43 resultados para Schell family (John Schell, fl. 1782)


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Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) elongatus (Tornquist, 1931) Petter, 1974 and Cucullanus pulcherrimus Barreto, 1918, from Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steind., 1875) are redescribed and two specimens of Dichelyne (Cucullanellus) sp. are also reported in this host, despite lack of previously, was again identified in Brazil since its original description and posterior illustration. The present findings represent also a new host record for the referred genera: Dichelyne Jagerskiold, 1902 and Cucullanus Mueller, 1777. D. (C.) elongatus is also referred in Brazil for the first time.


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The trypomastigote, epimastigote and amastigote stages of Trypanosoma corvi Stephens and Christophers, 1908 emend. Baker, 1976 from the peripheral blood, heart and bone marrow are described herein. Other trypanosomes described from the Corvidae are compared to T. corvi and their status is discussed.


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An aqueous extract prepared from Kernels of the fruit of Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schumann (Family : Apocynaceae) was found under experimental conditions, to be toxic ti the slug Laevicaulis alte (Férussac) and the snail Achatina fulica Bowdich, the important agrihorticultural pests of Indo-Pacific countries. Concentrations as low as 1% (w/v) killed all the slugs exposed in less than 981.00 (± SD 22.76) min, and 2% of the extract killed 100% of the slugs L. alte and 50%, 50% and 30% of the snail A. fulica in between 92.34 (± SD 6.63) - 321.33 (± SD 4.14) and 271.20 (± SD 17.54) - 298.26 (± SD 16.69) min respectively. The most effective concentration of the extract was 20%; it killed 100% of exposed slugs and snails within a short time (40-50 and 90-1440 min respectively) when the extract was exposed on the soil in experimental trays or when it was applied to potato slices offered as food to the gastropods.


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The apical membrane antigen (AMA-1) family of malaria merozoite proteins is characterised by a high degree of inter-species conservation. Evidence that the protein (PK66/AMA-1) from the simian parasite Plasmodium knowlesi was protective in rhesus monkeys suggested that the 83kDa P. falciparum equivalent (PF83/AMA-1) should be investigated for protective effects in humans. Here we briefly review pertinent comparative data, and describe the use of an eukaryotic full length recombinant PF83/AMA-1 molecule to develop a sensitive ELISA for the determination of serological responses in endemic populations. The assay has revealed surprisingly high levels of humoral response to this quantitatively minor antigen. We also show that PK66/AMA-1 inhibitory mAb's are active against merozoites subsequent to release from schizont-infected red cells, further implicating AMA-1 molecules in red cell invasion.


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With the outbreak of an epidemic neuropathy (EN) of unknown ethiology, a study of the prevalence and factors associated to the disease was carried out in the Zamora community, municipality of Marianao, Havana City. There were 11 patients identified with EN for a prevalence rate of 1.7/100. The major risk group was the one between 45 and 64 years of age, female sex, black skin. In the univaried analysis, a high prevalence ratio (PR) was found linked to beverage intake (PR=5.32 95%; confidence intervals (CI) = 1.2-24.4), frequent drugs intake (PR=6.59; CI=1.8-24.6), consumption of edible of non certified fats (PR=4.48; CI=1.2-16.7) and the smoking habit (PR=3.6; CI=1.1-12.2). More than73/100 (CI= 68.7-78.3) of the people under serologic study were infected with Coxsakie virus A-9 (strain 47) isolated from a patient still under research. It seems there are many factors like linder intake, antecedents of hemorrhagic conjuntivitis, nutritional aspects and others that, with the virus isolated were associated with this epidemiologic situation.


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We report the molecular characterization of a novel reiterated family of transcribed oligo(A)-terminated, interspersed DNA elements in the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi. Steady-state level of transcripts of this sequence family appeared to be developmentally regulated, since only in the replicative forms the parasite showed expression of related sequences with a major band around 3 kb. The presence of frame shifts or premature stop codons predicts that transcripts are not translated. The sequence family also contains truncated forms of retrotransposons elements that may become potential hot spots for retroelement insertion. Sequences homologous to this family are interspersed at many chromosomes including the subtelomeric regions.


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On the archaeological site of Menez-Dregan in Brittany, France, dated 300,000-500,000 years-old, paleoparasitological analysis of cave deposits led to the detection of well-preserved helminth eggs, which morphology and morphometry pointed to the diagnosis of Toxocara canis eggs, a parasite of carnivore mammals. Paleolithic remains suggested a parasitism of the hyena Crocuta spelaea or other canids that inhabited the region.


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Methanolic extracts of the leaves of Atlantia monophylla (Rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of An. stephensi were found more susceptible, with LC50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against Ae. aegypti, with EI50 value 0.002 mg/l. The extract was found safe to aquatic mosquito predators Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, and Diplonychus indicus, with the respective LC50 values of 23.4, 21.3, and 5.7 mg/l. The results indicate that the mosquitocidal effects of the extract of this plant were comparable to neem extract and certain synthetic chemical larvicides like fenthion, methoprene, etc.


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Cytochrome p450s (cyp450s) are a family of structurally related proteins, with diverse functions, including steroid synthesis and breakdown of toxins. This paper reports the full-length sequence of a novel cyp450 gene, the first to be isolated from the tropical freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, an important intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. The nucleotide sequence is 2291 bp with a predicted amino acid sequence of 584aa. The sequence demonstrates conserved cyp450 structural motifs, but is sufficiently different from previously reported cyp450 sequences to be given a new classification, CYP320A1. Initially identified as down-regulated in partially resistant snails in response to S. mansoni infection, amplification of this gene using RT-PCR in both totally resistant or susceptible snail lines when exposed to infection, and all tissues examined, suggests ubiquitous expression. Characterization of the first cyp450 from B. glabrata is significant in understanding the evolution of these metabolically important proteins.


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The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in 832 pregnant women in Miracema, Rio de Janeiro, was determined and 75.1% (625) and 2.0% (17) were anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM positive, respectively. Out of the 17 IgM positive pregnant women, only one had low avidity IgG corresponding to the acute phase of the infection. All the other women presented with high avidity IgG and also presented with residual IgM anti-T. gondii. Of this sample, 106 received home visits (this includes 11 family nuclei of pregnant women with residual IgM anti-T. gondii, 68 nuclei of only IgG positive pregnant women and 27 nuclei of pregnant women with no antibodies to anti-T. gondii), resulting in 267 individuals visited. Out of these 267 individuals, 21 were positive for IgG and IgM anti-T. gondii and were candidates for the IgG avidity test. All of them presented with high avidity IgG and residual IgM. Five of these IgM+ individuals were (5/238; 2.1%) relatives of IgM negative pregnant women. The other 16 (16/29; 55.2%) were relatives of IgM+ pregnant women who were positive for residual IgM anti-T. gondii. This association was statistically significant (p = 0.0000). The analysis presented herein raises questions regarding the presence of residual IgM anti-T. gondii such as genetic determinants or even constant antigenic stimuli for the same family cluster.


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Aspartyl proteases are a class of enzymes that include the yeast aspartyl proteases and secreted aspartyl protease (Sap) superfamilies. Several Sap superfamily members have been demonstrated or suggested as virulence factors in opportunistic pathogens of the genus Candida. Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida dubliniensis and Candida parapsilosis harbour 10, four, eight and three SAP genes, respectively. In this work, genome mining and phylogenetic analyses revealed the presence of new members of the Sap superfamily in C. tropicalis (8), Candida guilliermondii (8), C. parapsilosis(11) and Candida lusitaniae (3). A total of 12 Sap families, containing proteins with at least 50% similarity, were discovered in opportunistic, pathogenic Candida spp. In several Sap families, at least two subfamilies or orthologous groups were identified, each defined by > 90% sequence similitude, functional similarity and synteny among its members. No new members of previously described Sap families were found in a Candida spp. clinical strain collection; however, the universality of SAPT gene distribution among C. tropicalis strains was demonstrated. In addition, several features of opportunistic pathogenic Candida species, such as gene duplications and inversions, similitude, synteny, putative transcription factor binding sites and genome traits of SAP gene superfamily were described in a molecular evolutionary context.


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The association of the pellicle with cytoskeletal elements in Toxoplasma gondii allows this parasite to maintain its mechanical integrity and makes possible its gliding motility and cell invasion. The inner membrane complex (IMC) resembles the flattened membrane sacs observed in free-living protozoa and these sacs have been found to associate with cytoskeletal proteins such as articulins. We used immunofluorescence microscopy to characterise the presence and distribution of plateins, a sub-family of articulins, in T. gondii tachyzoites. A dispersed labelling of the whole protozoan body was observed. Electron microscopy of detergent-extracted cells revealed the presence of a network of 10 nm filaments distributed throughout the parasite. These filaments were labelled with anti-platein antibodies. Screening the sequenced T. gondii genome, we obtained the sequence of an IMC predicted protein with 25% identity and 42% similarity to the platein isoform alpha 1 present in Euplotes aediculatus, but with 42% identity and 55% similarity to that found in Euglena gracilis, suggesting strong resemblance to articulins.