108 resultados para Metodologias de manutenção
Este artigo teve como objetivo apresentar os principais resultados de um estudo de Sistemas Agroindustriais (SAG's) do PENSA e os principais resultados de sua aplicação à citricultura no Brasil. Este é um modelo utilizado para descrever diversas etapas metodológicas e quantificar em termos de faturamento os principais setores do agronegócio. A proposta visa a manter o objetivo que norteou o desenvolvimento do trabalho. No SAG dos citros foram identificadas as principais empresas privadas e instituições envolvidas, desde as indústrias de insumos, à citricultura, passando pela indústria processadora de citros, distribuição , até chegar ao consumidor final. As informações foram coletadas através de entrevistas, ponto central desta metodologia, buscando levantar o montante financeiro vendido pelas empresas no setor em estudo. Neste ponto, os dados obtidos são processados e inseridos na descrição do sistema (quantificação) e assim analisados. Foi gerado o desenho da cadeia de cítricos objetivando identificar possíveis ações coletivas, visando ao fortalecimento do setor.
Objetivando avaliar o efeito da temperatura de imersão na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de maracujá-amarelo, instalou-se na FCA/UNESP este experimento, composto pelos seguintes tratamentos: T1 (testemunha); T2 (35°C por 2 horas); T3 (35°C por 4 horas); T4 (43°C por 2 horas); T5 (43°C por 4 horas); T6 (53°C por 2 horas); T7 (53°C por 4 horas), sendo os frutos mantidos em câmaras BOD a 12 ± 1 °C e 80-90% UR. A cada três dias, foram retiradas amostras dos tratamentos para as seguintes análises: Grupo destrutivo - pH, firmeza, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), relação (SS/AT), rendimento de polpa e vitamina C; e para o grupo-controle determinaram-se perda de massa e coloração da casca. Com base nos resultados obtidos, os tratamentos hidrotérmicos dos frutos, com temperaturas menores, como é o caso do T2 e T3, apresentaram frutos com menor perda de massa, melhor manutenção da coloração, boa manutenção da firmeza da casca e teores razoáveis de vitamina C, enquanto as temperaturas mais elevadas causaram danos à aparência dos frutos (queima da casca) e reduziram os teores de vitamina C na polpa.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tratamento térmico na coloração de frutos de lichia. Os frutos foram tratados por 0; 5; 10; 15; 20 e 25 minutos de imersão em água a 45ºC, embalados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido e filme de policloreto de vinila 0,020mm e armazenados em B.O.D. a 5ºC e 90±5 % de UR. O delineamento experimental foi em esquema inteiramente casualizado, com 6 tempos de armazenamento para as análises de coloração e enzimática, e até atingirem o limite de comercialização para a análise da vida útil, sendo os frutos analisados a cada 3 dias, com 3 repetições e 10 frutos por unidade experimental. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: análise visual do escurecimento, coloração e atividade específica da polifenol oxidase e da peroxidase. Os tratamentos usando 5 e 10 minutos de imersão foram os que apresentaram melhores resultados na manutenção da coloração dos frutos e na diminuição da atividade enzimática.
Foi elaborado um modelo de gerenciamento da manutenção dos equipamentos convencionais de raios X no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho. O modelo foi implementado em várias etapas, que incluíram visitas a centros hospitalares que gerenciam seus equipamentos, linha de colaboração com a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz para realização de cursos e treinamento de técnicos de eletrônica do hospital, montagem de uma esquemateca dos equipamentos em uso, criação de um programa de gerenciamento utilizando um banco de dados na plataforma Microsoft Windows 98-Access, levantamento operacional e condições de funcionamento dos equipamentos. A criação de uma nova rotina nas manutenções vai ao encontro das necessidades de reduzir o tempo de atendimento, custos, e de melhoria na qualidade da imagem em um serviço de radiodiagnóstico, atendendo também às exigências da Portaria 453/98 do Ministério da Saúde.
A selection of common procedures which are used for the identification and analysis of volatile biologically active compounds from insects are described.
The aim of this paper was to compare methods of moisture determination to choose the best one for the determination of this parameter in royal jelly samples. Royal jelly is sensitive to high temperatures becoming dark and loosing volatiles in high temperatures. The methods were: vacuum oven at 60 ºC, 70 ºC, conventional oven at 105 ºC, Karl Fisher, dissecator with sulfuric acid and dryness with infrared light at 105 ºC. Based on the results, the best method was the dissecator with sulfuric acid for moisture determination in royal jelly.
Materials obtained during the synthesis of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) transmission spectroscopy and/or Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS). By these techniques the spectrometric alterations that occurred during the process were observed. The characterized species during the synthesis of HMX were alpha-HMX, beta-HMX, hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and HMX/RDX mixtures. The FTIR-PAS was verified to be a promising technique of great usefulness of the characterization of highly energetic materials because it is fast, simple and requires no sample preparation unlike Fourier transform infrared transmission technique (KBr pellet). The FTIR-PAS analysis showed that with small sample quantity is possible to distinguish between thealpha-HMX and beta-HMX and to detect even in a qualitative way different HMX / RDX ratios.
An overview of the developments that occurred in the field of organic chemistry in Brazil in the last 25 years is presented. These developments are briefly compared to those observed worldwide, including some modern trends. The main source of information was the annual meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ) covering the period 1979-2001 and the biennial Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis (BMOS). All the contributions presented at these two meetings were classified according to six main indicatives, to permit a discussion about the past, present and future activities of Organic Chemistry in Brazil.
Several methodologies concerning the preparation of 2-aryl and 2-heteroarylcyclohexanones are presented. The use of these intermediates in the synthesis of chemically and biologically interesting organic compounds is also discussed.
Comparação de duas metodologias de amostragem atmosférica com ferramenta estatística não paramétrica
In atmospheric aerosol sampling, it is inevitable that the air that carries particles is in motion, as a result of both externally driven wind and the sucking action of the sampler itself. High or low air flow sampling speeds may lead to significant particle size bias. The objective of this work is the validation of measurements enabling the comparison of species concentration from both air flow sampling techniques. The presence of several outliers and increase of residuals with concentration becomes obvious, requiring non-parametric methods, recommended for the handling of data which may not be normally distributed. This way, conversion factors are obtained for each of the various species under study using Kendall regression.
A simple and didactic experiment was developed for image monitoring of the browning of fruit tissues caused by the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. The procedure, easy and inexpensive, is a valuable tool to teach and demonstrate the redox reaction between the enzyme and the natural polyphenols. To obtain the browning percentage for apple, pear and banana, digital photographs were employed, and the images were analyzed by means of Monte Carlo methods and digital analysis programs. The effects of several experimental conditions were studied, such as pH, light, temperature and the presence of oxygen or anti-oxidants. It was observed that each fruit presented a different condition that better minimized the oxidation process. The absence of oxygen and the application of a bissulphite solution were sufficient to keep the quality of all fruits tested.
This paper presents a review of some published proposals for the analysis of sodium alendronate. The drug is an aminobisphosphonate compound used to inhibit the osteoclastic resorption of bone, and different methods were developed for its quantitative determination. These methodologies employed reversed-phase or ion-exchange HPLC analysis, both associated with different detectors: UV and fluorescence detection after derivatization of the drug, conductivity and refractive index detectors, as well as the indirect UV detection. Titrimetry and spectrophotometry (with previous complexation of the drug), which are simpler procedures, were also described, but they showed poor specificity when compared to liquid chromatography.
Fumonisins are mycotoxins occurring worldwide, mainly in maize and maize-based food products, which could affect animal and human health. This paper reviews analytical methodologies for the determination of these fungal toxins in foods. It includes extraction, cleanup, derivatization procedures, detection, quantification, and confirmation procedures. Initial attempts at gas chromatographic methods and thin layer chromatography were supplanted by liquid chromatographic methods, mainly performed with fluorometric detection, or mass spectrometry detection, enabling the analysis of polar and thermolabile chemicals without chemical derivatization, which results in lower limits of detection. Alternative methods, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or zone capillary zone electrophoresis, are also described.
The skin is a very complex organ, continuously exposed to physical, chemical and microbiological agents. Enzymes as well as low-molecular weight antioxidants are present in the cutaneous tissue to counterbalance the deleterious effect caused by an oxidative stress and thus maintain homeostasis. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and extracts with these properties have been extensively used for treatment of pathologies and skin aging prevention. We review here different mechanisms that can interfere in the redox equilibrium of the skin, as well as the chemical reactions involved in these processes. Moreover, we discuss the importance of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants that can be acquired from the diet or from oral or topical administration, and methodologies that have been developed to evaluate their efficacy.