38 resultados para Metrically Well-Set
A natural chromosomal race of Tityus babiensis (Scorpiones Buthidae) is described in the present paper. Five males and seven females received from St. Joaquim, State of S. Paulo, gave the following interesting results: All the spermatogonia of the five males were provided with 9 chromosomes of different sizes. All primary spermatocytes showed at metaphase one independent bivalent of normal shape and a complex group formed by 7 chromosomes which have exchanged parts. Some of the chromosomes associated in the complex group, to Judge by their behavior, were composed of fragments of three different chromosomes, being thus paired with three other members of the compound group. The manner in which all the 7 components of the group have paired with each other showed to be very constant. They gave always origin to a double-cross configuration, the longst branch of which being formed by a long chromosome paired with two components of the group and with a third chromosome that did not belong to the group. The chromosomes of the independent bivalent separate regularly, going to different poles. From the 7 elements of the compound group, 4 go to one pole and 3 to the opposite one. Consequently, secondary spermatocytes with 4 and 5 chromosomes are produced. The females, so far as it can be inferred from the study of the follicular cells of the ovariuterus, have 10 chromosomes. These females are, therefore, considered as being monogametic, that is, as producing eggs with 5 chromosomes. A sex-determining mechanism arose in this manner, the spermatozoa with 5 chromosomes giving origin to females and those with 4 to males. The fact that the sex chromosome is one of the elements taking part in the formation of the group, seems highly interesting to the author. Tetraploid cysts have been occasionally found in the testis. In one individual the chromosomes of the tetraploid primary spermatocytes behaved as expected, forming a group of 14 elements, and two independent pairs or a tetravalent group In another individual, the chromosomes of the tetraploid cells have formed two independent groups of 7, and two independent pairs, as if both chromosomal sets were by their turn entirely independent frcm one another. This fact is certainly not devoid of special interest. The males as well as the females studied in this paper differed in nothing from the typical members of the species. The unique differential character of the new race is found in the umber and behavior of its chromosomes. It is highly remarkable that the occurrences which have transformed the 6 chromosomes normally present in the species into a new set of 9 elements, 7 of which have been profoun- dly altered in their structure, do not show any influence on the morphology of the organism. This fact, together with those found in the salivary-chromosomes races of Drosophila and Sciara. compromises strongly the genetical concept of position effects.
The yellow passion Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg. is allogamous, self incompatible, and it depends of insects pollinators to disseminate the pollen grains. The field work was conducted at Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from October 17 to November 9 and December 12 to 21, 1995. It was analyzed 1565 flower buds, from which 423 showed well developed ovaries, five days after opening, this represents 27% of fruit set by natural pollination. It was observed 76,86 % of completely curved flowers, 21,22 % of partially curved flowers, and 1,92 % flowers without curvature. Five species of bees where observed on the flowers, from which two were the effective pollinator of yellow passion flower: Xylocopa (Megaxylocopa) frontalis (Olivier, 1789) and X. (Neoxylocopa) ordinaria Smith, 1874.
Drosophila antonietae sp. nov. and D. gouveai sp. nov. are members of the D. buzzatii cluster of the D. repleta species group of the genus Drosophila. They can be distinguished from their cryptic species, D. borborema Vilela & Sene, 1977, D. koepferae Fontdevila & Wasserman, 1988, D. serido Vilela & Sene, 1977, and D. seriema Tidon-Sklorz & Sene, 1995 by morphological, genetic and ecological criteria.
The engineers of the modern University City are constructing a graceful bridge, named PONTE OSWALDO CRUZ, that crosses a portion of the Guanabara Bay (Fig. 1). The work at west pillar stopped for 3 years (The concret structure in Est. 1). As it will be seen from n.º 1 5 of the fig. 1, Est. I, the base of the structure will have five underground boxes of reinforcement, but, to-day they are just like as five uncovered water ponds, until at present: May 1963. (Est. I fig. 3, n.º 3 pond n.º 3; A. old level of the water; B. actual level of the water; c. green water; E. mass of bloom of blue algae Microcystis aeruginosa). Soon after SW portion, as 5 cells in series, of the pillar abutments, and also the NE portion nearly opposite in the Tibau Mount will be filled up with earth, a new way will link Rio City and the University City. We see to day Est. I, fig. 1 the grasses on the half arenous beach of the Tibau Point. These natural Cyperaceae and Gramineae will be desappear because of so a new road, now under construction, when completed will be 33 feet above the mean sea level, as high as the pillar, covering exactly as that place. Although rainfall was the chief source of water for these ponds, the first water (before meterorological precipitations of whatever first rain it might fall) was a common tap water mixed with Portland Cement, which exuded gradually through the pores of the concret during its hardenning process. Some data of its first cement water composition are on the chemical table, and in Tab. n.º 4 and "Resultado n.º 1". The rain receiving surface of each pond were about 15 by 16 feet, that is, 240 square feet; when they were full of water, their depth was of 2 feet 3", having each pond about 4,000 gallons. Climatic conditions are obviously similar of those of the Rio de Janeiro City: records of temperature, of precipitation and evaporation are seen on the graphics, figs. 2, 3, 4. Our conceptions of 4 phases is merely to satisfy an easy explanation thus the first phase that of exudation of concrete. We consider the 2nd. phase formation of bacterian and cyanophycean thin pellicel. 3rd. phase - dilution by rains, and fertilisation by birds; the 4th phase - plankton flora and fauna established. The biological material arrived with the air, the rains, and also with contaminations by dusts; with big portion of sand, of earth, and leaves of trees resulted of the SW wind actions in the storming days (See - Est. I, fig. 3, G. - the mangrove trees of the Pinheiro Island). Many birds set down and rest upon the pillar structure, its faeces which are good fertilizers fall into the ponds. Some birds were commonly pigeons, black ravens, swallows, sparrows and other sea mews, moor hens, and a few sea birds of comparatively rare occurence. We get only some examples of tropical dust contaminated helioplankton, of which incipient observations were been done sparcely. See the systematic list of the species of plankters. Phytoplankters - Cyanophyta algae as a basic part for food of zooplankters, represented chiefly by rotiferse, water-fleas Moinodaphnia and other Crustacea: Ostracoda Copepoda and Insecta: Chironomidae and Culicidae larvae. The polysaprobic of septic irruptions have not been done only by heating in summer, and, a good reason of that, for example: when the fifth pond was in polysaprobic phase as the same time an alike septic phase do not happened into the 3rd. pond, therefore, both were in the same conditions of temperature, but with unlike contaminations. Among the most important aquatic organisms used as indicatiors of pollution - and microorganisms of real importance in the field of sanitary science, by authorities of renown, for instance: PALMER, PRESCOTT, INGRAM, LIEBMANN, we choose following microalgae: a) The cosmopolite algae Scenedesmus quadricuada, a common indicator in mesosaprobio waters, which lives between pH 7,0 and it is assimilative of NO[3 subscripted] and NH[4 subscripted]. b) Species of the genus Chlamydomonas; it is even possible that all the species of theses genus inhabit strong-mesosaprobic to polysaprobic waters when in massive blooms. c) Several species of Euglenaceae in fast growing number, at the same time of the protozoa Amoebidae, Vorticellidae and simultaneous with deposition of the decaying cells of the blue algae Anacystis cyanea (= Microcystis) when the consumed oxygen by organic matter resulted in 40 mg. L. But, we found, among various Euglenacea the cosmopolite species (Euglena viridis, a well known polysaprobic indicatior of which presence occur in septic zone. d) Analcystis cyanea (= M. aeruginosa) as we observed was in blooms increasing to the order of billions of cells per litter, its maximum in the summer. Temperatures 73ºF to 82ºF but even 90ºF, the pH higher than 8. When these blue algae was joined to the rotifer Brachionus calyflorus the waters gets a milky appearance, but greenished one. In fact, that cosmopolite algae is used as a mesosaprobic indicator. Into the water of the ponds its predominance finished when the septic polysaprobic conditions began. e) Ankistrodesmus falcatus was present in the 5th pond from 26the. April untill the 26th July, and when N.NH[4 subscripted] gets 1.28 mg. L. and when chlorinity stayed from 0.034 to 0.061 mg. L. It never was found at N.NH[4 subscripted] higher than 1 mg. L. The green algae A. falcatus, an indicatior of pollution, lives in moderate mesosaprobic waters. f) As everyone knows, the rotifer eggs may be widely dispersed by wind. The rotifer Asplanchna brightwelli in our observation seemed like a green colored bag, overcharged by green cells and detritus, specially into its spacious stomach, which ends blindly (the intestine, cloaca, being absent). The stock of Asplanchna in the ponds, during the construction of the bridge "PONTE OSWALDO CRUZ" inhabits alkaline waters, pH 8,0 a 8,3, and when we observed we noted its dissolved oxygen from 3.5 to 4 mg. L. In these ponds Asplanchna lived in 0,2 P.PO[4 subscripted]. (Remember the hydobiological observations foreign to braslian waters refer only from 0.06 to 0,010 mg. L. P.PO[4 subscripted]; and they refer resistance to 0.8 N.NH[4 subscripted]). By our data, that rotiger resist commonly to 1.2 until 1.8 mg. L.N.NH[4 subscripted]; here in our ponds and, when NO[2 subscripted] appears Asplanchna desappears. It may be that Asplanchna were devoured by nitrite resistant animals of by Culicidae or other mosquitoes devoured by Due to these facts the number and the distribution of Asplanchna varies considerabley; see - plates of plankton successions. g) Brachionus one of the commonest members of class Rotatoria was frquently found in abundance into the ponds, and we notice an important biological change produce by the rotifer Brachonus colyciflorus: the occurence of its Brachionus clayciflorus forms pallas, is rare in Brazil, as we know about this. h) When we found the water flea MOinodaphnia we do not record simultanous presence of the blue algae Agmenellun (= Merismopedia).
A description of Biomphalaria obstructa (Morelet, 1849), based on specimens collected at its type locality - isla del carmen, state of Campeche, Mexico - is presented. The Shell is small, 13 mm in diameter, 3.5 mm in width and with 5.75 whorls in the largest specimen, thin, moderately lustrous and translucent, horn-colored. Whorls increasing regularly (neither slowly nor rapidly) in diameter, rounded on the periphery side, bluntly angular on the left. Suture well-marked, deeper on the left. Right side widely concave, with first whorl deeply situated and partly hidden by the next. Left side shallower than right one, largely flattened, with first whorl plaintly visible. Aperture roundly heart-shaped, usually in the same plane as the body whorl but somewhat deflected to the left (less frequently to the right) in some specimens. Peristome sharp, seldom blunt; a distinct callus on the parietal wall. A number of young shells develop one set (seldom more) of apertural lamellae which tend to be resorbed as the shell grows. Absence of renal ridge. Ovotestis with about 70 mostly unbrached diverticula. Seminal vesicle beset with well-developed knoblike to fingerlike diverticula. Vaginal pouch more or less developed. Spermatheca club-shaped when empty, egg-shaped when full, and with intermediate forms between those extremes. Spermathecal body usually somewhat longer than the duct. Prostate with 7 to 20 (mean 12.06 ± 2.51) usually short diverticula which give off plumpish branches spreading out in a fan shape and overlapping to some extent their immediate neighbors. Foremost prostatic diverticulum nearly always partially or completely inserted between the spermathecal body and the uterine wall. Penial sheath consistently narrower and shorter than the prepuce. Muscular coat of the penis consisting of an inner longitudinal and an outer circular layers. Ratios between organ lengths: caudal to cephalic parts of female duct = 0.55 to 1.37 (mean 0.85 +- 0.17); cephalic parte of female duct to penial complex = 1.36 to 2.81 ((mean 1.90 +- 0.33); penial sheath to prepuce = 042 to 0.96 (mean 0.67 +- 0.13). Comparison with Morelets type specimens of Planorbis orbiculus and P. retusus points to the identity of those nominal species with B. obstructa.
Approximately 50 publications have become available in the international literature on ultrasonography in schistosomiasis in Africa. Geographically these cover Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania and East African Islands as well as Zimbabwe. Further studies are ongoing in many countries, such as Burundi, Ghana, Madagaskar and Uganda. It was shown that ultrasonography is useful in the detection of morbidity induced by schistosomiasis on an individual basis and on the community level. There is indication for varying morbidity patterns in different African foci. Post-treatment monitoring has provided evidence for reversibility of pathological lesions induced by Schistosoma (S.) haematobium and S. mansoni, even though evidence for reversibility of periportal fibrosis in adults is not yet satisfactorily substantiated. A standardized set of criteria for ultrasonographical observations has been worked out and is presently in the process of being refined. It is thus hoped that standardization will contribute to render studies in different endemic settings comparable on a global basis.
On few occasions, Phytomonas davidi (McGhee & Postell isolate) cultures in LIT (liver infusion-tryptose) medium around 27oC presented, as seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a set of peculiar morphological features, among them being noticeable the pairs of apposed cells attached by their posterior ends, where occurred a stained line and/or a dilatation, usually bulb-like in shape; sometimes this dilatation could occupy one of the cells or hold both together. In some pairs, the nucleus of each parasite seemed migrating towards the other, entering into such dilatation; in others, both nuclei were inside it, sometimes in close proximity or seeming fused; peculiar chromatin arrangements involving both nuclei were occasionally observed. Several mono or binucleate round forms bearing one or two flagella, as well as flagellate slender cells without nucleus were concomitantly seen there. In some instances, an intriguing small stained body occurred beside a single large nucleus, either in pairs presenting the bulb-like structure or in round cells. These cytological findings seemed steps of a dynamic process suggesting sexuality, since in several of them nuclear interactions following fusion of two parasites appeared to occur
National malaria control programmes have the responsibility to develop a policy for malaria disease management based on a set of defined criteria as efficacy, side effects, costs and compliance. These will fluctuate over time and national guidelines will require periodic re-assessment and revision. Changing a drug policy is a major undertaking that can take several years before being fully operational. The standard methods on which a decision can be taken are the in vivo and the in vitro tests. The latter allow a quantitative measurement of the drug response and the assessment of several drugs at once. However, in terms of drug policy change its results might be difficult to interpret although they may be used as an early warning system for 2nd or 3rd line drugs. The new WHO 14-days in vivo test addresses mainly the problem of treatment failure and of haematological parameters changes in sick children. It gives valuable information on whether a drug still `works'. None of these methods are well suited for large-scale studies. Molecular methods based on detection of mutations in parasite molecules targeted by antimalarial drugs could be attractive tools for surveillance. However, their relationship with in vivo test results needs to be established