47 resultados para Older Sub-acute ED Presentations
A sub-notificação de casos de meningite no decorrer de uma epidemia de meningite meningocócica foi estudada em uma região do Estado de S. Paulo, Brasil. Os casos conhecidos através dos atestados de óbito (não notificados em vida) foram usados como medida indireta da sub-notificação. Esta, que chegou a 37,6% em 1971, caiu para 2,1% em 1975. Foi possível quantificá-la e demonstrar que seguiu uma função exponencial negativa com o tempo. A aplicação da metodologia apresentada, em amostra casual e probabilística, proporcionará um melhor conhecimento da incidência da doença, mais adequado ao estudo da tendência da epidemia, o que permitirá estimar com maior segurança o impacto epidemiológico provocado pelas medidas adotadas para controle da mesma.
Visando quantificar o sub-registro de nascimento e identificar fatores que podem condicionar a deficiência do registro de nascimento entre crianças menores de um ano, foram feitas 2.893 entrevistas em uma amostra probabilística de domicílios, da área urbana do município de Salvador, BA (Brasil), em 1977. Na população do estudo, 32,0% das crianças não foram registradas. Para crianças vivas, com mais de 15 dias, o sub-registro de nascimento foi de 29,9%, e para crianças, com mais de 60 dias (prazo legal para registro), o sub-registro foi de 27,5%. As variáveis intervenientes, positivamente associadas ao registro de nascimento em Salvador, são: nível de renda da mãe, escolaridade dos pais, situação conjugal, filiação dos pais a instituições de seguro social, classificação do bairro de residência e batismo. A probabilidade do registro diminui com o aumento do número de filhos. Entre as crianças com registro de nascimento, 41,4% foram registradas depois de 15 dias e 14,0% após 60 dias do nascimento.
Foi realizado estudo com a finalidade de verificar as condições de profilaxia da raiva humana, em sub-regiões administrativas do Estado de São Paulo com vistas a obter melhor orientação quanto ao uso de vacinas e soros anti-rábicos. Foram analisadas 4.121 fichas contendo dados de pessoas que procuraram 31 Unidades Sanitárias dos Distritos de Marília, Assis e Tupã, no período de 1982/83. Os resultados evidenciaram: má qualidade do preenchimento das fichas; 84,1% dos acidentes foram provocados por animais da espécie canina; o grupo etário mais atingido foi o de 5 a 14 anos; 65,7% dos acidentes foram no próprio domicílio; vários casos deixariam de ser tratados, caso houvesse maior e melhor observação durante o período de 10 dias; o índice de abandono de tratamento foi de 10,4%; falta maior entrosamento entre as Instituições que, direta ou indiretamente, têm compromissos com o controle e a profilaxia da raiva.
Decorrente de falta de dados que informem de modo fidedigno aos planejadores da área de Saúde, objetivou-se estimar a taxa mínima de sub-registro de nascimentos vivos na cidade de Piripiri, Piauí, no período de 1 de julho de 1983 a 30 de junho de 1984. O método utilizado para medir o sub-registro foi a comparação dos dados oficiais (Cartório de Registro Civil) com os não oficiais (Fundação Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública - FSESP e Igreja Católica), cujo resultado mostrou uma taxa mínima de sub-registro muito alta (68,4%) quando comparada com taxas de outras localidades brasileiras. Estudou-se a associação entre registro civil e variáveis interveníentes como local do parto, sexo da criança, estado civil e zona de residência da mãe. Concluiu-se ser o sub-registro um problema de Saúde Pública cujos fatores fundamentais como a educação, a conscientização da população e a gratuidade do registro, dentre outros, poderão contribuir para sua diminuição, com a conseqüente melhoria do planejamento das ações na área da Saúde Pública, de benéfica repercussão na vida da população.
Population ageing is currently a phenomenon not only in developed countries but also in third world countries. In this paper the features of a population's ageing and the process of epidemiological transition are discussed along with the worldwide changes in age-structure. Population statistics in Brazil and the characteristics of the elderly population are presented and analysed in the light of recent changes. The Brazilian elderly population is also discussed, particularly the issues relating to the social cost of the aged population, its urban and rural distribution, the elderly by sex, marital status and level of schooling, and emphasis is given to the imbalance of the sexes and the consequences of it for women.
A cohort study on acute respiratory infections, involving 270 children observed by pediatricians in their homes every 10 days over a period of 32 months, gave the opportunity to experience logistic and methodological problems seldom described in the literature. The purpose of this article is to alert researchers as to the difficulties faced when performing community-based studies in developing countries. Although a carefully planned project was undertaken, problem areas included the establishment of the target population, population dynamics, field related problems, laboratory aspects and data management. It is hoped that other investigators may benefit from the extensive experience gained from our program in foreseeing and coping with the difficulties involved.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a real situação do Registro Civil, no Município de Maringá, PR, Brasil, foram estudados 4.876 nascimentos vivos ocorridos nos seus hospitais, em 1989, filhos de mulheres nele residentes. São apresentadas as etapas que permitiram identificar, dentre a população de estudo, os nascimentos registrados (mesclagem de dois arquivos). A estimativa máxima da taxa de sub-registro, no primeiro ano de vida, foi igual a 9,1%, variando segundo idade da mãe (quanto mais jovem, maior a taxa), situação previdenciária (indigentes com a maior estimativa) e paridade (primíparas, menor valor), permitindo aventar a hipótese de associação entre sub-registro e piores níveis socioeconômicos.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the severity of dapsone (DDS) acute intoxication an uncommon medical event using clinical and laboratory parameters. METHODS: Two hundred and seventy four patients with acute DDS intoxication, aged 1 month to 50 years old, were studied and classified into four age groups. Clinical evaluation was assessed through a protocol and correlated with laboratory parameters. Spectrophotometric methods were used to analyze methemoglobinemia (MHbp) and dapsonemia (DDSp). RESULTS: The most prevalent clinical sign of intoxication was cyanosis, seen in 65.7% of the patients and in 100% of children less than 5 years of age. According to laboratory criteria, MHbp-related severe clinical intoxication was seen in 56.2% and DDSp-related occurred in 58% of the patients. Regarding DDSp, intoxication was considered severe when 20 tablets (100 mg each) were ingested, a median of 29 mug/ml. Regarding MHbp, intoxication was severe when 7.5 tablets were ingested, a median of 38% of the total Hb. The correlation between MHbp and DDSp was statistically significant (n=144, r=0.32, p<0.05). Negative correlation was observed between MHbp and the time elapsed since DDS intake (n=124, r=-0.34, p<0.001). There was also a negative correlation between DDSp and the time elapsed since DDS intake (n=63, r=-0.35, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal analysis showed a significant association between methemoglobinemia and the time elapsed after the intake (t), according to the equation: Dapsonemia = 12.9256 - 0.0682t + 0.234 methemoglobinemia
INTRODUCTION: Population aging in Brazil has increased the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease) and affective disorders (anxiety, depression), all common in old age. A retrospective study was carried out with the purpose of ascertaining if there is an association between falls and psychoactive medication use among older residents of a community in Brazil. METHODS: All residents aged 65+ (n=161) of one neighborhood of Campo Belo, Brazil (population of 48,000) were evaluated regarding the use of psychoactive drugs and the occurrence of falls in the 12 months preceding the study. Vision and hearing screenings were also performed. RESULTS: From the study population, 9.3% were taking prolonged half-life benzodiazepines, 4.4% anticonvulsants (mostly barbiturates), 2.5% antidepressants (all cyclics) and 8.1% alpha-methyldopa. No subject reported use of hypnotics, neuroleptics or drugs to treat Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases (except biperiden). As a whole, drugs that increase the risk of falls were used by 1/5 of this population. In the 12-month period preceding the study, 27 residents (16.8%) experienced falls and, of those, 4 (14.8%) had fracture(s). There was an independent association between psychoactive drug use and falls when variables such as age, gender, vision and hearing were controlled (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Although the population of this neighborhood must be considered young (only 4% are 65 years old or more), there are already problems related to the use of psychoactive drugs among people. Prescribed anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants and antihypertensives are not appropriate for this age group and their use is associated with falls.
OBJETIVO: Estimar o número de acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em determinada localidade e intervalo de tempo e a extensão do sub-registro de casos. MÉTODOS: Amostraram-se 4.782 domicílios residenciais do município de Botucatu, SP, contendo 17.219 moradores, em primeiro de julho de 1997. Em cada um dos domicílios, um morador adulto era entrevistado para identificar ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho nos três meses precedentes à entrevista. Nos casos positivos, os acidentados foram entrevistados. Para cálculo do intervalo de confiança utilizou-se a formula de Cochran. RESULTADOS: Confirmaram ter sofrido acidente do trabalho 76 indivíduos, estimando-se em 1.810 o número desses eventos em Botucatu no ano de 1997 e a proporção de incidência em 4,1% (IC95% 3,0%-5,3%). Dos 76 acidentados, 39 não eram cobertos pelo seguro acidente previdenciário (51,3% IC95% 41,1%-61,6%), não se enquadrando na obrigatoriedade de emissão de Comunicação de Acidente do Trabalho (funcionários públicos estatutários, autônomos, assalariados sem registro em carteira, proprietários e outros). Dentre os 37 casos com obrigatoriedade de emissão desse documento, 20 casos não possuíam (54,1% IC39,4%-68,7%). Houve maior proporção de sub-registro de casos em trabalhadores de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, do que entre grandes empresas. Apenas 22,4% (IC13,8%, 30,9%) dos acidentes do trabalho informados nas entrevistas domiciliares foram captados pelos registros previdenciários CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam a necessidade de melhoria de utilização de outras fontes de informação, além das Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho, para elaboração das estatísticas oficiais sobre acidentes do trabalho.
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the influence of the type of child-care on the occurrence of acute diarrhea with special emphasis on the effect of children grouping during care. METHODS: From October 1998 to January 1999 292 children, aged 24 to 36 months, recruited using a previously assembled cohort of newborns, were evaluated. Information on the type of care and occurrence of diarrhea in the previous year was obtained from parents by telephone interview. The X² and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare proportions and quantitative variables, respectively. The risk of diarrhea was estimated through the calculation of incident odds ratios (OR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), crude and adjusted by unconditional logistic regression. RESULTS: Using as reference category children cared individually at home, the adjusted ORs for diarrhea occurrence were 3.18, 95% CI [1.49, 6.77] for children cared in group at home, 2.28, 95% CI [0.92, 5.67] for children cared in group in day-care homes and 2.54, 95% CI [1.21, 5.33] for children cared in day-care centers. Children that changed from any other type of child-care setting to child-care centers in the year preceding the study showed a risk even higher (OR 7.65, 95% CI [3.25, 18.02]). CONCLUSIONS: Group care increases the risk of acute diarrhea whatsoever the specific setting.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics and associated factors of the smoking habit among older adults. METHODS: A population-based study was carried out comprising 1,606 (92.2%) older adults (>60 years old) living in the Bambuí town, Southeastern Brazil in 1997. Data was obtained by means of interview and socio-demographic factors, health status, physical functioning, use of healthcare services and medication were considered. The multiple multinomial logistic regression was used to assess independent associations between smoking habits (current and former smokers) and the exploratory variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of current and past smoking was 31.4% and 40.2% among men, and 10.3% and 11.2% among women, respectively (p<0.001). Among current smokers, men consumed a larger number of cigarettes per day and started the habit earlier than women. Among men, current smoking presented independent and negative association with age (>80 years) and schooling (>8 years) and positive association with poor health perception and not being married. Among women, independent and negative associations with current smoking were observed for age (75-79 and >80 years) and schooling (4-7 and >8 years). CONCLUSIONS: Smoking was a public health concern among older adults in the studied community, particularly for men. Yet, in a low schooling population, a slightly higher level was a protective factor against smoking for both men and women. Programs for reducing smoking in the elderly population should take these findings into consideration.
OBJECTIVE: Myocardial infarction is an acute and severe cardiovascular disease that generally leads to patient admissions to intensive care units and few cases are initially admitted to infirmaries. The objective of the study was to assess whether estimates of air pollution effects on myocardial infarction morbidity are modified by the source of health information. METHODS: The study was carried out in hospitals of the Brazilian Health System in the city of São Paulo, Southern Brazil. A time series study (1998-1999) was performed using two outcomes: infarction admissions to infirmaries and to intensive care units, both for people older than 64 years of age. Generalized linear models controlling for seasonality (long and short-term trends) and weather were used. The eight-day cumulative effects of air pollutants were assessed using third degree polynomial distributed lag models. RESULTS: Almost 70% of daily hospital admissions due to myocardial infarction were to infirmaries. Despite that, the effects of air pollutants on infarction were higher for intensive care units admissions. All pollutants were positively associated with the study outcomes but SO2 presented the strongest statistically significant association. An interquartile range increase on SO2 concentration was associated with increases of 13% (95% CI: 6-19) and 8% (95% CI: 2-13) of intensive care units and infirmary infarction admissions, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: It may be assumed there is a misclassification of myocardial infarction admissions to infirmaries leading to overestimation. Also, despite the absolute number of events, admissions to intensive care units data provides a more adequate estimate of the magnitude of air pollution effects on infarction admissions.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the lag structure between air pollution exposure and elderly cardiovascular diseases hospital admissions, by gender. METHODS: Health data of people aged 64 years or older was stratified by gender in São Paulo city, Southeastern Brazil, from 1996 to 2001. Daily levels of air pollutants (CO, PM10, O3, NO2, and SO2) , minimum temperature, and relative humidity were also analyzed. It were fitted generalized additive Poisson regressions and used constrained distributed lag models adjusted for long time trend, weekdays, weather and holidays to assess the lagged effects of air pollutants on hospital admissions up to 20 days after exposure. RESULTS: Interquartile range increases in PM10 (26.21 mug/m³) and SO2 (10.73 mug/m³) were associated with 3.17% (95% CI: 2.09-4.25) increase in congestive heart failure and 0.89% (95% CI: 0.18-1.61) increase in total cardiovascular diseases at lag 0, respectively. Effects were higher among female group for most of the analyzed outcomes. Effects of air pollutants for different outcomes and gender groups were predominately acute and some "harvesting" were found. CONLUSIONS: The results show that cardiovascular diseases in São Paulo are strongly affected by air pollution.