63 resultados para Pisan, Christine de


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This paper examines the synergism among diet, disease, and ecology at two related coastal Maya sites in Belize (Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro) for the Postclassic and Historic periods (1350-1650 AD), which immediately follow the Classic period collapse. Stable carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios in collagen and stable carbon-isotope ratios in structural carbonate were analysed for bones from 65 humans and a wide variety of faunal species. There are no apparent differences in whole diets or degree of carnivory between individuals with lesions indicative of anemia and those without, but those with lesions appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods and protein from lower trophic levels. Non-specific infection (periostitis) and vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) are also present in high frequencies and appear to co-occur with lesions indicative of anemia, particularly in childhood. Individuals with scurvy also appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods than normal individuals. Spondyloarthropathy is common in adults. These findings are discussed in light of: (1) the debate on how anemia versus scurvy are manifest and diagnosed, (2) Spanish ethnohistoric descriptions of the poor state of Maya health at the time of contact, and (3) the Osteological Paradox. We suggest that although this coastal environment exacerbated morbidity because of possible parasitic infection, the inhabitants were probably able to survive physiological stresses better than either their inland contemporaries or their modern counterparts.


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During the excavations of the XIX century Meadowlark cemetery (Manhattan, Kansas, US), samples of sediments were taken from around five skeletons, and analyzed to detect intestinal parasites. No helminth eggs were found, but immunological ELISA tests for Entamoeba histolytica were positive in three samples. The immunological techniques have been successfully used in paleoparasitology to detect protozoan infections. Amoebiasis could have been a severe disease in the past, especially where poor sanitary conditions prevailed, and there is evidence that this cemetery may have been used in a situation where poor sanitary conditions may have prevailed. The presence of this protozoan in US during the late XIX century gives information on the health of the population and provides additional data on the parasite's evolution since its appearance in the New World.


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An annotated list of the triatomine species present in French Guiana is given. It is based on field collections carried out between 1993-2008, museum collections and a literature review. Fourteen species, representing four tribes and six genera, are now known in this country and are illustrated (habitus). Three species are recorded from French Guiana for the first time: Cavernicola pilosa, Microtriatoma trinidadensis and Rhodnius paraensis. The two most common and widely distributed species are Panstrongylus geniculatus and Rhodnius pictipes. The presence of two species (Panstrongylus megistus and Triatoma maculata) could be fortuitous and requires confirmation. Also, the presence of Rhodnius prolixus is doubtful; while it was previously recorded in French Guiana, it was probably mistaken for R. robustus. A key for French Guiana's triatomine species is provided.


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This study is the first report on genetic differences between isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from a single patient. We describe a simultaneous infection with genetically distinct isolates of P. brasiliensis in a patient with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis. The clinical isolates were obtained from lesions in different anatomical sites and were characterised by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The RAPD technique can be helpful for distinguishing between clinical isolates. Different random primers were used to characterise these clinical isolates. The RAPD patterns allowed for differentiation between isolates and the construction of a phenetic tree, which showed more than 28% genetic variability in this fungal species, opening new possibilities for clinical studies of P. brasiliensis. Based on these results and preliminary clinical findings, we suggest that different genotypes of P. brasiliensis might infect the same patient, inducing the active form of the disease.


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Uncontrolled peripheral urbanisation coupled with environmental degradation has affected the status of schistosomiasis in Pernambuco (PE), Brazil. This endemic disease continues to perpetuate its transmission in rural areas and has also become a cause for concern in coastal towns of the state. The lack of basic infrastructure (sanitation and health programmes) to support the new urban areas leads to faecal contamination of natural aquatic environments, resulting in consequent infection of vector snails and the emergence of new sources of schistosomiasis transmission. In the present paper, we discuss the current epidemiological status of schistosomiasis in PE. We have consolidated and analysed information from parasitological, malacological and morbidity surveys undertaken by the group of researchers at the Laboratory of Schistosomiasis, Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães-Fiocruz. The results of our analysis show: (i) the maintenance of the levels of schistosomiasis in the rural Zona da Mata, PE, (ii) the record of the human cases of schistosomiasis and the foci of infected snails detected along the coast of PE through 2007, (iii) the high record of the severe clinical form of schistosomiasis in the metropolitan region of Recife (RMR) and (iv) new breeding sites of schistosomiasis vector snails that were identified in a 2008 survey covering the RMR and the coastal localities of PE.


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In 2000, after heavy rains and floods in Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, an outbreak of schistosomiasis was recorded, of which 62.2% (412 cases) were of the acute clinical form. Between 2001-2009, occasional findings of Biomphalaria snails parasitised by Schistosoma mansoni indicated that disease transmission was still occurring. This motivated a new epidemiological survey between August-December 2010 to provide an update of the occurrence of this health hazard and to investigate the process of disease endemisation at this locality. This survey gathered parasitological, clinical and malacological data. The results of this survey, compared with data from the year 2000 survey, showed the following: (i) over these 10 years, there were declines in the total percentage of cases and the percentage of acute forms, (ii) the acute clinical form now represents 23.3% in contrast with the 62.2% detected in 2000 and (iii) the current prevalence of schistosomiasis is 15.7%, while in 2000 32.1% of the individuals were diagnosed as parasitised. Today, the chronic clinical form represents 76.7% of the total number of cases diagnosed, thus showing that over the 10-year period the occurrences of clinical forms became inverted. These findings, together with visual observation of insalubrious environmental conditions, indicate that schistosomiasis has become endemic in Porto de Galinhas.


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The Firmicutes bacteria participate extensively in virulence and pathological processes. Enterococcus faecalis is a commensal microorganism; however, it is also a pathogenic bacterium mainly associated with nosocomial infections in immunocompromised patients. Iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters are inorganic prosthetic groups involved in diverse biological processes, whose in vivo formation requires several specific protein machineries. Escherichia coli is one of the most frequently studied microorganisms regarding [Fe-S] cluster biogenesis and encodes the iron-sulfur cluster and sulfur assimilation systems. In Firmicutes species, a unique operon composed of the sufCDSUB genes is responsible for [Fe-S] cluster biogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of the E. faecalis sufCDSUB system in the [Fe-S] cluster assembly using oxidative stress and iron depletion as adverse growth conditions. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction demonstrated, for the first time, that Gram-positive bacteria possess an OxyR component responsive to oxidative stress conditions, as fully described for E. coli models. Likewise, strong expression of the sufCDSUB genes was observed in low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, indicating that the lowest concentration of oxygen free radicals inside cells, known to be highly damaging to [Fe-S] clusters, is sufficient to trigger the transcriptional machinery for prompt replacement of [Fe-S] clusters.


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Trata-se de um recorte da pesquisa Avaliação dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial da Região Sul do Brasil. Temos o objetivo de avaliar a ambiência enquanto espaço de conforto e subjetividade em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial II (CAPS). Pesquisa qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso, que utilizou a Avaliação de Quarta Geração. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: entrevistas com dez profissionais da equipe, 11 usuários e 11 familiares e 297 horas de observação de campo. A porta fechada e a equipe reduzida foram problematizadas, ocasionando repercussões no processo de trabalho do serviço. Esses nós críticos interferem diretamente na ambiência e consistem em tensão e antagonismo às proposições de um serviço como CAPS. Identificamos que as questões apresentadas são temas que demonstram o compromisso com um ambiente saudável, que considera o conforto e a subjetividade no trabalho do CAPS.


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This article is based on a study of a reform in the organisation of maternity services in the United Kingdom, which aimed towards developing a more woman-centred model of care. After decades of fragmentation and depersonalisation of care, associated with the shift of birth to a hospital setting, pressure by midwives and mothers prompted government review and a relatively radical turnaround in policy. However, the emergent model of care has been profoundly influenced by concepts and technologies of monitoring. The use of such technologies as ultrasound scans, electronic foetal monitoring and oxytocic augmentation of labour, generally supported by epidural anaesthesia for pain relief, have accompanied the development of a particular ecological model of birth – often called active management –, which is oriented towards the idea of an obstetric norm. Drawing on analysis of women’s narrative accounts of labour and birth, this article discusses the impact on women’s embodiment in birth, and the sources of information they use about the status of their own bodies, their labour and that of the child. It also illustrates how the impact on women’s experiences of birth may be mediated by a relational model of support, through the provision of caseload midwifery care.


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OBJECTIVE Analyzing profiles of intoxication and accidental poisoning of infant-juvenile population (0-24 years) in the household, treated at a reference facility for Emergency and Primary Care, during the year 2013. METHOD A descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were analyzed using Epi-Info, by way of simple and bivariate analyzes. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (protocol 405.578). RESULTS There were 45 intoxications, with a prevalence of males (60.0%), aged 1-4 years (71.1%). Among children under one, there was a higher frequency of pesticide poisoning (66.6%), between the ages of 1-4 by cleaning products (34.4%), and between 5-9 years of age by pharmacological substances (66.6%). The primary assistance was provided only at health institutions, with hospital admissions in 24.4% of the cases. CONCLUSION The importance of prevention through legislation is evident, in order to ensure greater safety in packaging of various products, and community awareness to eliminate risks in the household environment.


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Os principais atributos edáficos relacionados com a lixiviação de naftaleno nos solos consistem na granulometria, no teor de matéria orgânica e na composição mineralógica das frações silte e argila. Este trabalho objetivou determinar os valores da dispersão e do retardamento do naftaleno em amostras de solos coletadas nas proximidades de tanques de armazenamento de combustíveis localizados em Recife, PE. Os experimentos de lixiviação foram realizados em colunas contendo amostras deformadas e foram modelados usando a equação de convecção-dispersão, que foi ajustada aos dados experimentais com o emprego do software CXTFIT 2.0. Os resultados indicaram que solos arenosos oferecem menor resistência à lixiviação de naftaleno e que a presença de goethita, juntamente com a matéria orgânica, é possivelmente o principal fator responsável pelo retardamento do transporte desse composto no conjunto de amostras estudadas.


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Para estudar a dinâmica de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (MA) nativos, em solo de cerrado natural e de três áreas degradadas, foram efetuadas avaliações quantitativa e qualitativa desses fungos, nos períodos seco e chuvoso. Nessa avaliação incluíram-se parcelas experimentais, em uma das áreas degradadas, com calcário, turfa natural e torta de mamona. Em casa de vegetação conduziram-se dois experimentos para avaliar a contribuição desses fungos no estabelecimento da gramínea pioneira Aristida setifolia Kunth. No primeiro, utilizaram-se substratos das quatro áreas, esterilizados a vapor e ao natural; no segundo, foram utilizados substratos da área experimental esterilizados, com e sem aplicação de mistura de três fungos MA nativos. No campo, a densidade aparente nas áreas degradadas foi superior à do cerrado natural, e todas apresentaram alta acidez e baixa fertilidade. Os fungos MA ocorreram em todas as áreas; houve maior número de esporos e espécies no período chuvoso. Em casa de vegetação, os fungos MA nativos promoveram aumentos significativos na matéria seca da gramínea. Não houve efeitos significativos do calcário e dos insumos orgânicos no crescimento das plantas sem inoculação dos fungos MA. Entretanto, com a inoculação, ocorreu acréscimo significativo no crescimento da gramínea e diferenciação e maximização nos efeitos desses insumos.


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O papel fundamental da matéria orgânica (MO) justifica o crescente interesse pela identificação de sistemas de uso e manejo que melhorem o estoque orgânico em solos tropicais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar variações quantitativas e qualitativas da MO e caracterizar compartimentos orgânicos em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro argiloso sob vegetação natural antropizada (CER), pastagem de longa duração (PAL), pastagem degradada (PAD), e pousio (PAC), comparados com culturas sob preparo convencional (CCL) e plantio direto (PD). Foi encontrada pouca variação dos estoques orgânicos na camada superficial, explicada pela antropização da vegetação em CER, pela não-exportação dos resíduos em PD e CCL e pela prática de pousio em PAC. Fracionamento granulométrico, considerando os compartimentos: resíduos vegetais (20-2.000 µm), organo-siltoso (2-20 µm) e organo-argiloso (0-2 µm), mostrou diferenças na qualidade da MO quando comparadas situações edafoambientais semelhantes. Mesmo com pequenas variações, o compartimento resíduos vegetais foi um indicador da evolução dos estoques orgânicos, permitindo a caracterização da degradação nas pastagens e do efeito do plantio direto, quando comparado ao sistema convencional. PD favoreceu a estocagem de C no compartimento organo-argiloso. Solos estudados diferem de outros solos argilosos tropicais pela mais elevada relação C/N encontrada nas frações 0-20 µm.


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O cultivo do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) irrigado nos solos de cerrado requer a utilização de fertilizantes fosfatados. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do manejo da adubação fosfatada e da lâmina de água na produtividade do feijoeiro em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro argiloso. Os tratamentos englobaram três doses de adubação fosfatada a lanço (250, 500 e 1.000 kg ha-1 de P2O5) e dois níveis de irrigação (adequado e restrito), determinados em função de tensões de água no solo. Foi cultivado o feijão `Carioca' (quatro cultivos) no período seco, em rotação com o milho `BR 201' (cinco cultivos), no período chuvoso. A produção de grãos do feijão aumentou com a adubação fosfatada, nos dois níveis de irrigação, sendo maior com a dose mais alta de adubação e irrigação adequada. A irrigação restrita promoveu reduções de produtividade em todos os tratamentos, sendo menos prejudicial no solo com maior disponibilidade de P. O milho apresentou também resposta significativa à adubação fosfatada, e o efeito residual dessa adubação manteve boas produtividades das duas culturas durante os vários cultivos sucessivos.


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Solos dos tabuleiros costeiros do Estado do Espírito Santo foram estudados, com o objetivo de investigar e inter-relacionar suas características mineralógicas, químicas e micromorfológicas e fornecer subsídios para a reconstrução do ambiente pedogenético. Onze perfis de solos foram descritos, coletados e caracterizados analiticamente. Em amostras de perfis selecionados, determinou-se o Fe extraído pelo ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato de sódio. Determinou-se também o Fe menos cristalino pelo oxalato ácido de amônio e o Si amorfo pelo NaOH 0,5 mol L-1. Nas amostras de mosqueados e nódulos determinou-se a proporção de hematita e goethita e a substituição em Al na goethita. Análises mineralógicas foram realizadas por métodos óticos, difratometria de raios X e análise térmica diferencial. De amostras indeformadas dos horizontes subsuperficiais foram confeccionadas lâminas delgadas para análise micromorfológica. Constatou-se que o ambiente pedogenético atual está propiciando a estabilização da caulinita e formação de goethita, removendo a hematita e possivelmente sendo responsável pelo amarelecimento (xantização) dos horizontes superficiais. O processo de segregação de ferro é evidenciado pelo seu acúmulo nos nódulos e mosqueados em relação à matriz do solo, provavelmente por difusão, sendo a fonte a matriz. Os nódulos e mosqueados vermelhos estão em processo de destruição e não de formação. As gotículas de ferro, que com freqüência ocorrem no interior dos nódulos e concreções, constituem uma etapa do processo de formação ou destruição dessas estruturas.