65 resultados para Principal cells


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INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the early events in the interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its host. To understand the effect of carbohydrates in the interaction between the fungus and epithelial cell in culture, we analyzed the influence of different carbohydrate solutions on the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to CCL-6 cells in culture. METHODS: Fungal cells were cultivated with the epithelial cell line, and different concentrations of D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine, sorbitol and fructose were added at the beginning of the experiment. Six hours after the treatment, the cells were fixed and observed by light microscopy. The number of P. brasiliensis cells that were adhered to the CCL-6 monolayer was estimated. RESULTS: The number of adhesion events was diminished following treatments with D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine and D-galactosamine as compared to the untreated controls. Sorbitol and fructose-treated cells had the same adhesion behavior as the observed in the control. P. brasiliensis propagules were treated with fluorescent lectins. The FITC-labeled lectins WGA and Con-A bound to P. brasiliensis yeast cells, while SBA and PNA did not. CONCLUSIONS: The perceptual of adhesion between P. brasiliensis and CCL-6 cells decreased with the use of D-mannose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucosamine. The assay using FITC-labeled lectins suggests the presence of N-acetyl-glucosamine, α-mannose and α-glucose on the P. brasiliensis cell surface. An enhanced knowledge of the mediators of adhesion on P. brasiliensis could be useful in the future for the development of more efficient and less harmful methods for disease treatment and control.


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Introduction Leishmania braziliensis infection induces a large spectrum of lesions that clinically manifest as nodules or papules that progress to ulcers. Although it is already known that T helper cells predominate in the lesions, cytotoxic T cells have also been reported to be present, and their role in leishmaniasis immunopathogenesis is not well known. This study investigated the amounts of CD8+ and granzyme B+ cells in different clinical forms of human cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). Methods Forty tissue fragments from early (E-CL) and late CL (L-CL) lesions and from disseminated leishmaniasis (DL) - papules and ulcers - were characterized. The inflamed area per fragment was calculated, and the CD8 and granzyme B expression levels in the infiltrates were quantified by counting positive cells in 15 fields. The localization of CD8 and granzyme B was graded subjectively. Results Inflammation was higher in L-CL and DL ulcers. CD8 expression was increased in late ulcerated lesions compared to recent lesions. The increase in CD8+ cells also correlated with the duration of the lesion. Papules had a higher frequency of granzyme B+ cells than E-CL lesions, although the frequency was similar to those for late and DL ulcers. CD8+ cells were mostly found in the papillary dermis. Conclusions CD8+ T and granzyme B+ cells are present in the inflammatory infiltrates of CL and DL and may participate in the immunopathogenesis of Leishmania infection.


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IntroductionPurpureocillium lilacinum is emerging as a causal agent of hyalohyphomycosis that is refractory to antifungal drugs; however, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying P. lilacinum infection are not understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction of P. lilacinum conidia with human macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.MethodsSpores of a P. lilacinum clinical isolate were obtained by chill-heat shock. Mononuclear cells were isolated from eight healthy individuals. Monocytes were separated by cold aggregation and differentiated into macrophages by incubation for 7 to 10 days at 37°C or into dendritic cells by the addition of the cytokines human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Conidial suspension was added to the human cells at 1:1, 2:1, and 5:1 (conidia:cells) ratios for 1h, 6h, and 24h, and the infection was evaluated by Giemsa staining and light microscopy.ResultsAfter 1h interaction, P. lilacinum conidia were internalized by human cells and after 6h contact, some conidia became inflated. After 24h interaction, the conidia produced germ tubes and hyphae, leading to the disruption of macrophage and dendritic cell membranes. The infection rate analyzed after 6h incubation of P. lilacinumconidia with cells at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios was 76.5% and 25.5%, respectively, for macrophages and 54.3% and 19.5%, respectively, for cultured dendritic cells.ConclusionsP. lilacinum conidia are capable of infecting and destroying both macrophages and dendritic cells, clearly demonstrating the ability of this pathogenic fungus to invade human phagocytic cells.


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Natural killer cells are increasingly being considered an important component of innate resistance to viruses, but their role in HIV infection is controversial. Some investigators have found that natural killer cells do not confer a protective effect during the progression of HIV disease, whereas others have shown that natural killer cells may be protective and retard the progression of the disease, either through their lytic activity or by a chemokine-related suppression of HIV replication. In this study, we analyzed functional alterations in the activity of natural killer cells during HIV-1 infection using a natural killer cells activity assay with K562 cells as targets. RESULTS: Our results show that the activity of natural killer cells decreases only in the advanced phase of HIV infection and when high (40:1) effector cell-target cell ratios were used. The depression at this stage of the disease may be related to increased levels of some viral factors, such as gp120 or gag, that interfere with the binding capacity of natural killer cells, or to the decreased production of natural killer cells -activity-stimulating cytokines, such as IFN-a and IL-12, by monocytes, a subset of cells that are also affected in the late stage of HIV infection. The data suggest that decreased natural killer cells cell activity may contribute to the severe impairment of the immune system of patients in the late stages of HIV infection.


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INTRODUCTION: Traumatic spinal cord injury is one of the most disabling conditions occurring in man and thus stimulates a strong interest in its histopathological, biochemical, and functional changes, primarily as we search for preventive and therapeutic methods. PURPOSE: To develop an experimental model for transplantation of cells from the fetal rat central nervous system to the site of an injured spinal cord of an adult rat in which the transplanted cells survive and become integrated. This experimental model will facilitate investigations of factors that promote regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord trauma. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifteen adult Wistar rats underwent laminectomy, and an spinal cord lesion was made with microdissection. Fetal spinal cord tissue was then transplanted to the site of the injury. The rats were monitored over a 48-hour period, and then their vertebral column was completely removed for histological analysis. RESULTS: In 60% of transplanted rats, the fetal tissue at the injured site remained viable in the site of the lesion.


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PURPOSE: To study quantitatively C cells in the thyroids of non-isogenic rats to determine the possible effects of pinealectomy on the number of these cells, and consequently on the synthesis and secretion of calcitonin. METHODS: Twenty male rats of an outbred strain (200-300 g) were used in the present study. One group of 10 animals was pinealectomized 50 days prior to sacrifice. Thyroid tissue was stained for calcitonin (Dako Corporation) at a 1:1500 dilution. The number of C cells observed was expressed as number of cells/cm². Data were analyzed statistically by Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: The number of C cells in pinealectomized and normal animals ranged from 489 to 2084 per cm² and 227 to 1584 per cm², respectively, a difference that was statistically significant (P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These results showed consistent differences in the number of C cells after pinealectomy when compared to controls. We believe that pinealectomy increases the number of C cells in the rat thyroid.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this investigation was to quantitatively evaluate C-cells in colloid goiters, analyzing 36 thyroids that were obtained through thyroidectomy from 24 patients with goiter and 12 normal glands from adult patients without thyroid disease, which were used as the control group. MATERIAL AND METHODS: On average, 6 different thyroid areas were sampled and labeled by immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal anticalcitonin antibody, utilizing the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. C-cells were counted in fields measuring 1 square centimeter, and the mean number of cells per field was then calculated. Data were statistically analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: In the colloid goiter group, the number of C-cells ranged from 0 to 23 per field, while in normal controls they ranged from 20 to 148 per field. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a significant decrease of C-cell number in the colloid goiter group compared with control group, indicating that the hyperplastic process is restricted to follicular cells, to the detriment of C-cells, which probably cease to receive trophic stimuli.


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A Casearia sylvestris (Flacourtiaceae) é uma planta popularmente conhecida como "guaçatonga" e é usada por povos indígenas da América do sul (Brasil, Peru e Bolivia) no tratamento de muitas doenças, incluindo câncer. Estudos citotóxicos mostraram que esta planta apresenta um possível e interessante potencial antitumoral devido à presença de moléculas chamadas casearinas. Além disso, a composição do óleo essencial mostrou uma alta concentração de sesquiterpenos de alto potencial citotóxico. Neste trabalho, nós verificamos que o óleo essencial da C. sylvestris apresentou uma boa citotoxicidade seletiva contra as linhagens de células tumorais HeLa, A-549 and HT-29 (CD50 63,3, 60,7 e 90,6 µg.ml-1, respectivamente) quando comparada às células não-tumorais Vero (CD50 210,1 µg.ml-1) e macrófagos de camundongos (CD50 234,0 µg.ml-1). Além disso, o óleo causou hemólise em sete diferentes tipos de eritrócitos, indicando que a C. sylvestris precisa ser usada com cuidado. Também foram testados padrões de β-cariofileno e α-humuleno que mostraram citotoxicidade similar àquelas apresentadas pelo óleo, indicando que estes compostos podem ser os responsáveis pelos efeitos tóxicos que foram observados neste estudo.


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Biological studies are necessary for the management of wildlife in captivity, and knowledge of reproduction is one of the important features for increasing production. The objective of the research was to determine the age at which male collared peccaries reach puberty. Testicular samples of 15 animals, aged 7 to 16 months, distributed into five groups (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5) were used. The testes showed considerably increased weight, length and width (p < 0.05) from G1 to G3, whereas, from this group onward, the development of this organ was slower. There was positive correlation (p < 0.001) between the following testicular parameters: weight and length (r = 0.97), weight and width (r = 0.88), length and width (r = 0.92). Regarding the diameter of seminiferous tubules, an increase was observed (p < 0.05) from G1 to G4. The total number of spermatogenic cells increased significantly (p < 0.05) until G3 and then it stabilized. There was also positive correlation between testis weight and tubular diameter (r = 0.99, p < 0.001), and testis weight and spermatogenic cells (r = 0.98, p < 0.001). The number of Sertoli cells decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from G1, when they were undifferentiated as support cells, to G5, when they occurred together with the complete line of spermatic cells. The results demonstrate that the reproductive development of peccaries can be classified into the following stages: impuberty (G1, 7-8 months); pre-pubertal (G2, 9-10 months); pubertal (G3, 11-12 months); post-pubertal 1 (G4, 13-14 months); and post-pubertal 2 (G5, 15-16 months). Based on the histological analyses, puberty in the male collared peccary was determined to occur between 11 and 12 months of age.


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Ausência de conexão atrioventricular à direita com o ventrículo dominante, morfologicamente direito, colocado à esquerda, em conexão com o átrio esquerdo, é uma rara situação. Os autores apresentam cinco casos com esta disposição morfológica, salientando os aspectos anatômicos e clínicos, bem como a importância da nomenclatura baseada na análise segmentar seqüencial.


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Background:Morbimortality in patients with dilated idiopathic cardiomyopathy is high, even under optimal medical treatment. Autologous infusion of bone marrow adult stem cells has shown promising preliminary results in these patients.Objective:Determine the effectiveness of autologous transplantation of bone marrow adult stem cells on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function, and on the degree of mitral regurgitation in patients with dilated idiopathic cardiomyopathy in functional classes NYHA II and III.Methods:We administered 4,54 x 108 ± 0,89 x 108 bone marrow adult stem cells into the coronary arteries of 24 patients with dilated idiopathic cardiomyopathy in functional classes NYHA II and III. Changes in functional class, systolic and diastolic left ventricular function and degree of mitral regurgitation were assessed after 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.Results:During follow-up, six patients (25%) improved functional class and eight (33.3%) kept stable. Left ventricular ejection fraction improved 8.9%, 9.7% e 13.6%, after 3, 6 and 12 months (p = 0.024; 0.017 and 0.018), respectively. There were no significant changes neither in diastolic left ventricular function nor in mitral regurgitation degree. A combined cardiac resynchronization and implantable cardioversion defibrillation was implanted in two patients (8.3%). Four patients (16.6%) had sudden death and four patients died due to terminal cardiac failure. Average survival of these eight patients was 2.6 years.Conclusion:Intracoronary infusion of bone marrow adult stem cells was associated with an improvement or stabilization of functional class and an improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction, suggesting the efficacy of this intervention. There were no significant changes neither in left ventricular diastolic function nor in the degree of mitral regurgitation.


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Background: Nitric oxide (NO) has been largely associated with cardiovascular protection through improvement of endothelial function. Recently, new evidence about modulation of NO release by microRNAs (miRs) has been reported, which could be involved with statin-dependent pleiotropic effects, including anti-inflammatory properties related to vascular endothelium function. Objective: To evaluate the effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs including the inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis, atorvastatin and simvastatin, and the inhibitor of cholesterol absorption ezetimibe on NO release, NOS3 mRNA expression and miRs potentially involved in NO bioavailability. Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to atorvastatin, simvastatin or ezetimibe (0 to 5.0 μM). Cells were submitted to total RNA extraction and relative quantification of NOS3 mRNA and miRs -221, -222 and -1303 by qPCR. NO release was measured in supernatants by ozone-chemiluminescence. Results: Both statins increased NO levels and NOS3 mRNA expression but no influence was observed for ezetimibe treatment. Atorvastatin, simvastatin and ezetimibe down-regulated the expression of miR-221, whereas miR-222 was reduced only after the atorvastatin treatment. The magnitude of the reduction of miR-221 and miR-222 after treatment with statins correlated with the increment in NOS3 mRNA levels. No influence was observed on the miR-1303 expression after treatments. Conclusion: NO release in endothelial cells is increased by statins but not by the inhibitor of cholesterol absorption, ezetimibe. Our results provide new evidence about the participation of regulatory miRs 221/222 on NO release induction mediated by statins. Although ezetimibe did not modulate NO levels, the down-regulation of miR-221 could involve potential effects on endothelial function.


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In this paper an account is given of the principal facts observer in the meiosis of Euryophthalmus rufipennis Laporte which afford some evidence in favour of the view held by the present writer in earlier publications regarding the existence of two terminal kinetochores in Hem ip ter an chromosomes as well as the transverse division of the chromosomes. Spermatogonial mitosis - From the beginning of prophase until metaphase nothing worthy of special reference was observed. At anaphase, on the contrary, the behavior of the chromosomes deserves our best attention. Indeed, the chromoso- mes, as soon as they begin to move, they show both ends pronouncedly turned toward the poles to which they are connected by chromosomal fibres. So a premature and remarkable bending of the chromosomes not yet found in any other species of Hemiptera and even of Homoptera points strongly to terminally localized kinetochores. The explanation proposed by HUGHES-SCHRADER and RIS for Nautococcus and by RIS for Tamalia, whose chromosomes first become bent late in anaphase do not apply to chromosomes which initiate anaphase movement already turned toward the corresponding pole. In the other hand, the variety of positions assumed by the anaphase chromosomes of Euryophthalmus with regard to one another speaks conclusively against the idea of diffuse spindle attachments. First meiotic division - Corresponding to the beginning of the story of the primary spermatocytes cells are found with the nucleus entirelly filled with leptonema threads. Nuclei with thin and thick threads have been considered as being in the zygotente phase. At the pachytene stage the bivalents are formed by two parallel strands clearly separated by a narrow space. The preceding phases differ in nothing from the corresponding orthodox ones, pairing being undoubtedly of the parasynaptic type. Formation of tetrads - When the nuclei coming from the diffuse stage can be again understood the chromosomes reappear as thick threads formed by two filaments intimately united except for a short median segment. Becoming progressively shorter and thicker the bivalents sometimes unite their extremities forming ring-shaped figures. Generally, however, this does not happen and the bivalents give origin to more or less condensed characteristic Hemipteran tetrads, bent at the weak median region. The lateral duplicity of the tetrads is evident. At metaphase the tetrads are still bent and are connected with both poles by their ends. The ring-shaped diakinesis tetrads open themselves out before metaphase, showing in this way that were not chiasmata that held their ends together. Anaphase proceeds as expected. If we consider the median region of the tetrads as being terminalized chiasmata, then the chromosomes are provided with a single terminal kinetochore. But this it not the case. A critical analysis of the story of the bivalents before and after the diffuse stage points to the conclusion that they are continuous throughout their whole length. Thence the chromosomes are considered as having a kinetochore at each end. Orientation - There are some evidences that Hemipteran chromosomes are connected by chiasmata. If this is true, the orientation of the tetrads may be understood in the following manner: Chiasmata being hindered to scape by the terminal kinetochores accumulate at the ends of the tetrads, where condensation begins. Repulsion at the centric ends being prevented by chiasmata the tetrads orient themselves as if they were provided with a single kinetochore at each extremity, taking a position parallelly to the spindle axis. Anaphase separation - Anaphase separation is consequently due to a transverse division of the chromosomes. Telophase and secund meiotic division - At telophase the kinetochore repeli one another following the moving apart of the centosomes, the chiasmata slip toward the acentric extremities and the chromosomes rotate in order to arrange themselves parallelly to the axis of the new spindle. Separation is therefore throughout the pairing plane. Origin of the dicentricity of the chromosomes - Dicentricity of the chromosomes is ascribed to the division of the kinetochore of the chromosomes reaching the poles followed by separation and distension of the chromatids which remain fused at the acentric ends giving thus origin to terminally dicentric iso-chromosomes. Thence, the transverse division of the chromosomes, that is, a division through a plane perpendicular to the plane of pairing, actually corresponds to a longitudinal division realized in the preceding generation. Inactive and active kinetochores - Chromosomes carrying inactive kinetochore is not capable of orientation and active anaphasic movements. The heterochromosome of Diactor bilineatus in the division of the secondary spermatocytes is justly in this case, standing without fibrilar connection with the poles anywhere in the cell, while the autosomes are moving regularly. The heterochromosome of Euryophthalmus, on the contrary, having its kinetochores perfectly active ,is correctly oriented in the plane of the equator together with the autosomes and shows terminal chromosomal connection with both poles. Being attracted with equal strength by two opposite poles it cannot decide to the one way or the other remaining motionless in the equator until some secondary causes (as for instances a slight functional difference between the kinetochores) intervene to break the state of equilibrium. When Yiothing interferes to aide the heterochromosome in choosing its way it distends itself between the autosomal plates forming a fusiform bridge which sometimes finishes by being broken. Ordinarily, however, the bulky part of the heterochromosome passes to one pole. Spindle fibers and kinetic activity of chromosomal fragments - The kinetochore is considered as the unique part of the chromosome capable of being influenced by other kinetochore or by the poles. Under such influence the kinetochore would be stimulated or activited and would elaborate a sort of impulse which would run toward the ends. In this respect the chromosome may be compared to a neüròn, the cell being represented by the kinetochore and the axon by the body of the chromosome. Due to the action of the kinetochore the entire chromosome becomes also activated for performing its kinetic function. Nothing is known at present about the nature of this activation. We can however assume that some active chemical substance like those produced by the neuron and transferred to the effector passes from the kinetochore to the body of the chromosome runing down to the ends. And, like an axon which continues to transmit an impulse after the stimulating agent has suspended its action, so may the chromosome show some residual kinetic activity even after having lost its kinetochore. This is another explanation for the kinetic behavior of acentric chromosomal fragmehs. In the orthodox monocentric chromosomes the kinetic activity is greater at the kinetochore, that is, at the place of origin of the active substance than at any other place. In chromosomes provided with a kinetochore at each end the entire body may become active enough to produce chromosomal fibers. This is probably due to a more or less uniform distribution and concentration of the active substance coming simultaneously from both extremities of the chromosome.


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Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) is a hypo-hyper-regulating mangrove crab possessing gills for respiratory and osmoregulatory processes, separated in anterior and posterior sections. They also have hepatopancreas, which is responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients and detoxification of toxic metals. Each of these organs has specific cells that are important for in vitro studies in cell biology, ion and toxic metals transport. In order to study and characterize cells from gills and hepatopancreas, both were separated using a Sucrose Gradient (SG) from 10 to 40% and cells in each gradient were characterized using the vital mitochondrial dye DASPEI (2-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-N- ethylpyridinium iodide) and Trichrome Mallory's stain. Both in 20 and 40% SG for gill cells and 30% SG for hepatopancreatic cells, a greater number of cells were colored with DASPEI, indicating a larger number of mitochondria in these cells. It is concluded that the gill cells present in 20% and 40% SG are Thin cells, responsible for respiratory processes and Ionocytes responsible for ion transport, respectively. For hepatopancreatic cells, the 30% SG is composed of Fibrillar cells that possess larger number of membrane ion and nutrient transporters. Moreover, the transport of toxic metal cadmium (Cd) by isolated hepatopancreatic cells was performed as a way of following cell physiological integrity after cell separation and to study differences in transport among the cells. All hepatopancreatic cells were able to transport Cd. These findings are the first step for further work on isolated cells of these important exchange epithelia of crabs, using a simple separation method and to further develop successful in vitro cell culture in crabs.


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After the observation of many thousands of histological sections of the endocervical mucosa it became evident that its columnar cells present a great variety of aspects not only those of the surface of the canal but also those of the glands. A classification of these cells was made taking into account the staining affinity, the intensity staining of the cytoplasm, the presence or absence of cilia, the shape and location of the nucleus. The various combinations of these different data made possible the characterization of 26 types of cells which we labelled by the alphabetical letters. Two hundred and fifty cervices obtained by cervical amputation and by hysterectomy were studied. The uteri presented lesions in the course of routine laboratory examination. In each of the 250 histological sections there were specifically counted 2,000 columnar cells which cover the cervical canal and 2,000columnar cells which form the glands. A graphic representation of the frequency of both the superficial and glandular columnar cells was presented; this was given the name EPITHELIOGRAM. The variation of the cellular "composition" of each epithelium is discussed and the frequency of the various cellular types after the count of one million of cells is presented.