43 resultados para T-score


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the response to the implantation of synthetic hydroxyapatite 30% (HAP-91®) in different physical states as dermal filler. Eighteen New Zealand rabbits were used, distributed randomly into two equal groups and then divided into three groups according to the postoperative period at 8, 21 and 49 days. One mL of HAP-91®, fluid and viscous, was implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, 1 cm proximal to the cranial crest of the right scapula. The thickness of the skin was measured before and after implantation and for the following 15 days. Pain sensitivity assessment was conducted, assigning the following scores: 0 - when the animal allowed the touch of the implant area and expressed no signs of pain; 1 - when the animal allowed the touch, but pain reaction occurred, like increase of the respiratory rate or attempt to escape; 2 - when the animal did not allow the touch to the implanted area. At 8, 21 and 49 days, biopsy of the implanted area was performed. No difference was observed between the thickness of the skin (p>0.05) and all animals received a score 0 for soreness. Histological analysis did not reveal any obvious inflammatory process, showing a predominance of mononuclear cells in samples of eight days and tissue organization around the biomaterial with a tendency to encapsulation. The results indicate that HAP-91®, both viscous and fluid, is biocompatible and suitable for dermal filling.


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A partir de uma modificação do esquema teórico de Max Weber, aplicado ao estudo do fenômeno da estratificação social, procurou-se a base conceptual para a elaboração de um índice de status sócio-econômico familiar. Selecionados os indicadores ocupação, renda e educação, consagrados pela literatura sociológica, os pesos respectivos foram obtidos através de um critério estatístico (correlação de cada variável com o "score" total). Cada status familiar, representado por um "score" total, encontra-se referido a um estrato no sistema de estratificação considerado.


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Foi avaliada segundo "score" químico e aminoácido limitante, a qualidade protéica de 1.310 dietas consumidas no período de 24 horas, por famílias residentes em 18 localidades do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram utilizados os padrões de referência propostos pela FAO, em 1968 e em 1973. A totalidade das dietas apresentaram "score" inferior a 80 (padrão 1968). Pelo padrão 1973, em 93,4% das dietas o "score" foi superior a 80, sendo que 33,4% delas foi acima de 100. Os dois padrões apontam os aminoácidos sulfurados como os mais freqüentes limitantes da síntese protéica; 59% das dietas têm metionina como o primeiro aminoácido limitante (padrão 1968). Em 49,1% das dietas que apresentaram aminoácido limitante pelo padrão 1973, este é representado pelos aminoácidos sulfurados. Os resultados obtidos considerando o padrão FAO 1973 sugerem que a qualidade aminoacídica das dietas estudadas é satisfatória e que, se houver uma deficiência protéica, esta, provavelmente, corre por conta da ingestão insuficiente de proteínas e/ou energia.


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During the second half of 1986 the health and nutritional status of 254 children aged up to six years was studied, as well as the socio-economic situation of their parents in two favelas (shantytowns) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The nutritional status of the children was characterized by stunting (Z-score: 20.1% < -2) but not by wasting (Z-score: 3.7% < -2). Consideration was also given to how far stunting was caused by high morbidity such as acute respiratory infections (point prevalence: 38.5%), diarrheal diseases (point prevalence: 11.5%) and parasitosis (point prevalence: 70.3%). Furthermore, anemia (point prevalence: 29.7%) appeared as another health problem. The most important determinant of anthropometric indices turned out to be the mother's schooling. From the present data it can be hypothesized that the nutritional status of the children was limited less by the lack of food than by their poor health status.


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Estudou-se um surto de febre purpúrica brasileira ocorrido em Serrana, SP (Brasil) em 1986 e sua associação com conjuntivite purulenta, aglomeração e sintomas respiratórios. Foi adotado o modelo de estudo, caso-controle. Chamou-se caso confirmado o paciente que satisfizesse um conjunto de critérios tendo "score" maior ou igual a 12 pontos, e caso suspeito "score" entre 8 e 12 (o "score" foi efetuado usando-se o seguinte critério: ocorrência de febre, igual a 5 pontos; diarréia e/ou vômitos igual a 1; fenômenos hemorrágicos igual a 3; plaquetopenia e/ou leucopenia igual a 3; hemocultura e/ou líquor e/ou cultura de orofaringe positiva para Haemophylus aegyptius igual a 7; síndrome de Waterhouse Friedrichsen igual a 7). Tomou-se como controle crianças com "score" menor do que 5. O controle foi pareado com o caso segundo as variáveis idade, sexo e condição sócio-econômica. Levantaram-se informações sobre 14 casos confirmados, 38 suspeitos e 78 controles. Concluiu-se que a febre purpúrica brasileira apresentou forte associação com conjuntivite purulenta pregressa e/ou atual; parece haver associação entre aglomeração e febre purpúrica e que os sintomas respiratórios como tosse e/ou coriza não estão a ela associados, pelo menos na população estudada.


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Trata-se de estudo prospectivo que teve por objetivo caracterizar a gravidade do trauma de pacientes hospitalizados, através do "Injury Severity Score" (ISS). Foram analisados 100 pacientes de trauma internados em uma instituição referência para trauma localizada em São Paulo, Brasil. Do total de pacientes, 68 sofreram trauma fechado e 32 trauma penetrante. Dentre os pacientes de trauma fechado, 53,0% sofreram trauma leve (ISS 1-15), 29,4% trauma moderado (ISS 16-24) e 17,6% trauma grave (ISS > 25) enquanto que 34,4% dos pacientes de trauma penetrante sofreram trauma leve, 18,7% trauma moderado e 46,9% trauma grave. A média e desvio-padrão dos ISSs dos pacientes de trauma fechado e penetrante foi, respectivamente, de 14,9 ± 8,1 e 20,8 ± 11,0, correspondendo a um percentual de mortos de 11,8% e 12,5%.


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A case series to study factors related to family expectation regarding schizophrenic patients was conducted in an out-patient setting in the city of S. Paulo, Brazil. Patients diagnosed as presenting schizophrenia by the ICD 9th Edition and having had the disease for more than four years were included in the study. Family Expectation was measured by the difference between the Katz Adjustment Scale (R2 and R3) scores based on the relative's expectation and the socially expected activities of the patient (Discrepancy Score), and social adjustment was given by the DSM-III-R Global Assessment Scale (GAS) . Outcome assessments were made independently, and 44 patients comprised the sample (25 males and 19 females). The Discrepancy mean score was twice as high for males as for females (p < 0.02), and there was an inverse relationship between the discrepancy score and social adjustment (r =-0.46, p < 0.001). Moreover, sex and social adjustment exerted independent effects on the discrepancy score when age, age at onset and number of psychiatric admissions were controlled by means of a multiple regression technique. There was an interaction between sex and social adjustment, the inverse relationship between social adjustment and discrepancy score being more pronounced for males. These findings are discussed in the light of the potential association between the family environment, gender and social adjustment of schizophrenic patients, and the need for further research, i.e. ethnographic accounts of interactions between patient and relatives sharing households particularly in less developed countries.


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A previously calculated predictive model for health risk selects infants who suffer 4-5 times more morbidity than their unselected peers. Preliminary results suggested that this risk is related to maternal neurotic symptomatology. To evaluate this hypothesis, 52 consecutive mothers whose infants had a positive predictive score (Group 1) and 52 in whom this was negative (Group 2) were evaluated by means of Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire (GHQ - 30). A total of 41.9% and 20.5% of the mothers in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, scored above 11 points in GHQ-30, established as the cut off point. It is concluded that among poor urban families in Santiago mothers of infants with high risk of persistent diarrhoea have increased frequency of detectable neurotic symptoms. New programs aimed at this type of infant should include psychological support for their mothers.


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OBJECTIVE: This is a study to evaluate friendships in latency street boys of Porto Alegre, RGS, Brazil. METHODS: A sample of 30 latency street boys was compared with a sample of 51 latency boys living with their low income families, using the Cornell Interview of Peers and Friends (CIPF). RESULTS: The two groups had a significantly different CIPF global scores, and the boys of the street group had the highest mean score. Also, boys of the street had significantly lower developmental appropriateness, self-esteem and social skills scores than boys living with a family. CONCLUSIONS: The urgent need for intervention street children, especially on boys of the street, is emphasized.


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OBJECTIVE: To test discriminant analysis as a method of turning the information of a routine customer satisfaction survey (CSS) into a more accurate decision-making tool. METHODS: A 7-question, 10-multiple choice, self-applied questionnaire was used to study a sample of patients seen in two outpatient care units in Valparaíso, Chile, one of primary care (n=100) and the other of secondary care (n=249). Two cutting points were considered in the dependent variable (final satisfaction score): satisfied versus unsatisfied, and very satisfied versus all others. Results were compared with empirical measures (proportion of satisfied individuals, proportion of unsatisfied individuals and size of the median). RESULTS: The response rate was very high, over 97.0% in both units. A new variable, medical attention, was revealed, as explaining satisfaction at the primary care unit. The proportion of the total variability explained by the model was very high (over 99.4%) in both units, when comparing satisfied with unsatisfied customers. In the analysis of very satisfied versus all other customers, significant relationship was identified only in the case of the primary care unit, which explained a small proportion of the variability (41.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Discriminant analysis identified relationships not revealed by the previous analysis. It provided information about the proportion of the variability explained by the model. It identified non-significant relationships suggested by empirical analysis (e.g. the case of the relation very satisfied versus others in the secondary care unit). It measured the contribution of each independent variable to the explanation of the variation of the dependent one.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a atuação de um modelo de Suporte Avançado à Vida (SAV), a acidentados de trânsito por meio de indicadores, considerando a pontuação do Revised Trauma Score (RTS) na fase pré-hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Análise de 643 registros de atendimento de SAV a acidentados de trânsito, ocorridos em vias expressas da cidade de São Paulo, SP, no período de abril/1999 a abril/2000. Os intervalos de tempo avaliados foram: tempo resposta, de cena, de transporte e total. A análise da decisão de triagem considerou os registros de RTS£11 como corretos para encaminhamento a hospitais terciários. As flutuações no RTS e parâmetros foram observadas através da equação: (RTSfinal ¾ RTSinicial). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Das 643 vítimas, 90,8% alcançaram RTS=12 e 5,2% obtiveram RTS£10. O tempo resposta variou entre 8 e 9 min, sendo o tempo de cena e de transporte maior nos casos de RTS£10. Das vítimas com RTS£10, 45,5% foram corretamente encaminhadas para hospitais terciários. Identificaram-se incorreções na triagem de vítimas. A manutenção ou melhora nos valores de RTS ocorreu em 98,8% das vítimas. A freqüência respiratória foi o parâmetro que mais apresentou melhora, seguida da pressão arterial sistólica.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar peso de nascimento e os escores como preditores de mortalidade neonatal em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, comparando os seus resultados. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 494 recém-nascidos admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal (UTIN) de um hospital geral de Porto Alegre, RS, logo após o nascimento, entre março de 1997 e junho de 1998. Foram avaliados o peso de nascimento e os escores considerando a variável óbito durante a internação na UTI. Os critérios de exclusão foram: alta ou óbito da UTIN com menos de 24 horas de internação, recém-nascidos cuja internação não ocorreu logo após o nascimento, protocolo de estudo incompleto e malformações congênitas incompatíveis com a vida. Para avaliação do CRIB (Clinical Risk Index for Babies) foram considerados somente os pacientes com peso de nascimento inferior a 1.500 g. Foram calculadas as curvas ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve) para SNAP (Score for Neonatal Acute), SNAP-PE (Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension), SNAP II, SNAP-PE II, CRIB e peso de nascimento. RESULTADOS: Dos 494 pacientes, 44 faleceram (8,9% de mortalidade). Dos 102 recém-nascidos com peso de até 1.500 g, 32 (31,3%) faleceram. As áreas abaixo da curva ROC variaram de 0,81 a 0,94. Todos os escores avaliados mostraram áreas abaixo da curva ROC sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Os escores de risco de mortalidade estudados apresentaram um melhor desempenho que o peso de nascimento, especialmente em recém-nascidos com peso de nascimento igual ou menor que 1.500 g. CONCLUSÕES: Todos os escores de mortalidade neonatal apresentaram melhor desempenho e foram superiores ao peso de nascimento como medidores de risco de óbito hospitalar para recém-nascidos internados em UTIN.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify potential prognostic factors for neonatal mortality among newborns referred to intensive care units. METHODS: A live-birth cohort study was carried out in Goiânia, Central Brazil, from November 1999 to October 2000. Linked birth and infant death certificates were used to ascertain the cohort of live born infants. An additional active surveillance system of neonatal-based mortality was implemented. Exposure variables were collected from birth and death certificates. The outcome was survivors (n=713) and deaths (n=162) in all intensive care units in the study period. Cox's proportional hazards model was applied and a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was used to compare the performance of statistically significant variables in the multivariable model. Adjusted mortality rates by birth weight and 5-min Apgar score were calculated for each intensive care unit. RESULTS: Low birth weight and 5-min Apgar score remained independently associated to death. Birth weight equal to 2,500g had 0.71 accuracy (95% CI: 0.65-0.77) for predicting neonatal death (sensitivity =72.2%). A wide variation in the mortality rates was found among intensive care units (9.5-48.1%) and two of them remained with significant high mortality rates even after adjusting for birth weight and 5-min Apgar score. CONCLUSIONS: This study corroborates birth weight as a sensitive screening variable in surveillance programs for neonatal death and also to target intensive care units with high mortality rates for implementing preventive actions and interventions during the delivery period.