172 resultados para Sand dune ecology


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INTRODUCTION: An entomological study was conducted as part of a vector-monitoring program in the area associated with the Santo Antônio hydroelectric system in State of Rondônia, Western Amazonian Brazil. METHODS: Fourteen sampling sites were surveyed to obtain data on the potential vectors of Leishmania spp. in the area. Sand flies were collected from 2011 to 2014 during the months of January/February (rainy season), May/June (dry season), and September/October (intermediary season) using light traps arranged in three vertical strata (0.5, 1, and 20m). RESULTS : A total of 7,575 individuals belonging to 62 species/subspecies were collected. The five most frequently collected sand flies were Psychodopygus davisi (Root) (36.67%), Trichophoromyia ubiquitalis (Mangabeira) (8.51%), Nyssomyia umbratilis (Ward & Fraiha) (6.14%), Bichromomyia flaviscutellata (Mangabeira) (5.74%), and Psychodopygus complexus (Mangabeira) (5.25%). These species have been implicated in the transmission of American cutaneous leishmaniasis agents in the Brazilian Amazon region and described as potential vectors of this disease in the study area. CONCLUSIONS: Additional surveillance is needed, especially in areas where these five species of sand fly are found.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION : This study describes the occurrence of trypanosomatids in phlebotomines in Brasília, Brazil. METHODS : Two hundred and ten females of 13 sand fly species were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using different molecular markers (D7 24Sα rRNA, kDNA, and ITS1) and sequencing. RESULTS : PCR revealed trypanosomatid-positive samples from Nyssomyia whitmani and Evandromyia evandroi, which were negative by kDNA and ITS1 Leishmania-specific PCRs. DNA sequence analysis of D7 24Sα rRNA amplicons indicated the occurrence of Blastocrithidia sp. and Trypanosoma sp. in Nyssomyia whitmani and Evandromyia evandroi, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Two trypanosomatid species other than Leishmania sp. were found to circulate in sand flies in Central Brazil.


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Morphological anomalies in phlebotomine sand flies are reviewed and updated with abnormalites observed in Venezuela on the species L. trinidadensis, L.shannoni, L. lichyi and L. gomezi, and the description of a teratological unidentified male.


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The high tree diversity and vast extent of Amazonian forests challenge our understanding of how tree species abundance and composition varies across this region. Information about these parameters, usually obtained from tree inventories plots, is essential for revealing patterns of tree diversity. Numerous tree inventories plots have been established in Amazonia, yet, tree species composition and diversity of white-sand and terra-firme forests of the upper Rio Negro still remain poorly understood. Here, we present data from eight new one-hectare tree inventories plots established in the upper Rio Negro; four of which were located in white-sand forests and four in terra-firme forests. Overall, we registered 4703 trees > 10 cm of diameter at breast height. These trees belong to 49 families, 215 genera, and 603 species. We found that tree communities of terra-firme and white-sand forests in the upper Rio Negro significantly differ from each other in their species composition. Tree communities of white-sand forests show a higher floristic similarity and lower diversity than those of terra-firme forests. We argue that mechanisms driving differences between tree communities of white-sand and terra-firme forests are related to habitat size, which ultimately influences large-scale and long-term evolutionary processes.


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This paper aimed to evaluate the richness, abundance and frequency of sand fly occurrence in rural and urban areas American visceral Leishmaniasis -AVL is endemic in the study area of Santarém municipality, Pará state. Sand flies were collected during 1995-2000, using CDC light traps placed in neighborhoods and rural areas of the municipality. A total of 53.454 individuals and 26 species of sand flies were collected. The most abundant species in both urban and rural environments was Lutzomyia longipalpis, vector of AVL in the area. The highest species richness by capture was in rural area. In all years sampled, the largest number of species of sand fly collected was always in rural areas. The species of sand flies in urban and rural area were similar in 11 species. In the rural area other 11 species were found, a total of 22 species. Shannon-Wiener index ranged from 0.12 to 0.84 at rural areas and 0.08 to 0.34 at urban ones. In general, rural localities showed higher diversity (H') of phlebotomines than urban ones. Individual-based rarefaction curves for each area demonstrated that urban localities had the lowest expected number of phlebotomine species and the richest rural ones reach higher expected values with lower amount of individuals than urban sites. The most frequent species were Lutzomyia longipalpis, Evandromyia carmelinoi and Bichromomyia flaviscutellata.


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Phlebotomine sand flies are insects of medical importance. Species in the Neotropical region are highly diverse. Some of these species are considered cryptic species because of their morphological similarity between adult females of different species make identification especially difficult. The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the armature in the genital atrium (AGA) of some adult female sand flies, in order to discover new taxonomic characters that make it possible to distinguish between species that would otherwise be treated as cryptic by analysis of the AGA. The AGA of 16 Phlebotomine sand fly species are described. Distinct differences were found in relation to the shape and size of the armature, the presence or absence of spines on the armature, and the shape, size, and grouping patterns of the spines. These characters made it possible to distinguish between the species studied.


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White sand forests, although low in nutrients, are characterized not only by several endemic species of plants but also by several monodominant species. In general, plants in this forest have noticeably thin stems. The aim of this work was to elaborate a parallel dichotomous key for the identification of Angiosperm tree species occurring on white sand forests at the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, Loreto, Peru. We compiled a list of species from several publications in order to have the most comprehensive list of species that occur on white sand forest. We found 219 species of Angiosperm, the more abundant species were Pachira brevipes (26.27%), Caraipa utilis (17.90%), Dicymbe uaiparuensis (13.27%), Dendropanax umbellatus (3.28%), Sloanea spathulata (2.52%), Ternstroemia klugiana (2.30%), Haploclathra cordata (2.28%), Parkia igneiflora (1.20%), Emmotum floribundum (1.06%), Ravenia biramosa (1.04%) among others. Most species of white sand forests can be distinguished using characteristics of stems, branches and leaves. This key is very useful for the development of floristic inventories and related projects on white sand forests from Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve.


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The conservation of diverse and well-distributed fish taxa, as the genus Leporinus, relies intrinsically on the knowledge of the ecological attributes of its representatives. Aiming to increase this knowledge, studies on diet and ecomorphology are ideal to provide important information about species ecology. Thus, this study aimed to analyze aspects of feeding ecology of L. reticulatus, from the upper Rio Juruena, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The diet of specimens in different ontogenetic stages was compared, as well as their teeth morphology and ecomorphological attributes. Leporinus reticulatus presented omnivorous diet, with higher consumption of invertebrates by smaller specimens (younger ones), and gradual introduction of plant items in larger specimens (older ones). The items consumed by the individuals and the ecomorphological attributes indicated that the species is generalist and opportunistic, besides its association with the river bottom, evidencing a benthic feeding behavior. This species presents a gradual ontogenetic modification in teeth shape and mouth positioning, ranging from a terminal mouth with tricuspid teeth, in smaller specimens, to an inferior mouth with spatula shaped teeth with no cusps, in larger specimens.The ecomorphological attributes indicate an increasing swimming efficiency, and ability for performing vertical displacements, along the ontogenetic development, which in addition to the morphological ontogenetic alterations in the buccal apparatus, contributes to a better ability to explore another niches.


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1 - The Author, in this 3 thd. contribution, concludes the study of the biology and ecology of the species Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., both of the Piracicaba Fall. 2 - According to the results of Dr. Peter van Royen (State Herbarium of Leiden, Holland), who made a complete revision of Podostemaceae of the Piracicaba Fall, the species Tristicha hypnoides (St. Hil.) Spreng. var. Hilarii Tul. and Mnioppsis Glazioviana Warm, correspond, respectively, to theTristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul. Apinagia Accorsii Toledo was transferred by Royen to the genus Wettsteiniola. So, its new name is Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen. 3 - Propagation by seeds may occur in the following places: a) placenta of partially open fruits; b) external and internal walls of the open capsules; c) pedicels of the fruits; d) remains of rhizomes, branches, etc. e) organic residues accumulated in water holes in the fall; f) clean rocks, in which the little groups of seedlings seems to be a colony of algae. Seeds adhere to the substrata above by means, of a mucilage produced by the transformation of the external integuments in contact with water. 4 - In the growth of the four species below it was found in Piracicaba Fall conspicuous zoning so scattered: a) Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen, in rocks situated just within the water fall, where velocity of the current and aeration of the water are very high. b) Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul., in rocks at some distance (100 m more or less) upstream until near the bridge across the river. c) Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., 300 m upwards the bridge. 5- During 1949, the ecological conditions of the Piracicaba Fall were changed due to the following factors: a) dry season very long, begining from last period of June until 30 november; b) stopping, during four months, of water from the Atibaia river (one of the components of Piracicaba river) near to the city of Americana, in the place where a new station of the Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz was build. In consequence, most of the Podostemaceae died. On the dry rocks there were only fruits and dried plants. 6 - Tristicha trifaria has the same biological and ecological behavior as the Mniopsis weddelliana,. 7 - The vegetative propagation of Tristicha trifaria is made by increasing of its branches, production of stolons with vegetatives buds and regeneration of old parts in especial conditions of water and aeration. 8 - Mourera aspera has the same vegetative propagation as the Wettsteiniola accorsii; it produces stolons (in very little percentage) with vegetative buds, branches of the rhizomes and regeneration of active old parts. 9 - Frequently, there is, on the plants an accumulation of sand, silt, loam, organic substances, and so on. The quantity of material stored depends of the purity of the water, of the morphology of the plants and of the situation on the fall. 10 - In extrem conditions of dry heat, the surviving of the species in its habitat depends exclusively from germination of seeds in the mentioned substrata. Exceptionally, some plants survive in a few water pockets full with the weak remaining current.


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The comparative response of three sorghum (E-57, TEY 101 and C- 102) and of three corn cultivars (HMD-7974, Centralmex and Piranão) to N, P and K applications was studied in a soil from Anhembi, SP, classifield as Distrophic quartz sand (AQd) was studied. Leaf analyses were made to assess the nutritional status of the two crops. Main conclusions were the following. 1. Sorghum yieldel more than corn; 2. Both sorghum and corn varieties showed different capacities to absorb N, P and K from the soil and to fertilizer application; 3. There was no response to K2O fertilization; 4. Only Piranão increased yield when suplemented with a mixture of micronutrientes; 5. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 6. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 7. The following leaf levels were considered to be adequate, respectively for sorghum and corn: N - 2,00 - 2,25%, 3,25 - 3,50%; P - 0,30 - 0,40, 0,45 - 0,50; K -2,00 - 2,50, 2,20 - 2,40%; Ca - 0,20 - 0,40, 0,44- 0,72% Mg - 0,25 - 0,40, 0,34 - 0,60%; S - 0,50 - 0,70, 0,72 -0,80; Cu - 7 - 10, 11 - 15%; Fe - 84 - 170, 98 - 125%; Mn - 58 - 72, 66 - 85%; Zn - 10 - 14, 18 - 22; critical levels, however, do very depending upon cultivar.


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Ecological parameters such as trophic niche overlap and niche breadth were computed from the frequency of all drosophilid species collected in 2001 and 2002, in the urban area of Porto Alegre city, Brazil. Independently of place, drosophilids community composition and components breeding or feeding sites, the highest frequencies of Zaprionus indianus (Gupta, 1970) were obtained during seasons with higher average temperatures, especially during summer. From a total of the 19,146 individuals of Z. indianus sampled, 80% were found in this season. The data of trophic niche breadth suggest a higher opportunism of adult flies in feeding substrate use, but the females are still selective in oviposition substrate choice. For the values of niche overlap, only for some species, did we find any correlation between these and species richness and/or number of resources, and the most of the correlation values considering breeding and feeding sites were positive. The colonization of Z. indianus in Porto Alegre could be leading to adjustments in the survival strategies of the resident species, but it is possible that many species have conditions for coexisting with the invader.


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We analyzed the alimentary tract of 66 specimens of Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1969 from the Serra do Sudeste, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Forty specimens (60.6%) had prey items in their gut. The diet consisted mainly of small invertebrate prey, such as termites, insect larvae and ants. The most abundant prey item was termites, found in 62.5% of the non empty stomachs. The high number of individual prey items in the majority of stomachs, the small size of the regular prey items, and the absence of gut content in specimens of A. munoai kept alive for about two days, indicate that this species forages very frequently. The predominance of fossorial prey items and the occasional records of nomadic ants lead us to suggest that A. munoai usually feeds underground, and occasionally forages on the surface.


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The activity pattern of the small sand lizard, Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885, was investigated in the coastal sand dunes at Quintão beach (Palmares do Sul, southern, Brazil), between September 1998 and August 1999. The results showed that L. occipitalis is active all along the year, but with variations in its daily and seasonal activity patterns associated to climatic changes in the habitat. Lizard activity pattern was distributed as follows: under the sand, burrowed (73%), under vegetation (14%), dislocation (7%) and basking (6%). Mean habitat temperatures (air and substrate) were significantly different. The results indicate that L. occipitalis is a thigmothermic and heliothermic species that regulates its body temperature through behavioral mechanisms, and that thermoregulation is mainly associated with substrate.


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Hemidactylus mabouia Moreau de Jonnés, 1818 is a "fixed" clutch size exotic species well established in Brazil. In this paper we investigate some reproductive strategies adopted to minimize the costs of invariant clutch size to this invader species living in an environment with marked climatic seasonality in Southeastern Brazil (22°56’S; 46°55’W). The study was carried out from April 2002 to March 2003. Females and males attain maturity at 47.9mm and 46.9mm SVL, respectively. Larger females tended to produce larger eggs. The reproduction occurred throughout the year, but only at the wet season the females increase the clutch frequency. There was a significant variation in mean testis volume among the months throughout the year and the largest means were recorded between August and December. Maternal investment on egg size, increase on clutch frequency and seasonal increase on testis volume can represent important reproductive strategies of this invader species living in an non-urban habitat whit climatic seasonality (dry and cold weather season).