40 resultados para Multimodal analyses
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) infections are responsible for significant losses in the poultry industry worldwide. A zoonotic risk has been attributed to APEC strains because they present similarities to extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) associated with illness in humans, mainly urinary tract infections and neonatal meningitis. Here, we present in silico analyses with pathogenic E. coli genome sequences, including recently available APEC genomes. The phylogenetic tree, based on multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) of seven housekeeping genes, revealed high diversity in the allelic composition. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, the phylogenetic tree was able to cluster the different pathotypes together. An in silico virulence gene profile was also determined for each of these strains, through the presence or absence of 83 well-known virulence genes/traits described in pathogenic E. coli strains. The MLST phylogeny and the virulence gene profiles demonstrated a certain genetic similarity between Brazilian APEC strains, APEC isolated in the United States, UPEC (uropathogenic E. coli) and diarrheagenic strains isolated from humans. This correlation corroborates and reinforces the zoonotic potential hypothesis proposed to APEC.
Kinematic analysis relates to the relative movement between rigid bodies and finds application in gait analysis and other body movements, interpretation of their data when there is change, determines the choice of treatment to be instituted. The objective of this study was to standardize the march of Dog Golden Retriever Healthy to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. We used a kinematic analysis system to analyse the gait of seven dogs Golden Retriever, female, aged between 2 and 4 years, weighing 21.5 to 28 kg, clinically normal. Flexion and extension were described for shoulder, elbow, carpal, hip, femorotibialis and tarsal joints. The gait was characterized lateral and had accepted hypothesis of normality for all variables, except for the stance of hip and elbow, considering a confidence level of 95%, significance level α = 0.05. Variations have been attributed to displacement of the stripes during movement and the duplicated number of reviews. The kinematic analysis proved to be a consistent method of evaluation of the movement during canine gait and the data can be used in the diagnosis and evaluation of canine gait in comparison to other studies and treatment of dogs with musculoskeletal disorders.
Biological systems are complex dynamical systems whose relationships with environment have strong implications on their regulation and survival. From the interactions between plant and environment can emerge a quite complex network of plant responses rarely observed through classical analytical approaches. The objective of this current study was to test the hypothesis that photosynthetic responses of different tree species to increasing irradiance are related to changes in network connectances of gas exchange and photochemical apparatus, and alterations in plant autonomy in relation to the environment. The heat dissipative capacity through daily changes in leaf temperature was also evaluated. It indicated that the early successional species (Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. and Rhamnidium elaeocarpum Reiss.) were more efficient as dissipative structures than the late successional one (Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze), suggesting that the parameter deltaT (T ºCair - T ºCleaf) could be a simple tool in order to help the classification of successional classes of tropical trees. Our results indicated a pattern of network responses and autonomy changes under high irradiance. Considering the maintenance of daily CO2 assimilation, the tolerant species (C. myrianthum and R. elaeocarpum) to high irradiance trended to maintain stable the level of gas exchange network connectance and to increase the autonomy in relation to the environment. On the other hand, the late successional species (C. legalis) trended to lose autonomy, decreasing the network connectance of gas exchange. All species showed lower autonomy and higher network connectance of the photochemical apparatus under high irradiance.
Vegetation on rock outcrops in the "Chapada Diamantina" (soil islands) is often aggregated and surrounded by nude rock surfaces, thus creating natural units with well defined limits. The flowering and fruiting cycles of plants on 58 soil islands at altitudes between 1,100 and 1,140 meters above sea leavel were analyzed at Mãe Inácia Peak (12°27' S and 41°28' W) in the "Chapada Diamantina", Bahia, Brazil. The presence/absence of flowering and fruiting species on each soil island, and their respective cover areas were analyzed at both the population and community levels, and the phenophases of flowering and fruiting were observed during 24 successive months. The analyses of pollination and seed dispersal syndromes indicated that animals are more important in pollination than in seed dispersal (which is predominantly by anemochory and autochory). The flowering and fruiting of plants with animal pollination syndromes were correlated with rainfall and temperature. The flowering season varied during the year according to the pollination syndrome involved: entomophily was predominant from summer through autumn, ornithophily was predominant during winter, and anemophily in the spring. The staggered timing of flowering and fruiting among different species provides a nearly continuous supply of resources for the local fauna.
The complete SSU rDNA was sequenced for 10 individuals of Cladophora vagabunda collected along the coast of Brazil. For C. rupestris (L.) Kütz. a partial SSU rDNA sequence (1634 bp) was obtained. Phylogenetic trees indicate that Cladophora is paraphyletic, but the section Glomeratae sensu lato including C. vagabunda from Brazil, Japan and France, C. albida (Nees) Kütz., C. sericea (Hudson) Kütz., and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. is monophyletic. Within this group C. vagabunda is paraphyletic. The sequence identity for the SSU rDNA varied from 98.9% to 100% for the Brazilian C. vagabunda, and from 98.3% to 99.7% comparing the Brazilian individuals to the ones from France and Japan. Sequence identity of the Brazilian C. vagabunda to C. albida and C. sericea vary from 98.0% to 98.6%. The SSU rDNA phylogeny support partially the morphological characteristics presented by Brazilian populations of C. vagabunda. On the other hand, C. rupestris from Brazil does not group with C. rupestris from France, both sequences presenting only 96.9% of identity. The inclusion of sequences of individuals from Brazil reinforces the need of taxonomical revision for the genus Cladophora and for the complex C. vagabunda.
Microbial pathogens such as bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) induce the activation of macrophages. Activated macrophages can be characterized by the increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen metabolites, generated via NADPH oxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase, respectively, and by the increased expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHC II). Multiple microassays have been developed to measure these parameters. Usually each assay requires 2-5 x 10(5) cells per well. In some experimental conditions the number of cells is the limiting factor for the phenotypic characterization of macrophages. Here we describe a method whereby this limitation can be circumvented. Using a single 96-well microassay and a very small number of peritoneal cells obtained from C3H/HePas mice, containing as little as <=2 x 10(5) macrophages per well, we determined sequentially the oxidative burst (H2O2), nitric oxide production and MHC II (IAk) expression of BCG-activated macrophages. More specifically, with 100 µl of cell suspension it was possible to quantify H2O2 release and nitric oxide production after 1 and 48 h, respectively, and IAk expression after 48 h of cell culture. In addition, this microassay is easy to perform, highly reproducible and more economical.
The pipeline for macro- and microarray analyses (PMmA) is a set of scripts with a web interface developed to analyze DNA array data generated by array image quantification software. PMmA is designed for use with single- or double-color array data and to work as a pipeline in five classes (data format, normalization, data analysis, clustering, and array maps). It can also be used as a plugin in the BioArray Software Environment, an open-source database for array analysis, or used in a local version of the web service. All scripts in PMmA were developed in the PERL programming language and statistical analysis functions were implemented in the R statistical language. Consequently, our package is a platform-independent software. Our algorithms can correctly select almost 90% of the differentially expressed genes, showing a superior performance compared to other methods of analysis. The pipeline software has been applied to 1536 expressed sequence tags macroarray public data of sugarcane exposed to cold for 3 to 48 h. PMmA identified thirty cold-responsive genes previously unidentified in this public dataset. Fourteen genes were up-regulated, two had a variable expression and the other fourteen were down-regulated in the treatments. These new findings certainly were a consequence of using a superior statistical analysis approach, since the original study did not take into account the dependence of data variability on the average signal intensity of each gene. The web interface, supplementary information, and the package source code are available, free, to non-commercial users at http://ipe.cbmeg.unicamp.br/pub/PMmA.
Royal jelly (RJ) is used as a revitalizing tonic. In order to avoid rejection to its acid taste, it is added to honey. There are regulations for honey and for royal jelly separately but not for the mixture. The objective of this work is, therefore, to verify if the same methods used for pure honey quality control can be used for honey mixed with royal jelly and also the presence of RJ through 10-HDA determination. The methods used were: moisture, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, ash, hydroxymethylfurfural, insoluble solids, diastase activity, acidity and 10-HDA. Samples were prepared by adding 0-100% of RJ in honey. The results showed that the ash method was the only suitable one to all the samples. The acidity analysis (direct titration) was suitable to 0-30%RJ samples; the reducing sugar analysis was suitable to 0-20% RJ samples. Concerning moisture analysis the refractometric method is suitable to 0-10% RJ and the Infra Red method is suggested to be used for samples with more than 10% RJ. The methods for diastase activity, HMF, apparent sucrose and insoluble solids were inadequate for all samples with RJ. The presence of RJ in the samples was confirmed by the 10-HDA analyses.
The objective of this study was to assess the potential utilization of ostrich meat trimming in hamburger preparation, as well as its physicochemical and sensory characterization. Using ostrich meat trimmings from the legs and neck, four different formulations were prepared with varied amounts of bacon and textured soybean protein. Physical analysis of yield, shrinkage percentage, and water retention capacity and chemical analysis of proximate composition, cholesterol levels, and calories were performed. The formulations underwent sensory analysis by 52 potential ostrich meat consumers, who evaluated tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and purchase intent. The formulations containing textured soybean protein showed the highest yield, lowest shrinkage percentage, and highest water retention capacity. Lipid content varied from 0.58 to 4.99%; protein from 17.08 to 21.37%; ash from 3.00 to 3.62%; moisture from 73.87 to 76.27%; cholesterol from 22.54 to 32.11 mg.100 g-1; and calorie from 87.22 to 163.42 kcal.100 g-1. All formulations showed low cholesterol and calorie levels, even that containing 10% bacon and 3.5% textured soybean protein, which achieved the best scores and acceptance by the panelists.
AbstractLiterature has unveiled that a paper has not been published yet on using non-parametric stability statistics (NPSSs) for evaluating genotypic stability in dough properties of wheat. Accordingly, the effects of genotype (G), environment (E) and GE interaction (GEI) on alveograph parameters, i.e. dough baking strength (W) and its tenacity (P)/extensibility (L), of 18 wheat (T. aestivum L.) genotypes were studied under irrigated field conditions in an 8-year trial (2006-2014) in central Turkey. Furthermore, genotypic stability for W and P/L was determined using 8 NPSSs viz. RM-Rank mean, RSD-Rank’s standard deviation, RS-Rank Sum, TOP-Ranking, Si(1), Si(2), Si(3) and Si(6) rank statistics. The ANOVA revealed that W and P/L were primarily controlled by E, although G and GEI also had significant effects. Among the 8 NPSSs, only RM, RS and TOP statistics were suitable for detecting the genotypes with high stable and bread making quality (e.g. G1 and G17). In conclusion, using RM, RS and TOP statistics is advisable to select for dough quality in wheat under multi-environment trials (METs).