43 resultados para Subjetividad notable
ABSTRACT Healthy eating is associated with the consumption of fruits, which are notable for their beneficial effects on human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the proximate composition, composition of fibers and components with antioxidant activity in soursops varieties Crioula, Lisa and Morada of physiological maturity (PM) and mature (M). The protein, lipid and moisture contents did not differ between soursop varieties, but the ash contents were higher in the Morada-PM (0.56%±0.03) and the Morada-M (0.82%±0.10) varieties. The Crioula-M variety showed higher levels of total dietary fibre (5.76%±0.12). The Lisa-M variety showed higher levels of insoluble dietary fibre (4.46%±0.00). The Lisa-M variety also showed a higher level of phenolic compounds (284.25 mg gallic acid/100 g of soursop pulp), differing significantly (p <0.05) from the Crioula-PM soursop (154.40 mg of gallic acid/100 g of soursop pulp). Under the DPPH• system, the soursops that showed highest antioxidant activity were the Crioula-M (EC50 of 156.40 g.g DPPH-1) and the Crioula-PM (EC50 of 162.41 g.g DPPH-1), which differed significantly from the Morada soursops. The results suggest that the consumption of soursops is useful for increasing concentrations of bioactive compounds and dietary fibre.
This article presents a sample of the activities of apothecary Ezequiel Corrêa dos Santos. He was notable not only for his professional career, but also for his political militancy, making an important contribution to the development of pharmaceutical sciences in Brazil, in the XIXth century.
This work reviews the current literature about the chemical constituents and the biological activities of the subtribe Lychnophorinae (Vernonieae, Asteraceae). The notable secondary metabolites are sesquiterpene lactones of furanoheliangolide (goyazensolide and eremantholide types) and flavonoids. Some of its most investigated activities include its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities, specially for the Lychnophora and Eremanthus species. The data presented on this paper not only displayed the role played by the Lychnophorinae species as a source of bioactive compounds, but also reinforced the need of further studies involving the species of such subtribe.
The use and characterization of the first Certified Reference Material (CRM) of Brazilian coal for analytical quality control are presented. All results were determined within the limits of repeatability and reproducibility allowed under the standards. Notable among the characterization parameters was the mineral matter content (45.39%) obtained by an alternative procedure showing a low relative error (-2.1%) compared to the standard technique (low ashing temperature). The possible expanded application of this CRM application in national laboratories, beyond the certificated and reference parameters, has advantages such as lower cost and easy availability, but round robin tests must be performed.
Chemical imprinting technology has been widely used as a valuable tool in selective recognition of a given target analyte (molecule or metal ion), yielding a notable advance in the development of new analytical protocols. Since their discovery, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been extensively studied with excellent reviews published. However, studies involving ion imprinted polymers (IIPs), in which metal ions are recognized in the presence of closely related inorganic ions, remain scarce. Thus, this review involved a survey of different synthetic approaches for preparing ion imprinted adsorbents and their application for the development of solid phase extraction methods, metal ion sensors (electrodes and optodes) and selective membranes.
AbstractFilms obtained by blends between starch and other polymers and films developed with the addition of an oil can show higher water vapor barriers and improved mechanical properties. Films with starch/PVOH/alginate were obtained by adding copaiba and lemongrass essential oils (EOs). Films without oil served as the control. The microstructure, water vapor permeability (PVA), mechanical properties, and antifungal activity were determined for the films. The effects of the addition of the EOs on the properties of the films were dependent of the concentration and type of oil. The films with 0.5% lemongrass EO were similar to the control films. These films showed a 2.02 × 10-12 g s-1Pa m-1 PVA, 11.43 MPa tensile stress, 13.23% elongation, and 247.95 MPa/mm resistance at perforation. The addition of 1% of copaiba EO increased the PVA from 0.5 × 10-12 to 12.1 × 10-12 g s-1 Pa m-1 and the diffusion coefficient from 0.17 × 10-8 to 7.15 × 10-8m2/day. Films with quantities of EOs displayed fissures and micropores; the control films developed micropores with smaller diameters than films with EOs. The addition of EOs did not change the resulting infrared spectrum of the films. The films with oil displayed a diminished development of the Fusarium sp. culture, and the film without EOs did not display notable differences in the development of the culture. The starch/PVOH/alginate films with 0.5% lemongrass EO were the most suited for the development of a packaging active system.
El presente trabajo desarrolla distintas figuras que Carl Schmitt señala como formas de subjetividad antipolítica. Si desde la perspectiva del jurista alemán las operaciones que constituyen un modo de ser político son aquellas que producen o sostienen una forma representativa, lo propio de una subjetividad antipolítica son aquellas operaciones que erosionan o conducen a la destrucción de dicha forma política. El trabajo intenta mostrar que la operación fundamental en este sentido es la dilación, entendida como la postergación indefinida de la decisión. Así, bajo las diversas figuras de la antipolítica que Schmitt aborda, esta operación también adquiere diversas formas de aparición: en el caso de la subjetividad liberal se da bajo la forma de la discusión y el compromiso, en el caso del romántico político bajo la forma de la poetización.
Several recent works in history and philosophy of science have re-evaluated the alleged opposition between the theses put forth by logical empiricists such as Carnap and the so-called "post-positivists", such as Kuhn. Although the latter came to be viewed as having seriously challenged the logical positivist views of science, recent authors (e.g., Friedman, Reisch, Earman, Irzik and Grünberg) maintain that some of the most notable theses of the Kuhnian view of science have striking similarities with some aspects of Carnap's philosophy. Against that reading, Oliveira and Psillos argue that within Carnap's philosophy there is no place for the Kuhnian theses of incommensurability, holism, and theory-ladenness of observations. This paper presents each of those readings and argues that Carnap and Kuhn have non-opposing views on holism, incommensurability, the theory-ladenness of observations, and scientific revolutions. We note at the very end - without dwelling on the point, however - that they come apart on other matters, such as their views on metaphysics and on the context of discovery/justification distinction.
OBJETIVO: Valorar la eficacia de la lipólisis-láser para corregir el volumen, flacidez y excedente cutáneo sin escisión. MÉTODOS: Prospectivamente, en 32 pacientes con ginecomastia, bajo anestesia tumescente y sedación se realizó lipólisis con láser de diodo 980nm, 15W en emisión continua, 8kJ a 12kJ de energía por mama. Externamente se utilizó aire frío para protección de la piel. Después se utilizó lipoaspiración convencional. No se emplearon drenajes pero si vendaje compresivo. Los pacientes evaluaron los resultados en una escala visual analógica. Dos médicos evaluaron los resultados por fotografías de antes y seis meses después, y midieron las areolas y contorno torácico. RESULTADOS: Veintitrés pacientes consideraron los resultados como Muy Bueno, siete Bueno y dos Regular. La retracción cutánea en la areola fue notable un mes después de la intervención y fue máxima a los seis meses. La valoración de los médicos fue 26 Muy Bueno, cinco Bueno y un Regular. No existieron quemaduras, isquemia, ni lesiones en areolas o pezón. CONCLUSIÓN: La liposucción asistida por láser es eficaz y de ejecución sencilla, poco traumática y permite una temprana reintegración a las actividades.
Integrins play crucial roles in cell adhesion, migration, and signaling by providing transmembrane links between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. Integrins cluster in macromolecular complexes to generate cell-matrix adhesions such as focal adhesions. In this mini-review, we compare certain integrin-based biological responses and signaling during cell interactions with standard 2D cell culture versus 3D matrices. Besides responding to the composition of the matrix, cells sense and react to physical properties that include three-dimensionality and rigidity. In routine cell culture, fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells appear to use focal adhesions as anchors. They then use intracellular actomyosin contractility and dynamic, directional integrin movements to stretch cell-surface fibronectin and to generate characteristic long fibrils of fibronectin in "fibrillar adhesions". Some cells in culture proceed to produce dense, three-dimensional matrices similar to in vivo matrix, as opposed to the flat, rigid, two-dimensional surfaces habitually used for cell culture. Cells within such more natural 3D matrices form a distinctive class of adhesion termed "3D-matrix adhesions". These 3D adhesions show distinctive morphology and molecular composition. Their formation is heavily dependent on interactions between integrin alpha5ß1 and fibronectin. Cells adhere much more rapidly to 3D matrices. They also show more rapid morphological changes, migration, and proliferation compared to most 2D matrices or 3D collagen gels. Particularly notable are low levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase and moderate increases in activated mitogen-activated protein kinase. These findings underscore the importance of the dimensionality and dynamics of matrix substrates in cellular responses to the extracellular matrix.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is an inherited disease characterized by a malformation complex which includes cystically dilated tubules in the kidneys and ductal plate malformation in the liver. The disorder is observed primarily in infancy and childhood, being responsible for significant pediatric morbidity and mortality. All typical forms of ARPKD are caused by mutations in a single gene, PKHD1 (polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1). This gene has a minimum of 86 exons, assembled into multiple differentially spliced transcripts and has its highest level of expression in kidney, pancreas and liver. Mutational analyses revealed that all patients with both mutations associated with truncation of the longest open reading frame-encoded protein displayed the severe phenotype. This product, polyductin, is a 4,074-amino acid protein expressed in the cytoplasm, plasma membrane and primary apical cilia, a structure that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of different polycystic kidney diseases. In fact, cholangiocytes isolated from an ARPKD rat model develop shorter and dysmorphic cilia, suggesting polyductin to be important for normal ciliary morphology. Polyductin seems also to participate in tubule morphogenesis and cell mitotic orientation along the tubular axis. The recent advances in the understanding of in vitro and animal models of polycystic kidney diseases have shed light on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cyst formation and progression, allowing the initiation of therapeutic strategy designing and promising perspectives for ARPKD patients. It is notable that vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists can inhibit/halt the renal cystic disease progression in an orthologous rat model of human ARPKD.
High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) was discovered as a novel late-acting cytokine that contributes to acute lung injury (ALI). However, the contribution of HMGB1 to two-hit-induced ALI has not been investigated. To examine the participation of HMGB1 in the pathogenesis of ALI caused by the two-hit hypothesis, endotoxin was injected intratracheally in a hemorrhagic shock-primed ALI mouse model. Concentrations of HMGB1 in the lung of the shock group were markedly increased at 16 h (1.63 ± 0.05, compared to the control group: 1.02 ± 0.03; P < 0.05), with the highest concentration being observed at 24 h. In the sham/lipopolysaccharide group, lung HMGB1 concentrations were found to be markedly increased at 24 h (1.98 ± 0.08, compared to the control group: 1.07 ± 0.03; P < 0.05). Administration of lipopolysaccharide to the hemorrhagic shock group resulted in a notable HMGB1 increase by 4 h, with a further increase by 16 h. Intratracheal lipopolysaccharide injection after hemorrhagic shock resulted in the highest lung leak at 16 h (2.68 ± 0.08, compared to the control group: 1.05 ± 0.04; P < 0.05). Compared to the hemorrhagic shock/lipopolysaccharide mice, blockade of HMGB1 at the same time as lipopolysaccharide injection prevented significantly pulmonary tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta and myeloperoxidase. Lung leak was also markedly reduced at 16 h; blockade of HMGB1 24 h after lipopolysaccharide injection failed to alter lung leak or myeloperoxidase at 48 h. Our observations suggest that HMGB1 plays a key role as a late mediator when lipopolysaccharide is injected after hemorrhagic shock-primed ALI and the kinetics of its release differs from that of one-hit ALI. The therapeutic window to suppress HMGB1 activity should not be delayed to 24 h after the disease onset.
The evaluation of filtration methods on the yield and oleochemicals characteristics on the crude fish oil from the soapstock of marine fish for purposes of nutrition has been conducted in this work. The analytical properties of the crude and the neutralized oil with three excesses of sodium hydroxide (NaOH, 20%, 40% and 60%) were carried out on two different ways with organza and the “glass wool”. The neutralization of the oil brought about a notable improvement in the analytical properties of the oil. Thus, it leads to a high quality fish oil in terms of taste, colour, odours, shelf life and market value. Based on the improved characteristics of the oil, it could be suitable for applications in pharmaceutical and food industries.