215 resultados para Reprodução biológica
A composição química e a qualidade biológica da torta de colza obtida da semente, variedade CTC-4, foram determinados. A farinha foi preparada me diante prensagem da semente e extração da gordura com solvente, lixiviada durante 2 horas, com água corrente na proporção de 1:5, e agitação constante, a fim de reduzir os níveis de glicosinolatos. O efeito tóxico foi observado através do peso dos órgãos e da histopatologia dos órgãos em experimento de 60 dias. A qualidade biológica da torta desintoxicada, ao nível de 5% e 10%, foi semelhante ao da caseína (PER controle 3,18 vs 3,08, 5% e 2,98, 10%). O PER da torta crua foi de 2,28. Os ratos que receberam a farinha crua tiveram órgãos maiores. As tireóides dos ratos submetidos as dietas 2 e 3, não demonstraram alterações que suspeitassem de um efeito bociogênico e as alterações ocorridas nas tireóides dos animais que receberam, D-4 foram semelhantes àquelas ocorridas nos grupos 2 e 3. Não houve danos célulares graves em relação ao fígado, os rins, o coração, baço e supra-renais para todos os grupos observados. O método de extração dos fatores tóxicos da colza foi eficiente de acordo com os resultados obtidos para o presente estudo.
The new species Apenesia stricta,A. concavata,A. unipilosa,A. distincta and A. fusilis, from Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo, Brazil, are described and illustrated. Additional specimens of A. transversa Evans, 1963 are examined, species variation analyzed and new distribution data added.
The most abundant species caught in the tributaries of the Volta Grande dam, Buriti, Divisa and Água Comprida streams were Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840), Pimelodus maculatus Lacépède 1803, Myleus tiete (Eigenmann & Norris, 1900), Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and A. fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819). Plagioscion squamosissimus and Pimelodus maculatus do not have reproduction activity in the area, they just use the creeks to food and growth. Myleus tiete and Astyanax bimaculatus use the area to reproduction whereas A. fasciatus uses it to reproduction, food and growth.
The recruitment period of Locariichthys platymetopon (Isbrucker & Nijssen, 1979) was investigated. It has been found out, through the data analysis, that the gonadal condition factor is a good indicator of the reproductive period and that the hepatossomatic index is probably related to the storage of reservation for the winter period. The recruitment occurred in November coinciding with the reproductive activity of May.
Apenesia aurita sp. nov., from southeastern Brazil, is described and illustrated. Apenesia angusticeps Evans, 1963, A. tenebrosa Evans, 1963, A. pallidicornis Evans, 1963, A. quadrimera Leal & Azevedo, 2001 and A. crenulata Kieffer, 1910 are recorded for the first time to the State of Espírito Santo.
Five new species of Dissomphalus Ashmead, 1893 are described and illustrated, all from Espírito Santo, Brazil: D. h-ramus, D. verrucosus, D. laminaris, D. cristatus and D. scopatus. New geographic records and variation data of D. scamatus Azevedo, 1999, D. concavatus Azevedo, 1999, D. rectilineus Azevedo, 1999, D. vallensis Evans, 1979, D. gilvipes Evans, 1979, D. plaumanni Evans, 1964, D. napo Evans, 1979, D. truncatus Azevedo, 2003 and D. cornutus Evans, 1964 are included.
Baseado em uma grande amostragem de morcegos realizada na Mata Atlântica, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil, nós analisamos a biologia reprodutiva de Platyrrhinus lineatus (E. Geoffroy, 1810). Os morcegos foram capturados com redes de neblina entre 1989 e 2005, em 27 das 41 diferentes localidades amostradas. O começo da época reprodutiva foi estimado 30 dias antes da data da captura da primeira fêmea grávida. Para determinação do término da época reprodutiva empregamos a data da captura da última fêmea lactante mais 40 dias. O total de 688 morcegos adultos foi analisado, sendo 58,3% representados por fêmeas. O maior número de capturas foi observado nos meses de fevereiro, janeiro e agosto. Machos com testículos escrotados foram observados em todos os meses. Fêmeas inativas sexualmente foram observadas com predominância em março e de maio a agosto. Fêmeas com fetos palpáveis foram observadas em todos os meses, exceto em abril, junho e julho com pico em agosto-outubro e janeiro-fevereiro. Fêmeas lactantes foram capturadas de novembro a junho, com pico em novembro e fevereiro. Fêmeas simultaneamente grávidas e lactantes foram capturadas em todos os meses exceto em junho, com pico em abril. O tamanho da época reprodutiva variou a cada ano, compreendendo de 8 a 12 meses, com média de 10,6 meses.
A reprodução e a sobrevivência de Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp, 1883) foram estudadas entre 22 e 28ºC, UR de 70% e fotoperíodo de 12h. Os dados foram analisados através de classes de idade, tabelas de vida de fecundidade, análise de sobrevivência pela distribuição de Weibull e análise das curvas de sobrevivência através do conceito de entropia (H). A taxa intrínseca de aumento natural (r m), taxa finita de aumento (lambda), taxa de reprodução líquida (R0) e tempo médio de uma geração (T) foram 0,534; 1,7; 59,439 e 7,65 respectivamente, sugerindo rápido crescimento populacional nestas condições. Isso foi causado pela alta fecundidade, confirmando o que ocorre para esta espécie, com média de 266 ovos/fêmea e período de pré-oviposição de 10,25 dias. O modelo de Weibull demonstrou que a sobrevivência não foi constante ao longo da vida de adultos, com mortalidade pronunciada depois da quarta e quinta semanas e valores de H intermediários aos valores teóricos esperados (0,0-0,5) para os ambos sexos, demonstrando que a curva de sobrevivência é retangular (com maior impacto da mortalidade na quarta e quinta semanas após a emergência). Os resultados apresentados podem ser considerados como base para estudos pormenorizados da dinâmica e do crescimento populacional desta espécie em hábitats naturais.
We studied the reproductive biology of a population of Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 from Reserva Biológica do Lami (30º 15' S; 51º 05' W), Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. We assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of individuals (males, females, juveniles) and explored potential relationships with environmental variables. Field activities encompassed bimonthly surveys in three semi-permanent ponds, each one during approximately two days and two nights, from August 2004 to July 2005. We recorded differences in the sites used by males, females and juveniles, with males occupying deeper and more distant places from the border. The temporal distributions of individuals, calling sites and amplectant pairs indicated that the reproductive activity of P. minuta is related to some of the studied abiotic factors. Calling males presented statistical differences in relation to non-calling males for all daily abiotic variables analyzed (air temperature, water temperature, relative humidity and rainfall), as well as to monthly temperature and rainfall. The number of active males, females and juveniles was influenced by at least one of the daily or monthly environmental variables analyzed. We conclude that the reproduction in this species is seasonal and may be partially determined by abiotic factors.
Streblidae e Nycteribiidae são encontradas exclusivamente em associação com morcegos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a diversidade de insetos ectoparasitas encontrados em morcegos da Reserva Biológica das Perobas, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. O trabalho foi realizado nos meses de maio, junho e agosto de 2008 e fevereiro, março e abril de 2009. Para a captura dos morcegos, foram utilizadas 32 redes-de-neblina, totalizando esforço de captura de 43.520m².h. A coleta de ectoparasitas foi feita manualmente ou com auxílio de pinça reta de ponta fina. Os espécimes foram conservados em álcool 70% e identificados com auxílio de microscópio estereoscópico. Os dados foram analisados por meio do estimador não paramétrico Bootstrap e estatística descritiva. As espécies de ectoparasitas identificadas foram: Aspidoptera falcata Wenzel, 1976, Megistopoda proxima (Séguy, 1926), Megistopoda aranea (Coquillett, 1899), Paratrichobius longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907), Trichobius tiptoni Wenzel, 1976 e Basilia quadrosae Graciolli & Moura, 2005. A curva de riqueza estimada indicou tendência à ocorrência de outras espécies de ectoparasitas na unidade de conservação, haja vista que não foi alcançada a assíntota horizontal. Os dados obtidos corroboram com os verificados em outras regiões do Brasil e contribuem com as informações sobre a diversidade do grupo no bioma Mata Atlântica do noroeste do Paraná.
The outbreak of the jungle or forest yellow fever, through the adapta¬tion, quite recently of the yellow fever virus o the forest mosquitoes, brou¬ght the necessity of ecological researches on hese mosquitoes, as well as on the wild animals they bite, some of them being susceptible to the desease. This has been done by the special yellow fever Service of the State of Sao Paulo, in a special Biological Station in Perús, São Paulo, which has been built in the midst of the jungle. This station was made with plain materials, and covered with straw, but was confortable enough for the technical work, i nthe early months of 1938. During the months in which the investigations were being carried on, the following interesting results were obtained: 1. As we have already pointed out in other places, the forest mosquitoes biting us during daytime, are always new born insects, having not yet sucked blood, as it is the general rule with all mosquitoes, and therefore also, with the anopheles and stegomyia, and this explains why nobody gets malaria or yellow fever, transmitted by anofeles or by aedes aegypti during the day. We think therefore, the jungle yellow fever, got during daytime is not due to the infected jungle or forest mosquito biting, but to infection through the human skin coming into close contact with tre virus, which the forest mosquitoes lay with their dejections, on the leaves of the trees where they remain sitting du¬ring the day. 2. As it is the rule with anopheles, stegomyia and other mosquitoes, the insects once having sucked blood, take nocturnal habits and, therefore, bite us, only during the night, so it happens with the forest mosquito, and insects with developped eggs and blood in stomach have been caught within the sta¬tion house, during the night. During the day, these mosquitoes do not bite, but remain quite still on the leaves of the trees, in the damp parts of the woods. 3. Jungle or forest mosquitoes can easely bite wild animals, some with more avidity then ethers, as it has bee npointed out to the opossum (didei-phis) and other animals. They also bite birds having very thin skin and only exceptionally, cold bloods animals. 5. Is has hot been possible to ascertain how forest mosquitoes are able to live, from onde season to another, through winter, when temperature drops near and even below zero. They have not been found in holes of the terrain, of trees and of animals, as it is the rule in cold countries. During winter, in the forest, it is possible to find larvs in the holes of bambus and trees full of water. As wild animals do not harbour the yellow fever virus for a long time in their body, it is diffcult to explain how the desease lasts from one season to another. Many ecological features on the mosquito, remains yet to be explained and therefore it in necessary to go on with the investigations, in bio¬logical stations, such as that one built up in Perús, São Paulo.
The author who was appointed entomologist of the Biological Station in Perus, São Paulo, describes in this paper, the kind of work he has been doing there. He begins with a description of the organization of the Station and of the routine work as it was daily carried on there, by himself and his staff, during nearly 6 months. During the day as well as during the night, captures of jungle were made in the forest and the same was done by night, in the Station House chiefly when the athmosphere was damp, just before, during, or after a rain. There was also an intensive search for foci of mosquitoes' larves in the bromelias, in holes, in trees and in the soil. The larves found in these breeding places were brought to a larvarium established in the forest in a place close to the station where they were bred in holes of bambus which were very suitable for them. During daytime, only new hatched mosquitoes have been captured, but during the night it has been possible to catch, inside the Station house, many female mosquitoes, with developped eggs, so confirming Aragão's opinion, that mosquitoes biting during the day are always, newly hatched ones. Some species of Sabetini were captured only inside the Biological Station House, during the night. The habits of the following species were subjected to more accurate investigations. Aedes scapularis, Aedes leucocelaenus, Lutzia braziliae, Culex (Carolia) iridescens, Orthopodomyia albicosta, Goeldia palidiventer, Joblotia compressum, Wyeomyia longirostris, Sabetoides intermedius, Limatus durhami. The conditions of the temperature of the Station, did not permit the authour to obtain breedings of Aedes aegypti in the larvarium of the Station, even during he summer months. A great diminuitions of species of the jungle mosquitoes was observed, from January till June, that is, when temperature gets lower and lower. The author has made the interesting observation that some species of mosquitoes (Joblotia and Limatus), must take a meal of flowers or bee honey before they suck blood. A list of the mosquitoes captured during the months of February to June, in the Station is given.