74 resultados para Ondine - levy-yhtiö
This study examined the stress response of pirarucu juveniles in a closed system transport. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is a native Amazonian fish species from the Osteoglossidae family and an obligated air breather. A short duration transport trial (6h) was undertaken comparing closed polyethylene bags filled with atmospheric air (Air group) and bags filled with pure oxygen (Oxi group). Dissolved oxygen was the only water parameter that presented a difference between fish groups, and was saturated in the oxi group as expected. There was no mortality in either group after transport. Fish feeding was observed 36 h after transport for all fish, and normal feeding consumption was observed at 72 h. In both groups physiological responses were similar. Cortisol did not show any significant alteration during the sampled period. Unlike most fish species, cortisol values were unaltered in both groups during sampling, while glucose presented a significant change up to 12 h after transport. The results showed that pirarucu transport in plastic bags could be made with either atmospheric air or pure oxygen, since physiological response to stress, water quality and feeding behavior after 36 h were similar in both groups.
Efeito do volume do tanque-rede na produtividade de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) durante a recria
O objetivo desta nota foi avaliar o efeito do volume do tanque-rede na produtividade de juvenis de tambaqui durante a recria. Juvenis de tambaqui foram criados por 60 dias, na densidade de 300 peixes/m³, em tanques-rede de dois diferentes volumes: 1 e 6 m³. Foram avaliados parâmetros de crescimento e de produtividade final. Não houve diferença no crescimento em peso e em comprimento. O coeficiente de variação do comprimento foi significativamente menor para os peixes do tanque-rede pequeno. A sobrevivência, produção por volume e o ganho de peso não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Os peixes do tanque de maior volume foram significativamente mais eficientes na conversão alimentar. A recria pode ser realizada em tanques dos dois volumes testados sem prejuízo zootécnico para o criador.
A eficácia do mentol como anestésico para tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Characiformes: Characidae)
Os anestésicos são importantes na piscicultura para reduzir o estresse e a mortalidade no manejo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a eficácia do mentol para tambaqui durante o manejo. Na primeira série de testes, foi examinado o efeito da concentração de anestésico sobre indução à anestesia e o estresse de tambaqui. Na segunda série de testes, foi avaliada a recuperação dos peixes após a exposição a uma concentração de 150 mg/L de mentol por diferentes tempos. Na terceira série, foi avaliada se a melhor concentração encontrada para juvenil (150 mg/L) também era adequada para peixes maiores. A melhor concentração para uma anestesia cirúrgica foi 150 mg/L, pois o tempo de indução é rápido, porém a recuperação é significativamente mais demorada do que para as menores concentrações testadas. Para uma anestesia, com finalidade de biometria, a melhor concentração foi 100 mg/L. Nesta concentração o tempo de indução à anestesia é prolongado, porém o tempo de recuperação está dentro da faixa considerada adequada. O tempo de recuperação do tambaqui quando exposto a 150 mg/L é significativamente igual para 10, 20 e 30 minutos de anestesia. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o mentol é um anestésico eficiente para o tambaqui.
O pirarucu é um peixe nativo da bacia Amazônica com respiração aérea obrigatória. Em condições de criação, atinge até 10 kg em um ano, sendo um dos peixes com maior potencial para criação na Amazônia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as respostas de estresse em pirarucu quando submetido a práticas comuns em sistema de criação. Para isso, foram realizados três diferentes experimentos: 1) transporte; 2) adensamento; e 3) exposição à amônia. Foram analisados parâmetros do metabolismo energético (glicose e lactato), hormonal (cortisol), e de hematologia (hematócrito). Em todos os protocolos testados foram observadas alterações nos parâmetros fisiológicos do pirarucu. As respostas de estresse durante o transporte foram similares às do adensamento, porém, a magnitude das repostas ao adensamento foi maior. A exposição à amônia não causou alteração imediata nos parâmetros fisiológicos, havendo latência nas respostas de estresse. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as alterações nos parâmetros metabólicos ocorrem no momento de maior intensidade de manejo, e provavelmente podem ser reduzidas com adoção de boas práticas na criação.
Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is an obligatory air-breathing fish from the Amazon basin. Previous study showed that pirarucu juveniles present a latency period in their response to moderate stress (transportation). Therefore the objective of this study was to verify the effects of a prolonged air exposure stress in lactate, glucose, cortisol, haematocrit, haemoglobin, and liver glycogen in pirarucu. Thirty-six fish were handled by netting and subjected to air exposure for 75-min. Six fish were sampled before handling and at 0, 6, 24, 48, and 96h after handling. Fish cortisol, lactate and haematocrit rose after handling, returning to previous unstressed values on the following sampling (6h after handling). Glucose increased significantly after handling and that was maintained for 24 h. There were no changes in haemoglobin and liver glycogen as a consequence of handling. The results demonstrate a quick response when exposed to an acute stressor and a fast recovery, suggesting that pirarucu does not use their glycogen reserves during an acute stress. The results suggest that pirarucu exhibit physiological stress responses to handling similar in magnitude to those previously documented for many teleostean fishes, including salmonids.
O pirarucu é um peixe nativo da bacia Amazônica cuja criaçãovem sendo estudada em algumas partes do Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi testar o sal de cozinha como mitigador de estresse durante o transporte de juvenis de pirarucu (1 kg). Para isso, os peixes foram transportados em dois diferentes sistemas: caixas sem adição de oxigênio (transporte aberto) e sacos plásticos com injeção de oxigênio e lacrado (transporte fechado). Nos dois sistemas os peixes foram transportados em três diferentes tratamentos: controle e duas concentrações de sal na água (3 e 6 g.L-1). Após o transporte os peixes foram colocados em viveiros para avaliação da recuperação. Foram analisados parâmetros do metabolismo energético (cortisol, glicose e lactato) e de hematologia (hematócrito). O sal de cozinha não foi eficiente em mitigar as respostas de estresse no transporte em nenhum dos dois sistemas de transporte estudados.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sal (NaCl) sobre as respostas fisiológicas e controle de helmintos monogenóides em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Para isso, juvenis de tambaqui (42,38 ± 0,47 g; 13,90 ± 0,06 cm) foram transferidos para tanques de 350L e aclimatados por um período de 24 horas. Os ensaios foram conduzidos utilizando as concentrações de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 g de sal comum L-1 de água, nos tempos de exposição de 30, 60 e 120 minutos, com três repetições por tratamento. A tolerância dos tambaquis ao sal e a eficácia deste sobre os helmintos monogenóides foi avaliada mediante análise dos indicadores fisiológicos (glicose, cloretos, sódio e potássio plasmático) e parasitológicos (número total de parasitas e prevalência). Tambaquis expostos a 4 g NaCl L-1 por 120 minutos, 6 e 8 g NaCl L-1 por 60 e 120 minutos apresentaram maior elevação da glicose plasmática e na concentração de 8 g NaCl L-1 por 120 minutos maiores níveis de cloreto plasmático. A prevalência de monogenóides nas brânquias foi de 100% e todas as concentrações de sal avaliadas neste estudo não foram eficazes na redução dos helmintos monogenóides em tambaqui.
OBJECTIVE: Noninvasive cardiac assessment of newborns and infants of women with systemic lupus erythematosus. The children had no congenital total atrioventricular block and were compared with the children of healthy women. METHODS: We prospectively assessed 13 newborns and infants aged 1 to 60 days, children of women with systemic lupus erythematosus and without congenital total atrioventricular block. These children were compared with 30 children of women who had no lupus or anti-Ro/SSA antibodies, and no risk factors for congenital heart disease either. Their age groups matched. The following examinations were performed: cardiological physical examination, electrocardiography, echocardiography, and signal-averaged electrocardiography. RESULTS: The statistical analysis showed no significant difference in ventricular function or in the cardiac conduction system between the groups. CONCLUSION: In regard to the conduction system and ventricular function in the absence of total atrioventricular block, no statistically significant difference was observed between the children of women with systemic lupus erythematosus and children of healthy women.
This paper proves the following theorems on the gamma function: Theorem I The integral ∫O∞ t u e-t dt = Γ ( u + 1 ) , where u, real or complex, is such that R (u) > -1, will not change its value if we substitute z = Q (cos φ + i sen φ) for the real variable t, being jconstant and such that - Π/2 < φ < Π/2 , Theorem II The integral ∫-∞∞ w2u + 1 e -w² dw = Γ ( u + 1 ) , where 2u + 1 is supposed to be a non negative even integer, will not change its value if we substitute z = w + fi, f being a real constant, for the real variable w. The proof of both theorems is obtained by means of the well known Cauchy theorem on contour integrals on the complex plane, as suggested by CRAMÉR (1, p. 126) and LEVY (3, p. 178).
A genetic study of the neotropical river otter Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818), which has an unknown conservation status, was carried out at the Taim Ecological Station and the margins of the Vargas stream, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Faecal samples were collected, and DNA was extracted using a silica-guanidine method. Five microsatellite loci were amplified using PCR with heterologous primers previously described for Lutra lutra (Linnaeus, 1758). Sixteen faecal samples out of 29 from Taim and 11 out of 14 from Vargas stream margins contained enough DNA for genetic analysis. A total of 49 different alleles were found at both localities, from which 18 were exclusively found in individuals from Taim and 17 were exclusives from Vargas individuals. The most common allele was the same at both locations for three loci (Lut715, Lut733, and Lut818). A high level of genetic diversity was found at both sites (NeTaim=4.1, HoTaim=0.299, HeTaim=0.681; NeVargas=4.9, HoVargas=0.355, HeVargas=0.724), being higher at the Vargas stream site. A high and significant level of heterozygote deficiency was observed at most loci according to the χ2 test. The homogeneity χ2 test (P<0.001) showed that there were significant differences in the allele frequencies between the two locations. Genotyping for more than one locus was possible in 81.5% of samples, from which only 37% were possible to genotype for more than three loci. A low degree of relatedness was found among individuals from Taim (R=0.055±0.310), but an even lower value of relatedness was found at the Vargas site (R= -0.285±0.440). The significant degree of differentiation (I=0.890; F ST=0.059) found between Taim and Vargas individuals suggests that there is more than one population of otters in the southern extreme of Brazil, which probably are associated with the water body systems found in this region, the Mirim and the Caiuvá/Flores/Mangueira Lagoons. The high genetic diversity and low relatedness found at the Vargas stream, lead us to believe that the Vargas stream may be acting as a corridor between these water bodies for otter dispersion.
A ocorrência de larvas de Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner, 1932) resistentes ao vírus AgMNPV em laboratório levou ao estudo dos hemócitos deste inseto para avaliar sua participação nos mecanismos que possibilitam a resistência ao vírus. As larvas resistentes com 6 - 11 dias de desenvolvimento (3º a 5º instar) foram anestesiadas por resfriamento e rapidamente limpas em álcool 70%. A hemolinfa foi coletada através de punção abdominal, a análise morfológica foi realizada em contraste de fase e esfregaços corados com solução de Seller. A contagem total de hemócitos (CTH) foi realizada em câmara de Neubauer com hemolinfa não diluída. Para a contagem diferencial de hemócitos (CDH), utilizou-se hemolinfa diluída em solução anticoagulante para insetos. Foram identificados seis tipos de hemócitos: plasmatócitos (38,5%), granulócitos (22,6%), oenocitóides (20,4%), esferulócitos (14,5%), prohemócitos (2,3%) e vermiformes (1,5%). O número total de hemócitos mostrou um aumento significativo durante o período larval estudado.
1.-Since the parietal endocarditis represents a chapter generally neglected, owing to the relative lack of cases, and somewhat confused because there various terms have been applied to a very same morbid condition, it justifies the work which previously we tried to accomplish, of nosographic classification. Taking into account the functional disturbances and the anatomical changes, all cases of parietal endocarditis referred to in the litterature were distributed by the following groups: A-Group-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 1st . type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis per continuum. 2nd. type-Metastatic valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 3rd. type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis of the mitral stenosis. B-Group-Genuine parietal endocarditis. a) with primary lesions in the myocardium. b) with primary lesions in the endocardium. 4th type-Fibrous chronic parietal endocarditis (B A Ü M L E R), « endocarditis parietalis simplex». 5th type-Septic acute parietal endocarditis (LESCHKE), «endocarditis parietalis septica». 6th type-Subacute parietal endocarditis (MAGARINOS TORRES), «endocarditis muralis lenta». 2.-Studying a group of 14 cases of fibrous endomyocarditis with formation of thrombi, and carrying together pathological and bacteriological examinations it has been found that some of such cases represent an infectious parietal endocarditis, sometimes post-puerperal, of subacute or slow course, the endocardic vegetations being contamined by pathogenic microörganisms of which the most frequent is the Diplococcus pneumoniae, in most cases of attenuated virulence. Along with the infectious parietal endocarditis, there occur arterial and venous thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femural arteries and external jugular veins). The case 5,120 is a typical one of this condition which we name subacute parietal endocarditis (endocarditis parietalis s. muralis lenta). 3.-The endocarditis muralis lenta encloses an affection reputed to be of rare occurrence, the «myocardite subaigüe primitive», of which JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN published in 1901 the first cases, and ROQUE and LEVY, another, in 1914. The «myocardite subaigüe primitive» was, wrongly, in our opinion, included by WALZER in the syndrome of myocardia of LAUBRY and WALZER, considering that, in the refered cases of JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN and in that of ROQUE and LEVY, there are described rather considerable inflammatory changes in the myocardium and endocardium. The designation «myocardia» was however especially created by LAUBRY and WALZER for the cases of heart failure in which the most careful aetiologic inquiries and the most minucious clinical examination were unable to explain, and in which, yet, the post-mortem examination did not reveal any anatomical change at all, it being forcible to admit, then, a primary functional change of the cardiac muscle fibre. This special cardiac condition is thoroughly exemplified in the observation that WALZER reproduces on pages 1 to 7 of his book. 4.-The clinical picture of the subacute parietal endocarditis is that of heart failure with oedemas, effusion in the serous cavities and passive chronic congestion of the lungs, liver, kideys and spleen associated, to that of an infectious disease of subacute course. The fever is rather transient oscillating around 99.5 F., being intersected with apyretic periods of irregular duration; it is not dependent on any evident extracardiac septic infection. In other cases the fever is slight, particularly in the final stage of the disease, when the heart failure is well established. The rule is to observe then, hypothermy. The cardiac-vascular signs consist of enlargement of the cardiac dullness, smoothing of the cardiac sounds, absence of organic murmurs and accentuated and persistent tachycardia up to a certain point independent of fever. The galloprhythm is present, in most cases. The signs of the pulmonary infarct are rather expressed by the aspect of the sputum, which is foamy and blood-streaked than by the classic signs. Cerebral embolism was a terminal accident on various cases. Yet, in some of them, along with the signs of septicemia and of cardiac insufficiency, occurred vascular, arterial (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femurals arteries) and venous (extern jugular veins) thromboses. 5. The autopsy revealed an inflammatory process located on the parietal endocardium, accompanied by abundant formation of ancient and recent thrombi, being the apex of the left ventricle, the junction of the anterior wall of the same ventricle, with the interventricular septum, and the right auricular appendage, the usual seats of the inflammatory changes. The region of the left branch of HIS bundle is spared. The other changes found consist of fibrosis of the myocardium (healed infarcts and circumscribed interstitial myocarditis), of recent visceral infarcts chiefly in lungs, spleen and brain, of recent or old infarcts in the kidneys (embolic nephrocirrhosis) and in the spleen, and of vascular thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiacs and femurals arteries and external jugular veins), aside from hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, cutaneous oedema, chronic passive congestion of the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys and slight ictericia. 6. In the subacute parietal endocarditis the primary lesions sometimes locate themselves at the myocardium, depending on the ischemic necrosis associated to the arteriosclerosis of the coronariae arteries, or on an specific myocarditis. Other times, the absence of these conditions is suggestive of a primary attack to the parietal endocardium which is then the primary seat of the lesions. It matters little whatever may be the initial pathogenic mechanism; once injured the parietal endocardium and there being settled the infectious injury, the endocarditis develops with peculiar clinical and anatomical characters of remarkable uniformity, constituting an anatomo-clinical syndrome. 7.-The histologic sections show that recent lesions
We report for the first time the expression of multiple protease activities in the first instar larva (L1) of the flesh fly Oxysarcodexia thornax (Walker). Zymographic analysis of homogenates from freshly obtained L1 revealed a complex proteolytic profile ranging from 21.5 to 136 kDa. Although some activities were detected at pH 3.5 and 5.5, the optimum pH for most of the proteolytic activities was between pH 7.5 and 9.5. Seven of 10 proteases were completely inactivated by phenyl-methyl sulfonyl-fluoride, suggesting that main proteases expressed by L1 belong to serine proteases class. Complete inactivation of all enzymatic activities was obtained using N-p-Tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone (100 µM), a specific inhibitor of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases.
We conducted a cross-sectional, hospital-based study between January 2006-March 2008 to estimate the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to first-line drugs in patients with tuberculosis at a Brazilian hospital. We evaluated the performance of the [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide] (MTT) microplate assay compared with the Bactec-MGIT 960 system for mycobacteria testing. The prevalence of resistance in M. tuberculosis was 6.7%. Multidrug-resistance [resistance to rifampicin (RMP) and isoniazid (INH)], INH-resistance and streptomycin (SM)-resistance accounted for 1%, 3.8% and 3.8% of all resistance, respectively, and all isolates were susceptible to ethambutol (EM). The resistance was primary in four cases and acquired in three cases and previous treatment was associated with resistance (p = 0.0129). Among the 119 M. tuberculosis isolates, complete concordance of the results for INH and EM was observed between the MTT microplate and Bactec-MGIT 960TM methods. The observed agreement for RMP was 99% (sensitivity: 90%) and 95.8% for SM (sensitivity 90.9%), lower than those for other drugs. The MTT colourimetric method is an accurate, simple and low-cost alternative in settings with limited resources.