304 resultados para Soybean biodiesel
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the influence of foliar fertilizer doses containing Mn of phenological stages of suggested application in RR soybeans, to recover management damages with glyphosate at postemergence application on seed vigor in post-harvest and post six months storage. The seeds originated from a field experiment conducted , which included two applications of glyphosate, concomitant with foliar fertilizer in growth stages V4 and V6, with 0.00, 113.50 and 227.00 mg ha-1doses of Mn2+. Germination, GSI (Germination Speed Index), electrical conductivity tests and the first count of seeds were conducted. The application of Mn did not affect the physiological quality of RR soy in postharvest. However, in post-storage, higher doses of Mn had a negative effect on tests of abnormal seedlings, GSI and electrical conductivity. The applications of Mn, regardless of the developmental stage, did not interfere in the germination and first count tests, with and without storage. The electrical conductivity test showed a higher correlation with the seed germination test in the post-harvest treatment.
ABSTRACT Soybean cultivation is increasing rapidly in the region of Alto Vale do Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, where there is a predominance of silt soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the content of primary macronutrients in shoots and shoot and root vegetative growth of soybean (Glicine max L. Merrill) grown in a silt-loam soil under different compactation densities and moisture levels. A randomized block design in a 4x4 factorial arrangement was used, with four compactation densities: 1.00; 1.20; 1.40 and 1.60 Mg m-3, and four soil moisture levels: 0.130; 0.160; 0.190 and 0.220 kg kg-1 and four replications. Each pot consisted of the overlapping of three 150-mm PVC rings, where soil was maintained in the higher and lower part of the pot with a density of 1.00 Mg m-3 and in the intermediate ring, the compactation densities were increased. Values of soil density higher than 120 Mg m-3 negatively affected N, P and K uptake by soybean plants, as well as the plant mass of the shoots and roots. The higher levels of soil moisture reduced the compaction effect and promoted better absorption of P and K.
A falta de disponibilidade de energia elétrica é um dos principais motivos pelo baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano das comunidades isoladas localizadas na Amazônia. O biodiesel produzido a partir de óleos vegetais extraídos de espécies oleaginosas nativas de forma sustentada é uma das melhores alternativas energéticas para a região. O tucumã do amazonas, Astrocaryum aculeatum, é uma espécie de palmeira que produz um fruto muito apreciado na região, a partir do qual se obtém uma amêndoa com alto teor de óleo. Nesse estudo, foi avaliada a produção de biodiesel etílico, a partir de diferentes lotes de óleos de tucumã do amazonas, com índices de acidez baixos e elevados, pela transesterificação por catálise básica e ácida homogêneas, respectivamente. Na catálise ácida, foram testados HCl e H2SO4 como catalisadores nas concentrações de 0,0625 a 1,000 M, empregando etanol hidratado na proporção molar de 1:6 e a reação conduzida a 90 ºC por 24 h. Na catálise básica, foram testados NaOH e KOH, nas proporções de 0,5 a 2,0 %, empregando etanol anidro na proporção molar de 1:12 e a reação conduzida a 80 ºC por 2 h. O biodiesel obtido em cada experimento foi analisado por métodos físicos (massa específica) e cromatográficos (CLAE em fase reversa). Análises cromatográficas indicaram que as melhores conversões foram alcançadas por amostras de biodiesel com massas específicas inferiores a 0,87 g.cm-1. As amostras de biodiesel obtidas com melhor qualidade foram obtidas utilizando-se os catalisadores ácidos a 1,0 M com rendimentos superiores a 90%. No caso da catálise básica, obteve-se biodiesel de boa qualidade empregando-se o catalisador NaOH a 2,0%, porém com rendimento inferior a 60 %. Contudo, em ambos os casos, foi possível identificar um excelente potencial de produção de biocombustível, a partir do óleo das amêndoas de tucumã.
O uso de energias renováveis aliadas à preservação do meio ambiente tem despertado interesse cada vez maior em nível nacional e internacional principalmente a utilização do biodiesel em substituição ao diesel de petróleo. Sua utilização traz uma série de vantagens sociais, econômicas e ambientais. Nos últimos anos, houve no Brasil um aumento nas pesquisas sobre o biodiesel. A lei brasileira nº 11.097 de 2005 dispõe sobre a introdução do biodiesel na matriz energética brasileira, misturado ao óleo diesel em um percentual mínimo obrigatório de 2%, com aumento na adição para 5% até 2012. Contudo, essa adição só é possível se o biodiesel estiver dentro dos padrões de qualidade exigidos. Diante disto, neste trabalho foram preparadas misturas de biodiesel adicionado ao diesel interior, nas proporções 2, 5, 10 e 20% (v/v), sendo posteriormente caracterizados a partir da determinação dos parâmetros físico-químicos citados na Resolução da Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP), visando avaliar se as misturas estão em conformidade com a norma. De acordo com os resultados concluiu-se que, tanto o biodiesel quanto suas misturas binárias (B2 a B20) encontram-se dentro dos padrões de qualidade estabelecido pela ANP.
RESUMOO plano de utilização sustentável de Produtos Florestais, especialmente as espécies oleaginosas nativas tem como função a manutenção da floresta, a preservação do meio ambiente e a geração de renda em comunidades rurais. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a potencialidade de produção de biodiesel a partir de espécies oleaginosas nativas do estado de Rondônia. Para a identificação das espécies oleaginosas foram selecionadas cinco unidades amostrais em áreas com mata primária com o auxílio do método da Área Fixa. A extração do óleo das espécies oleaginosas foi realizada e aquelas com maior teor de lipídeos foram usadas para a produção de biodiesel. Os resultados mostraram que as espécies andiroba (Carapa guianensis), babaçu (Orbignya phalerata), castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa), tucumã-do-Amazonas (Astrocaryum tucuma) possuem potencial de produção de biodiesel. Especialmente o tucumã-do-Amazonas, por seu alto teor de lipídios (21,5%) e a qualidade do biodiesel produzido. Além disso, já havia um comércio para esta oleaginosa na região. Entretanto, torna-se imprescindível o estudo da cadeia produtiva destas espécies como estratégia para minimização na perda da cobertura vegetal nativa e na manutenção da função ambiental das áreas a serem exploradas.
This research, deals with the effects of exogenous growth regulators on infection by microorganisms on soybean (Glycine max cv. Davis) seeds. To study the influence of the chemicals, soybean plants were sprayed with gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm, succinic acid-2,2-dimethy1hydrazide (SADH) 4,000 ppm, indolylacetic acid (IAA) 100 ppm, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm (three applications), and Agrostemin (1g/10 ml/ 3 1). Application of growth regulators did not affect infect ion by microorganisms on soybean seeds. The prominent fungus isolated was Phomopsis sojae. Alternaria and Fusarium spp. were isolated from seeds. The presence of a bacterium on the seeds was observed. The delay in harvest and high humidity increased the number of seeds from which Phomopsis was recovered.
This research deals with the effects of growth regulators on flowering and pod formation in soybean plant (Glycine max cv. Davis). Under greenhouse conditions, soybean plants were sprayed with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm, Agrostemmin (1g/10 ml/3 l) gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm. Application of TIBA increased number of flowers. 'Davis' soybean treated with CCC and TIBA presented a tendency to produce a lower number of pods.
This research deals with the effects of exogenous growth regulators on production of soybean plant (Glycine max cv.. Davis) under greenhouse conditions, At the flower anthesis, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm was applied. Other two applications with TiBA, with intervals of four days, were realized. Before flowering, Agrostemin (1 g/10 ml/3 1), gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm were applied. It was observed that CCC and TIBA reduced stem dry weight. Soybean plants treated with TIBA reduced weight of pods without seeds , seed number and seed weight.
The present work deal t wi th an experiment under field conditions and a laboratory test of soil incubation the objectives were as follows: a. to study effects on soybean grain product ion and leaf composition of increasing doses of potassium chloride applied into the soil through two methods of distribution; b. to observe chemical modifications in the soils incubated with increasing doses of potassium chloride; and, c. to correlate field effects with chemical alterations observed in the incubation test, The field experiment was carried out in a Red Latosol (Haplustox) with soybean cultivar UFV - 1. Potassium chloride was distributed through two methods: banded (5 cm below and 5 cm aside of the seed line) and broadcasted and plowed-down. Doses used were: 0; 50; 100 and 200 kg/ha of K2O. Foliar samples were taken at flowering stage. Incubation test were made in plastic bags with 2 kg of air dried fine soil, taken from the arable layer of the field experiment, with the following doses of KC1 p,a. : 0; 50; 100; 200; 400; 800; 1,600; 3.200; 6,400 and 12,800 kg/ha of K(2)0. In the conditions observed during the present work, results allowed the following conclusions: A response by soybean grain production for doses of potassium chloride, applied in both ways, banded or broadcasted, was not observed. Leaf analysis did not show treatment influence over the leaf contents for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and CI, Potassium chloride salinity effects in both methods of distribution for all the tested closes were not observed.
The effects of growth regularots on soybean plant (Glycine max) under greenhouse conditions were studied. Before flower ing, Agrostemmin (1 g/10 ml/3 1), gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm were applied. At the flower anthesis, 2,3,5 - triio dobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm was applied. Other two applications with TIBA, with intervals of four days, were realized. Treatment with GA increased plant height while CCC presented a tendency to reduce it. Numbers of leaves, internods, and stems were not affected by the growth regulators.
The effects of growth substances on productivity of 'Davis' soybean maintained under competition was investigated. Before the flowering, Agrostemmin (1 g/10 ml/3 1), gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm were applied. At the flower anthesis, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm was applied. Other two applications with TIBA, with intervals of four days, were realized. The growth regulators did not affect the productivity of 'Davis' soybean maintened under competition. The competition among plants did not affect the stem dry weight and number of pods, and seeds. The competition reduced weight of pods without seeds, seed weight, and weight of 100 seeds.
Under greenhouse conditions cultivars Davis, IAC 73-228, PI 227.687, PI 171.451, and PI 229.358 of soybean were compared. PI 171.451 showed lower dry weight of stem in relation to Davis. Higher pod numbers produced by PI 227-687, IAC 73-228, and PI 229. 358 as compared to Davis were observed. Cultivars PI 227.687 and IAC 73-228 produced larger seed numbers. A larger weight of 100 seeds in Davis, PI 229.358, and PI 171. 45I cultivars was observed. The last two cultivars are sources of resistance against pests of soybean.
Damage caused by leaf pests of soybean on five cultivars was evaluated. Afield experiment was carried out at the Piracicaba region, cultivars Davis, IAC 73-228, PI 227.687,PI 171.451, and PI 229.358 having been compared. Leaf damage was produced by natural infestation of Anticarsia gemmatalis and Plusia sp. Cultivar PI 171.451 showed lower comsumption of leaves in relation to control ('Davis') and other cultivars. Damage was more serious on IAC 73-228 than on PI 227.687 and PI 229.358.