48 resultados para Tubules T


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The agouti species Dasyprocta prymnolopha (D. prymnolopha) is a medium-sized rodent, diurnal, and characteristic of northeastern Brazil, south of the Amazon. Several studies have been made on these rodents. However, there is a lack of analysis of masticatory system, in particular morphology of the teeth. Thus, this research seeks to describe anatomical and histological aspects of the agouti teeth. For this purpose, we used adult agouti, in which measurements and descriptions of teeth and dental tissues were made. It was observed that the dental arch of D. prymnolopha comprises of twenty teeth, evenly distributed in the upper and lower arch, being inferior teeth larger than their corresponding higher. The incisors are larger, and between the posterior premolars and molars, there is a gradual increase in length in the anterior-posterior arch. In microscopic examination, a prismatic appearance was observed consisting of enamel prisms arranged in different directions, behind the enamel and dentin with standard tubular dentinal tubules with variable diameter and far between, also showing a sinuous path from the inner portion to the junction with more superficial enamel. Morphological analysis of dental tissues showed that an enamel with structural organization adapted to the act of chewing and high impact dentin compatible with standard tubular function resilience and mechanical damping of masticatory forces, as found in larger animals, confirming the understanding of eating habits that define much of its ecological functions within the ecosystem they inhabit.


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Abstract: Amorimia exotropica is an important plant associated with sudden death in cattle in Southern Brazil. In order to understand the mechanisms by which A. exotropica causes acute lesions in the heart and kidney of intoxicated animals, an experiment was conducted to determine the histopathology and ultrastructure of myocardial and renal lesions of intoxicated rabbits. After receiving 18g/kg of dried plant, six rabbits died suddenly. At necropsy, the liver was swollen and no other macroscopic lesions were observed. Histologically, centrolobular and midzonal hepatocytes were vacuolated. These vacuoles were strong PAS stained positive, suggesting that they corresponded to glycogen accumulations. In some regions of the ventricular septum and ventricles were found vacuoles of different sizes and the kidneys of two rabbits showed vacuolar degeneration on distal convoluted tubules. Ultrastructurally, the myocardium had cardiomyocytes swelling with separation of myofibrils bundles and rupture and disorganization of the sarcomeres. The mitochondria displayed swelling, disorganization, disruption of the mitochondrial cristae, and electron-dense matrix. Some mitochondria exhibited eccentric projections of their membranes with disruption of both outer and inner membranes. The sarcoplasmic reticulum had no alterations, whereas the T-tubule system was occasionally dilated and ruptured. The kidneys had mitochondrial swelling with disorganization and disruption of the mitochondrial cristae. The vacuoles result from the swelling of the endoplasmatic reticulum and usually were located between two basolateral infoldings and mitochondria, occurring preferentially around the nucleus. The myocytes and T system damages induced by A. exotropica result in acute heart failure and death. Furthermore, this mechanism of cardiotoxicity may be common to all plant containing monofluoroacetate.


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(ANP, 1 µM) on the kinetics of bicarbonate reabsorption in the rat middle proximal tubule, we performed in vivo experiments using a stopped-flow microperfusion technique with the determination of lumen pH by Sb microelectrodes. These studies confirmed that ANG II added to the luminal or peritubular capillary perfusion fluid stimulates proximal bicarbonate reabsorption and showed that ANP alone does not affect this process, but impairs the stimulation caused by ANG II. We also studied the effects and the interaction of these hormones in cortical distal nephron acidification. Bicarbonate reabsorption was evaluated by the acidification kinetic technique in early (ED) and late (LD) distal tubules in rats during in vivo stopped-flow microperfusion experiments. The intratubular pH was measured with a double-barreled microelectrode with H+-sensitive resin. The results indicate that ANG II acted by stimulating Na+/H+ exchange in ED (81%) and LD (54%) segments via activation of AT1 receptors, as well as vacuolar H+-ATPase in LD segments (33%). ANP did not affect bicarbonate reabsorption in either segment and, as opposed to what was seen in the proximal tubule, did not impair the stimulation caused by ANG II. To investigate the mechanism of action of these hormones in more detail, we studied cell pH dependence on ANG II and ANP in MDCK cells using the fluorescent probe BCECF. We showed that the velocity of cell pH recovery was almost abolished in the absence of Na+, indicating that it is dependent on Na+/H+ exchange. ANP (1 µM) alone had no effect on this recovery but reversed both the acceleration of H+ extrusion at low ANG II levels (1 pM and 1 nM), and inhibition of H+ extrusion at higher ANG II levels (100 nM). To obtain more information on the mechanism of interaction of these hormones, we also studied their effects on the regulation of intracellular free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, monitored with the fluorescent probe Fura-2 in MDCK cells in suspension. The data indicate that the addition of increasing concentrations of ANG II (1 pM to 1 µM) to the cell suspension led to a progressive increase in [Ca2+]i to 2-3 times the basal level. In contrast, the addition of ANP (1 µM) to the cell suspension led to a very rapid 60% decrease in [Ca2+]i and reduced the increase elicited by ANG II, thus modulating the effect of ANG II on [Ca2+]i. These results may indicate a role of [Ca2+]i in the regulation of the H+ extrusion process mediated by Na+/H+ exchange and stimulated/impaired by ANG II. The data are compatible with stimulation of Na+/H+ exchange by increases of [Ca2+]i in the lower range, and inhibition at high [Ca2+]i levels


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The present paper reviews work from our laboratories evaluating the importance of adrenal cortical hormones in acidification by proximal and cortical distal tubules. Proximal acidification was determined by stationary microperfusion, and measurement of bicarbonate reabsorption using luminal pH determination was performed with H+-ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Rats were adrenalectomized (ADX) 48 h before the experiments, and corticosteroids (aldosterone (A), corticosterone (B), and 18-OH corticosterone (18-OH-B)) were injected intramuscularly 100 and 40 min before the experiments. In ADX rats stationary pH increased significantly to 7.03 as compared to sham-operated rats (6.78). Bicarbonate reabsorption decreased from 2.65 ± 0.18 in sham-operated rats to 0.50 ± 0.07 nmol cm-2 s-1 after ADX. The administration of the three hormones stimulated proximal tubule acidification, reaching, however, only 47.2% of the sham values in aldosterone-treated rats. Distal nephron acidification was studied by measuring urine minus blood pCO2 differences (U-B pCO2) in bicarbonate-loaded rats treated as above. This pCO2 difference is used as a measure of the distal nephron ability to secrete H+ ions into an alkaline urine. U-B pCO2 decreased significantly from 39.9 ± 1.26 to 11.9 ± 1.99 mmHg in ADX rats. When corticosteroids were given to ADX rats before the experiment, U-B pCO2 increased significantly, but reached control levels only when aldosterone (two 3-µg doses per rat) plus corticosterone (220 µg) were given together. In order to control for the effect of aldosterone on distal transepithelial potential difference one group of rats was treated with amiloride, which blocks distal sodium channels. Amiloride-treated rats still showed a significant reduction in U-B pCO2 after ADX. Only corticosterone and 18-OH-B but not aldosterone increased U-B pCO2 back to the levels of sham-operated rats. These results show that corticosteroids stimulate renal tubule acidification both in proximal and distal nephrons and provide some clues about the mechanism of action of these steroids


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Systemic metabolic acidosis is known to cause a decrease in salt and water reabsorption by the kidney. We have used renal lithium clearance to investigate the effect of chronic, NH4Cl-induced metabolic acidosis on the renal handling of Na+ in male Wistar-Hannover rats (200-250 g). Chronic acidosis (pH 7.16 ± 0.13) caused a sustained increase in renal fractional Na+ excretion (267.9 ± 36.4%), accompanied by an increase in fractional proximal (113.3 ± 3.6%) and post-proximal (179.7 ± 20.2%) Na+ and urinary K+ (163.4 ± 5.6%) excretion when compared to control and pair-fed rats. These differences occurred in spite of an unchanged creatinine clearance and Na+ filtered load. A lower final body weight was observed in the acidotic (232 ± 4.6 g) and pair-fed (225 ± 3.6 g) rats compared to the controls (258 ± 3.7 g). In contrast, there was a significant increase in the kidney weights of acidotic rats (1.73 ± 0.05 g) compared to the other experimental groups (control, 1.46 ± 0.05 g; pair-fed, 1.4 ± 0.05 g). We suggest that altered renal Na+ and K+ handling in acidotic rats may result from a reciprocal relationship between the level of metabolism in renal tubules and ion transport.


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In previous studies we have shown stimulation of renal acid excretion in the proximal tubules of rats with diabetes of short duration, with no important alterations in glomerular hemodynamics; on the other hand, in thyroparathyroidectomized rats (TPTX model), a significant decrease in renal acid excretion, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF) was detected. Since important changes in the parathyroid hormone-vitamin D-Ca axis are observed in the diabetic state, the present study was undertaken to investigate the renal repercussions of thyroparathyroidectomy in rats previously made diabetic by streptozotocin (45 mg/kg). Four to 6 days after the induction of diabetes (DM), a group of rats were thyroparathyroidectomized (DM + TPTX). Renal functional parameters were evaluated by measuring the inulin and sodium para-aminohippurate clearance on the tenth day. The decrease in the GFR and RPF observed in TPTX was not reversed by diabetes since the same alterations were observed in DM + TPTX. Net acid (NA) excretion was unchanged in DM (6.19 ± 0.54), decreased in TPTX (3.76 ± 0.25) and returned to normal levels in DM + TPTX (5.54 ± 0.72) when compared to the control group (6.34 ± 0.14 µmol min-1 kg-1). The results suggest that PTH plays an important vasodilator role regarding glomerular hemodynamics, since in its absence the impairment in GFR and RPF was not reversed by the diabetic state. However, with respect to acid excretion, the presence of diabetes was able to overcome the negative stimulus represented by TPTX.


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High magnesium concentration inhibits the effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation and also influences hepatocyte AVP receptor binding. The aim of this study was to determine the role of magnesium concentration [Mg2+] in AVP-stimulated water transport in the kidney collecting duct. The effect of low and high peritubular [Mg2+] on the AVP-stimulated osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) was evaluated in the isolated perfused rabbit cortical collecting duct (CCD). Control tubules bathed and perfused with standard Ringer bicarbonate solution containing 1 mM Mg2+ presented a Pf of 223.9 ± 27.2 µm/s. When Mg2+ was not added to the bathing solution, an increase in the AVP-stimulated Pf to 363.1 ± 57.2 µm/s (P<0.05) was observed. An elevation of Mg2+ to 5 mM resulted in a decrease in Pf to 202.9 ± 12.6 µm/s (P<0.05). This decrease in the AVP-stimulated Pf at 5 mM Mg2+ persisted when the CCDs were returned to 1 mM Mg2+, Pf = 130.2 ± 20.3 µm/s, and was not normalized by the addition of 8-[4-chlorophenylthio]-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, a cAMP analogue, to the preparation. These data indicate that magnesium may play a modulatory role in the action of AVP on CCD osmotic water permeability, as observed in other tissues.


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Guanylate cyclases (GC) serve in two different signaling pathways involving cytosolic and membrane enzymes. Membrane GCs are receptors for guanylin and atriopeptin peptides, two families of cGMP-regulating peptides. Three subclasses of guanylin peptides contain one intramolecular disulfide (lymphoguanylin), two disulfides (guanylin and uroguanylin) and three disulfides (E. coli stable toxin, ST). The peptides activate membrane receptor-GCs and regulate intestinal Cl- and HCO3- secretion via cGMP in target enterocytes. Uroguanylin and ST also elicit diuretic and natriuretic responses in the kidney. GC-C is an intestinal receptor-GC for guanylin and uroguanylin, but GC-C may not be involved in renal cGMP pathways. A novel receptor-GC expressed in the opossum kidney (OK-GC) has been identified by molecular cloning. OK-GC cDNAs encode receptor-GCs in renal tubules that are activated by guanylins. Lymphoguanylin is highly expressed in the kidney and heart where it may influence cGMP pathways. Guanylin and uroguanylin are highly expressed in intestinal mucosa to regulate intestinal salt and water transport via paracrine actions on GC-C. Uroguanylin and guanylin are also secreted from intestinal mucosa into plasma where uroguanylin serves as an intestinal natriuretic hormone to influence body Na+ homeostasis by endocrine mechanisms. Thus, guanylin peptides control salt and water transport in the kidney and intestine mediated by cGMP via membrane receptors with intrinsic guanylate cyclase activity.


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We extended the characterization of the DNA puff BhB10-1 gene of Bradysia hygida by showing that, although its mRNA is detected only at the end of the fourth larval instar, BhB10-1 expression is not restricted to the salivary gland, the tissue in which this gene is amplified. Different amounts of BhB10-1 mRNA were detected in other larval tissues such as gut, Malpighian tubules, fat body, brain and cuticle, suggesting that this gene is expressed differentially in the various tissues analyzed. Analysis of transgenic Drosophila carrying the BhB10-1 transcription unit and flanking sequences revealed that the tested fragment promotes transcription in a constitutive manner. We suggest that either cis-regulatory elements are missing in the transgene or factors that temporally regulate the BhB10-1 gene in B. hygida are not conserved in Drosophila.


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Sertoli cells have been shown to be targets for extracellular purines such as ATP and adenosine. These purines evoke responses in Sertoli cells through two subtypes of purinoreceptors, P2Y2 and P A1. The signals to purinoreceptors are usually terminated by the action of ectonucleotidases. To demonstrate these enzymatic activities, we cultured rat Sertoli cells for four days and then used them for different assays. ATP, ADP and AMP hydrolysis was estimated by measuring the Pi released using a colorimetric method. Adenosine deaminase activity (EC was determined by HPLC. The cells were not disrupted after 40 min of incubation and the enzymatic activities were considered to be ectocellularly localized. ATP and ADP hydrolysis was markedly increased by the addition of divalent cations to the reaction medium. A competition plot demonstrated that only one enzymatic site is responsible for the hydrolysis of ATP and ADP. This result indicates that the enzyme that acts on the degradation of tri- and diphosphate nucleosides on the surface of Sertoli cells is a true ATP diphosphohydrolase (EC (specific activities of 113 ± 6 and 21 ± 2 nmol Pi mg-1 min-1 for ATP and ADP, respectively). The ecto-5'-nucleotidase (EC and ectoadenosine deaminase activities (specific activities of 32 ± 2 nmol Pi mg-1 min-1 for AMP and 1.52 ± 0.13 nmol adenosine mg-1 min-1, respectively) were shown to be able to terminate the effects of purines and may be relevant for the physiological control of extracellular levels of nucleotides and nucleosides inside the seminiferous tubules.


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Many studies have reported the occurrence of lethal acute renal failure after snakebites. The aim of the present investigation was to determine alterations in renal function produced by Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and crotoxin as well as the histological alterations induced by these venoms. Isolated kidneys from Wistar rats weighing 240 to 280 g were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6 g% of previously dialyzed bovine serum albumin. The effects of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and crotoxin were studied on glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urinary flow (UF), perfusion pressure (PP) and percentage sodium tubular transport (%TNa+). The infusion of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (10 µg/ml) and crotoxin (10 µg/ml) increased GFR (control80 = 0.78 ± 0.07, venom80 = 1.1 ± 0.07, crotoxin80 = 2.0 ± 0.05 ml g-1 min-1, P<0.05) and UF (control80 = 0.20 ± 0.02, venom80 = 0.32 ± 0.03, crotoxin80 = 0.70 ± 0.05 ml g-1 min-1, P<0.05), and decreased %TNa+ (control100 = 75.0 ± 2.3, venom100 = 62.9 ± 1.0, crotoxin80 = 69.0 ± 1.0 ml g-1 min-1, P<0.05). The infusion of crude venom tended to reduce PP, although the effect was not significant, whereas with crotoxin PP remained stable during the 100 min of perfusion. The kidneys perfused with crude venom and crotoxin showed abundant protein material in the urinary space and tubules. We conclude that Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and crotoxin, its major component, cause acute nephrotoxicity in the isolated rat kidney. The current experiments demonstrate a direct effect of venom and crotoxin on the perfused isolated kidney.


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Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is an inherited disease characterized by a malformation complex which includes cystically dilated tubules in the kidneys and ductal plate malformation in the liver. The disorder is observed primarily in infancy and childhood, being responsible for significant pediatric morbidity and mortality. All typical forms of ARPKD are caused by mutations in a single gene, PKHD1 (polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1). This gene has a minimum of 86 exons, assembled into multiple differentially spliced transcripts and has its highest level of expression in kidney, pancreas and liver. Mutational analyses revealed that all patients with both mutations associated with truncation of the longest open reading frame-encoded protein displayed the severe phenotype. This product, polyductin, is a 4,074-amino acid protein expressed in the cytoplasm, plasma membrane and primary apical cilia, a structure that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of different polycystic kidney diseases. In fact, cholangiocytes isolated from an ARPKD rat model develop shorter and dysmorphic cilia, suggesting polyductin to be important for normal ciliary morphology. Polyductin seems also to participate in tubule morphogenesis and cell mitotic orientation along the tubular axis. The recent advances in the understanding of in vitro and animal models of polycystic kidney diseases have shed light on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cyst formation and progression, allowing the initiation of therapeutic strategy designing and promising perspectives for ARPKD patients. It is notable that vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists can inhibit/halt the renal cystic disease progression in an orthologous rat model of human ARPKD.


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Aldosterone concentrations vary in advanced chronic renal failure (CRF). The isozyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2), which confers aldosterone specificity for mineralocorticoid receptors in distal tubules and collecting ducts, has been reported to be decreased or normal in patients with renal diseases. Our objective was to determine the role of aldosterone and 11β-HSD2 renal microsome activity, normalized for glomerular filtration rate (GFR), in maintaining K+ homeostasis in 5/6 nephrectomized rats. Male Wistar rats weighing 180-220 g at the beginning of the study were used. Rats with experimental CRF obtained by 5/6 nephrectomy (N = 9) and sham rats (N = 10) were maintained for 4 months. Systolic blood pressure and plasma creatinine (Pcr) concentration were measured at the end of the experiment. Sodium and potassium excretion and GFR were evaluated before and after spironolactone administration (10 mg·kg-1·day-1 for 7 days) and 11β-HSD2 activity on renal microsomes was determined. Systolic blood pressure (means ± SEM; Sham = 105 ± 8 and CRF = 149 ± 10 mmHg) and Pcr (Sham = 0.42 ± 0.03 and CRF = 2.53 ± 0.26 mg/dL) were higher (P < 0.05) while GFR (Sham = 1.46 ± 0.26 and CRF = 0.61 ± 0.06 mL/min) was lower (P < 0.05) in CRF, and plasma aldosterone (Pald) was the same in the two groups. Urinary sodium and potassium excretion was similar in the two groups under basal conditions but, after spironolactone treatment, only potassium excretion was decreased in CRF rats (sham = 0.95 ± 0.090 (before) vs 0.89 ± 0.09 µEq/min (after) and CRF = 1.05 ± 0.05 (before) vs 0.37 ± 0.07 µEq/min (after); P < 0.05). 11β-HSD2 activity on renal microsomes was lower in CRF rats (sham = 0.807 ± 0.09 and CRF = 0.217 ± 0.07 nmol·min-1·mg protein-1; P < 0.05), although when normalized for mL GFR it was similar in both groups. We conclude that K+ homeostasis is maintained during CRF development despite normal Pald levels. This adaptation may be mediated by renal 11β-HSD2 activity, which, when normalized for GFR, became similar to that of control rats, suggesting that mineralocorticoid receptors maintain their aldosterone selectivity.


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Calcineurin inhibitors exacerbate ischemic injury in transplanted kidneys, but it is not known if sirolimus protects or exacerbates the transplanted kidney from ischemic injury. We determined the effects of sirolimus alone or in combination with cyclosporin A (CsA) on oxygenated and hypoxic/reoxygenated rat proximal tubules in the following in vitro groups containing 6-9 rats per group: sirolimus (10, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000 ηg/mL); CsA (100 µg/mL); sirolimus (50 and 250 ηg/mL) + CsA (100 µg/mL); control; vehicle (20% ethanol). For in vivo studies, 3-week-old Wistar rats (150-250 g) were submitted to left nephrectomy and 30-min renal artery clamping. Renal function and histological evaluation were performed 24 h and 7 days after ischemia (I) in five groups: sham, I, I + SRL (3 mg·kg-1·day-1, po), I + CsA (3 mg·kg-1·day-1, sc), I + SRL + CsA. Sirolimus did not injure oxygenated or hypoxic/reoxygenated proximal tubules and did not potentiate the tubular toxic effects of CsA. Neither drug affected the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at 24 h. GFR was reduced in CsA-treated rats on day 7 (0.5 ± 0.1 mL/min) but not in rats receiving sirolimus + CsA (0.8 ± 0.1 mL/min) despite the reduction in renal blood flow (3.9 ± 0.5 mL/min). Acute tubular necrosis regeneration was similar for all groups. Sirolimus alone was not toxic and did not enhance hypoxia/reoxygenation injury or CsA toxicity to proximal tubules. Despite its hemodynamic effects, sirolimus protected post-ischemic kidneys against CsA toxicity.


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Insertional mutagenesis is an important tool for functional genomics in Drosophila melanogaster. The insertion site in the KG00562 mutant fly line has been mapped to the CG8709 (herein named DmLpin) locus and to the 3’ of kermit (also called dGIPC). This mutant line presents a high lethality rate resulting from a gain of function. To obtain some insight into the biological role of the mutated locus, we have characterized the mutation and its relation to the high mortality of the KG00562 fly line. In this mutant, we did not detect one of the DmLpin transcripts, namely DmLpinK, but we did detect an unusual 2.3-kb mRNA (LpinK-w). Further investigation revealed that the LpinK-w transcript results from an aberrant splicing between the untranslated first exon of DmLpinK and the mini-white marker gene. Lack of DmLpinK or LpinK-w expression does not contribute to lethality, since heterozygous KG00562/Def7860 animals presented lethality rates comparable to those of the wild type. In contrast, the overexpression of kermit was associated with lethality of the KG00562 fly line. Significantly higher levels of kermit were detected in the Malpighian tubules of KG00562/+ flies that presented higher lethality rates than wild-type or KG00562/Def7860 animals, in which the lethality was rescued. In agreement with a recently reported study, our data support the hypothesis that misexpression of kermit/dGIPC could interfere with Drosophila development, with further investigations being needed in this direction.