57 resultados para Macro instructions (Electronic computers)


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Nas paisagens do norte do estado de São Paulo, sob domínio do Planalto Ocidental, ferricretes ocorrem em diferentes níveis topográficos e, apesar de pouco documentados, constituem feições que se repetem com freqüência sobre os arenitos cretácicos do Grupo Bauru, Formação Adamantina. Realizou-se um estudo morfológico, em diferentes escalas de observação, a fim de elucidar a gênese desses ferricretes (plintita e petroplintita) encontrados no terço inferior de uma vertente dominada por solos com B textural. A área estudada localiza-se na Estação Experimental de Agronomia de Pindorama, do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), região norte do estado de São Paulo. Dois perfis foram selecionados para a descrição morfológica detalhada e para as observações micromorfológicas com lupa binocular e microscópio petrográfico. As evidências macro e micromorfológicas dos ferricretes revelam uma origem associada à lixiviação do ferro ferroso a montante da paisagem e reprecipitação na zona de vadosa. Esses ferricretes apresentaram diferentes fábricas internas, a maioria dos quais com estruturas de degradação, evidenciando o desmantelamento atual da couraça. As diferenças nas fábricas internas estão relacionadas com a distribuição do esqueleto e do plasma: alguns apresentam esqueleto bem selecionado, com predominância de areia muito fina, enquanto em outros predomina a areia média; outros, ainda, mostram esqueleto pouco selecionado, assemelhando-se ao fundo matricial interglebular; a maioria mostra alguns volumes ocupados apenas por plasma. Demonstra-se que fatores pedo-lito-biológicos estão envolvidos nessa diversidade entre ferricretes de um mesmo horizonte, formando in situ glébulas tão distintas em suas fábricas, que podem ser erroneamente interpretadas como provenientes de diferentes locais da paisagem, transportadas e depositadas nas baixas encostas durante a gênese dos ferricretes.


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RESUMO Neossolos Regolíticos no Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco são utilizados para diversas atividades agrícolas, com destaque para a produção de feijão. Há uma variação expressiva na produção dessa cultura, possivelmente associada à presença de lamelas, que conferem comportamento hídrico distinto entre esses solos. Objetivou-se analisar as características macromorfológicas, micromorfológicas e físicas de Neossolos Regolíticos localizados no Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco, com a finalidade de se entender o comportamento hídrico desses solos. Foram coletados e analisados dois perfis de solos localizados nos municípios de Paranatama (P1 - sem lamela) e de São João (P2 - com lamela). Os resultados mostraram que nos atributos morfológicos (cor, textura, estrutura e consistência) não foram observadas diferenças expressivas entre os dois perfis de solos; os atributos físicos (teor de argila, macroporosidade, microporosidade, capacidade de campo e ponto de murcha permanente) apresentaram diferença significativa entre os horizontes dos perfis estudados; a micromorfologia indicou que a maior retenção de água no P2 é consequência da presença de zonas com empacotamento mais denso de seus componentes (empacotamento aglomerático) e expressividade das pontes de argila; e sugere-se adoção do termo “lamélico” pelo atual Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (em 4º nível categórico) para diferenciação dos perfis estudados.


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ABSTRACT Heavy metals contained in electronic waste, if discarded improperly, can become bioavailable after vermicomposting, posing a risk to the environment. Small-scale vermicomposting experiments were carried out with printed circuit boards (PCBs) to investigate the migration of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, and Sn) to the final compost, as well as the mobility and bioavailability of these metals. High total levels of Pb, Sn and Cu in samples of manure with electronic waste (MEW) and vegetables with electronic waste (VEW) were detected. Based on the initial metal levels in the PCBs and their concentration in the resulting compost, the order of migration of these metals to the MEW and VEW samples was Sn (23.1 %)>Pb (18.4 %)>Ni (4.63 %)>Zn (0.46 %)>Cu (0.14 %) and Sn (24.3 %)>Pb (23.6 %)>Ni (11.33 %)>Zn (1.76 %)>Cu (0.60 %), respectively. Mobility and bioavailability of these metals in the compost were evaluated by three-stage sequential extraction, where F1 was the exchangeable fraction, F2 the organic fraction and F3 the residual fraction. The bioavailability factor (BF) was calculated by the ratio of the sum of fractions F1 and F2 divided by the total sum of the fractions (F1 + F2 + F3). The highest bioavailability factor (BF = 0.92) was found for Pb, the heavy metal considered the greatest environmental concern in this study, indicating the high mobility and the possibility of becoming bioavailable of this metal.


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Neste ensaio procuro desenvolver uma argumentação a favor da superação dos monismos metodológicos no campo da pesquisa em sociologia da educação. Com base no que Jeffrey Alexander (1987) denominou o "novo movimento teórico", defendo a necessidade de superar a divisão do trabalho de pesquisa entre os investigadores que se dedicam à microssociologia e os que preferem abordagens macrossociais. Nessa perspectiva, as opções teórico-metodológicas devem-se ancorar nas necessidades da investigação e não numa opção a priori do pesquisador por qualquer uma das alternativas.


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Este artigo analisa as relações macro/micro em teses e dissertações sobre currículo da educação básica, produzidas em programas brasileiros de pós-graduação em educação da Região Sudeste, no período de 1996 a 2002.


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Local conditions in the past often limited opportunities for scholarly exchange. But now these limits are gone and the global workplace has replaced them. It is important to react to these changes. Every academic department must now adopt new methods and rethink processes. Another is the intense national and international debate about open access to scholarly knowledge. The Open Access Initiative shows that a change is taking place in the communication process. This change is also important for service departments within research institutions. Libraries, computer centers and related units have to ask themselves how to react appropriately to the new conditions. What services must be changed or redeveloped, and in what quality and quantity should they be offered? This article focuses on changes in the scholarly publication process. It describes both technological changes and the changes needed in people's attitudes.


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This paper describes a project led by the Instituto Brasileiro de Informações em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict), a government institution, to build a national digital library for electronic theses and dissertations - Bibliteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD). The project has been a collaborative effort among Ibict, universities and other research centers in Brazil. The developers adopted a system architecture based on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) in which universities and research centers act as data providers and Ibict as a service provider. A Brazilian metadata standard for electronic theses and dissertations was developed for the digital library. A toolkit including open source package was also developed by Ibict to be distributed to potential data providers. BDTD has been integrated with the international initiative: the Networked Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertation (NDLTD). Discussions in the paper address various issues related to project design, development and management as well as the role played by Ibict. Conclusions highlight some important lessons learned to date and challenges for the future in expanding the BDTD project.


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The objectives of this essay are to describe the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology (N&N) in Brazil. The analysis shows that Brazilian research in N&N is considered satisfactory and, although under other denominations, dates from at least 20 years. Innovation is still less satisfactory and there are different points of views on the issue. However, there is already a tendency towards the promotion of innovation in nanotechnology in the country. Scientists and the industrial sector have been showing interest in partnerships and some scientific policies stimulate this articulation between academy and companies.


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On the basis of theoretical B3LYP calculations, Yáñez and co-workers (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012, 8, 2293) illustrated that beryllium ions are capable of significantly modulating (changing) the electronic structures of imidazole. In this computational organic chemistry study, the interaction of this β-amino acid and five model Lewis acids (BeF1+, Be2+, AlF2(1+), AlF2+, and Al3+) were investigated. Several aspects were addressed: natural bond orbitals, including second order perturbation analysis of intra-molecular charge delocalization and the natural population analysis atomic charges; molecular geometries; selected infrared stretching frequencies (C-N, C-O, and N-H), and selected ¹H-NMR chemical shifts. The data illustrate that this interaction can weaken the H-O bond and goes beyond strengthening the intra-molecular hydrogen bond (N...H-O) to cause a spontaneous transfer of the proton to the nitrogen atom in five cases generating zwitterion structures. Many new features are observed. Most importantly, the zwitterion structures include a stabilizing hydrogen bond (N-H...O) that varies in relative strength according to the Lewis acid. These findings explain the experimental observations of α-amino acids (for example: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3577) and are the first reported fundamental electronic structure characterization of β-amino acids in zwitterion form.


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Mülliken charges on nitrogen atoms were calculated for several arylamines, utilizing the AM1 Quantum Chemistry method, relating their values to experimental amine pKa . Direct relation between pKa and nitrogen charges was found. The amines energies of protonation, calculated by the same method, also correlate directly with these charges.


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The structural and electronic properties of 1-(5-Hydroxymethyl - 4 -[ 5 - (5-oxo-5-piperidin- 1 -yl-penta- 1,3 -dienyl)-benzo [1,3] dioxol- 2 -yl]-tetrahydro -furan-2 -yl)-5-methy l-1Hpyrimidine-2,4dione (AHE) molecule have been investigated theoretically by performing density functional theory (DFT), and semi empirical molecular orbital calculations. The geometry of the molecule is optimized at the level of Austin Model 1 (AM1), and the electronic properties and relative energies of the molecules have been calculated by density functional theory in the ground state. The resultant dipole moment of the AHE molecule is about 2.6 and 2.3 Debyes by AM1 and DFT methods respectively, This property of AHE makes it an active molecule with its environment, that is AHE molecule may interacts with its environment strongly in solution.


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A quantitative analysis is made on the correlation ship of thermodynamic property, i.e., standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with Kier's molecular connectivity index(¹Xv),vander waal's volume (Vw) electrotopological state index (E) and refractotopological state index (R) in gaseous state of alkanes. The regression analysis reveals a significant linear correlation of standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) with ¹Xv, Vw, E and R. The equations obtained by regression analysis may be used to estimate standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH fº) of alkanes in gaseous state.


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The aim of this study was to develop a an automated bench top electronic penetrometer (ABEP) that allows performing tests with high rate of data acquisition (up to 19,600 Hz) and with variation of the displacement velocity and of the base area of cone penetration. The mechanical components of the ABEP are: a supporting structure, stepper motor, velocity reducer, double nut ball screw and six penetration probes. The electronic components of ABEP are: a "driver" to control rotation and displacement, power supply, three load cells, two software programs for running and storing data, and a data acquisition module. This penetrometer presented in compact size, portable and in 32 validation tests it proved easy to operate, and showed high resolution, high velocity in reliability in data collection. During the validation tests the equipment met the objectives, because the test results showed that the ABEP could use different sizes of cones, allowed work at different velocities, showed for velocity and displacement, were only 1.3% and 0.7%, respectively, at the highest velocity (30 mm s-1) and 1% and 0.9%, respectively for the lowest velocity (0.1 mm s-1).


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OBJETIVOS: A ingestão de álcalis provoca graves lesões no tubo digestório alto. A comercialização de substâncias cáusticas em forma líquida facilita o seu uso com intenções suicidas e torna as afecções por elas provocadas relativamente comuns. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar as conseqüências morfológicas da infusão de substância cáustica no estômago murino. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 20 ratos Wistar adultos, de ambos os sexos. Após jejum alimentar de 12 horas, instilou-se 1ml de hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) a 5% através de cateter orogástrico. Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos (n=5), de acordo com o tempo de acompanhamento: 24 horas, sete dias, 30 dias e 90 dias, respectivamente. Decorrido o tempo de acompanhamento, os ratos foram mortos e seus estômagos foram avaliados macro e microscopicamente. RESULTADOS: Após 24 horas, os estômagos estavam dilatados e com aderências ao fígado, omentos e pâncreas. Suas mucosa e submucosa apresentavam áreas de necrose de coagulação do corpo e do antro entremeada por intensa infiltração bacteriana. Após sete dias, os estômagos permaneciam dilatados e mantendo o mesmo padrão necrótico anterior, porém sem os focos sépticos. Nos grupos de um e três meses, a cavidade abdominal teve aspecto normal. Os estômagos apresentavam consistência endurecida e com proliferação fibrovascular. CONCLUSÃO: Os animais que sobreviveram à necrose e à intensa infiltração bacteriana da primeira semana desenvolveram reparação progressiva de seus estômagos, porém acompanhada de complicações decorrentes da fibrose cicatricial.