53 resultados para Lyons, Christopher: Definiteness
The migration of invasive vector species has contributed to the worldwide extension of infectious diseases such as dengue (Aedes aegypti) and chikungunya (Aedes albopictus). It is probably a similar behaviour for certain vectors of Chagas disease which allowed it to become a continental burden in Latin America. One of them, Triatoma rubrofasciata has also been spreading throughout the tropical and subtropical world. Here, the recent and massive peridomestic presence of T. rubrofasciata in Vietnam cities is reported, and tentatively explained, highlighting the need for improved entomological surveillance.
Epigeous termite mounds are frequently observed in pasture areas, but the processes regulating their population dynamics are poorly known. This study evaluated epigeous termite mounds in cultivated grasslands used as pastures, assessing their spatial distribution by means of geostatistics and evaluating their vitality. The study was conducted in the Cerrado biome in the municipality of Rio Brilhante, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. In two pasture areas (Pasture 1 and Pasture 2), epigeous mounds (nests) were georeferenced and analyzed for height, circumference and vitality (inhabited or not). The area occupied by the mounds was calculated and termite specimens were collected for taxonomic identification. The spatial distribution pattern of the mounds was analyzed with geostatistical procedures. In both pasture areas, all epigeous mounds were built by the same species, Cornitermes cumulans. The mean number of mounds per hectare was 68 in Pasture 1 and 127 in Pasture 2, representing 0.4 and 1 % of the entire area, respectively. A large majority of the mounds were active (vitality), 91 % in Pasture 1 and 84 % in Pasture 2. A “pure nugget effect” was observed in the semivariograms of height and nest circumference in both pastures reflecting randomized spatial distribution and confirming that the distribution of termite mounds in pastures had a non-standard distribution.
A medição da capacitância e da condutância de um capacitor contendo amostras de trigo permite a determinação de duas de suas propriedades dielétricas: a permissividade relativa (épsilon') e o fator de perda dielétrica (épsilon"). A utilização dessas propriedades, medidas simultaneamente em duas freqüências de oscilação do campo elétrico, permite reduzir ou eliminar o efeito da massa específica aparente na determinação do teor de umidade do trigo. Tal procedimento torna possível o monitoramento contínuo e em tempo real, sem a necessidade de retirar amostras, do teor de umidade de uma coluna de grãos em movimento, situação em que ocorrem as maiores variações na massa específica do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na obtenção de equações que permitam reduzir ou eliminar o efeito da massa específica na determinação em linha do teor de umidade do trigo. Foram utilizadas amostras das variedades Hussar, Mercia e Hereward com teor de umidade entre 11% e 22% b.u. e massa específica no intervalo 666 kg m-3 <= ro <= 873 kg m-3. A equação que apresentou melhor desempenho permite calcular o teor de umidade do trigo com erros-padrão de calibração e de predição de 0,4 e 0,5 ponto percentual, respectivamente.
The objective of this work was to evaluate interactions of Lumbricus terrestris juveniles with adults and with inherited burrow systems. An experiment was set up using a two dimensional Evans' boxes microcosm. Adult L. terrestris were added to 16 boxes (one individual per box) and kept in darkness at 17ºC along with eight unoccupied boxes for two months. The adult L. terrestris were removed from eight randomly selected boxes, and L. terrestris juveniles were added (one juvenile per box), composing three treatments with eight replicates: 1, with an adult in an inherited burrow (ABJ); 2, alone in an inherited burrow (BJ); and 3, alone in a previously uninhabited box (J). The proportion of juveniles occupying adult burrows observed was significantly different in treatments ABJ (48%) and BJ (75%). The mean mass of juveniles at experimental termination differed significantly among treatments and was greater in treatment J (4.04±0.39 g) in comparison to the BJ (3.09±0.93 g) and ABJ treatments (2.13±0.64 g). Results suggest a negative influence of both the presence of an adult and its burrow system on juvenile growth. Intraspecific competition partially explained this, but further investigation is required to examine how an inherited environment (i.e. burrow) could negatively affect the growth of juveniles.
Visual implant elastomer (VIE) has recently been employed to investigate different aspects of earthworm ecology. However, a number of fundamental questions relating to the detection and positioning of the tag, its persistence and potential effects on earthworms remain unknown. Seven earthworm species belonging to three ecological groupings, with different pigmentation and burrowing behaviour, were tagged using different coloured VIE. External inspection after two days, one week and 1, 10 and 27 months were followed by preservation, dissection and internal inspection. Tags could be seen in living specimens to 27 months, and dissection revealed that in most cases they were lodged in the coelomic cavity, held in place by septa. However, over longer time periods (more than two years), the chlorogogenous tissue tended to bind to the tags and made external observation increasingly difficult. Migration of the VIE material towards the posterior of the earthworm and potential loss of the tag were only observed on rare occasions, and a recovery rate in excess of 98% was recorded. By introducing a reasonable amount of VIE into segments, just after the clitellum, this technique can become a valuable tool in earthworm ecology and life history studies, particularly in short-medium term laboratory and field experiments.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the reliability of eddy covariance measurements, analyzing the energy balance components, evapotranspiration and energy balance closure in dry and wet growing seasons, in a banana orchard. The experiment was carried out at a farm located within the irrigation district of Quixeré, in the Lower Jaguaribe basin, in Ceará state, Brazil. An eddy covariance system was used to measure the turbulent flux. An automatic weather station was installed in a grass field to obtain the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) from the combined FAO-Penman-Monteith method. Wind speed and vapor pressure deficit are the most important variables on the evaporative process in both growing seasons. In the dry season, the heat fluxes have a similar order of magnitude, and during the wet season the latent heat flux is the largest. The eddy covariance system had acceptable reliability in measuring heat flux, with actual evapotranspiration results comparing well with those obtained by using the water balance method. The energy balance closure had good results for the study area, with mean values of 0.93 and 0.86 for the dry and wet growing seasons respectively.
The objective of this work was to evaluate a simple, semi‑automated methodology for mapping cropland areas in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. A Fourier transform was applied over a time series of vegetation index products from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (Modis) sensor. This procedure allows for the evaluation of the amplitude of the periodic changes in vegetation response through time and the identification of areas with strong seasonal variation related to crop production. Annual cropland masks from 2006 to 2009 were generated and municipal cropland areas were estimated through remote sensing. We observed good agreement with official statistics on planted area, especially for municipalities with more than 10% of cropland cover (R² = 0.89), but poor agreement in municipalities with less than 5% crop cover (R² = 0.41). The assessed methodology can be used for annual cropland mapping over large production areas in Brazil.
Estudo comparativo do diagnóstico de câncer pulmonar entre tomografia computadorizada e broncoscopia
OBJETIVO: Analisar a tomografia computadorizada e a broncoscopia no diagnóstico do câncer pulmonar e verificar a eficácia destas técnicas perante a presença desta doença. Os parâmetros idade, gênero, hábitos tabágicos, tipos histológicos, estadiamento e terapêutica foram, igualmente, analisados. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 70 pacientes do Serviço de Pneumologia do Hospital Distrital da Figueira da Foz, Coimbra, Portugal, que realizaram ambas as técnicas em estudo, tendo-se confirmado ou não a presença de câncer pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Diagnosticaram-se 37 tumores pulmonares, 23 casos no gênero masculino e 14 no feminino. Histologicamente, 40,54% eram adenocarcinomas, seguido do carcinoma escamoso (32,43% dos casos) e do carcinoma de pequenas células (18,92%). O estadiamento mostrou 6,70% no estádio IB, 23,30% no estádio IIIA comparativamente ao IIIB com 36,70%, encontrando-se 33,30% dos doentes no estádio IV. A quimioterapia isolada foi efetuada em 75,7% dos doentes. A sensibilidade da broncoscopia foi de 83,8%, a especificidade, de 81,8%, e a precisão, de 82,8%. A sensibilidade da tomografia computadorizada foi de 81,1%, a especificidade, de 63,6%, e a precisão, de 72,8%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados da broncoscopia confirmaram a sua importância no diagnóstico do câncer pulmonar, pela dependência deste no exame anatomopatológico do tecido ou células, obtido por várias técnicas de biópsia. A tomografia computadorizada apresentou boa sensibilidade, de 81,1%, contudo, a sua especificidade, de apenas 63,6%, resulta do número de falso-positivos (36,4%).
Perfluoro and sulfonated ion-exchange polymers are recognized as a very useful material for various mechanistic studies and applications in electrochemistry. These polymers are characterized by high equivalent weights and by a low number of ion-exchange sites interposed between long organic chains. The solubility enables a preparation of stable polyelectrolyte films on the electrode surface. Examples of the determination of trace metals and organic componds in real environmental samples are presented.
Passive films formed in bicarbonate solutions on carbon steel, chromium steel and high speed steel have been characterized by XPS. The passive films formed on chromium and high speed steels showed superior protective properties than those formed on carbon steel. It was confirmed by XPS that the steel composition influences the passive film composition. Chromium oxide and hydroxide, as well as molybdenum and tungsten oxides and hydroxides are present in the passive film of chromium steel and high speed steel, respectively, besides iron oxide and hydroxide. The more complex composition of the oxide film on high speed steel explains its electrochemical behaviour and highest corrosion resistance.
The leaf essential oils of Eugenia lutescens Cambess andEugenia langsdorffii O. Berg, collected in the rainy (RS) and dry seasons (DS), were extracted by hydrodistillation and then characterized by a gas chromatography-flame ionization detector and a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer. The potential acaricidal activity and oviposition deterrence of these oils were evaluated against Tetranychus urticae . The oil yields were higher in the RS for E. lutescens, while those forE. langsdorffii were higher in the DS. α-Pinene and β-pinene were determined to be the major constituents of the oils fromE. lutescens, while bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, and β-caryophyllene predominated in E. langsdorffii . Seasonal variations in the oils were primarily related to chemical diversity, and E. lutescens was more affected than was E. langsdorffii . The E. langsdorffii oil collected in the DS was most toxic to the spider mite, while the oils of E. lutescens and E. langsdorffii collected in the RS drastically reduced its egg quantities. This study successfully determined the periods of greater oil production and acaricidal activity.
Neste trabalho avaliou-se a resistência à corrosão em solução salina das fases presentes na microestrutura de amálgamas dentários comerciais: gama1-Ag2Hg3, o eutético Ag-Cu e gama2-Sn7-8Hg, empregando-se técnicas eletroquímicas de potencial a circuito aberto com o tempo, de polarização potenciodinâmica e de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. As ligas metálicas em estudo já foram caracterizadas em um trabalho prévio, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difratometria de raios X. A resistência à corrosão se origina da formação de filmes passivos na superfície metálica e parece estar determinada pela natureza rugosa e porosa das superfícies.