138 resultados para Pes neonatal
OBJECTIVE: To report a full-term newborn infant that developed a sepsis associated to meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C on the 14th day of life. CASE DESCRIPTION: The patient was a term female infant, born to a mother with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, with birth weight of 2,610g, Apgar Score 1, 4 and 8, who needed mechanical ventilation for 24 hours. On the 7th day of life, the neonate was discharged from the hospital with good overall condition. On the 15th day of life, the newborn infant presented fever and respiratory failure. The cerebrospinal fluid showed 1042 cells/mm³, with neutrophilic predominance, protein of 435 mg/dL, and glucose < 10 mg/dL. The blood and the cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. The neonate was hospitalized, needing mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs, and received 21 days of crystalline penicillin. After hospital discharge, there were no signs of neurological sequels and the infant was able to be breastfed. The case report presents a unique situation: an uncommon etiology of neonatal meningitis and favorable evolution, despite neurological sequels reported in the literature. This report emphasizes the need to prevent the premature exposure of newborn infants to pathological agents, especially if they presented birth injuries and/or are preterm, due to their lack of immunological capacity.
O objetivo de nosso estudo foi realizar tipagem molecular de 25 amostras clínicas de Candida spp, isoladas de crianças com candidemia, internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um Hospital Universitário entre 1998 a 2006. Dados demográficos e clínicos foram obtidos de prontuários para conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Identificação das leveduras foi feita por método convencional e a susceptibilidade antifúngica por método de microdiluição. O perfil genético foi determinado pela técnica de RAPD-PCR. Candida albicans (11; 44%) e Candida parapsilosis (10; 40%) foram as mais isoladas. Dezessete (68%) dos recém-nascidos tinham peso inferior a 1.500g. Prematuridade (92%), uso de cateter venoso central (100%), foram as condições de risco mais associados. Dezenove (76%) pacientes foram a óbito. Apenas uma cepa de Candida parapsilosis, mostrou ser sensível dose dependente ao fluconazol. Na análise molecular, foram observados 11 padrões genéticos distintos. Somente em dois casos foi observada relação epidemiológica, sugerindo mesma fonte de infecção.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os testes sorológicos convencionais usados na triagem neonatal para doença de Chagas, discutindo métodos estatísticos disponíveis. Estudou-se uma amostra aleatória dentre 23.308 recém-nascidos triados para doença de Chagas congênita por meio de três testes: imunoensaioenzimático, imunofluorescência indireta e hemoaglutinação indireta. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por diferentes metodologias estatísticas: a análise de classe latente, o teste Kappa e a análise de sensibilidade relativa. Utilizando a análise de classe latente, a maior sensibilidade foi do imunoensaioenzimático (48,6%), seguido pela imunofluorescência indireta (39,8%) e pela hemoaglutinação indireta (23,2%). O valor Kappa foi 0,496. A razão entre as sensibilidades dos testes imunoensaioenzimático e imunofluorescência indireta foi de 92% [0,74;1,13]. A análise de classe latente não se mostrou adequada para determinação de sensibilidade e especificidade, mas forneceu dados importantes sobre a equivalência dos testes, corroborados pela análise de sensibilidade relativa. Os resultados mostraram que o teste imunoensaioenzimático em sangue-seco pode ser utilizado com a mesma segurança do teste imunofluorescência indireta.
Os objetivos desse estudo foram investigar a participação de Candida albicans e não-albicans como agente de colonização e sepse, bem como os fatores de risco associados aos neonatos internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Foi realizada vigilância epidemiológica pelo sistema National Healthcare Safety Network no período entre agosto de 2007 e abril de 2008. A taxa de incidência de sepse com critério microbiológico foi de 6,7/1.000 paciente/dia, constatando-se apenas um caso de candidemia. Aproximadamente, 19% dos neonatos estavam colonizados por Candida, identificadas como Candida albicans (50%) e Candida não-albicans (50%). Os fatores de risco significantes para colonização por Candida spp foram a idade gestacional entre 26 e 30 semanas, o uso prévio de antibiótico e o cateter vascular central umbilical. A mortalidade total foi de 11,8% nos neonatos internados durante o período de estudo com sepse, porém o recém-nascido com candidemia não evoluiu para óbito.
INTRODUCTION: Report the incidence of nosocomial infections, causative microorganisms, risk factors associated with and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in the NICU of the Uberlândia University Hospital. METHODS: Data were collected through the National Healthcare Safety Network surveillance from January 2006 to December 2009. The patients were followed five times/week from their birth to their discharge or death. RESULTS: The study included 1,443 patients, 209 of these developed NIs, totaling 293 NI episodes, principally bloodstream infections (203; 69.3%) and conjunctivitis (52; 17.7%). Device-associated infection rates were as follows: 17.3 primary bloodstream infections per 1,000 central line-days and 3.2 pneumonias per 1000 ventilator-days. The mortality rate in neonates with NI was 11.9%. Mechanical ventilation, total parenteral nutrition, orogastric tube, previous antibiotic therapy, use of CVC and birth weight of 751-1,000g appeared to be associated with a significantly higher risk of NI (p < 0.05). In multiple logistic regression analysis for NI, mechanical ventilation and the use of CVC were independent risk factors (p < 0.05). Coagulase- negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) (36.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (23.6%) were the most common etiologic agents isolated from cultures. The incidences of oxacillin-resistant CoNS and S. aureus were 81.8% and 25.3%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Frequent surveillance was very important to evaluate the association of these well-known risk factors with NIs and causative organisms, assisting in drawing the attention of health care professionals to this potent cause of morbidity.
INTRODUCTION: The outbreak occurred between February and June 2006 and included identification of the cases, analysis of medical records, cultures from environmental sources, resistance analyses and genotyping profile of Serratia marcescens. METHODS: The cultures were composed of 13 blood isolates, 17 rectal and hand swabs and air sampling. RESULTS: The data obtained by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis exhibited three strains that contaminated 24 patients. Systemic infection was the most common in neonates with lower weight, long periods of hospitalization, premature delivery and the use of mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation revealed the multifactorial nature of the outbreak. An endemic clone of S. marcescens was detected.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determinate the incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis among a group of newborns (NBs) from Belém using neonatal screening. METHODS: Among the 6,000 newborns referred for investigation of genetic and metabolic diseases, 1,000 were selected for screening for congenital toxoplasmosis by determining the amount of IgM in the eluates of blood collected on filter paper. Positive tests were confirmed using paired serology of the NB and his mother. RESULTS: Out of the 1,000 NBs assessed, one had a positive screening result that was confirmed by paired serology. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis in Belém was 10/10,000 live NBs.
Introduction Surveillance of nosocomial infections (NIs) is an essential part of quality patient care; however, there are few reports of National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) surveillance in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and none in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to report the incidence of NIs, causative organisms, and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns in a large cohort of neonates admitted to the NICU during a 16-year period. Methods The patients were followed 5 times per week from birth to discharge or death, and epidemiological surveillance was conducted according to the NHSN. Results From January 1997 to December 2012, 4,615 neonates, representing 62,412 patient-days, were admitted to the NICU. The device-associated infection rates were as follows: 17.3 primary bloodstream infections per 1,000 central line-days and 3.2 pneumonia infections per 1,000 ventilator-days. A total of 1,182 microorganisms were isolated from sterile body site cultures in 902 neonates. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) (34.3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (15.6%) were the most common etiologic agents isolated from cultures. The incidences of oxacillin-resistant CoNS and Staphylococcus aureus were 86.4% and 28.3%, respectively. Conclusions The most important NI remains bloodstream infection with staphylococci as the predominant pathogens, observed at much higher rates than those reported in the literature. Multiresistant microorganisms, especially oxacillin-resistant staphylococci and gram-negative bacilli resistant to cephalosporin were frequently found. Furthermore, by promoting strict hygiene measures and meticulous care of the infected infants, the process itself of evaluating the causative organisms was valuable.
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a severe complication in very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns (NB). With the purpose of studying the incidence of IVH, the associated risk factors, and the outcomes for these neonates, we studied all the VLBW infants born in our neonatal unit. Birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, apnea crisis, hydrocephalus, and periventricular leukomalacia were analyzed. The diagnosis of IVH was based on ultrasound scan studies (Papile's classification) performed until the tenth day of life and repeated weekly in the presence of abnormalities. Sixty-seven/101 neonates were studied. The mortality rate was 30.6% (31/101) and the incidence of IVH was 29.8% (20/67) : 70% grade I, 20% grade III and 10% grade IV. The incidence of IVH in NB <1,000 g was 53.8% (p = 0.035) and for gestational age <30 weeks was 47.3% (p = 0.04), both considered risk factors for IVH. The length of hospitalization (p = 0.00015) and mechanical ventilation (p = 0.038) were longer in IHV NB. The IVH NB had a relative risk of 2.3 of developing apnea (p = 0.02), 3.7 of hydrocephalus (p = 0.0007), and 7.7 of periventricular leukomalacia (p < 0.00001). The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the risk factors related to IVH so as to introduce prevention schemes to reduce IVH and to improve outcomes of affected newborns.
PURPOSE: To determine the incidence and characteristics of nonimmune hydrops fetalis in the newborn population. METHOD: A retrospective study of the period between 1996 and 2000, including all newborns with a prenatal or early neonatal diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, based on clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory evaluation. The following were analyzed: prenatal follow-up, delivery type, gender, birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, nutritional classification, etiopathic diagnosis, length of hospital stay, mortality, and age at death. RESULTS: A total of 47 newborns with hydrops fetalis (0.42% of live births), 18 (38.3%) with the immune form and 29 (61.7%) with the nonimmune form, were selected for study. The incidence of nonimmune hydrops fetalis was 1 per 414 neonates. Data was obtained from 21 newborns, with the following characteristics: 19 (90.5%) were suspected from prenatal diagnosis, 18 (85.7%) were born by cesarean delivery, 15 (71.4%) were female, and 10 (47.6%) were asphyxiated. The average weight was 2665.9 g, and the average gestational age was 35 3/7 weeks; 14 (66.6%) were preterm; 18 (85.0 %) appropriate delivery time; and 3 (14.3%) were large for gestational age. The etiopathic diagnosis was determined for 62%, which included cardiovascular (19.0%), infectious (9.5%), placental (4.8%), hematologic (4.7%), genitourinary (4.8%), and tumoral causes (4.8%), and there was a combination of causes in 9.5%. The etiology was classified as idiopathic in 38%. The length of hospital stay was 26.6 ± 23.6 days, and the mortality rate was 52.4%. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of a suitable etiopathic diagnosis associated with prenatal detection of nonimmune hydrops fetalis can be an important step in reducing the neonatal mortality rate from this condition.
OBJETIVO: Estudo ecocardiográfico em recém-nascidos (RN) de grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita, a fim de se determinar a prevalência que justifique esse exame no período neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se, de novembro/91 a abril/93, 156 RN do berçário anexo à Maternidade do HC-FMUSP, sendo RN de mães com cardiopatia congênita ou com diabetes mellitus, crianças de muito baixo peso, com malformações extracardíacas ou presença de sinais cardíacos, caracterizados por sopro, cianose ou arritmia, todos submetidos ao ecocardiograma. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada foi de 21,8%, superior ao da população geral (0,8 a 1,2%), sendo que a maior entre os grupos, de 40,7%, ocorreu no grupo de malformações extracardíacas. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados justificam a realização de ecocardiograma em RN pertencentes a um destes grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o resultado cirúrgico em portadores de transposição das grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto, operados após o período neonatal. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1998 e março de 2004 foram atendidas 121 crianças com transposição das grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto, sendo 29 (24%) após o período neonatal. A seleção para tratamento cirúrgico foi baseada na avaliação ecocardiográfica pelo cálculo da massa do ventrículo esquerdo e da configuração do septo interventricular. Das 29 crianças, 12 foram selecionadas para correção anatômica primária, 12 para correção em dois estágios, após preparo cirúrgico do ventrículo esquerdo e 5 submetidas a correção atrial. RESULTADOS: No grupo submetido à correção anatômica primária houve 1 (8,3%) óbito hospitalar por sepsis. No grupo de correção em dois estágios, 5 pacientes foram submetidos ao preparo lento, com correção 3-6 meses após o 1º estágio, ocorrendo 4 óbitos após o 1º estágio. Este fato determinou mudança no nosso protocolo, adotando-se a técnica de preparo rápido nos outros 7 pacientes, tendo todos atingido o 2º estágio. Das 8 crianças submetidas ao 2º estágio houve 1 óbito hospitalar e outro óbito tardio. A evolução clínica tardia das crianças de ambos os grupos é excelente. CONCLUSÃO: A seleção ecocardiográfica adequada da transposição de grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto quando abordada após o período neonatal, permitiu uma orientação segura da escolha da melhor abordagem cirúrgica nestes pacientes.