82 resultados para Placental alterations
Applied topically to larvae of Rhodnius prolixus Stal, Triatoma infestans (Klug) and Panstrongylus herreri Wygodzinsky, vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas'disease, a synthetic, furan-containing anti-juvenile hormonal compound, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)ethyl furfuryl ether induced a variety of biomorphological alterations, including precocious metamorphosis into small adultoids with adult abdominal cuticle, ocelli, as well as rudimentary adultoid wings. Some adultoids died during ecdysis and were confined within the old cuticle. The extension of these biomorphological responses is discussed in terms of the complexity of the action of anti-juvenile hormonal compounds during the development of triatomines
Progress has been made over the last decade with the development and clinical use of artemether as an agent against major human schistosome parasites. The tegument has been identified as a key target of artemether, implying detailed studies on ultrastructural damage induced by this compound. We performed a temporal examination, employing a transmission electron microscope to assess the pattern and extent of ultrastructural alterations in adult Schistosoma mansoni harboured in mice treated with a single dose of 400 mg/kg artemether. Eight hours post-treatment, damage to the tegument and subtegumental structures was seen. Tegumental alterations reached a peak 3 days after treatment and were characterized by swelling, fusion of distal cytoplasma, focal lysis of the tegumental matrix and vacuolisation. Tubercles and sensory organelles frequently degenerated or collapsed. Typical features of subtegumental alterations, including muscle fibres, syncytium and parenchyma tissues, were focal or extensive lysis, vacuolisation and degeneration of mitochondria. Severe alterations were also observed in gut epithelial cells and vitelline cells of female worms. Our findings of artemether-induced ultrastructural alterations in adult S. mansoni confirm previous results obtained with juvenile S. mansoni and S. japonicum of different ages.
Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated fungal organism that can cause disease in apparently immunocompetent, as well as immunocompromised, hosts. Since 1930, successive subculture has been used to preserve C. neoformans isolates in our Fungus Collection. In the 1970s, some of these Fungus Collection samples were selected to be subjected to a different methods of maintenance - that of lyophilized. Our objective was to analyze C. neoformans isolates in order to make a comparative evaluation between these two methods of preservation. The overall aim of this study was to qualify the preservation technique used in our mycology laboratory since the technique used might affect the survival, stability and purity of the primary isolates in culture. The samples were analyzed using classical mycology methods and using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA technique In the analysis of phenotypes and genotypes, the typical characteristics of C. neoformans were found to differ in relation to the different methods of preservation employed. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the importance of selecting the appropriate method of preservation for fungus collections. This selection can affect the survival and purity of the cultures, and preserve the stability of their physiological, biochemical, and genetic characteristics.
The reproductive activity of Biomphalaria glabrata exposed to Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii latex was evaluated. Parameters related to fecundity and fertility were observed. The snails were exposed to the LD50 (1 mg/l) of crude latex. At the first week post exposure (p.e.), the egg laying was reduced. After the fourth week p.e., an increase of the number of eggs/snail occurred. The results showed a marked reduction in the hatching of the snails, revealing an interference of latex exposure with the reproductive process of B. glabrata of E. splendens var. hislopii. The LD50 of the latex may be used as an alternative method to control the size of the populations of B. glabrata in field.
Two species of Didymozoidae, Didymosulcus palati (Yamaguti 1970) and Didymosulcus philobranchiarca (Yamaguti 1970) were reported for the first time in South America, Atlantic Ocean, parasitizing three different tuna species from the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson), Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) and Thunnus obesus (Lowe). Pairs of D. philobranchiarca were found on gill arches of T. albacares and T. obesus, in longitudinal rows of yellow cysts located inside grooves in the hard denticle palate (new site) of the three hosts species studied, and as disperse groups of cysts in the operculum (new site) and gill arches of T. atlanticus (new host record). D. palati occurred as disperse groups of encysted worm pairs in the gill arches of T. albacares and T. obesus and in gill arches and operculum of T. atlanticus (new host record). The pathological alterations induced by D. philobranchiarca in the palate of T. atlanticus are described for the first time. Original measurements and figures are presented.
Benznidazole (Bz) and Nifurtimox (Nfx) have been used to treat Chagas disease. As recent studies have de-monstrated cardiotoxic effects of Nfx, we attempted to determine whether Bz behaves similarly. Bz reached the heart tissue of male rats after intragastric administration. No cytosolic Bz nitroreductases were detected, although microsomal NADPH-dependent Bz nitroreductase activity was observed, and appeared to be mediated by P450 reductase. No ultrastructurally observable deleterious effects of Bz were detected, in contrast to the overt cardiac effects previously reported for Nfx. In conclusion, when these drugs are used in chagasic patients, Bz may pose a lesser risk to heart function than Nfx when any cardiopathy is present.
Host lipids have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Toxoplasma gondiiinfection. To determine if Toxoplasmainfection influences the lipid status in the normal host, we assessed serum lipids of Swiss-Webster mice during infection with the BGD-1 strain (type-2) at a series of time points. Mice were bled at days zero and 42 post-infection, and subgroups were additionally bled on alternating weeks (model 1), or sacrificed at days zero, 14 and 42 (model 2) for the measurement of total cholesterol (Chl), high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides and adiponectin. At day 42, brains were harvested for cyst enumeration. A significant decrease (p = 0.02) in HDL and total Chl was first noted in infected vs. control mice at day 14 and persisted to day 42 (p = 0.013). Conversely, LDL was unaltered until day 42, when it increased (p = 0.043). Serum LDL levels at day 42 correlated only with cyst counts of above 300 (found in 44% mice), while the change in HDL between days zero and 42 correlated with both the overall mean cyst count (p = 0.041) and cyst counts above 300 (p = 0.044). Calculated per cyst, this decrease in HDL in individual animals ranged from 0.1-17 µmol/L, with a mean of 2.43 ± 4.14 µmol/L. Serum adiponectin levels remained similar between infected and control mice throughout the experiment.
This paper evaluates the alterations in the glycogen content of tissues (digestive gland and cephalopedal mass) and glucose in the haemolymph of Biomphalaria glabrata BH strain infected with Schistosoma mansoni BH strain and exposed to the latex of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii. A reduction in the glycogen deposits was observed in infected snails exposed and not exposed to latex. However, the exposure to latex caused a greater depletion of the glycogen levels in both sites analysed, especially from the third week onward. The utilisation of latex as a molluscicide to control the population of infected B. glabrata selectively is proposed.
Haematological and cytokine alterations in malaria are a broad and controversial subject in the literature. However, few studies have simultaneously evaluated various cytokines in a single patient group during the acute and convalescent phases of infection. The aim of this study was to sequentially characterise alterations in haematological patters and circulating plasma cytokine and chemokine levels in patients infected with Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium falciparum from a Brazilian endemic area during the acute and convalescent phases of infection. During the acute phase, thrombocytopaenia, eosinopaenia, lymphopaenia and an increased number of band cells were observed in the majority of the patients. During the convalescent phase, the haematologic parameters returned to normal. During the acute phase, P. vivax and P. falciparum patients had significantly higher interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-17, interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor levels than controls and maintained high levels during the convalescent phase. IL-10 was detected at high concentrations during the acute phase, but returned to normal levels during the convalescent phase. Plasma IL-10 concentration was positively correlated with parasitaemia in P. vivax and P. falciparum-infected patients. The same was true for the TNF-α concentration in P. falciparum-infected patients. Finally, the haematological and cytokine profiles were similar between uncomplicated P. falciparum and P. vivax infections.
Behavioural alterations are independent of sickness behaviour in chronic experimental Chagas disease
The existence of the nervous form of Chagas disease is a matter of discussion since Carlos Chagas described neurological disorders, learning and behavioural alterations in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals. In most patients, the clinical manifestations of the acute phase, including neurological abnormalities, resolve spontaneously without apparent consequence in the chronic phase of infection. However, chronic Chagas disease patients have behavioural changes such as psychomotor alterations, attention and memory deficits, and depression. In the present study, we tested whether or not behavioural alterations are reproducible in experimental models. We show that C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the Colombian strain of T. cruzi (150 days post-infection) exhibit behavioural changes as (i) depression in the tail suspension and forced swim tests, (ii) anxiety analysed by elevated plus maze and open field test sand and (iii) motor coordination in the rotarod test. These alterations are neither associated with neuromuscular disorders assessed by the grip strength test nor with sickness behaviour analysed by temperature variation sand weight loss. Therefore, chronically T. cruzi-infected mice replicate behavioural alterations (depression and anxiety) detected in Chagas disease patients opening an opportunity to study the interconnection and the physiopathology of these two biological processes in an infectious scenario.
The influence of different infectious agents and their association with human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis have not been completely elucidated. This study describes the association between cytological changes in cervical epithelium and the detection of the most relevant aetiological agents of sexually transmitted diseases. Samples collected from 169 patients were evaluated by conventional cytology followed by molecular analysis to detect HPV DNA, Chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2,Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis, andTreponema pallidum, besides genotyping for most common high-risk HPV. An association between cytological lesions and different behavioural habits such as smoking and sedentariness was observed. Intraepithelial lesions were also associated with HPV and C. trachomatis detection. An association was also found between both simple and multiple genotype infection and cytological changes. The investigation of HPV and C. trachomatisproved its importance and may be considered in the future for including in screening programs, since these factors are linked to the early diagnosis of patients with precursor lesions of cervical cancer.
An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.
Compaction is one of the most destructive factors of soil quality, however the effects on the microbial community and enzyme activity have not been investigated in detail so far. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil compaction caused by the traffic of agricultural machines on the soil microbial community and its enzyme activity. Six compaction levels were induced by tractors with different weights driving over a Eutrustox soil and the final density was measured. Soil samples were collected after corn from the layers 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The compaction effect on all studied properties was evident. Total bacteria counts were reduced significantly (by 22-30 %) and by 38-41 % of nitrifying bacteria in the soil with highest bulk density compared to the control. On the other hand, fungi populations increased 55-86 % and denitrifying bacteria 49-53 %. Dehydrogenase activity decreased 20-34 %, urease 44-46 % and phosphatase 26-28 %. The organic matter content and soil pH decreased more in the 0-0.10 than in the 0.10-0.20 m layer and possibly influenced the reduction of the microbial counts, except denitrifying bacteria, and all enzyme activities, except urease. Results indicated that soil compaction influences the community of aerobic microorganisms and their activity. This effect can alter nutrient cycling and reduce crop yields.
Little is currently known about modifications in edaphic characteristics caused by short-rotation eucalyptus and the impacts of these alterations on the sustainability of eucalyptus wood production. This study was carried out to identify theses changes at five sites of eucalyptus plantation in the region of the Rio Doce Valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Areas with more than three previous eucalyptus cycles, adjacent to pasture land or native forest, were chosen. Soil samples were collected and soil fertility analyzed by routine methods and other fractionation methods in order to measure alterations in the K, Ca and Mg contents as a consequence of eucalyptus cultivation. In the eucalyptus areas, reductions in the exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ contents and pH were observed and increased Al3+ and H + Al contents. Of all nutrients, only P contents (Mehlich-1 P) increased in the eucalyptus areas. The reduction in exchangeable forms and in medium-term soil nutrient pools indicates the need for higher nutrient rates than the currently applied in order to prevent nutritional limitations and soil nutrient exhaustion. After several eucalyptus rotations there was a recovery in the SOM content in comparison to degraded pasture soils, although not to the level of the native forest soil. The positive correlation between effective CEC and medium-term non-exchangeable Ca, Mg and K with SOM emphasizes the need for adequate fertilizer and plant residue management to sustain or even increase forest productivity in future cycles.