40 resultados para Política Argentina


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Este articulo es una reflexión acerca del impacto de la epidemia 2009 en Argentina, con 26.000 afectados y seis muertes, y como las consecuencias pudieron haber sido mucho menores si hubiese existido dialogo y entendimiento entre epidemiología y política sanitaria. La falta de preparación, la descoordinación en la respuesta y el impacto sobre la población, confirman la brecha existente entre la evidencia científica y la toma de decisión política. La epidemiologia y la política sanitaria tienen distintas prioridades, distintos tiempos y distinta escala de valores. Las lecciones de la epidemia de 2009 deberían servir para acercar estos dos pilares de la salud publica de cara al beneficio de la comunidad, que al fin, es el objetivo común.


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Este artículo aborda los resultados de una investigación sobre las regulaciones del trabajo de enseñar en Argentina. Utilizando herramientas conceptuales provenientes del análisis político del discurso, analizaré algunos de los principales elementos de la discursividad oficial en el período 2003-2013. Plantearé que ellos se articularon en torno a la equivalencia discursiva igualdad-inclusión educativa, configurando dos cadenas de significantes emparentadas. Una de ellas asoció la igualdad y la inclusión educativas a la afirmación de la educación como derecho social, la principalidad estatal, la restitución de lo común y la consideración de la diversidad; la otra enlazó la igualdad y la inclusión educativas a la idea de centralidad de la enseñanza, el trabajo con situaciones de "desigualdad educativa" -tales como la sobreedad y la repitencia- y de "vulnerabilidad social", y la promoción de modos organizacionales alternativos.


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Resumen En la Argentina el importante rol que el cristianismo liberacionista ha jugado en la conformación y planteamiento y conceptualización de una izquierda movimentaria no tradicionalmente política ha sido frecuentemente pasado por alto. En este artículo argumentamos sobre la presencia de una matriz político-ideológica cristiana, esto es, una tradición particular de objetivación de lo social y lo político, operando en el origen mismo de esta izquierda social. Analizamos posteriormente algunas de las características comunes a muchos de los nuevos movimientos sociales latinoamericanos y establecemos un paralelo con las formas de categorizar lo social típicas de los movimientos cristianos. Finalmente realizamos un relevamiento de esas categorías en una editorial de la revista Alternativa Latinoamericana, empleada aquí en tanto documento del discurso cristiano-ecuménico en la Argentina de los ’80.


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This paper examines how exchange rate policies and IMF Stand-By Arrangements affect debt crises using econometrics and a comparison between Argentina and Brazil. It refines an existing diagram outlining crisis development to propose crisis prevention strategies. Flexible exchange rate policies reduce a country's probability of default by over 4%, but Stand-By Arrangements increase it by an inconsequential percentage. Unlike Argentina, Brazil avoided a default via a freely-floating exchange rate system, fiscal deficit reduction, and a cooperative and coordinated relationship with the IMF. The results provide policymakers from developing countries with lessons to manage their countries' default risks more effectively.


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New pension programs in Latin America: lessons from the Argentinean experience. This work analyzes the political constraints of pension reform in Argentina. The first part presents a brief description of the development of pension programs in Latin America. Additionally, it also discusses the pension system crisis and the main proposals in order to overcome this crisis. The second part examines the peculiarities of the Argentine pension reform, with specific attention on economic imperatives and political constraints which have shaped the pension reform project of Menem´s Government (1989-1999). The article demonstrates that there are a large gap between the new system promises and its outcomes.


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This paper analyses the economic recovery in post-Convertibility Argentina. We try to identify if there are evidences to support the suggestion that Argentina could be an example of the so-called "new developmentalism".


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This article deals with the conditioned income-transfer developed by the governments of Lula and Dilma, in the Brazilian case, and by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, in Argentina. In other words, the programs Bolsa Família and "Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social". They are comparatively analyzed with regard to their institutionality, the access criteria, the conditionings and the concept of poverty, in order to discuss whether they constitute or not a social right and the relative importance of the amount given.


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This article aims, on the one hand, to analyze the increase of productive asymmetries between Argentina and Brazil that have been evidencing during the last two decades, and are currently reveled in the structural trade deficit of industrial products that affects Argentina in the bilateral relationship. On the other hand, it intends to contribute to understanding the roots of these asymmetries based on the differences in the public policies implemented by both countries during the period extending from the implementation of the Mercosur, in the early 1990s, until 2008. The focus is set on the technological pattern of industrial production and trade structures, considering a non neutral impact over the long term development.


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The purpose of this article is to stress on the importance of the sociology of state elites to fully understand developmental processes. With that purpose in mind, we comparatively analyze the industrialization process in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico from 1920 to 1970. Our analysis shows that although Argentina was in a much better condition to initiate its industrialization process in the early thirties, it was overtaken by Brazil and Mexico already in the late fifties. The article suggests that this took place because Brazil and Mexico, among other things, had a state elite willing to take development seriously, whereas Argentina lacked it.


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This article analyses the relationship between state policies and economy in Argentina 1991-2001. In 1991 the currency board regime named 'convertibility' was implemented, within the framework of important neoliberal reforms introduced by the State. These neoliberal reforms facilitated capitalist restructuring, characterized by a leap in productivity, investment and profits. Likewise, these reforms generated imbalances which, along with the changes in the world market conditions from 1998, led to the deepest crisis in Argentina's history. The inefficiency of state neoliberal policies in managing the crisis, based on fiscal adjustment to guarantee the continuity of external financing, led to an economic depression and a financial crash, sparking a mass rebellion and the end of convertibility.