37 resultados para Surplus commodities
Labor values, reproduction prices and land rent. The paper analyses the determination of labor values and reproduction prices, including economic systems with joint production and systems with intensive land rent. The discussion is based on very simple numeric examples, avoiding that the mathematical complications hinder the comprehension of basic questions of Marxist economic theory.
Complementarity of trade between Brazil and Japan with a view to a free trade agreement. Japan has signed free trade agreements as trade policy since 2002 and three countries have already signed in Latin American. Considering the intention to carry out an agreement with Mercosur, this article aims to analyze the complementarities between Brazil and Japan trade structure by revealed comparative advantages indexes, with World Bank data for the period between 2006 and 2008. The results show a comparative advantage in primary commodities to Brazil and in industrial products to Japan, as well as indicating sectors that may oppose to trade liberalization.
This article starts from the critical review of the concept of financial capital. I consider it is necessary not to confuse this category with of financialization, which has acquired a certificate of naturalization from the rise of neoliberalism. Although financial monopoly-financial capital is the hegemonic segment of the bourgeoisie in the major capitalist countries, their dominance does not imply, a fortiori, financialization of economic activity, since it depends of the conditions of the process reproduction of capital. The emergence of joint stock companies modified the formation of the average rate of profit. The "promoter profit" becomes one of the main forms of income of monopoly-financial capital. It is postulated that financial profit is a kind of "extraordinary surplus-value" which is appropriated by monopoly-financial capital by means of the monopolistic control it exerts on the issue and circulation of fictitious capital.
Este trabalho faz uma revisão da expansão das relações econômicas entre a China e os países da América Latina na última década. O grande processo de urbanização chinesa foi o principal estímulo para as exportações de commodities desses países e a China tornou-se o maior mercado para exportação e grande fornecedor de produtos manufaturados para muitos dos países da América Latina , assim como também tem ampliado sua contribuição para investimento e crédito. Nesse processo de reestruturação da divisão internacional do trabalho consideramos dois efeitos diferentes, um "efeito de demanda" e um "efeito de estrutura" e iinvestigamos como a complementaridade e as pressões competitivas afetou o comércio dentro da região e nos países de acordo com seus diferentes padrões e estrutura produtiva.
ABSTRACTThis paper presents a measurement of the portion of the Brazilian ground-rent appropriated by agrarian landowners during 1955-2005 and assesses its importance relative to other forms of surplus value appropriated in the Brazilian economy. In pursuing this task, the paper also puts forward original estimations of several time-series that are crucial for the study of Brazilian long-term growth and development. Finally, the paper combines the measurements obtained here with those advanced in (Grinberg, 2008, 2013b) to present an approximation to the evolution of the total Brazilian ground-rent during 1955-2005. The appendix presents the sources and methodology used for the estimations.
ABSTRACT In the nineteenth century, money appear primarily as gold. In the twenty-first century, it appears as strictly fiduciary money. It is known that Marx said very clearly that the golden money was the effective basis of the monetary and credit system. Had the historical development finally shown that his theory of value and money would be false? Marxists have struggled continually with this problem. This paper tries to show that exist a simple and good answer to this crucial question. It comes just developing a little the dialectics of commodities and money found on Marx's Capital.
RESUMO Este texto discute os dados e os principais fatos estilizados da dinâmica da formação bruta de capital fixo (FBCF) no brasil após 1995. apresenta, ademais, especificações econométricas para a dinâmica trimestral da FBCF no período 1996-2012 que levantam hipóteses causais ainda relativamente inexploradas na literatura. os dados apresentados evidenciam as dinâmicas distintas da FBCF em máquinas e equipamentos e construções - e, consequentemente, o papel fundamental da primeira variável na dinâmica da FBCF total da economia. as estimativas apresentadas sugerem choques cambiais, nos preços internacionais de commodities e na FBCF pública como mecanismos causais da dinâmica trimestral da FBCF brasileira.