isoladamente.
O autor apresenta dados relativas às atividades da Dispensário de Tuberculose de Goiânia, que dirige, e os compara com os de diferentes órgãos congêneres. Procura demonstrar as condições adversas contra as quais vem atuando seu serviço, impedindo a obtenção de um melhor rendimento da atividade dispensarial. Os dados apresentados indicam que a situação, já desfavorável, tende a se agravar, necessitando medidas urgentes de correção, que o autor sugere.
A ligase chain reaction DNA amplification method for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Abbott LCx MTB) in respiratory specimens was evaluated. Results from LCx MTB Assay were compared with those from acid fast bacilli smear, culture, and final clinical diagnosis for each patient. A total of 297 respiratory specimens (sputum and bronchial lavage) from 193 patients were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of LCx vs culture were 92.7%, 93%, 67.8% and 98.7%, respectively. When compared to the clinical final diagnosis, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for LCx were 88.9%, 96.8%, 86.5% and 97.4%, respectively. The sensitivity of LCx MTB assay was 75% for smear-negative, culture positive samples. The results indicate that LCx MTB assay is a rapid, simple and valuable technique as a complementary tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Staphylococcus coagulase negativos tem surgido como importantes agentes em infecções de pacientes hospitalizados. Neste estudo, relatamos o caso de bacteremia associada a cateter venoso central devido a Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus isolado em hemocultura de um paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, internado em hospital geral da cidade de São Paulo. Discutimos nesse relato a dificuldade em identificar rotineiramente esse microrganismo no Laboratório de Microbiologia Clínica. Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus é um microrganismo encontrado na pele dos seres humanos como parte da microbiota normal, podendo em algumas situações causar sérias infecções em humanos.
O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a leishmaniose tegumentar em pacientes do Distrito Federal, investigar infecção subclínica nos moradores das localidades dos pacientes e identificar as espécies de flebotomíneos e leishmanias. Foram selecionados pacientes atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Brasília de agosto de 2006 a junho de 2007. Parentes e vizinhos dos mesmos foram submetidos à intradermorreação de Montenegro e imunofluorescência indireta. Foram capturados flebotomíneos nas localidades de origem dos pacientes e identificados quanto às espécies, bem como foram identificadas as espécies de leishmanias encontradas nos pacientes. Foram registrados 10 casos autóctones de leishmaniose tegumentar. Em 32 moradores, foi realizada intradermorreação, com positividade de 71,8%. Trinta e sete imunofluorescências realizadas foram negativas. Foram capturadas Lutzomyia whitmani, inclusive no domicílio/peridomicílio e Lutzomyia flaviscutellata. O percentual de positividade das intradermorreações de Montenegro sugere infecção subclínica dos moradores. A captura do vetor Lutzomyia whitmani no peri/intradomicílio sugere transmissão peri/intradomicíliar.
INTRODUÇÃO: O impacto da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa na progressão da fibrose hepática em pacientes co-infectados com HIV e hepatite C não está totalmente esclarecido. Marcadores não-invasivos de fibrose hepática podem ser considerados promissores no estadiamento e na monitorização da sua evolução. MÉTODOS: Um total de 24 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos: 12 monoinfectados por HIV e 12 co-infectados com HIV e HCV foram acompanhados de julho de 2008 a agosto de 2009, desde o início de HAART, a cada três meses, com avaliação de dados clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais, assim como o cálculo do índice da relação aspartato aminotransferase sobre plaquetas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a progressão de APRI, marcador não-invasivo de fibrose hepática, entre populações portadoras do vírus do HIV e co-infectados com HIV e HCV. RESULTADOS: Os grupos estudados não mostraram diferenças quando avaliados idade, sexo, medida de CD4 e carga viral para HIV em todas visitas, tipo de HAART e APRI antes do início de HAART. O grupo de pacientes co-infectados com HIV e HCV apresentava APRI significativamente maior que o grupo de monoinfectados por HIV no terceiro (0,57 + 0,31 x 0,27 + 0,05, p = 0,02) e sexto mês (0,93 + 0,79 x 0,28 + 0,11, p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, HAART foi associado com aumento de APRI no terceiro e sexto mês de seguimento nos pacientes co-infectados, sugerindo que nestes pode estar ocorrendo hepatotoxicidade cumulativa e síndrome inflamatória da reconstituição imune após início dos antirretrovirais.
INTRODUCTION: Neuroparacoccidioidomycosis (NPCM) is a term used to describe the invasion of the central nervous system by the pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. NPCM has been described sporadically in some case reports and small case series, with little or no focus on treatment outcome and long-term follow-up. METHODS: All patients with NPCM from January 1991 to December 2006 were analyzed and were followed until December 2009. RESULTS: Fourteen (3.8%) cases of NPCM were identified out of 367 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). A combination of oral fluconazole and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (SMZ/TMP) was the regimen of choice, with no documented death due to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection. Residual neurological deficits were observed in 8 patients. Residual calcification was a common finding in neuroimaging follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: All the patients in this study responded positively to the association of oral fluconazole and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, a regimen that should be considered a treatment option in cases of NPCM. Neurological sequela was a relatively common finding. For proper management of these patients, anticonvulsant treatment and physical therapy support were also needed.